Unit 4 Where's the bird -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:d0b4b).zip

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What are the dolls playing? 娃娃们在玩什么游戏呢?Wheres?Its on/in/under/behind.Wheres the bird? 小鸟飞去过哪些地方?Its in the tree now.What can we say? 游戏时,我们可以用哪些句子来问答?和同桌用身边的文具玩玩吧!你们想玩“捉迷藏”游戏吗?Wheres my ? Guess.Is it in/on/under/behind your?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.No Chinese!坚持用英文问答哦!One, two, three. Close your eyes!Open your eyes.Guess! 谁赢了?Watch the cartoon1. Wheres Bobby? A. Behind the door B. In the drawer 在抽屉里自读27页!Read and choose2. How does Sam find Bobby? ( Sam是怎样找到Bobby的?) A. B. Wow! A cake!看见这么美味的蛋糕,还可以说什么?How nice!Great!Yummy! 哇!What do you think of Sam?你觉得Sam怎么样?clever 聪明wily 狡猾 Lets thinkOne, two, three注意模仿语音语调!Wheres Bobby?Ah, hes behind the door.啊!Oh, its not Bobby.哦!Where is he?Wheres= Where isWow! A cake!哇!Ha! Ha! Here you are, Bobby!A. 给你B. 你在这儿Read in roles with your desk mate.同桌之间间分角色朗读读Happy reading timeLets dub注意动作和表情!轮到Bobby找Sam了,会发生什么有趣的事情呢?ConsolidationSam会躲在哪些地方?Lets discussIs it in/on/under/behind the?Sam会喜欢什么东西呢?Lets discussWow, A同桌合作,发挥想象,续编新故事!Make a new storyWheres Sam?Ah, hes in/on/under/behindOh, its notWhere is?How nice!/WowHa Ha! Here you are, Sam. Read Fun time fluently. Try to play “Hide-and-seek” in English. Read Cartoon time at least 3 times, and make a new story. 3B Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Period 2 Fun time & Cartoon time教学目标:1、能运用句型 Wheres?和 Its in/on/behind/under进行熟练问答。2、能通过游戏进一步正确运用介词 on, in, under, behind。3、能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分进行表达。教学重点:1、能通过游戏进一步正确运用介词 on, in, under, behind。2、能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分进行表达。教学难点:1、能运用句型 Wheres?和 Its in/on/behind/under进行熟练问答。2、能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分进行表达。教学步骤:Step 1:GreetingsT: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: How are you today?S1: Im happy.S2: Im fine.Step 2: Presentation1. Enjoy a songT: Im very happy to see you today. Lets enjoy a song to start our class, OK?Ss: OK.T: What are the dolls playing?Ss: Hide-and-seek.(teach hide-and-seek group by group)设计意图:通过欣赏有关捉迷藏的歌曲,快速地引入本节课的主题,为接下来的句型操练做好铺垫。2. Free talkT: Wheres the blue/yellow/purple/orange/blue/green doll?S1: Its on/in/under/behindT: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.S2:.S3:(According to the answers, read and spell the words in and behind)设计意图:通过寻找歌曲中玩偶的位置,复习上节课的重点句型 Wheres? Its on/in/under/behind3. Review the storyT: The dolls like playing hide-and-seek, so does the naughty bird. Do you still remember where the bird is? Lets review together.S1: Its on/in/under/behind(According to the answers, read and spell the words on and under)S2:S3:设计意图:通过回忆复述课文内容,复习故事部分。Step 3: PracticeT: Today, we will continue to learn Unit 4 Wheres the bird? Fun time and Cartoon time. Do you like playing hide-and-seek?Ss: Yes.T: This time, you can use your stationeries to play hide-and-seek with your desk mate. You can use following sentences. Go!Ss: One, two, three. Close your eyes! Open your eyes.S1: Wheres my? Guess.S2: Is it on/in/under/behind?Ss: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.设计意图:结合 Fun time 的文具捉迷藏游戏,学生结合实际,尝试猜测文具所在,巩固重点句型 Is it on/in/under/behind.? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Step 4: PresentationT: Look at the picture, what are Sam and Bobby playing?Ss: Hide-and-seek.T: Today, we will learn Episode 4 Hide-and-seek. Lets watch a cartoon, then you should tell me who wins?Ss: Sam.T: Yes. Now, open your books. Read story by yourselves and find the answers.Ss: T: Wheres Bobby?S1: Hes in the drawer.T: How does Sam find Bobby?S2: A cake.T: Listen! (Wow! A cake!), the cake is so nice, what others can you say?S1: Its nice!S2: Yummy!S3: T: What do you think of Sam?S1: S2: S3: T: Yes. Sam is very clever and wily. Now, Listen and imitate.Ss: T: Here you are. Do you know the meaning here?S1: T: This is our reading time, two students a group, read in roles. You should pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Ss: T: Now, lets dub.Ss: 设计意图:以捉迷藏游戏引入卡通部分,通过观看动画和自读,快速了解课文的内容,然后,通过模仿细读、细析,配合动作,体会人物感情。Step 5: PracticeT: Now, the chance is turn to Sam. Where will he hide?S1: S2: S3: T: What does Sam like?S1: Wow! AS2: Wow! AS3: Wow! AT: You can try to make a new story. Start!Ss: 设计意图:通过改编故事的方式,让学生在真实的语境中运用语言,学会如何用英语来进行捉迷藏游戏。Step 6: HomeworkT: This is todays homework.1. Read Fun time fluently.2. Try to play hide-and-seek in English.3. Read Cartoon time at least 3 times, and make a new story.Ss: OK.T: Goodbye, class.Ss: Goodbye, Miss Zhang.Blackboard design:Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Where is?Is it in? Yes, it is. behind No, it isnt.underon
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