Module 5-Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the telephone rings.-公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+视频+素材)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:40a7f).zip

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Module 5 Unit 1 Hes playing the suona, but the telephone rings.1. Read paragraph 2, discuss and fill in the blanks.自读第二段,讨论并完成练习。Daming is playing the suona , but _.Daming _. More friends _. Simons dog _.2. Read and circle T or F. 根据短文,判断句子正 T 误 F。1) Daming is having a birthday party. T F2) Daming is playing the guitar, but the telephone rings. T F 3) Daming is playing his favourite song, everyone is dancing, but the bell rings. T F4) Damings dog is barking and dancing with the suona. T F5) Everyone is happy, because the dog is barking with the suona. T F 3. Draw, talk and write. 绘制一个场景,并用 Somebody is doing something, but句型进行描述。 He is playing the He is playing the suonasuona, , but the telephone rings. but the telephone rings.1 1UUn ni it tListen and chant.Listen and chant.barkingcryingringingWhats Daming doing?suonaWhy is he playing the suona?Listen Listen and aand answer.nswer.what happens? ,butthe telephone rings? ?Daming is ,but .playing the suonathe telephone rings He is _,but the telephone rings.playing the guitarHe is _,but _.playing the erhu the telephone ringswhat happens?,but1 1、自读课文第、自读课文第2 2段,勾出答案段,勾出答案。2 2、同桌讨论,完成题单、同桌讨论,完成题单中的第一题。中的第一题。1. Read paragraph 2, discuss and fill in the blanks. 自读第二段,讨论并完成练习。Daming is playing the suona , but _.Daming _. More friends _. Simons dog _.Daming is ,playing the suonabut .the bell rings What happens, then?stopsarrivecomes inWhats Simons dog doing?Simons dog is barking and dancing with the suona.Read and circle T or F.根据短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。1. Daming is having a birthday party. T F2. Daming is playing the guitar, but the telephone rings. T F3. Daming is playing his favourite song, everyone is dancing, but the bell rings. T F4. Damings dog is barking and dancing with the suona. T F5. Everyone is happy, because the dog is barking with the suona. T Fsuonaclappinglistening andSimonHes crossing the road, but_.a car comes Shes doing her homework, but _. he plays the fluteShes talking to her friend, but _.the telephone ringsHes eating dinner, but_.the bell rings3. Draw, talk and write. 绘制一个场景,并用Somebody is doing something, but句型进行描述。_HomeworkModuleModule 5 5 UnitUnit 1 1 第一课时第一课时教学设计教学设计 教材及年级名称新标准英语新标准英语(一年级一年级起点起点) )六年级下册六年级下册 模块名称ModuleModule 5 5 UnitUnit 1 1 ImIm playingplaying thethe suona,suona, butbut thethe telephonetelephone rings.rings.教材分析本课时为外研社新标准英语一起六年级下册 Module5 Unit 1 第一课时。本单元以 Daming 举行生日聚会为背景,谈论了 Daming 正在吹唢呐时,同时又发生了别的事情。本节课将重点学习如何描述“当某人正在做某事时,同时又发生了别的事情”。主要句型是 Hes playing the suona, but the telephone/bell rings.在此之前,学生分别在第六册第 2模块、第八册第 5 模块、第十二册第 3 模块学过现在进行时,在第八册第 4 模块学过乐器 pipa, violin, guitar, erhu, piano, flute, drums 及相关短语 play the。学情分析本课的教学对象是我校六年级三班的学生,他们曾在三年级下册Module2、四年级下册 Module5 和六年级下册 Module3 中学过现在进行时;曾在四年级下册 Module4 中学过乐器 pipa, violin, guitar, erhu, piano, flute, drums 及相关短语 play the。大部分学生能运用现在进行时对正在发生的动作或行为进行描述,并能运用一般现在时描述通常情况下所发生的动作或行为。但在本课中即将学习的关于“当某人正在做某事时,同时又发生了别的事情”,这一表达方式,学生没有接触过。外语教学与研究出版社英语(一年级起点)六年级下册 课 时教 学目 标一、知识与技能目标:1、能理解课文大意,在教师的帮助和图片的提示下,梳理文本线索。2、能够理解、会说、会认读句子:Daming is playing the suona, but the telephone rings./ Hes playing his favourite song, but the bell rings. 3、能理解、认读单词:telephone, bell, ring, bark。二、能力目标:1、通过自主观察图片、看听视频及对文本的细节阅读,寻找关于Daming, Damings friends 和 Simons dog 的相关信息。2、通过合作学习,完善思维导图,培养学生归纳、梳理知识的能力。2、通过对重点句型: Somebody is doing something, but的学习,能拓展运用及描述生活中的突发情况,并能完成教材中第四部分练习题。教学重点与难点教学重点:1、整篇课文的理解与清晰梳理故事线索。2、理解、认读句型:Somebody is doing something, but.及此句型在真实语境中的运用。教学难点:Somebody is doing something, but句型的运用。教学准备教师:PPT 课件、词条、教材教学方法任务型教学法教学步骤教学活动设计意图活动一:Greeting.Greeting.活跃课堂气氛Step 1:Warm-up活动二: : Chant.Chant.描述:通过看图、看听课件,复习现在进行时。激趣、引入新课Step 2:Lead in活动:WatchWatch andand say.say.描述:由 Chant 的内容过渡到学生能够回答:Whats Daming doing?在完成问题的情况下,通过图片与视频认识唢呐。引出现在进行时:Hes playing the suona. 引入新课活动一:学习场景一。描述:通过看图、听录音,学习场景一。1、带着问题听场景一录音。Question: 1)Why is he playing the suona? 2)What happens?2、问题反馈:再次回到录音中,学生得出正确答案。3、学习重点句型:Daming is playing the suona, but the telephone rings.(学习方式:听录音、寻找答案)4、跟读场景一。5、操练重点句型:根据 PPT 上的图片,学生用is _, but the telephone 场景一学习,达成能力目标:通过自主观察图片、听录音及对文本的细节阅读,寻找关于Daming 及 Damings friends 的相关信息。rings.进行操练。活动二:学习场景二。描述:通过观察图片,提问、自读并讨论等方式学习场景二。1、有目的的观察场景二,自读获取信息、讨论完善场景二的思维导图。Question:Daming is playing the suona, but what happens?学习: the bell rings, stops,arrive, comes in。(学习方式:自读、讨论)2、问题反馈,归纳梳理场景二。3、跟读场景二。场景二学习,达成目标。1、知识与技能目标:理解、认读并初步运用句型:Sb is doing sth, but。2、能力目标:通过自读文本,寻找关于 Daming, Damings friends 和Simons dog 的相关信息,通过合作学习,完善思维导图,培养归纳、梳理知识的能力。Step 3:Presentation活动三:学习场景三。1、带着问题看图,回答问题。Question:Whats Simons dog doing?2、回归文本,检测学生自读情况。学习: Simons dog is barking and dancing.3、梳理场景三。场景三学习,达成能力目标:通过对文本的细节阅读,寻找关于 Simons dog 的相关信息。活动一:梳理全文。Step 4:Consolidation活动二:完成练习:True or False.检测目标:理解课文大意,梳理文本线索。活动一:听读重点句子。Step 5:Pratice活动二:看图,练习重点句型。(方式:教师示范两人说自己写)检测目标:对 Somebody is doing something, but句型的运用。Classroom assessment谁能分享 Daming 的生日蛋糕?描述:以小组竞赛为主,以教师语言为辅,对学生英语课堂学习做出及时评价。为本课课堂学习营造氛围,鼓励学生学会分享。Homework绘制一个场景,并用 Somebody is doing something, but句型进行描述。英语与美术的相互渗透,促进学生思维能力、想象力和创造力的综合发展。板书设计: Module 5 Unit 1Daming is having a birthday party.Daming is playing the suona , but _. but the telephone rings. but the bell rings. The dog is barking and dancing. 教学反思:在这堂课中,我认为课堂评价机制运用较好,既为本课课文学习营造了更为浓厚的生日 Party 氛围,又提高了学生的学习兴趣,激发了学习欲望。另一个亮点是:在场景二和场景三的学习中,我从培养学生的思维与能力出发,把课堂还给了学生,鼓励学生进行自主阅读,通过自主阅读、寻找答案,并通过同桌合作学习,完善板书中的思维导图,培养了学生良好的阅读习惯与阅读能力,以及归纳、梳理知识的能力。这堂课的板书设计虽然重点突出,且具有情景性,但板书呈现不够及时,导致第三场景的学习与知识的呈现有些脱节,在今后的教学中,我会更加注意这一方面,并加以改进。
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