Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:8033b).zip

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Lets sing When I was a baby,I could_.I couldnt_. Work bank: speak, sleep, eat, talk, run, sing, cry, smile, cook, play , walk, dance, jumpTalk with your partnerCould she see?Could she read?Could she hear?Could she talk?Helen couldnt_. But she could_.Helen couldnt_. But she could_.seereadheartalkShare another story of a famous person.分享其他名人的故事What do you know about her?Name _Country _Born _About herShe couldnt_.But she could_.Name _Country _Born _About herShe couldnt_.But she could_.Helen kellerthe USin 1880see or hear read , write and speak Read para.1and 2 then finish the name card about Helen Keller. (阅读第一、第二段课文,完成名片阅读第一、第二段课文,完成名片,与同桌进行交流。)与同桌进行交流。)Pair work:Where was Helen born?She was born in the US.When was Helen born?She was born in born 出出生生 corn wornWhen was he/she born?He/She was born in Name: Wang JunkaiBorn:1999Name: Xie NaBorn:1981She couldnt see or hear.What couldnt Helen do?She had an illness at nineteen months old.Why couldnt she see or hear?ill-illness生病生病What happened? will bill killHes ill.He has an illness.Shes ill.She has an illness.What could Helen do?She could read,writeand speak.How did she learn?It was difficult. 努力尝试努力尝试easy or difficultBut Helen was clever and she tried hard.try-triedWhat did she do? WhatRead para.3and 4 ,then underline.(读第三、第四段,划一划。)读第三、第四段,划一划。)Was she famous? 美国盲人基金会美国盲人基金会She collected money for AFB.Blind people are normal people.We can learn and work, too. 正常的正常的normaltoo Famous saying(名言)Was she famous? 楷楷模模greathelpfulconfident 自信的strong坚强的Never give up. 从不放弃 famous 著名的著名的 Read and completeShe couldnt see or hear.She learnt to_. She learnt to_.She is a _ for blind people.readwritemodelMaybe he can Nick Vujicic(1982- ) Australian lecturerHe doesnt have arms and legs.But he learnt to do everything.He makes a miracle of life. 奇迹奇迹 Nick Vujicic(1982- ) Australian lecturerHe doesnt have arms and legs.But he learnt to do everything.He makes a miracle of life. 奇迹奇迹 Nick was born in_ in_. He doesnt have _.But he could_. Now he can_. He is a _ man. From his story,I know _. Tips:Step1.完成故事。Step2.与组员分享故事。play football, run, sail(开船)fish, dive (跳水), swim, play golfgreat,strong famous, thankfulI should never give up.I should work hard.I should believe in myself.I should learn and learn and learn.I should be thankful.Its a lie to think that you are not good enough! Its a lie to think that you are not worth anything! 认为自己不够好,这是最大的谎言。认为自己不够好,这是最大的谎言。 认为自己没有价值,这是最大的欺骗。认为自己没有价值,这是最大的欺骗。信自己信自己。不放弃不放弃! 1. Listen and read the story. 2. Finish the exercises in Unit2. 3.Read a story about a famous person. 1课堂教学设计课堂教学设计学校设计者学科英语课题外研社新标准英语六年级下册(一起点)Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.课型新授章节Module 7 Unit 2 第 1 课时年级六年级教学教学目标目标1.语言知识目标:1.全体学生能听、说、读、写单词born, illness;全体学生能听、说、理解句型 She couldnt see or hear. But she learnt to read , write and speak.2.语言技能目标:全体学生能运用 can/could 结构和一般过去时态描述一个人;通过默读、速读和有感情的朗读来抓取信息、理解课文,同时渗透阅读策略,培养阅读能力,提高学生的核心素养。3.学习策略目标:让学生体验知识间的相互应用、相互联系,体验合作精神。4.情感态度目标:通过学习美国著名盲人作家 Helen Keller 勇敢地向命运挑战的故事,同时通过拓展阅读,引导学生要自信坚强,做事坚持不懈,持之以恒。重点重点难点难点学生能运用一般过去时态描述他人的一段经历。教材教材分析分析本课的课文情境是介绍海伦凯勒的生平。海伦于 1880 年出生在美国,19 个月大时生了场大病,从此丧失了视觉和听觉,但她通过刻苦学习,学会了阅读、写字和说话。后来,她到世界各地讲述她的故事,写书并帮助盲人,她是盲人的楷模,也是我们大家的榜样。通过本课的学习引导学生在心中树立好的榜样,要认识到自身的不足,多向他人学习,形成正确的人生观、价值观。学情学情分析分析年龄和认知特点年龄和认知特点:六年级学生理性思维逐渐开始建立,善于思考和质疑,乐于合作和交流。经过多年的英语学习,已经具有了一定的语言储备,口语表达和自主学习能力增强,。 前置知识前置知识:学生在五年级已经接触过 can/could 句型,一般过去时态初次出现在三年级的课文中,学生比较熟悉。对于海伦凯勒的了解,五年级下学期的语文书中有详细的介绍。基于这些认知特点和前置知识,教师本课的设计定位在通过名称卡的方式指导学习策略,培养思维习惯和学习方法;通过拓展阅读来增加语言输入量,拓展视野,并同时达到情感的升华,对其人生观和价值观做正确的引导。2教学教学策略策略小组(部落)合作学习教学教学资源资源多媒体课件、单词卡、CD-ROM、活动单教学教学媒体媒体多媒体、板书教学过程设计教学过程设计Teaching Procedure教学环节教学环节Procedure教师活动教师活动Teacher Activities学生活动学生活动Students Activities设计意图和设计意图和活动目标活动目标Purpose激趣复习激趣复习做好铺垫做好铺垫Step1Warm upand lead in1. Sing a song. When I was a baby.2. 自由对话: When you were a baby, what couldnt you do and what could you do?过渡: Were you happy when you were a baby? But how about this woman? 3.Lead in(1) Have students watch the CD-Rom and answer the question:Could she see?Could she read?Could she hear?Could she talk?(2) Listen and chant.Ss sing and clap together.Ss think and say what they could and couldnt do.3.(1)Watch the CD-ROM and answer the question: Could she see?Could she read?Could she hear?Could she talk?(2) Listen and chant.Ss know the task and get ready to begin the studying progress.歌曲激活旧知,活跃课堂气氛。自由对话用熟悉的句型结构谈论自己小时候的能力,为导入做准备。学生通过说说唱唱初步了解海伦凯勒。为后续课文的学习做铺垫。导入本课的话题及任3任务呈现任务呈现Step2Present the taskArrange the task: Share another story of a famous person.分享其他名人的故事务。自然引入新课。利用情景利用情景感知目标感知目标Step3Presentation and drills.1. Talk about Helens photo. T: What do you know about her?预设:学生会说出她的国籍、出生年月、其他的信息等。评价:You know a lot about her.2. Listen and say sth. about Helen. T: This time lets enjoy Helen Kellers story and then tell me what you know from her story.反馈:You may say, from the story , I know找几个学生说说。细读一二段:细读一二段:1. Now read the first 2 paragraphs and then finish the name card about Helen. Work in pairs.反馈:叫一两个组的学生说说,教师随机板书:Ss think and say what they know about Helen Keller.Ss watch the viedo.Ss read the text by themselves.学生根据语文课的经验,自由说出自己对她的了解。通过听故事,整体进行语境的输入。同桌合作完成名称卡,达到细读一二段,培养快速抓取信息的能力和自主学习的能力。41880She couldnt see. hearBut she could learn.2. 看图回答问题: Where/ and when was Helen born? 学习生词 illness, born3. Watch a video about Helen.T: She could learn. Was it easy? Who helped her? Lets watch a video.反馈:学生说说 Who helped her? Whats her teachers name?Its difficult for her to learn. Because she couldnt see and hear. Her teacher wrote the words on her hand and then she learned.4. Listen and imitate 前两段。进行指导朗读。语音和语调。然后找两个学生读读试试。细读三,四段细读三,四段1.T: Yes, it was difficult for Helen to learn. But she did it. And not only she could learn. She did many things. What did she do? Now read para 3and4 then underline the answers.反馈:找一个学生读出,教师板书单词 travelled, wrote, helpedSs say the answer and learn the new words. Read one by one.Ss watch and video and find out. Ss Listen and imitatess read paragraph3,4 and underline the things Helen did.学生在语境中学习新词,做到词不离句、句不离意。学生通过看录像找到海伦学习的方式并尝试表达。体会她学习的艰难。拓展学习渠道。指导朗读让学生体会情感。Ss 自主细读抓信息。52.What books did she write? And how did she help blind people? Lets take a look.学生带着问题看录像。然说说书的名字。T: To help 1or 2 blind people is easy. But how to help thousands of blind people. Look. She collected money for ABF. Then she could help many many blind people. Why did she do this? Because she believed this.呈现 Helen 的名言。齐读。补充信息补充信息T: What else do you want to know about Helen Keller?学生自由提问。复述课文,提升情感复述课文,提升情感1. Look at the board and lets retell.2. Now watch the video and retell once more.3. Do you like Helen Keller? Why?让学生自由说说对她的印象,然后呈现一些词T: Yes, we like Helen Keller. Because she isGreat, wonderful, strong, confident, helpful, clever, never give upT: What should we do? 板贴一些励志语。Ss watch a film about her and then try to say the names of books she wrote.Ss ask what else they would like to know about Helen.Ss retell the story.Ss think and say what they think about Helen.拓展文本,丰富学生的知识面。学生自主提问。学生看板书一起复述,体现了话题、目标、板书的一致性。学生通过说喜欢Helen 的原因,提升情感,培养学生的思维品质。6Read and complete.Ss read and complete the sentences according to the pictures.巩固和练习本课新授重点句型,师问生答,较为机械性的操练,为下一环节做铺垫。 有效活动有效活动形成技能形成技能Step4PracticeandConsolidation任务完成任务完成达标反馈达标反馈Step5Fulfill the task1.Share another story of a famous man .2. Look and imagine. What can he do? Pair work.3. Watch and find it out.4. Say what he can do.5. Make a report about him. 6.What are his famous words? Lets read.(1)Ss look and imagine what he can do.(2) Ss watch the video and then say. He can(3)Understand the task.(4)Write the story.(5)Report.发散思维:学生小组讨论,他能够做什么。学生自己完成这个人的介绍,组内交流,再全班面前展示。思考总结思考总结Step6Sum upSummary: What have we learnt today?We enjoyed the stories of Helen and Nick. And we learnt how to describe a person.Just believe yourself, and then you can do it.Ss listen and learn.通过总结本课重难点。进行情感的升华。作业布置作业布置Step7Assign the homework基础作业:1. Listen and repeat the text.2.Try to tell the story to your parents.提高作业:Make a poster about the person you want to tell us.Listen and copy.作业分层,面向全体学生。板书设计板书设计 Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear. 1880 She couldnt see. went Never give up!hear. wrote Work hard! helped Be strong!But she could learn. Be thankful.7 教学反思教学反思1. 通过海伦凯勒的视频,总体感受,引出话题。2. 分段处理:细读一二段,完成人物名片,学习海伦小时候的发生的故事和长大后的所学本领;细读三四段,并找出 What did she do?;然后让学生提问还有什么想知道的,上升到 Do you like Helen, why? What should we do? 使情感得以提升,最后在拓展前做总结:如何描述一个人。拓展环节可以让学生通过猜,看,说,描述,然后再分享阅读,进一步强化语言功能和提升情感。3. 本堂课还有很多细节之处需要改进和思考。比如教师的板书可以再精炼一些,要和话题、目前一致,要在教学中渗透人文精神。8
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