Unit 5 How old are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:f0695).zip

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    • 素材
      • cartoo01.mp3
      • cartoo02.mp3
      • cartoo03.mp3
      • cartoo04.mp3
      • cartoo05.mp3
      • cartoo06.mp3
      • cartoo07.mp3
      • cartoon1.swf
      • HOW OLD ARE YOU.mp3
      • How old are you?.swf
      • img-66267.gif--点击预览
      • Rhyme.swf
      • sound.swf
      • sound07.mp3
      • sound08.mp3
      • story.swf
      • 图片1.wmf
      • 图片2.wmf
      • 图片3.wmf
      • 车牌号.swf
    • How old are you?.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案f0695.doc--点击预览


Unit 5 How old are you?(Cartoon time & Sound time & Rhyme time ) Taught By Yang Kaiyan Qidong Xiangyang Primary SchoolToday is Sams birthday .让我们为Sam准备一些节目吧!Number gamesonethreefivetwotenfournineeightsixseven97613810245魔力眼魔力眼1.One, Three, Five, _ .Seven2.Two, Four, Six, _ Eight3. Three, Six, _ Nine找规律找规律one, ,three, ,five, ,seven twofoursix说车牌说车牌号这这这这这 天气急救这这火警这这这 警这这11911012011412121找一找找一找StoryStory dubbingdubbingTalkTalk showshowStartFinish176543289654StartFinish176543289356StartFinish176543289654StartFinish176543289156Go back to number 3StartFinish176543289654StartFinish176543289654StartFinish176543289456StartFinish176543289654StartFinish176543289246SoundSound showshow , , , ,Turn round and round. , , , , .fall to the groundListen and fill in the blanksSix, seven, six, seven ,Turn round and round.Six, seven, six, seven ,Dont .表示重表示重间.fall to the groundLearn to sayTurn round and round. 间 圈圈圈圈Learn to sayDont fall to the ground.不要摔倒在地上。不要摔倒在地上。ball floor Six, seven, six, seven ,Turn round and round .Six, seven, six, seven ,Dont .fall to the groundReadRead andand actact注意节奏和动作哦注意节奏和动作哦!Read and thinkS Ssixseventhissistersorry想想想想 S S 在单词中发什么音呢?在单词中发什么音呢?/S/Watch and repeatskirt sleep class yes guess deskstand sit Miss 你这 知道哪些这这 中S这 /S/呢?“Dont _ and _on the _ in _.”_ Li says.sleepstandsitdeskclassMissThink and sayRhymeRhyme showshowCome in, please,and close the door.One, two, three, four,Time for class,but youre late.Five, six, seven, eight,但是但是迟到迟到Dont be late for class again. Nine, ten, nine, ten,再次再次Time for class, but youre late.Come in, please, and close the door.Dont be late for class again.One, two, three, four,Five, six, seven, eight, Nine, ten, nine, ten,Dont be late againourooreightateenain韵脚韵脚Lets go to Sams birthday party!间 我我间 一起去参加一起去参加Sam的生日聚会!的生日聚会!What a nice cake!多么漂亮的一个蛋糕啊!多么漂亮的一个蛋糕啊!这 是由what引起的感这 句,what在这 里有“多么”的含这 。Thank you, my friends! Im very happy. How old is Sam ? What does Sam do at the party ? 山姆在聚会上做了什么?2.What does Sam do at the party?MakeMake wishes.wishes.Two.Two.1.How old is Sam?想要想要?In the morning, Bobby is _. In the evening, Bobby is _. happy angry Why?Sam has too many wishes.His friends are hungry.太多太多Sam! Its time for the cake!山姆,山姆,间 吃蛋糕了!吃蛋糕了!Its time for 加名这,意思是:这 做了。是做的这 候了。跟读录音,注意各人物的语音和语调哟跟读录音,注意各人物的语音和语调哟!有三分有三分间间间 准准间 。 。在五秒在五秒间内确内确间 各各自扮演的自扮演的角色。角色。朗朗间 要声情要声情并茂,加上并茂,加上合适的合适的间 作作更好哦!更好哦! 小朋友们,快来挑选自己喜欢的角色,以四人为一小组表演一下吧! 你挑选了礼物,去参加你挑选了礼物,去参加SamSam的生日晚会,把你的礼物送给他。编个对话的生日晚会,把你的礼物送给他。编个对话吧!吧!参考句型参考句型(你的你的间 ): :Hi/Hello/Good afternoon/evening!May I come in?Happy birthday, Sam! This is for you.How old are you? Make a wish,Oh! What a nice cake!Thank you.参考句型参考句型(Sam的的间 ): :Hi/Hello/Good afternoon/evening! Come in, please.Thank you! How lovely!/ How nice!/ How beautiful!/ Great!.I like it !我喜我喜间 它!它! Im 我我间 了。了。I want aIts time for the cake. 1. 一起作一起作间 网。网。 2. 完成听完成听间 Unit5。 。3. 各小各小间 把山姆生日派把山姆生日派间 的的间间间一步完善一步完善,下,下间间间间表演。表演。课题:课题:Unit5Unit5 HowHow oldold areare you?you? 第第 3 3 课时课时 课型:课型:新授课新授课 【教学内容教学内容】 Cartoon time & Sound time & Rhyme time 【教学目标教学目标】1. 能整体感知故事内容,理解课文的幽默之处。2. 能听懂、会读、会说 What a nice! Make a wish! I want Its time for3. 了解字母 S 在单词中的发音/ s /。 4. 会诵读小诗 Dont be late again.5. 在教师的指导下用英语做游戏,并在游戏中进行简单的交际。【教学重难点教学重难点】1. 能正确认读、有感情的朗读对话,初步养成良好的朗读习惯。2. 能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语 How old are you ? Im . How lovely! Here you are.等。3. 了解字母 S 在单词中的发音/ s /。【教学准备教学准备】 课件、板书、头饰【教学过程教学过程】教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动调整与反思调整与反思StepStep 1 1 PreparationPreparation1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the flash “How old are you?”3. T: The sun is shining. Its a nice day. Today is Sams birthday. Lets give him some performances.(Show five present boxes.) StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation & & PracticePractice1. T: Here are five programs for Sam. The first one is Number Games.Game1: Magic eyesGame2: Find the lawGame3: Say license plate numbersGame4:know special numbers2. T:You learn numbers well. The next program is Story Dubbing.(Show the flash of the story.)学生欣赏动画,跟唱。引出山姆生日的话题,建议学生们为山姆过生日准备节目,提高学生参与课堂活动的兴趣。通过完成不同的数字游戏,复习十以内数词的英文表达,了解日常生活中数字的使用必不可少。学生选择自己喜爱的角色进行扮演,鼓励加上动作。使用学过的句子:How old are you? Happy birthday. This is for you3. T:Now lets play chess and have a talk show. 4. T:You are all very good. Heres a sound show for Sam. (learn sound time.)(1) Listen and fill in the blanks.(2) Learn to say. T:What do the boys do? Look, the boys turn round and round. T: What do you want to say? Dont fall to the ground. (3) Read and act.(4) Read and think.(5) Watch and repeat.(6) Think and say.Show some words and ask them to make a sentence.5.T:Nice job! The last program is Rhyme Show. Someone is knocking at the door. Oh, the boy is late.What should you say? S: Come in, please. Teach one sentence by one sentence.StepStep 3 3 ProductionProduction andand ProgressProgress1.T:Sam is happy. He thanks you very much. Lets go to his birthday party. Look, its a cake. Is it nice?2.Watch and answera. How old are you?b. What does Sam do at the party?3.Act as Sam and Bobby即兴编对话。听录音,填入所缺的数字。跟着老师学习生词,并理解句意。打节拍,加动作进行表演,读熟句子,体会单词中 s 的发音。 学生思考还有哪些单词中的 S 发/S/?可能提到close 这些发/Z/的单词,需要讲解。组织学生采用同桌读、小组读、齐读、比赛读等多种形式学习歌谣,体会韵律感,感知表达的含义并进行情感教育,上课不要迟到。 学习 What a nice cake!,了解 what 引导的感叹句,并尝试读出赞美的语气。学习 Sam 许愿的场景,扮演角色体会 Bobby 的好奇和 Sam 许愿的愉快心情,并发挥想象,猜测他的更多愿望。观察图片比较,Sam 朋友T:Sam has many other wishes. What wishes does he have?4. Look and thinkT: Whats different? In the morning, Bobby is _. In the evening, Bobby is _. happy angryWhy?Sam has too many wishes.His friends are hungry.太太多多5. T:They cant wait. What do they say? Sam, its time for the cake.6. Listen and repeat7. Reading timeT: Read and act in four.8. Acting timeT:You go to Sams birthday party with gifts. What will you do? Make a dialogue in groups.The sentences can help you.们早上和晚上心情的不一样,并说说为什么。了解 Its time for 后加名词的用法。模仿表演,表达伙伴们内心的着急。跟读录音,模仿各角色的语音语调,再次体会故事的幽默之处。快速确认各自扮演的角色,声情并茂朗读,尝试表演。同学们一起带着礼物去参加 Sam 的生日派对,会发生很多有趣的事情,小组一起来表演。作业作业设计设计1. 一起作业网。 2. 完成听读Unit5。 3. 各小组把山姆生日派对的对话进一步完善,下节课继续表演。板书板书设计设计 Unit 5 How old are you?
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