Module 9-Unit 1 Best wishes to you!-公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+视频+素材)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:402fb).zip

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Listen and sing. Best wishes to you! Good luck to you! I will miss you! Watch and say 201120176 yearsHow do you evaluate(评价)your classmates? clever shy lovely quiet naughty helpful good nice wonderful beautiful hard-working Task : Make a wish card for your friend.(为好友制作一张毕业心愿卡) Watch and answer What does Daming want to do?A. have a party. I want to B. make a graduation (毕业)book. C. make a graduation (毕业)video. Watch and answer Listen and underline. How does Lingling evaluate(评价)Daming? B AWhy? Look and say You helped me in sport. You helped me You helped me Look and say You brought us lots of joy. Listen and underline. How does Lingling evaluate(评价)Daming? AWhy?Whats her wish ? Listen and underline. How does Amy evaluate(评价) Daming? Learn in groups (小组)1. Listen and underline.2. Discuss in groups.3. Show the answer to the class. Learn in groups (小组)1. Listen and imitate.2. Make a role play.3. Show the role play. Why?bought broughtthought taughtWhats her wish ? Read and learn. Learn with friendsTips (提示)1.Read and underline.2. Listen and imitate.3. Make some reasonable change.(合理替换) 4. Ask your friend for help. (可以寻找朋友帮助)5. Read to your friend. Fulfill the task(make a wish card)Tips(提示) 1. Write your wishes to your friend.2. Dont forget evaluation(评价)and reason(理由) 3. Stick the card to the blackboard(黑板).XXX_XXX Homework1. Read and tell the story of Daming to your friend. 2. Finish the card and send it to your friend. Name : _Age: _Country: _, _ _ 英语教学设计英语教学设计学校设计者授课日期2017.5.10章节Module 9 Unit 1年级六年级学科英语课题Best wishes to you. 课型新授课教学目标I 知识与能力目标:1.能够听、说、认读、正确书写句型Best wishes to you!能够听、说、认读新单词wonderful, wish, best wishes, luck, primary, primary school, keep, forever, joy, future, taught. 2.在情境中正确运用句型 Best wishes to you! Good luck to you! I will miss you.表达自己的祝愿。 3.能够听懂、读懂毕业留言册上Daming 和他的朋友的对话,提取关键信息。 II 情感态度价值观: 感受他人的善意,表达对同学友谊的真实感受和美好祝愿。III 文化意识:了解英美国家表达祝愿重点难点重点:1.能够正确使用 Best wishes to you. Good luck to you. I will miss you.等句型表述自己的愿望。能够听说、认读新单词 wonderful, wish, best wishes, luck, primary, primary school, keep, forever, joy, future, taught. .2. 模仿文本表达方式,口头简要表达对他人的祝愿,有一定逻辑性。难点:1.如何学结构、用结构,通过掌握一个人的表达范式,来迁移到对其他人相似内容的学习。2.这么多单词,如何在文中理解。3.尽可能地增加话轮、丰富语料的方式。教材分析 本次授课教材为新标准一年级起的英语教材,授课内容是 M9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you. Unit 1 的课文情境是 Daming 邀请朋友们在自己的小学毕业纪念册上写毕业寄语。Daming 自己首先写道:我们即将小学毕业,我们在一起度过了美好的时光,我希望记住大家。请大家在纪念册上留言,我会永远保存。Lingling 写道:你调皮但可爱,在体育上帮助了我,你给我们带来了很多欢乐。祝你将来好运!Amy 写道:我们在学校度过了快乐时光,你教我学习汉语,非常感谢。你是一个非常棒的朋友,我会想念你!Sam 写道:你是我最好的朋友。我永远不会忘记我们在一起的日子。致以最美好的祝愿!以后到英国来和我一起看足球比赛吧!他们还贴上了各自的照片。教学策略通过听、读、与人交流等不同方式,模仿文本结构、熟悉、内化之后再进行更多迁移。“学结构、用结构”教学资源PPT、学生用书、单词卡片、电脑录音、动画、板书资源教学媒体电脑、投影仪、黑板教学过程设计教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图和活动目标Step One: Warming-up and Revision1.T: Lets sing an English song. 2. T: Do you know what these gestures mean in English countries? 1.Ss sing the chant Best wishes to you.2.Ss learn the gestures of Good luck, Best wishes. 1.复习旧知、感知英语歌曲的韵律2.学生通过图片了解不同的祝福在英语国家如何用手势来表达,渗透文化意识。Step Two:Leading-in and Presentation1. T: How time flies! Its the time to say goodbye to our primary school. I have a lot to share with you. Ss watch the video of with some funny photos of their class. 学生观看班级电子相册,回忆班级生活点滴,为后面的情感表达做好铺垫。Step Three:Get to know Linglings message. 1. Listen and answer How does Lingling evaluate Daming?2. Read and underline Why does Lingling evaluate Daming in this way? Whats her wishes?3. Summarize the passage and make its logic clear.4. Learn the new words 5. Listen and repeat1.Listen and tick. 2. Read and underline 3. Look, think and say Youre a You helped me in Good luck for the future.4. Learn the new words. Joy, future5. Listen and repeat. 1. 听音,抓住玲玲对大明的评价,作为理解玲玲祝愿文本的突破口。2. 阅读,把握玲玲对大明评价的事实依据。3. 总结,归纳出一条符合逻辑的表达范式。4. 在文本中学习、理解相应词汇。5. 跟读,正音。Step Four:Get to know Amy and Damings message. 1. Read and underline how do Amy and Sam evaluate Daming? Why? What are their wishes. 2. T: What do you find?3. Listen to the CD-ROM.4. T: Can you present their wishes by a play?1. Read and underline.2. Present the result to the class.3. Listen and imitate.4.Make a role play. 1. 小组合作,通过刚才归纳的表达范式,去寻找文本中蕴含的关键信息。2. 以小组为单位在班级中交流。3. 跟读,正音。4. 用表演的形式将学生对文本的理解全面展现出来。Step Five: Express their wishesT: Do you want to express your wishes? Please write it down. Ss write a wish card and stick it to the wall. 模仿范式,完成心愿卡。板书设计Module 9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you. Evaluation Youre a . Reason You taught me You helped me in You brought us Wishes Best wishes to you . Good luck for the future. I will miss you. 作业设计1. Read and tell the story of Daming to your friend. 2. Finish the card and send it to your friend. 教学反思优点:这节课算是对高年级如何开展课堂自主、合作学习的一次有益尝试吧,虽然最后的输出结果不算令人满意。从文本上看,除了大明在毕业纪念册扉页上写的内容,其他人的留言都有一定的结构,即先对某人进行评价,然后阐述理由,最后再表达祝愿。因此,能否让学生通过学习一段话,梳理出一条线,再通过其他文本来加深对这种表达范式的理解,最后达到能够独立学习一段新的文本,最后能够模仿输出,也即“新基础”教育倡导的“学结构、用结构”?我采用全班先学习 Lingling 的留言,通过一系列问题,梳理出表达的基本结构,然后在小组内阅读,讨论 Amy 的留言,加深对结构的认识,并做初次的输出,最后由学生自学Sam 的留言,最后完成心愿卡。从教到互助学习再到自学,引导学生的自主、合作学习能力在课堂上慢慢生成。不足:小组合作的意识、习惯、分工、评价机制这些方面都制约着最后成果的有效输出,而这在本节课堂上的表现尤为突出。学生虽在平时有一定程度上的小组合作锻炼,但更多局限在个别小任务、练习上,而对大段课文的自主学习,做的并不多,因此个别小组在分工、协作时开展的并不顺利,拖延了时间,影响了最后的学习结果。而从小组合作到自学,想法不错,但在课堂有限时间内,是否有必要这么做,或者从自学再到小组合作,流程还值得思考。Preview the text(预习单)(预习单)I. Listen, say the chant and make a hand gesture for these sentences. (听音,跟唱,为以下祝福创编属于你和朋友自己的手势。 ) 1. Best wishes to you . 2. Good luck for the future. 3. I will miss you. II. Look,think and circle. In your mind, what is Daming like? (在你心中,Daming 是个什么样的学生呢?选择相应单词,写在横线上) Daming is a _boy.clever shy lovely quiet naughty helpful good nice wonderful beautiful hard-working.Preview the text(预习单)I. Listen, say the chant and make a hand gesture for these sentences. (听音,跟唱,为以下祝福创编属于你和朋友自己的手势。 ) 1. Best wishes to you . 2. Good luck for the future. 3. I will miss you. II. Look,think and circle. In your mind, what is Daming like? (在你心中,Daming 是个什么样的学生呢?选择相应单词,写在横线上) Daming is a _boy.clever shy lovely quiet naughty helpful good nice wonderful beautiful hard-working
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