Module 2-Unit 1 It’s cheap.-公开课ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频)--外研版四年级下册英语(一起)-(编号:a0bc7).zip

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Module 2 Unit 1Its cheap.Its beautiful.Its colourful.It looks like(像) a bridge(桥).Its expensiveIts beautifulIts cheapIts smallIts cheapIts bigListen and answer:What colour is Amys computer? ( ) A . Its pink ( ) B . Its purpleIs it expensive ?( )B.No,it isnt. Its cheap.( ) A.Yes,it is.How about grandmas computer ?Its .Its big.Its not beautiful.Its helpful补全对话 A: Dad _ a computer for me yesterday. B: Good! Is it _? A: No, its cheap, but it is beautiful. B: What _ is it? A: Its pink. Lets chantPink pink pink, its a pink computer!Blue blue blue, its a blue ball!Expensive expensive, its an expensive car!Cheap,cheap,cheap,its a cheap hat!Big big big , its a big fish!Small small small, its a small rabbit!超市大换购 规则:用自己获得的贴画换购奖品。 换购人向售货员描述自己所要换购的物品,两次对话内完成即可获得奖品。否则,失去机会!3 stickers4 stickersTask(任务) We need a new playground .There are 2 picture which one is more better?why?(我们需要建一个新操场,以下两幅图中你认为哪一种更好?为什么?)面积:1500平方米 价格:6,000,000面积:2000平方米 价格:8,000,000HomeworkRead the dialogue to your parents. Its cheap 教学设计 教学目标:知识目标:1.单词 cheap, expensive, send, email。重点句型 Is it cheap? No, it isnt./ Yes,it is. 2.学生能用一般疑问句对物品特征进行询问,并用形容词对物品进行描述。 能力目标:1.学生能谈论购物与商品的价格。2.能通过小组活动的方式练习所学句型,培养学生团队合作意识。3.将所学应用到生活中。情感目标:1.在日常交流中积极尝试使用英语。2.通过学习 Amy 与 grandma 打电话,学生要经常与长辈沟通,增进感情。学生分析:学生开朗活泼,富有表现欲;四年级学生已有一定的听、说、写的能力。具有一定的小组合作能力,团结。教材分析: 我所授课的内容是外研社小学英语新标准一年级起点四年级下册 Module 2 Unit 1 Its cheap.本课是在一般现在时的语境下,Amy 和她的 grandma 打电话,用一般疑问句“ Is it ?”互相询问并介绍各自的电脑。一般疑问句以前学习过,所以接受本课句型的难度降低了一些。本课还接触大量的形容词,需要帮助学生复习巩固以前所学形容词。教学重、难点:能运用文中涉及到的单词;能用 Is it ?对物品进行询问并回答。教具:畅言教师助手、PPT。教学过程:一Greeting ,revision and leading in.1.Greeting T:T: ClassClass begin.begin. Hello,Hello, boysboys andand girls.girls. Ss:Ss: Hello,Hello, teacher.teacher.2. leading in.Guessing game:Its beautiful.Its colourful.It looks like(像) a bridge(桥).(用 Its+形容词描述,复习已知) 3.sing a song(rainbow)(活跃课堂气氛,学生在轻松愉悦的环境中学习)二Presentation1.T T:AreAre youyou happyhappy today?today? Ss:yes!Ss:yes!. T:T: butibuti amam notnot soso happyhappy todaytoday. Ss:why ? T:T: BecauseBecause mymy computercomputer isis broken!Ibroken!I havehave toto buybuy a a newnew oneone .can.can youyou helphelp m me?e? (ppt 出示三台电脑,请学生帮忙选择并说出理由。) 引导学生用引导学生用 Its+Its+形容词描述。形容词描述。TodayToday wewe useuse thisthis sentencesentence patternpattern toto learnlearn M2M2 U1U1 ItsIts ( (师板书标题并领读,并教学 cheap,注意音标教学。) 2.2. T T:AmyAmy hashas gotgot a a newnew computercomputer too?too? DoDo youyou wantwant toto knowknow “what“what doesdoes itit like?”Nowlike?”Now listenlisten toto thethe texttext andand answeranswer mymy question.question.a.Whata.What colourcolour isis AmysAmys computer?computer?b.Isb.Is itit expensiveexpensive ? ?c.Howc.How aboutabout grandmasgrandmas computercomputer ? ?Is it small?- No, it isnt. / No, its big.Is it helpful? - Yes, it is.Amy and grandma can send emails.3.Listen and read.Listen and pointT T:ListenListen toto thethe tapetape carefully,carefully, andand pointpoint toto thethe text.text.指着课文听一遍指着课文听一遍录音。录音。Listen and repeat T:T: ReadRead afterafter thethe tape.tape.Practice: Read in roles(1 1)全班分角色读:)全班分角色读:T:LetsT:Lets readread inin roles.roles. BoysBoys areare grandma,girlsgrandma,girls areare Amy.Amy. AreAre youyou clear?clear?Ss:Yes.Ss:Yes.T:OK,begain.T:OK,begain.(2 2)五人一组读:)五人一组读:T T: YoureYoure grandma,grandma, youreyoure Amy.Amy. One,two,start.One,two,start.(3)(3)同桌读同桌读4.对话练习 (可用打电话的方式,可两人一组(检验至少 5 组),多人一组) 依据学生掌握情况,分难易。T:T: NowNow pleaseplease makemake a a dialoguedialogue withwith youryour partnerpartner inin twotwo minutesminutes likelike thithis.s. 小组做一组对话,可以用打电话的方式,也可以是失物招领、购物等的方式。三Practice1.lets1.lets chant(chant(伴奏,男生拍桌子,女生拍手伴奏,男生拍桌子,女生拍手) )PinkPink pinkpink pink,pink, itsits a a pinkpink computer!computer!BlueBlue blueblue blue,blue, itsits a a blueblue ball!ball!ExpensiveExpensive expensive,expensive, itsits anan expensiveexpensive car!car!Cheap,cheap,cheap,itsCheap,cheap,cheap,its a a cheapcheap hat!hat!BigBig bigbig bigbig , , itsits a a bigbig fish!fish!SmallSmall smallsmall small,small, itsits a a smallsmall rabbit!rabbit!超市大换购:超市大换购规则:用自己获得的贴画换购奖品。规则:用自己获得的贴画换购奖品。换购人向售货员描述自己所要换购的物品,两次对话内完成即可获得奖品。否换购人向售货员描述自己所要换购的物品,两次对话内完成即可获得奖品。否则,失去机会!则,失去机会!先给学生做示范,引导学生用今天学的句型完成游戏:先给学生做示范,引导学生用今天学的句型完成游戏:A:CANA:CAN I I helphelp youyou ? ?B:Yes.IB:Yes.I havehave gotgot 3 3!IsA:oh!Is itit long?long?B:YesB:Yes ,it,it is!is!四Sum up 并思想教育 (要注意学生表现)T T:WhatWhat havehave wewe learnt?learnt? 指生回答T T:Yes,Yes, todaytoday wewe learntlearnt howhow toto talktalk aboutabout thethe things.things. AndAnd I I hopehope youyou c canan likelike AmyAmy oftenoften talktalk withwith youryour elders.elders.今天我们学习了如何谈论物品,希望你今天我们学习了如何谈论物品,希望你们能将它用到生活中,也希望你们能像艾米一样经常和长辈说说话。们能将它用到生活中,也希望你们能像艾米一样经常和长辈说说话。五Homework We need a new playground .There are 2 picture which one is more better?why?(我们需要建一个新操场,以下两幅图中你认为哪一种更好?为什么?)T:T: ClassClass isis over.over. GoodbyeGoodbye children!children!Ss:Ss: GoodbyeGoodbye teacher!teacher!六板书Module 2 Unit 1Its cheap.Is it cheap?No, it isnt.Yes,it is.
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