Unit 8 We're twins!-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:c028b).zip

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译林版译林版 三年级英语三年级英语 下下Unit 8 Were twins (Story time)1.你想知道他/她是谁,你问Who is he/she?2.你想知道这个男孩是谁,你问Who is this boy?3.你想知道那个女孩是谁,你问Who is that girl?4.你想告诉对方他是你的叔叔,你说He is my uncle. 5.你想告诉对方她是你的阿姨,你说She is my aunt.6.你想告诉对方你们是双胞胎,你说We are twins.This is Hes/Shes你能介绍你的朋友给我认识吗? 你想认识我你想认识我的朋友吗?的朋友吗?Do you want to know my friends?Who is he?Hesa boy谁谁a toyWhos this boy?HesWho is ?Shesa girlWhos girl?Who is she?Whos that girl?Shes你能指一指远处的你能指一指远处的女孩问一问你的同女孩问一问你的同桌吗?桌吗?开放日开放日今天是开放日,孩子们和家长们都来到了学校。今天是开放日,孩子们和家长们都来到了学校。看卡通记一记看卡通记一记:故事中有哪:故事中有哪些孩子?些孩子?Watch and remember:Where?Who are the children? 你能看到哪些孩子?Su HaiSu YangYang LingMikeLiu TaoLets get to know them better.让我们更好地去认识她们吧。This is ThatsSu HaiSu YangSu YangSu Hai This girl is That girl is她们的区别在她们的区别在哪里呢?哪里呢?Why do they look the same?他们为什么看起来一样呢?他们为什么看起来一样呢?Weretwtwins双胞胎= We are我们 twintwin sisterstwin brothersThats Open Day.(开放日) Any others come to school?(还有其他人吗?)Who is this _.A. girl B. she C. woman(2)Bc(1) Who is this _?A. boy B. man C. he请填空:请填空:She is Yang Lings _.A. mother B. uncle C. aunt(2)Bc(1) H e is _ uncle.A. Yang Lings B. Mikes C. Su Yangsaunt 阿姨;姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母自读课文,找出正确答案,说给同桌听。自读课文,找出正确答案,说给同桌听。同学们,让我们来体验一下读对话的快乐吧!同学们,让我们来体验一下读对话的快乐吧!朗读时声音要响朗读时声音要响亮,注意语音语亮,注意语音语调哦!调哦!四人小组分角色读,读出语音语调,表演生动。四人小组分角色读,读出语音语调,表演生动。让我们表演对话吧!最好加上动作哦!让我们表演对话吧!最好加上动作哦! 今天是学校的开放日,学校里还来了哪今天是学校的开放日,学校里还来了哪些客人呢?些客人呢?A:Whos she/he?B:Hes/Shes. A:Whos this/that girl/boy?B:Shes / Hes.同学们,今天这节课你学到了什么?一起分享吧!同学们,今天这节课你学到了什么?一起分享吧!1.你想知道他/她是谁,你问2.你想知道这个男孩是谁,你问3.你想知道那个女孩是谁,你问4.你想告诉对方他是你的叔叔,你说5.你想告诉对方她是你的阿姨,你说6.你想告诉对方你们是双胞胎,你说1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. Then try to retell.2.Copy the new words four times.1.模仿录音熟读课文,并尝试复述。2.规范抄写课文下面学过的单词四遍。3.Make a family tree and make dialogues.3.模仿课本52页制作家庭树并用今天所学的句型编对话。Thanks!-译林版译林版 三年级英语三年级英语 下下Unit 8 Were twins (Story time)【教学内容】Story time【教学目标】知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会读单词 aunt, twins, were.(2)能听懂、会说、会读句型 Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.We are twins.(3)能正确理解、朗读并表演课文对话内容。2.能力目标:能正确理解、朗读并表演课文对话内容。3.情感目标:引导学生关爱家庭中的每一个成员。【教学重点】(1)掌握三会单词:aunt, twins, were.(2)掌握三会句型:Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.We are twins.【教学难点】能在情境中灵活运用 Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.We are twins.进行交际对话。21 世纪教育网版权所有【教学方法】1.任务型教学法:学生在完成任务的过程中,提高了综合语言运用能力。2.多媒体辅助教学法:设计新颖,化解了教学难点,提高了学生学习积极性。【教具准备】多媒体课件、图片。【教学过程】Step1.Warm-up1.GreetingsStep2 Presentation1. Try to sayBoys and girls, Im you new English teacher today. I dont know you. I dont know your friends, either. Can you introduce your friend to me?OK, I know your friends. Do you want to know my friends?2. Learn to say(PPT 出示遮住脸的男孩)Who is he? Can you guess?Yes, hes Mike. And Mike is a boy. Toy, boy. Do you remember?So we also can ask: Whos this boy? Whos means who is.OK, you can practice in pairs. One ask and the other answer.(Introduce my friend Yang Ling in the same way.)3. Story timeA Look and sayBoys and girls, please look at my friends. Where are they?Yes, they are at school. Because today is Open day. The children and their parents are all at school.B Watch and rememberNow this time, please watch the cartoon, and remember who are the children?They are Mike, Yang Ling, Liu Tao, Su Hai and Su Yang.This is Su Hai. Thats Su Yang.C Look and sayMike doesnt know them well. So he asks: Whos that girl, Su Hai?And the girl says:Shes Su Hai. Im Su Yang.We know this girl is Su Yang. That girl is Su Hai. Who can read them?How do you know that? Whats the difference?Yes, Su Yang has two balls on her hair. And Su Hai has a butterfly on her hair.OK, why do they look the same? Who knows?Good, because theyre twins.Su Hai and Su Yang say: Were twins.(Teach the new word: were and twins.)(Ask the twins in our class come to the front and say the sentence)Show the pictures and learn: twin sisters, twin brothersD Read and chooseThats Open day. Any others come to school.Lets read and choose.Who is this man/woman? (Teach man and woman)E Read and chooseRead the story and try to find out the answer.He is Mikes uncle.She is Yang Lings aunt. (Teach aunt)F Reading timeRead after the teacherRead togetherG Lets actDub the storyStep 3: Consolidation1. Lets talkToday is Open day, who else comes to school, lets see.You can practice in pairs.Eg: Who is he? He is Tutu.Who is that girl? She is Xiaomei.2. Lets share1.你想知道他/她是谁,你问Who is he/she?2.你想知道这个男孩是谁,你问Who is this boy?3.你想知道那个女孩是谁,你问Who is that girl?4.你想告诉对方他是你的叔叔,你说He is my uncle. 5.你想告诉对方她是你的阿姨,你说She is my aunt.6.你想告诉对方你们是双胞胎,你说We are twins.Step 4: Homework【板书设计】Unit 8 Were twins! (Story time)Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes Woman/man
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