Unit 5 How old are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2650).doc

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Unit 5 How old are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2650).doc_第1页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2650).doc_第2页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2650).doc_第3页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2650).doc_第4页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b2650).doc_第5页
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1、Unit 5 How old are you?(FuntimeandCartoon time)一、教学内容3B Fun time and Cartoon time二、教学目标1.能更好的掌握单词 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten2.能更好的掌握句型 How old are you? Im3.能初步掌握句型 Youre right. Youre out.I want Make a wish.What a nice!4.能在教师的指导下用英语做游戏并在游戏中进行简单的交际。5.能初步感知 Its time for6.

2、能朗读、整体理解并表演 Cartoon time三、教学重难点教学重点:1.能更好的掌握单词 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten2.能更好的掌握句型 How old are you? Im3.能朗读、理解并表演 Cartoon time教学难点:1.能听懂、会读、会说:Make a wish. I want2.有感情表演 Cartoon time四、教学准备句子字条,动物头饰,蛋糕,蜡烛,数字卡片,PPT五、教学过程Step1Step1 Free talkT: Boys and girls, are you rea

3、dy for class?S: Yes.T: OK. Now lets begin!T: What is the song about?T:Yes. Its about numbers. There are ten numbers in the song. Which number do I like?Can you guess?S:1,3,5.T:Yes. I like 2 and 9. Because Im 29. This is my age.(出示数字 2.9 板书)T: Now I want to know something about you.T: Whats your name

4、?S1: My name isT:Agood name! /What a nice name!(提前感知 Cartoon time 中 What a nice !)T: Nice to meet you!(边说边和学生握手)S1:Nice to meet you too!T: Whats your name?S2: My name isT: How old are you?S2: Im ten.T: Nice to meet you!(边说边和学生握手)S2:Nice to meet you too!T: Whats your name?S3: My name isT: How old are

5、 you?S3: Im ten.T: Do you like toys?S3: Yes.T: Do you like toys?S4: Yes.Step2Step2 ReviewT: Well. I know you like toys. Look at the picture,Whats this?出示 Story time Toy Museum 的图片。S:Its a toy MuseumT: Who are they for? Please discuss in pairs.S: Look and match. Theis for连线,把相应的人和玩具连起来。T: Why do they

6、 get different gifts? Do you know?S: They have different ages. (可以用中文说)T:And How old is Mike/ Helen/Tim? 并出示句型 Theis forS: Mike/ Helen/Tim is _. (几岁)T:Yes Tim is 2. (贴板书数字 2)Which number comes before 2,and which numbercomes after 2?S:1,3(教师贴板书 1 和 3)T:带读 one,two, three.T:Helen is 8(贴板书数字 8) Which nu

7、mber comes before 8,and which number comesafter 8?S:7,9(贴数字 7,9)教师带读 seven,eight,nine.T:What about five?Which number comes before it? and which number comes afterit?S:4,6T:贴板书 4,6,带读 4,5,6.T:And now we have ten numbers now.(贴 10)Step3Step3 Presentation and practiceFun time1.Game1:Super Hammer(超级铁锤超级

8、铁锤)T: OK. You are so good. Now I have two number games for you. Game1:SuperHammer! In this game, you need finish three tasks.Then you can play game2.Task1:When you see the number,please say loudly and hit it.If you see the bear,please clap your hands.(如果你看到小熊请拍手)T:Are you clear?S: Yes.T: OK. Lets go

9、.Task2:T: please say the next number and hit it.If you see the bear, please clap yourhands.T: Understand?教师根据学生回答,适当的用 Fun time 中的句子 Yes, youre right./ Sorry,youreout.进行评价Task3:T:Please say the number before and hit it. If you see the bear, please clap yourhands.T:Are you clear?S: Yes.T: OK. Lets go

10、.T: Wow!Good job! You finish three tasks.Congratulations. Now you can play Game22. Game2:Next Door(左邻右舍左邻右舍)T: If I give a number that you have,you should stand out and read it loudly. Othersthathave the number before y ou should stand out and read it. And the next numbershould also standout and say

11、 the number (教师给出一个数字, 持有该数字的同学请先站起来出示卡片并读出该数字,其他持有该数字的“左邻右舍”也需站起来出示并说出你的数字卡片)T: For example, five(教师说数字 5,并出示卡片)S 持有者:Stand and say five loudly.S 左邻右舍: Stand and say four, six.T:Four,five,six.教师引导学生说。教师举两个例子T:Yes, Youre right.T: Oh, youre so good at games. In the game,if others are right,wecan say

12、“Youre right.” If others are wrong, we can say “Youre out.” But it doesntmatter.(教师贴板书并带读 Youre right./ Youre out.)S:Youre right./ Youre out.T: Now,everyone has a number ,show me your card. I need ten students. Whowants to come here?1-10 同学带着卡片上来。(教师请 10 个同学上台来, 将 1-10 数字卡片分别给这十个人,按此规则玩该游戏,下面的同学用 Yo

13、ure right./ Youre out.进行评价。c.Play togetherT: Now, its your turn to play the game. Who can come here to give the number.(请一位同学上台来出示数字,持有该数字的同学请先站起来出示卡片并读出该数字,其他持有该数字的“左邻右舍”也需站起来出示并说出你的数字卡片)S:.(提醒:别忘了用 Yes,youre right!或 Sorry,youre out!进行评价哦)Cartoon timeT: Wow! I think you like playing games. Youre so

14、 good at playing games. Do youlike watching cartoon?S:Yes.出示 Cartoon 图 11.Look and sayT: OK. Look !Who are they? What can you see?S:They are. I can see.T:Today is Sams birthday. (贴 Sam 头像)What will you say to Sam?S: Happy Birthday, Sam!/This is for you.T:Look!Its.(教师引导学生说出描述蛋糕的句子)S: Its nice/good!/W

15、hat a nice cake!T: We also can say “What a nice cake!”(如果学生说不出来教师补充)T:OK. Lets read after it.S: Read.(学生模仿录音读第一幅图)2.Think and guessT:We know Today is Sams birthday.And how old is Sam? Can you guess?S: Hes two.T:Look!Oh, yes. Hes two.There are two fish candles.(出示图二)Now, read after it.S: Read.(学生模仿录音

16、读第二幅图)3. Watch and chooseT: Now, Sam is making a wish.(出示图三,带读 make a wish,贴板书) And Whatdoes Sam want? Lets watch and chooseS:Arobot and a car. (学生观看视频并回答)T: Sam wants more, if you are Sam, what will you say?S: I want(此时教师贴板书句型 I want.贴在 Sam 头像处)4.Look and answerT: Sam has so many wishes, so he is h

17、appy today. Is Bobby happy?S: No! He is not happy.T: Why?S: Discuss in pairs. Sam makes wishes from day to night. (出示图)T:Yes. Sam makes wishes from day to night.T: Bobby is not happy. What does he say to Sam?S: Read the cartoon and underline the sentence.T: Its time for the cake!(教师带读,并贴板书)5.Reading

18、 time1.Read after the tape2.Four a group, choose one way to read the story.S: Read together. / Read in roles.6.Try to imagineT: Bobby is not happy.Because its time for the cake . How about them?Are theyhappy? (教师用红圈圈出图小猴和小狗的头像)What will they say?S: Im/ Oh dear! / Oh my God! (教师根据学生回答适当补充)T: Now, wha

19、t will Sam say?S: Oh, Sorry! / Im so sorry.T: Look at these picture. What else can you say in the picture?S: .Step 4 ConsolidationAct in group(四人一组,每人分别扮演四个角色。先在座位上演一演,也可以加入自己编的话哦!)T: Four a group, choose one role to act. You can make new sentences. (教师出示Cartoon 图片,但是把每幅图文字去掉,给学生发挥想象的空间)播放背景音乐S:Act

20、in four.Show timeT: Now, Im Sam. Who wants to be others?(教师示范表演)S:.T:Now,its time to show. Pay attention to the intonation.S:Act in four.Step5 Make a wishT: You did good job! You know, we often make a wish on our birthday. OK. Now, close your eyes,lets make a wish. (播放歌曲 Make a wish)S: Make a wish.T

21、:At last, I wish your wishes can become true!Step6 Homework1.听录音,熟读 Cartoon time,并和小组成员熟练表演。2.继续和小朋友们玩数字游戏。3.预习 Sound time,Rhyme time and Checkout timeStep7Step7 板书板书Unit5 How old are you ?Fun time & Cartoon timeWhat a nice cake!Youre right.How old are you?ImYoure out.数字卡片图I want.Sam 头像Make a wish.Its time for.Bobby 头像狗猴子


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