Module 1-Unit 2 Don’t feed the fish!-公开课ppt课件-(含教案)--外研版四年级下册英语(一起)-(编号:e0076).zip

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新标准英语一年级起点四年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 Dont feed the fish.The baby is sleeping.Dont feed the baby!Dont touch the baby!Sing for the baby!Play with the baby!Touch Touch Dont touch _feed _FeedDont feed feed the chickensthe pandathe birdthe fishIn the factory他们的行为文明吗?你会对他们提什么文明建议呢? Dont touch the machines! Wear your hat!What shouldnt we do in the factory?Wear your hat!In a factory touch他们的行为文明吗?你会对他们提什么文明建议呢? In the parkDont Feed the fish!grassgrassDont walk on the grass!What shouldnt we do in the park?Dont play ball games here! In the library他们的行为文明吗?你会对他们提什么文明建议呢?Dont here!Dont write on the books here!Donthere!Dont _ here!singDonthere!Dont _ here!talkDonthere!Dont _ here!runDonthere!Dont _ ball games here!play 1. Dont talk! 2. Dont write on the books!What shouldnt we do in the library?Dont talk!Dont write on the books! 不要在书上涂写!( )( )( )( )( )( )Dont talkfeedtouchwalk祈使句表示请求、建议、命令、禁止等。肯定句:动词 原形+其他否定句:Dont + 动词 原形+其他Homework:1. Listen and repeat the dialogue for 3 times.2. Make some rules in groups. (in the classroom, at school, at the library, in the park) 1Module 1 Unit 2 Dont feed the fish!一、教学目标【知识目标】能够听说认读的单词和短语:feed grass talk write能够听说读写的单词和短语:feed write grass能听说读写的句子:Dont feed the fish/baby! / Dont talk/ walk on the grass.【能力目标】通过本课的学习,培养学生在实际语境中的综合语言运用能力。通过语言知识的学习,培养学生对于知识的迁移能力和发散思维的能力。【情感目标】培养学生不论身在何处,都应该遵守规则的意识。同时并培养学生能够对不文明或不安全的行为的进行劝阻或提醒的意识。二、教学重点本单元重点复习上一个单元所学习的祈使句。主要句型是:表示禁止的 Dont, please! 以及表示肯定的:Wearplease!三、教学难点如何让学生在已有知识的基础上在实际语境中准确运用重点句型。四、教学资源互动教学系统,点读笔,PPT五、教学方法与手段: 情景教学法、问题教学法、教具演示法、唱歌谣、游戏活动六、教学过程(说明:教学活动具体描述包括教学任务的描述,教师的关键语言,板书呈现,教学资源的使用等。 )教学环节教学活动具体描述教学资源(一)热身1)Sing a chant: Its form the text: activity 1.互动教学系统活动一动画2PPT 第 2页【设计意图】利用歌曲律动创设出轻松的课堂气氛,激发了学生学习的兴趣,同时也集中了学生的注意力。Game 2: I say, you do and say the正话反说T: Touch the desk!Ss: Dont touch the desk!T: Touch the hair!Ss: Dont touch the hair!T: Touch the feet! (并板书 feet 通过语音渗透,导入新词feed.)【设计意图】通过玩正话反说游戏,在真实情景中巩固上节重点祈使句句型,让学生明确句型的使用场合,引导学生在生活中运用英语, 另外在游戏过程中还能以旧代新,引出新知。(二)导入教师出示习题,让孩子们思考并讨论在生活中哪些可以摸,哪些不可以摸,并引导学生完成句子。S1:Dont feed the tigers! Its dangerous!S2:Dont feed the pandas! Its dangerous!S3:Dont touch the animals! Its dangerous!S4:Dont play the fire! Its dangerous!S5:Dont touch the machines in the factory! Its dangerous!PPT 第 3-7 页(三)新知呈现及拓展练习给学生出示几幅在工厂里应该做的和不应该所的事情。如:1. Dont touch the Machines.2. Dont run.3. Dont play the fire.PPT 第 8-11 页3【设计意图】通过学生的叙述,让学生小组讨论,自己思考在工厂里应该遵守的规则。1)制定家规向学生展示图片,学生看图说出一些孩子不应该在家中做的事情,让学生在运用中感知理解 Dont。Ss: Dont (play with the fires.) (play football) (jump/play on the bed) (play with the .)T: Those are the things we dont do at home. We call those Home rules. There is also something we dont do in the park. What are they?2)制定园规三名学生表演情景短剧,展示在公园中不应该做的事情,其他学生以小组竞赛的形式,通过给他人找错,在快乐中学习,并通过讨论制定园规,引导孩子说出:Dont walk on the grass!Dont play football on the grass!Dont ride bikes in the park!Dont feed the fish!3) 遵守图书馆规定When we are at home, there are home rules. When we are in the class, there are class rules. How about at other places such as in the library? Look at the pictures of PPT carefully, then think it over, then answer my question. What shouldnt we do in the library?S1: Dont run in the library!S2: Dont play balls in the library!S3: Dont talk in the library!S4: Dont write on the books here!PPT 第12- 17 页PPT 第18-26 页4【设计目的】通过对不同场所各种规矩的体验,对学生进行渗透德育,即:不管我们身在何处,都应该随时遵守各种规则。1. 使用互动教学系统观看视频动画。互动教学系统活动二动画2. 使用点读笔,跟读句子。练习两遍。(四)课文学习3. 以学生个人或小组为单位展开竞赛,看谁读的棒。(五)拓展运用Do the exercises of the PPT 1) Look and judge. 2) Look and describe the picture. 3) Look and Fill in the blanks.PPT 第27-29 页由学生对本课所学内容进行梳理和汇总,让他们在小结时自己思考和整理本课的所学与所得。(六)小结和作业Homework:1. Listen and repeat the dialogue 2 times with e-pen.2. Make some rules in groups. (in classroom, at school, at the library, in the park)PPT 第30 页(六)板书设计Module1 Unit 2 Dont feed the fish!At home1. Dont jump/ play on the bed.2. Dont go to bed too late.3. Dont play computer before finish the homework.4. Dont sleep too late.In the park1. Dont walk on the grass!2. Dont play ball games on the grass!3. Dont feed the fish!4. Dont swim in the river.In the library1. Dont run!2. Dont talk!3. Dont sing!4. Dont write On the books5
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