Unit 1 Science fiction Words单词精讲 ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册(1).pptx

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1、1. test out 检验; 测试 They opened a single store in Europe to test out the market. 他们在欧洲开了一家商店,检验一下市场情况。Hank: Id also like to test out the overhead projector.汉克: 我也想测试一下投影机.1. test out 检验; 测试 1. test sb. on sth. 在.方面测试某人2. test sth. on. sb./sth. 在.身上测验.3. test sb. for sth. 为某事检查某人 1. take a test 参加考试 t

2、ry out: 试用; 测试; 试验 VVn同ExercisesThe new products _ before it was put on the market.这种新产品被投放市场前已经过检验。Tens of thiusand of people _for government officers every year. 每年成千上万的人参加公务员考试。has been tested outtake a test2. bonus n. 意外收获; 奖金; 红利pl. bonuses 辨析3. ridiculous adj. 愚蠢的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的adj.adv.4. absurd ad

3、j. 荒谬的; 荒唐的adj.同5. dignity dnti: n. 庄重; 庄严; 尊严 with dignity: 有尊严地名This award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity. The robot always treated her with dignity.I wanted to bring her home and let her die _. 我想带她回家,让她有尊严的死去。with dignity6. persuade v.使相信,使信服; 劝说,说服 6. persuade

4、v.使相信,使信服; 劝说,说服V形动名ExercisesShe persuaded me _( join)the poetry society and her words fired me with enthusiasm for literature. We finally persuaded Tom_the wisdom of the decision.My father advised my sister to go to a dental school,and she was reached(打动)by his_at last, because his words were so_.(

5、persuade)to joinofpersuasionpersuasive7. appointment n. 预约; 约会; 委任 7. appointment n. 预约; 约会; 委任 V形动名Exercises1.Kate_as secretary last month. Now she is making an_with the marketing manager.(appoint)2. If you are invited to dinner,you are supposed to arrive no later than the _(appoint) time.3.A new e

6、ngineer was appointed_(deal) with the products returned by customers.was appointedappointmentappointedto deal8. guilty adj. 内疚的; 有罪的; 有过失的 n. 内疚; 犯罪; 罪行 be/feel guilty about. 对.感到内疚/到惭愧 find/prove someone guilty: 认定/证明某人有罪innocence n. 天真; 单纯; 无罪 innocent adj. 天真无邪的; 无辜的; 无恶意的 形名反9. suspend vt. 悬; 挂;

7、 暂停; 暂缓 1)The company has to suspend the space exploration project due to financial problems.2)A lamp/fan is suspended from the ceiling. = A lamp/fan hangs from the ceiling.3)The body was found suspended by a rope.9. suspend vt. 悬; 挂; 暂停; 暂缓 n.暂缓;延迟;延期;暂停hang v. 吊; 悬挂 (hung) (用主动表被动)stop v. 使停止; 停下;

8、 停止 pause v.暂停; 停顿delay v. 延迟; 延期; 推迟postpone v.延迟; 延期 put off 推迟; 拖延 名同10. dismiss vt. 让(某人)离开; 解散; 解雇; 消除1)I was so pleased to hear the bell ring and our teacher announce, “Class is dismissed.”2)If you dont work hard, youll be dismissed from the company.3)The doctors explanation cannot dismiss the

9、ir doubt.10. dismiss vt. 让(某人)离开; 解散; 解雇; 消除dismiss the class 下课dismiss sb. for.因解雇某人dismiss sb. from ones post/position免去某人的职务dismiss/fire/lay off/ sb解雇某人hire/employ sb 雇用某人VV同The professor dismissed the class early because she had a meeting. Lets not just dismiss the idea before we think about it.

10、 As a consequence of your laziness and rudeness,I am forced to dismiss you. Exercises解散解雇,开除Tom_for dishonesty last month.上个月汤姆因不诚实而被解雇。 _ _ _不予考虑was dismissed from his job11. declare vt. 表明; 宣称; 公布1)He declared his intention to become the best golfer in the world.2)The government has declared a sta

11、te of emergency.3)The USA declared war on Japan on December 8,1941.V11. declare vt. 表明; 宣称; 公布 n.宣称;宣布;公告declare war on 向宣战declare on 宣布declare for 表明赞成(拥护)announce v. 宣布; 宣告; 通知; 声称; 宣称claim v. 宣称; 声称; 索取Vn同Exercises1.The moment Linda_(declare)the winner of the English speech competition, she jumpe

12、d with joy.2.As witnesses to the accident, we were asked to make a_(declare ) of what we had seen.3.The teacher declared Wang Fei_(be) monitor of the class. was declareddeclarationto be12. presume vt. & vi. 假设; 假定; 认为presumption n. 假设; 假定assume v. 设想; 假定; 认为suppose v. 假定; 假设; 认为 (正式)suppose/supposin

13、g/assuming/provided/providing + that句子: 假如; 假定名同Exercises翻译句子1)Supposing that she doesnt come, we will still go.2) Supposing he is absent, what shall we do?3)We presumed (that) he understood all the rules.。13. take over 占上风; 取而代之; 接管; 接手1)In science fiction stories, robots often become superior and

14、take over.2)Will robots take over from human beings in the future?4)They planned to take over the airport.13. take over 占上风; 取而代之; 接管; 接手 占上风; 取而代之 接管; 接手 学着做,开始做;占据(空间);占用(时间) 呈现;承担(责任);雇佣 吸入;理解;欺骗记下;拆除 脱下;起飞;休假;迅速成功ExercisesShortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced to rui

15、ns, the city _a new look.Briggs will _from Mitchell as general manager when he retires.To keep healthy, Professor Johnson _ cycling after he retired from school. took ontook uptake over14. fall away(逐渐)减少,消失;脱落1. The sales of cold drinks usually fall away in winter.2. If you take this medicine, all

16、your pains will fall away.3. The paint is falling away from the sides of the house.V14. fall away(逐渐)减少,消失;脱落reduce v. 减少; 缩小; 降低decrease v. 减少; 降低decline v. 减少;下降; 衰落; 衰竭disappear v. 消失; 失踪; 灭绝; 消亡 落后fall 破碎;(关系)破裂fall 跌倒;倒塌fall 被绊倒fall (责任)落在fall (从上)掉下;脱落身上;适逢同配On the bathroom ceiling, some piece

17、s of plaster(灰泥)had_.Despite a strong performance in the beginning, he_in the second half of the race and finished last. My birthday _ a Monday this year, when we had a final exam. 2.翻译句子His supporters fell away as his popularity declined.Exercisesfallen away/offfell behindfell on15. division n. 分开;

18、 分隔; 差异; 除(法)1)The sun and moon looked as if they were being thrown across the sky,but soon there was division between night and day.2)I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of seven.3)72 divided by 8 is 9 .divide dvad:v. 分开; 分割; 除以divideinto: 把分成.separate from:把和分开do division: 做除法动V15.

19、division n. 分开; 分隔; 差异; 除(法)名a puff of.: 一缕; 一股; 一阵run out of puff: 气喘吁吁V16. puff n. (烟、气等的)一缕; 少量; 喘息翻译A puff of wind blew the papers off the desk.The hill was very steep and I soon ran out of puff .17. urge n. 强烈的欲望; 冲动 vt. 催促; 力劝; 大力推荐 urge sb to do.: 敦促/催促/力劝某人做什么urge sth. on sb. 极力主张某人某事urge th

20、at.(should) do sth. 极力主张;强调.It is urged that . (should) do sth. 坚决要求.have an urge to do sth. 有强烈的欲望做某事 adj.紧急的;紧迫的 n.紧急;催促VVN变17. urge n. 强烈的欲望; 冲动 vt. 催促; 力劝; 大力推荐 desire, suggest, propose, recommend, order / instruct / command, demand, request, require, ask, urge(强烈要求), insist(坚决要求), advocate(主张)等

21、接that宾语从句时,从句用 should do/be 结构,should可省。虚拟语气VIt is strongly urged by students that the library _(keep) open during the weekend.学生们极力主张图书馆周末也开放。It is of great _ (urge) that we need to make the relative laws with the rapid growth of online shopping.随着网上购物的迅速发展,我们急需制定相关的法律。Exercises(should) keepurgency

22、18. random: adj. 随机的; 不可思议的randomly adv. 随机; 随意; 未加计划地at random: 随意; 随机; 胡乱 V19.explode v. 激增;爆炸;爆破explosion n.爆炸;激增explode into laughter 突然大笑explode with anger 勃然大怒go off: 爆炸;走火;离开blow up: 爆炸; 炸毁bomb bm: n. 炸弹V20. jolt n . 震动; 摇晃; 颠簸 shake (shook shaken)v. 摇动; 抖动; (使)颤动; 摇头tremblev. 颤抖; 哆嗦; 抖动; 战栗; 颤动; 轻轻摇晃V21. stun stn: vt. 使震惊; 使昏迷stunned: adj. 震惊的; 惊愕的stunning: adj. 令人震惊的/惊愕的faint v./n. 昏厥dizzy adj.头晕目眩的; 眩晕的 v. 使头晕眼花; 使发昏V22. overstatement n. 夸大; 夸张statement: n. 说法; 声明; 陈述state: v. 陈述; 说明; 声明V


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