Module 1-Unit 2 What do you want to eat -公开课ppt课件--(含教案)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:12bee).zip

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外研社 新标准一起六 年级下册 Module 1 unit 2What do you want to eat ?Module1 Unit2 What do you want to eat? FoodDrinkChinese foodhamburgerhot dogsandwichcheesebreadEnglish foodchipsjuicechips 3.80 hamburger 2.40 sandwiches 1.10 hot dog 1.50 noodles 85centspizza 1.73 cakes 90 centschicken 3.12 ice cream 2.56 want“想要想要”want to do sth.want sth.“想要做某事想要做某事”“想要某物想要某物”I want to eat a banana.I want a banana.A: What do you want to eat?B:I want to eatLunch TimeA: What do you want to drink?B:I want to drinkLunch TimeA: What do you want to eat?B: I want to eat a hot dog.A: What do you want to eat?B: I want to eat a hot dog and an apple.A: Game:meal an in dollars much sandwichesA: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. I want two _. How _ are they?A: They are two _.B: And _ ice cream for me, please.A: Ok, its 2 dollars and 15 cents.B: Here you are.A: Thank you. Enjoy your _!sandwichesmuchdollarsanmealLingling and her father are in a fast foodrestaurant in China.What does Lingling want to eat ?What does her dad want to eat ?What does her dad want to drink ?She wants a hamburger.He wants noodles and a cola.She wants milk. NES Restaurant Menu Food Drinks Hot Dog. ¥4 Orange Juice. ¥3 Hamburger. ¥5 Milk. ¥3 Chicken. ¥10 Cola.¥3 Fish. ¥15 Tea. ¥2 Noodles. ¥5 Rice. ¥1 Vegetables. ¥8 W: What do you want to eat? Y: I want. W: What do you want to drink? Y: I want.可数可数名词名词水果:水果:apple banana pear orange mango watermelon cherry 食物:食物:noodles dumpling(jiaozi) zongzi chips hamburgers sandwiches hot dog ice cream chicken leg 不可数不可数名词名词tea茶茶meat 肉肉rice fish coffee milk water beef chicken juice bread cake chocolatecola可乐可乐soup汤汤红茶红茶 black tea 绿茶绿茶 green teaWhy it is called hot dog ?爱吃热狗的同学们,知道它为什么叫热狗吗?爱吃热狗的同学们,知道它为什么叫热狗吗? 传统上认为热狗起源于德国的法兰克福。传统上认为热狗起源于德国的法兰克福。20世纪初,法兰世纪初,法兰克福街上有一种小吃克福街上有一种小吃油煎小红肠,又叫法兰克福香肠。油煎小红肠,又叫法兰克福香肠。 由于刚煎好的小红肠烫手,摊主们便备了很多手套供顾客由于刚煎好的小红肠烫手,摊主们便备了很多手套供顾客使用。可有些顾客吃完香肠后还带走了手套,并且用过的手套使用。可有些顾客吃完香肠后还带走了手套,并且用过的手套还要洗涤,很是麻烦。摊主们总想找到一种办法解决这一问题还要洗涤,很是麻烦。摊主们总想找到一种办法解决这一问题。Traditionally, hot dogs originated in Frankfurt, Germany. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a snack on the street in Frankfurt, called frankfurter sausage. Because of the small red sausage, the vendors had a lot of gloves for customers to use. But some customers also take away the gloves after eating the sausage, and use gloves to wash them, which is very trouble. The vendors always wanted to find a way to solve the problem. 一天,一个小男孩随妈妈来买红肠。当时他手里拿着面包片,一天,一个小男孩随妈妈来买红肠。当时他手里拿着面包片,怕香肠烫手,便对摊主说:怕香肠烫手,便对摊主说:“请把红肠放在面包片上。请把红肠放在面包片上。”随后,男孩随后,男孩把面包片对折,就把小红肠夹在了中间。摊主受到小男孩的启发,把面包片对折,就把小红肠夹在了中间。摊主受到小男孩的启发,便定了一批船形面包,中间拉开一条缝,把红肠夹在里面一起卖,便定了一批船形面包,中间拉开一条缝,把红肠夹在里面一起卖,既不烫手,又省了手套。红肠露在外边的部分看上去好像小狗的粉既不烫手,又省了手套。红肠露在外边的部分看上去好像小狗的粉红色舌头,十分惹人喜爱。人们从此就把这种食品叫成了红色舌头,十分惹人喜爱。人们从此就把这种食品叫成了“热狗热狗”。One day, a little boy came with his mother to buy the sausage. He was holding a piece of bread in his hand, afraid that the sausage was hot, and he said to the stall owner, please put the sausage on the toast. Then the boy folded the bread and put the little red sausage in the middle. The owner, inspired by the little boy, ordered a batch of boat-shaped bread, with a slit in the middle, and a red sausage in it to sell, neither hot, nor gloves. The outer part of the sausage looks like a puppys pink tongue. People called it hot dog. Practise 训练强化训练强化( ) 1. The hot dog good. A.look B.looked C.looks( ) 2. 1.What do you want_? A.eating eat( )3.How _is it? Twelve dollars. A. many B. much C. old( )4.Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents,_. all all( )5.I have two _and fifty_. A.dollars,cent B.dollar,cent C.dollars,cents( )6.The fish _two dollars and forty-five cents. A.are 1、选择正确答案、选择正确答案CCBBCB2 2、根据情景完成对话。、根据情景完成对话。A. Its ten dollars and twenty cents. B. Yes, I want a hamburger, please.C. How much is it? D. Youre welcome.E. Pleased to meet you. F. Here you are. G. Enjoy your meal.Waitress: Hello! Can I help you ?Daming: 1._Waitress: And to drink?Daming: A cola, please. 2. _Waitress: A hamburger and a cola.3. _Daming: Heres the money.Waitress: Thank you.Daming: 4. _Waitress: 5. _BCADG3、根据图片,选择适当的句子。、根据图片,选择适当的句子。Waitress: Can I help you ?(1)_?Simon :I want a hot dog ,please.Waitress :What do you want to drink?Simon: (2)_.(3)_?Waitress: Its thirteen dollars and fifteen cents in all. Here is your food.(4 )_Simon: Thank you .A Enjoy your meal.B What do you want to eat? C How much is it?D I want a cola.BDCAPlay roles.What do you want to eat ?I want noodles.Milk, please.What do you want to drink ?1.服务性场所,服务员常用句型服务性场所,服务员常用句型Can I help you? 我能够为你做些什么吗?我能够为你做些什么吗?2.询问价格的句型询问价格的句型How much is it? 多少钱?多少钱?3.询问对方想要吃或喝什么的句型询问对方想要吃或喝什么的句型What do you want to eat/drink?你想要吃你想要吃/喝些什么?喝些什么?Summary: Homework 我们经常会碰到到餐馆点餐的情景,请突出要我们经常会碰到到餐馆点餐的情景,请突出要点的食物和饮料,以及价格,请以点的食物和饮料,以及价格,请以“In a restaurant”为题写一篇英语对话,要求不得低于为题写一篇英语对话,要求不得低于50词。词。 Keep reasonable diet, keep healthy.(合理膳食,保持健康。)Module1 Unit2 what do you want to eat ? 教学设计教学设计一、教学内容一、教学内容外语教学与研究出版社(一起点)六年级下册第一模块 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?二、教学过程建议二、教学过程建议(一)热身导入(一)热身导入1. Greetings2. 汇报家庭作业中的调查,小组表演上节课的对话。(设计意图:复习上节所学内容,为学习新知做好铺垫)。(二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现(1) Lead in上节课我们了解了在美国快餐店点餐用餐的全过程,现在我们要跟随 Ling ling和 Lingling s dad 一起学习怎样用英语在中国快餐店就餐的,瞧他们正在一家快餐店里点餐,我们先来听听吧。 (2) Look and listen for What do you want .Listen to the tape.教师可以通过肢体语言来讲解“eat”和 “drink”.(三)课文学习播放第二遍录音,学生带着问题听录音并寻找答案。(1)What does Lingling want to eat and drink?(2)What does Linglings dad want to eat and drink?录音播放完毕后,学生进行口头表述,教师及时纠正答案。(设计意图:学生带着问题听录音并寻找答案,培养学生分析问题,解决问题的能力。) (4) Listen and repeat. “模仿秀”看看哪个同学模仿的最好。播放第三次录音。每个句子后停顿后,要求学生进行指读和跟读。并把以下句子进行板书:What do you want to eat/drink?I want 听完后集体或小组或个人进行模仿朗读(设计意图:运用多种形式让学生进行充分的听说练习,使学生具有良好的语音语调)(四)训练巩固(四)训练巩固1、引导学生看 SB 图片中的菜单,要求学生能识别单词:chicken, orange juice, tea 并能书写单词:rice, tea。然后教师扮演服务员来询问个别学生:“What do you want to eat/drink?”鼓励学生根据自己的喜好来点餐, 小组内练习点餐。2、引导学生看 SB 第二单元活动 3 中的对话,并进一步引导学生运用 How much is it?这类语句询问物品价格,并能口头运用 Its ten yuan.这类语句回答。小组内练习(设计意图:通过小组对话练习,让更多的学生参与学习活动,激发学生的学习积极性,提高学习效率。 )(五)任务完成(五)任务完成1Make a Chinese fast food restaurant 学生自制菜单,自取店名来开一家中国快餐店,学生来扮演服务员和顾客进行以小组为单位的情景短剧的表演。 (设计意图:通过 Make a Chinese fast food restaurant 情景练习活动促使学生在实践中运用所学英语,增强对所学英语的体验,培养学生的合作精神。 )2学了这些后我们知道了在中国快餐店吃饭点餐的一些日常用语,下面有一位非常热情的老板在招呼客人,让我们一起去看看。学习 SB 第二单元活动 4 中的歌曲,播放录音,先请学生听歌词朗读。播放歌曲,先让学生整体欣赏歌曲,并确定学生在理解歌词时,是否有疑问。再次播放歌曲,每句后停顿,让学生跟唱。最后集体演唱。3.用英语在中国快餐店就餐会用到哪些句子呢?What do you want to eat/drink? How much is it? Its ten yuan.(设计意图:师生共同回顾总结,加深对所学知识的印象。 )(六布置作业(六布置作业 我们经常会碰到到餐馆点餐得情景,请突出要点的食物和饮料,以及价格,请我们经常会碰到到餐馆点餐得情景,请突出要点的食物和饮料,以及价格,请以以“in a restaurant ”为题写一篇英语对话,要求不得低于为题写一篇英语对话,要求不得低于 50 词词
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