Unit 1 In class-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:201f2).zip

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    • 3B unit1 Cartoon定稿
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(Cartoon & Checkout time)The Primary School of Qi Shan Kong Na naDont listen to the parrot.鹦鹉鹦鹉Dont listen to the parrot.听听 verb.listen to the teacherlisten to musiclisten to meRead and choose1. , the bird is singing.A. Listen B. Listen to2.Boys and girls, its time for class. Please listen me.A. to B. for C.atAA选出不同类的一项3.( ) A. look B. listen C. parrotCDont listen to the parrot.不要不要dont = do notDont 根据情景,选择合适的英文表达。根据情景,选择合适的英文表达。( ) 1. 别人让你开窗户,但你不方便去做,你可以说:别人让你开窗户,但你不方便去做,你可以说: A. All right. B. Im sorry.( ) 2. 上课了,班长喊口令:上课了,班长喊口令: A. Sit down. B. Stand up.( ) 3. 外面风太大了,妈妈会对你说:外面风太大了,妈妈会对你说: A. Dont open the window, please. B. Please dont close the window.( ) 4. 你想让别人听孔老师讲课,你会说:你想让别人听孔老师讲课,你会说: A. Listen to Miss Kong, please. B. Please look at Miss Kong.BBAA Ticking time 1. I can understand and say instructions.我能理解并能发出指令。请根据自己的掌握情况做出评价,在相应的请根据自己的掌握情况做出评价,在相应的方框中打钩。方框中打钩。3 B Unit 1 In class(period 4)教学目标:教学目标:1.能正确地听、说、读单词 rubber parrot 2.能在真实的情景中正确运用 Dont listen to the parrot.和日常交际用语 Whats this? Its.教学重教学重,难点:难点: 1.能正确地听、说、读单词 rubber parrot 2.能在真实的情景中正确运用 Dont listen to the parrot.和日常交际用语 Whats this? Its. 教学过程:教学过程:Step1: Warm up 1. Greeting T: Stand up. Good morning, class Ss: Good morning, Miss Kong T: Sit down. please 2. Free talk a.复习单词,句子接龙,出示单词,学生利用单词造句: 例如:door I can see a door. Please open the door .Please close the door 复习 window(同上) b. 加动作练习短语 Open/close the door/window. 这;这些;那;那些c. Play a game Magic eyes (魔眼游戏)Step 2. Presentation and Group discussion 1. Cartoon time a.介绍故事人物 T: Look, our friends are coming. Who are they? S: They are(学生不会说就提醒)Bobby and Sam. b.故事情节介绍 T: They are having a class. Now look at the blackboard (Teach: look at the blackboard)(1)Read one by one (2) Read together (3) Read with the teacher2.出示图片:What is this? Its a robot What is this? Its a rubber.3. Lets watch the cartoon together.(看动画) a.T(再次出示问题): What is this? Ss: Its a robot. Its a rubber b. T(出示橡皮):Look ,this is a rubber. 教师出示 rubber,教读单词。 Whats that? Its a parrot It can say (Teach: parrot)4.Now listen to me (Teach: listen to) Listen to the parrot Listen to the father We are having a class Listen to me Dont listen to you (Teach: dont)5. 举例;Dont listen to you Dont listen to me. Dont listen to the mother Dont open the door6. Watch the cartoon again a. T: Now, lets watch the cartoon together. Try to answer my questions. What can you see on the blackboard?引导学生回答:I can see a robot I can see a rubberStep 3.Exchangge and Performance1. 让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么?2. Read Cartoon time T: Try to read it after the tape. 分角色朗读 What is this? Its a rubber No , its a robot 这篇对话,生词较多,要多训练。3. Retell the story and perform it. (不要求学生熟读,只要理清思路。)4. Show time Read or act in group.Step4. Checkout and Feedback 1.发挥想象力,看图猜猜他们说什么?(1)(2(3) (4) (1) look at the blackboard. (2) Whats this ? Its a rubber.(3) Whats that? Its a robot. (4)Dont listen to the parrot2.Try to write them down.(不会写的用中文代替,尽量用英语。)Step 5 Homework 1.Read Cartoon time 2.Write the dialogues after class.板书设计 Unit 1 In classMr Robot, please open the book. Whats this? Its a Dont listen to教学反思:Unit 1 In classPeriod 4 (练习)教学内容: 1.单词 open, the, door, close, window, book In class, stand up, Mr, sit down, please, sorry, come in, blackboard, rubber, listen to, parrot 2.句型 Open the books/the door. Stand up. Sit down. Come in,please. Im sorry.教学目标: 通过练习,熟练掌握第一单元的内容。教学重,难点: 指导每种题型该怎么做,帮助学生看懂题目。教学过程一、写出下列单词(尽量不要看书自己试着写一写)1.门 2.窗户 3.黑板 4.打开 5.关掉 二、翻译词组1.起立 2.坐下 3.开门 4.关窗 三、选出下列句子正确的中文意思。 ( )1.Im sorry. A.不用谢。 B.对不起。 ( )2.Please open the window. A.请把窗户打开。 B.请把窗户关上。 ( )3.Sit down,please. A.请坐。 B.起立。 ( )4.Come in,please. A.请过来。 B.请进来。四、连线 1.Open the door. 进来。 2.Close the window. 坐下。 3.Stand up. 关上窗户。 4.Sit down. 开门。 5.Come in. 起立。五、情景选择。( )1.上课了,值日班长说: A.Stand up. B.Sit down.( )2.妈妈请你帮她把门打开,她会说: A.Please close the window. B.Please open the window. ( )3.睡觉前,爷爷请你关上窗户,他会说: A. Please close the window. B. Please open the window.( )4.上学迟到了,你对李老师说: A. Come in, please. B.Im sorry, Miss Li.六、连词成句。 1 .the , open , Please , book (.) 2. (,) , Come , in , please (.) 3. Mr , Im , Green , sorry (.) 4. the , Mike , door , please , close (.) 七、根据所给问题选择合适的答句. ( )1.Goodbye, Mr Green. A. Goodbye, Liu Tao. B. Good evening, Liu Tao. ( ) 2. Look at my jacket. A. Its a book. B. How nice. ( ) 3. Happy birthday! A. Happy New Year! B. Thank you. ( ) 4.Whats this? A. Yes,Mr Green. B. Its a window. ( ) 5.What colour is it? A. Its red. B. Its a rubber.八、根据所给情景,给下列句子排序。这是下午的一节英语课,Miss Li 走进教室,班长喊起立,师生问候。 ( )Good afternoon, Miss Li. ( )Stand up. ( )Good afternoon, class ( )Sit down, please.
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