Unit 7 On the farm-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0008).doc

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Unit 7 On the farm-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0008).doc_第1页
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Unit 7 On the farm-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0008).doc_第2页
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Unit 7 On the farm-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0008).doc_第3页
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Unit 7 On the farm-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0008).doc_第4页
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Unit 7 On the farm-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c0008).doc_第5页
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1、译林小学英语译林小学英语三下三下 Unit7Unit7 OnOn thethe farmfarm 教学设计教学设计一、课题小学英语 三年级 Unit7 On the farm(Story time)第一课时教学设计二、教材简解本单元主要是围绕“farm”这一主题展开教学的,其中涉及到复数物品的询问方法。因为学生之前并没有接触过名词的复数形式,本节课他们还要学习复数形式的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,难度较大。所以在本节课的教学中,我将教学重点放在课文的理解上,对于水果和动物的单词有选择性的进行教学。三三、目标预设(一)知识目标1.通过学习 Story time,能正确理解、朗读课文内容,并在教师的引

2、导和帮助下尝试表演课文。2 通过学习 Story time,能正确地听懂、 会读、 会说单词: pigs, cows, apples,pears.3 能 初 步 在 真 实 的 语 境 中 运 用 Whatarethese/those?Arethese/those ? 和日常交际用语 Welcome to my farm. Nice to meet you.进行交流。(二)能力目标1.初步培养学生的听、说、读、写和阅读技能。2.让学生在真实的情境中,理解和运用对话中所学日常交际用语。(三)情感目标培养学生在课堂活动中, 积极参与各种课堂学习活动, 体会英语学习的乐趣。四、重点、难点1.能正确理

3、解掌握对话,并能朗读表演。2.通过学习 Story time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。3.能在真实的情景中运用 What are these/those?Are these/those? 和日常交际用语 Welcome to my farm. Nice to meet you.进行交流。五、设计理念新课程强调从学生的学习兴趣、 生活经验和认知水平出发, 提倡体验、 实践、参与、 合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径达到发展学生对语言的综合运用能力。六、设计思路本节课创设“farm”的主题情境,以“问”为载体,以“学”为主线,借助图片、卡片、多媒体课件等直观手段,注重给学生

4、阅读课文的方法指导;通过创设问题,引导学生在自主、合作、探究的学习过程中学习新知;通过听录音、看动画、表演课文等多种形式,训练学生的综合语言运用能力,实现小学英语课堂的有效学习。七、教学过程Step1 Warming up(2 分钟)1.GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls. Im your new teacher, Miss Zuo. Welcometo my class! Are you ready for our class? Class begins!Ss: Stand up!T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good

5、morning, Miss Zuo!T: Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too!T: Thank you. There are so many teachers in our class. Would you liketo say “Welcome” to them?Ss:(引导学生说)Welcome to our class!(板书 Welcome to)T: Youre very nice. Thank you. Sit down, please.【设计意图:借助于班里有听课老师这一真实的情境,让学生学习和运用句型 Welcome to .拉

6、近了师生间的距离,使学生很快融入课堂,进入英语学习的状态。】2.Enjoy a songT: You know, Im your new teacher. So I prepare a gift for you. Look,its a song! Would you like to enjoy?Ss: Yes!T: Great! Now lets enjoy. Please try to remember something.Ss: enjoy the song What animals do you see on the farm?.I see chickens cluck, cluck,

7、cluck.I see ducks quack, quack, quack.I see cows moo, moo, moo.I see sheep baa, baa, baa.I see pigs oink, oink, oink.I see dogs woof, woof, woof.I see horses neigh, neigh, neigh.I see farmers, e-ya-e-ya-o!(one minute)T: Do you like it?Ss: Yes!T: What can you watch in the song? You can tell me in Chi

8、nese!Ss: Dogs, pigs, ducks, cows, chickens, horses, farmers and sheep.T: Well done! Do you know where they are?Ss: On the farm!T: Yes, today well learn a new unitUnit7 On the farm.(板书课题板书课题 Unit7 On the farm, 教学 farm)Ss read the title together.【设计意图:这首与主题相关的、节奏明快的歌曲,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,而且让学生的欣赏的过程中学习了新单词,为后面的

9、教学做铺垫,还自然地引入本课课题:On the farm】Step2 Presentation1.Try to askT: Boys and girls, lets look at the title On the farm. It means“在农场”. Today well learn a story about it. What do you want to knowin the story? Would you like to ask some questions according to the title?Please have a try! Chinese is OK!S1: W

10、ho?T: Yes. Who are they?S2: Whose?T: Good. Whose farm is it?S3: What?T: Great! Whats on the farm? Oh, you can ask so many good questions,good job! Now can you answer them by yourselves?【设计意图:在出示课题之后,引导学生自己根据课题提出相关问题,打破常规教师提问学生回答的方式, 激发学生对即将要学习的课文内容的学习兴趣。 】2.Watch and answer(1)Watch the cartoon(Whole

11、)T: First, lets look at the question:Q1: Who are on the farm?Please watch the cartoon about this story. Then find the answer tothe question. You may understand the story according to the cartoon.Ss: Watch the cartoon and try their best to answer the questions.(2)Check the answer(P1)T: Q1: Who are on

12、 the farm?S1: They are Liu Tao, Mike and Liu Taos grandpa.T: Great! (贴三个人物头像贴三个人物头像) Whose farm is it? Liu Taos, Mikes orLiu Taos grandpas?Ss: Liu Taos grandpas.T: So Mike is new here. What does grandpa say to Mike? Letslisten-“Welcome to my farm!” Who knows?S2: Welcome to my farm!T: Great! Lets lis

13、ten and repeat!Ss: Welcome to my farm!T: Listen! Two ways you can choose-A: Welcome to my farm!(有气无力)B: Welcome to my farm!(热情洋溢,友好的)Which one is better? A or B?Ss: B!T: Yes! Now can you read it in a friendly way?S1-4: (引导学生读出爷爷开心的语气) Welcome to my farm!T: Nice! I think all of you are good masters.【

14、设计意图:学生在看动画的过程中初步整体感知故事内容,并解决学生自己提出的问题, 渗透相关学习策略, 学生学习的自主性得以体现。 同时, 通过 “尝试读出爷爷开心的语气”这一活动,让学生体验语言的魅力。】3. Listen and tick(Whole)(1)Listen to the story and tick the right answers.T: You know, Mike is visiting Liu Taos grandpas farm. What canhe see on the farm? Can he see the cows? Ducks? Pigs? Apples?

15、Pears? Ororanges? (教学新单词)T: Lets listen and tick. Please try your best to get some usefulwords from the tape and then tick the right answer to this question:Q: What does Mike see on the farm?()()()()()()Ss: Listen and tick.(2)Check the answers.T: What does Mike see on the farm?Ss: Cows, pigs, apples

16、 and pears. (贴动物水果单词卡片)(贴动物水果单词卡片)(3)Say a chant.T: Yes! There are some pigs, some cows, some apples and some pearson the farm. And heres a chant about them.Pigs, pigs, oink oink pigs.Cows, cows, moo moo cows.Apples, apples, red red apples.Pears, pears, yellow yellow pears.T: You see, pigs goSs: oin

17、k, oink.T: The cows go-Ss: moo, moo.T: What colour are the apples?Ss: Red.T: What about the pears?Ss: Yellow.T: Great! Now please listen to me! 师示范。Can you? Lets try.Ss: Say the chant.【设计意图:围绕学生自己提出的问题,引导学生去阅读、去思考、去体验阅读带来的成就感。通过阅读,学生掌握了一定的学习方法,习得了语言,并能运用语言去解决问题。通过层层递进的活动,学生对文本内容逐步理解。】4.Learn P2-3(1)

18、Read and underlineT: Sounds great! Boys and girls, Mike lives in the city. So he doesntknow the animals on the farm very well. He wants to know the name of theanimals. How can he ask? Please read picture2 to picture3, and thenunderline the questions.Ss: Read and underline.(2)Check the answersT: How

19、does Mike ask?S1: What are these? What are those?(3)Learn P2-3T: Yes. Lets look at picture 2 first. What are these? Pay moreattention to the word “these”. Here the letter “e” pronounced “i:”.So “e, e, these”(手指 i)Ss: e, e, theseT: these, these, these (画近处圈指读)Ss:these, these, these (画近处圈指读)T: these,

20、these, what are these? (升降调读)Ss: these, these, what are these? (升降调读)T: Boys please!Boys: these, these, what are these? (升降调读)T: Girls please!Girls: these, these, what are these? (升降调读)T:(手拿小猪图)Who can ask “what are these”?S1-4: What are these?S5: What are these?T: Theyre pigs.(小猪动作) Here “theyre” e

21、quals “they are”.Understand?Ss: Yes!T: (手拿小猪图)What are these?S1-4: Theyre pigs. (小猪动作)T: Wonderful! Now lets look at picture 3. Look at the word “those”.Here the letter “o” pronounced “eu”. So “o, o, those”(手画圆圈)Ss: o, o, thoseT: those, those, those (画远处圈指读)Ss:those, those, those (画远处圈指读)T: those, t

22、hose, what are those? (升降调读)Ss: those, those, what are those? (升降调读)T: Group 1&2 please!Group 1&2: those, those, what are those? (升降调读)T: Group 3&4 please!Group 3&4: those, those, what are those? (升降调读)T:(手拿奶牛图)Who can ask “what are those”?S1-4: What are those?S5: What are those?T: Theyre cows. (奶牛动

23、作)T: (手拿奶牛图)What are these?S1-4: Theyre cows. (奶牛动作)T: Wonderful! Look! (师动作示范)What are these? What are those? Doyou know the differences between these and those?S3:近处用 these,远处用 those.T: Can you put them in the right place?Ss: Come to the blackboard and stick the cards in the right place.(贴动物卡片)(贴动

24、物卡片)(4)Practice “What are these/those? Theyre .”Read in roles. Can you make your reading more interesting? Can addsome actions while youre reading? Lets try. Please work in two, 30seconds for you.A: What are these?B: They are pigs.A: What are those?B: They are cows.Ss: Act and stick the pigs and the

25、 cows.T: Practice together: Boys & girls, Group1/2 & group3/4Ask and answerT:Can you ask more? Here are two pictures. Please choose one to askand answer with your partner.Ss: Ask and answer.T: Check the answer.5.Learn P4-5(1)Read and circleT: Mike is not sure if these or those are apples. What does

26、he ask?Lets read picture4 and picture 5, and then circle the questions.Ss: Read and circle.(2)Check the answersT: What does he ask?S1: Are these apples?Are those apples too?T: Yes. But how can we read them well? Lets listen and repeat.Ss: Are these apples? (升调读)T: (手拿苹果) Who can ask?S1-4:Are these a

27、pples? (升调读) (贴苹果卡片)(贴苹果卡片)T: Yes. Theyre apples. Ask me together!Ss: Are these apples? (升调读) (贴苹果卡片)(贴苹果卡片)T: Lets change. Are these apples? (升调读)Ss: Yes. Theyre apples. (贴苹果卡片)(贴苹果卡片)T: (手拿梨子) Are those apples too? (升调读) (贴梨子卡片)(贴梨子卡片)Ss: No. Theyre pears.T: Super! Who can ask?S1: Are those apples

28、 too? (升调读)T: Who can answer?S2: No. Theyre pears. (贴梨子卡片)(贴梨子卡片)T: Another pair!S3&4: Are those apples too? (升调读) No. Theyre pears. (贴梨子(贴梨子卡片)卡片)(3)Practice “Are these/those ? Yes./No. Theyre .”Play agame-Short memory.T: Can you ask and answer by using “Are these/those ? Yes./No.Theyre .”? Let me

29、test you- a game: Short memory. There will be somepictures. And they will go very fast. Please try your best to rememberit and then guess the things by using “Are these/those ?” Are youready?Ss: Yes! 运用句型来猜一猜。Ss: Are these pencils/pigs/sweets/oranges?T: Yes/no, they are .Ss: Are those eggs/cows/pens

30、/hot dogs?T: Yes/no, they are .(3)Think and discussT: Great! You can ask and answer very well. Now, lets go back toour text. Look at these pictures again. Do you have any questions to ask?Ss: Try to ask.T: I have a question. Mike lives in the city, so he dont know thepigs and the cows. But does he k

31、now the apples and the pears? Why is Mikenot sure whether they are apples?Ss: T: Look at these apples. What colour are they?Ss: Red.T: But look at the apples on the tree. What colour are they?Ss: Green.T: That is the reason. The apples are green on the tree. But theyrered in real life.(4)Read in rol

32、es.T: Now can you say them out without words? Please have a try!Ss: Act in two.T: Lets say it together.Ss: Are these apples? Yes. Theyre apples. Are those apples too? No.Theyre pears.【设计意图: 这一板块是本节课的重难点部分。 先将两个重点问句进行分解,然后再进行回答的教学,最后通过 Lets chant 和 Draw and guess 这两个活动的设计,让学生在轻松、愉悦的氛围中进行交流,并考察了学生的掌握情

33、况。】Step3 Practice1.Read the story.T:Well done! You learn the story very well. So this time, lets readthe whole story after the tape, try your best to imitate the pronunciation、intonation and the marks.2. Choose one scene to act - one minute.T: Its time for you to read and act. I divide five pictures

34、 intothree scenes. Please work in three and choose one scene to read or act.If you can read it correctly, youll get one star. If you can read itwithout books, youll get two stars. And if you can act it out withemotions and actions, youll get three stars. How many stars do you wantto get?Ss: three st

35、ars.T: Great! One minute for you to prepare. Here we go!Ss practice and act it out.【设计意图:在学生能掌握语音、语调和熟练朗读故事文本的基础上,让学生用不同的方式读课文,回归整体,再次帮助他们梳理课文的内容。另外,这里设计了给故事配音或表演故事两种不同形式的活动,能兼顾到不同层次的学生,给其充足的听、说、读、演的机会,让每个学生都能体会到语言的魅力以及学习的快乐。】Step4 Production1. Design “Our farm” and make a new dialogue. Two minutesT

36、:We know, Liu Taos grandpa has a farm. There are some pigs, cows,apples and pears on the farm. Do you want to have a farm too? What do youwant on your farm?Ss: T: Now lets make a farm! But how? Heres a video, lets have alook.Ss enjoy the video.T: Are you clear? Please work in four, take out your env

37、elope and paper.Make your farm like this. And here are some useful sentences and pictures.Two minutes for you. Ready? Go!Ss: 用“Welcome to . How beautiful/nice! I like it very much. Whatare these/those? Theyre . Are these/those ? Yes/No, theyare/arent. Thank you.等句子编对话。【设计意图:在此语言拓展活动中,引导学生从文本走向生活,了解关

38、于农场生活的体验。考虑到学生对于农场生活的体验经历较少,教师带领学生进行一次特殊的图片旅行,拓宽了学生的视野,丰富了他们的情感体验。最后,以“Ourfarm”为主题,通过交流,让学生了解彼此梦想中的农场,已达到综合运用所学语言的目的。此活动在语言训练的同时,注重情感目标的达成,培养学生热爱大自然的意识,事故教学达到新的境界和高度。】Step5 Homework1.Read the story with your friends.2.Act the story to your family.3.Design your farm and talk about it to your friends.【设计意图:设计开放性作业,引导学生养成课外自主学习英语的习惯,使其与生活相“链接”,把教学内容延伸到生活实践,锻炼学生在生活中运用语言的能力。】附板书设计Unit7Unit7 OnOn thethe farmfarmA:A: WhatWhat areare these/those?these/those?A:A: AreAre these/thosethese/those B:B: TheyThey areare . .B:B: Yes/No,Yes/No, theythey are/arenare/arent.t.


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