Unit 2 In the library-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:11050).zip

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If you see a phrase, Please shout.如果你看到了一个词组,请把它如果你看到了一个词组,请把它大声地大声地读出来。读出来。If you see a rabbit, please say Shh . .如果你看到了一只兔子,请小声说如果你看到了一只兔子,请小声说Shh。Rules (规则)Tip:Tip: Shh!Shh! 是个感叹词,常用来表示让别人安静。是个感叹词,常用来表示让别人安静。Lets play(在玩中学在玩中学)standstand upupsitsit downdownlooklook atat thethe blackboardblackboardcloseclose thethe windowwindowopenopen thethe bookbookcloseclose thethe bookbookopenopen thethe doordooropenopen thethe windowwindowcloseclose thethe doordoorbooks书Where is this?这是哪里?shhshh !bebe quiet!quiet!嘘嘘 !安静!安静!1. Where are and ?B in classA in the library? A. Yes.B. No.WatchWatch andand answeranswer仔细仔细观看课文动画,观看课文动画,认真思考认真思考并回答下面的问题并回答下面的问题2. 你能找出与答案相关的句子,并模仿说出来吗?Liu Tao : Would Yang Ling like a sweet,Yang Ling?Yang Ling : No , thank you.1.Would Yang Ling like a sweet? 杨玲想要糖果吗? 为什么图书馆里变得不安静? 因为 来了。listenlisten andand circlecircle听听课文录音,在课课文录音,在课文中文中圈出圈出刘涛做了哪刘涛做了哪些动作些动作. .eatrunshoutsleeptalkopen 做动作,猜单词Look and tick刘涛做了那些动作?用刘涛做了那些动作?用在表格中勾出来在表格中勾出来Listen & read跟读跟读课文,在课文课文,在课文中中用横线画出用横线画出杨玲说杨玲说了什么?了什么?eatrunshoutsleeptalkopen Dont eat.Dont run.Dont shout.Dont sleep.Dont talk.Dont open.Look and tick用用在表格中在表格中勾出杨玲说的勾出杨玲说的话话Fun timeShoutShout shoutshout shoutshout ! ! DontDont shout.shout. runrun runrun ! ! DontDont runrun. .EatEat eateat eateat ! ! DontDont eateat . .TalkTalk talktalk talktalk ! ! DontDont talk.talk.SleepSleep sleepsleep sleepsleep ! ! DontDont sleepsleep. .Say a rhyme有有节奏节奏的学说下面的内容的学说下面的内容 Hello , Yang Ling! Shh! Dont shout ,Liu Tao.Dont run ,Liu Tao.Would you like a sweet, Yang Ling?No. thank you .Dont eat here .Dont shout. Dont run. Dont eat .Shh! Dont talk.Dont sleep, Liu TaoIm sorry.ReadingReading TimeTime努力学读努力学读!注意语音语语音语调调A.A.自己读自己读B.B. 和同桌齐读和同桌齐读C.C. 分角色读分角色读 Reading time读书时读书时间,间,选选一种一种你喜你喜欢的方式练欢的方式练习读习读Task 1Task 2 Task 3 刘涛闯关刘涛闯关DontDont shout,Liushout,Liu TaoTao!Happy trainshoutshoutDontDont! !TaoTaoTask 1LiuLiu 刘涛闯关刘涛闯关Task 2 第二关第二关:为课:为课文对话文对话配音。配音。 刘涛闯关刘涛闯关在课堂中看到下面情况你应该怎么说?在课堂中看到下面情况你应该怎么说?Task 3DontDont sleep!sleep!DontDont talk!talk!DontDont eateat ! ! 闯关成功闯关成功We learn我们学了我们学了1. We learn five new wordsshoutshoutsleepsleeptalktalkrunruneateatWe learn我们学了我们学了2. 叫别人叫别人不要做某事:不要做某事:回答时说:回答时说: DontDont ImIm sorry.sorry.NowNow wewe knowknow我们知道了我们知道了Be good in the library, Be good in class, please,too.1.朗读并背诵朗读并背诵story time的课文内容。的课文内容。2.做动作,让同桌猜课文里的新单词做动作,让同桌猜课文里的新单词: shout, eat,run ,talk,sleep4. Do you like this English lesson?你喜欢这堂英语课吗?你喜欢这堂英语课吗?3. I know and I can write “eat. run .talk”.2. I know and I can read five new words.我认识并会读我认识并会读5 5个新单词。个新单词。1. I can say Dont !我会说并会用我会说并会用“ “不要不要!” ”Class(班级)班级)_Name(姓名姓名)_)_我认识并会写我认识并会写3 3个新单词。个新单词。Liu Tao接受了Yang Ling的建议了吗?WatchWatch andand circlecircle1. Who are in the library?ABC2. Would Yang Ling like a sweet?A. Yes.B. No.sleep睡觉睡觉run跑;跑步跑;跑步talk说话;谈话说话;谈话2. 找出刘涛做了哪几个动作? ?shout喊;叫喊;叫eat吃吃一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1.能初步听、说、读并拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep library 2.结合动词,听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句: “Dont ” , 并会用 “Im sorry. ”来回答。3. 能初步听懂,会说,会拼读词组 in the library4. 使学生树立公共场合基本文明礼仪观念,懂得遵守公共秩序,培养学生正确的人生观和价值观。重点与难 点能听懂、会读、会运用单词 shout eat run talk sleep 并在适合的场合正确运用祈使句 Dont 教 学 过 程活动板块活动内容与呈现方式活动方式备注Step1.Warming up 1.GreetingT: Good morning, class.S s: Good morning,Miss Chen.T: Sit down, please. 2. Class rule师生交流Step2. Pre-readingPre-task感知1.lets play. If you see a phrase, please “shout” and if you see a rabbit, please say“ shh”2. show the pictures T: Where is this? Guess, please.S s: A library.T: Yes. We should be quiet in the library!思考回答1. 教学 shout 和shh2. 导题、拓展“be quiet”Step3While-reading经典点拨1.出示课题 Unit 2 In the library2.Look and talk a. Where are Liu Tao and Yang Ling ?b. What happened in the library?3.watch and answer4. Listen and circle (teach the new words)5.Look and tick out the new words on the paper.6.Listen and read (underline “what did Yang Ling say”)7. Look and tick out the new sentences on the paper.8.Fun time9.Say a rhyme10.Reading Time看图讨论观看视频并回答跟读新词跟读课文小组读1.教授 in the library2.播放影像资料3.交流问题4.学习新词5 逐句跟读,注意语音语调(鼓励加入感情色彩分角色朗读) 。Step4Practice效果呈现1. 刘涛违反了图书馆的公共秩序要受到惩罚,所以要闯关。我们来帮帮他。2. a. 连词成句b. 给课文配音 c. 看图说话Step4Summary1. We learn five new words2. 叫别人不要做某事说: 3.我们还学会了 学生自己总结Step5Homework1.朗读并背诵 story time 的课文内容。2.读并抄写新词 shout eat run talk sleep library 5 遍。板书Unit 2 In the library (be quiet 保持安静) shout run Dont eat Im sorry. talk sleep
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