Unit 5 I Love Learning English!-Lesson 25 A Phone Friend-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:52054).zip

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Lesson 25 A Phone Friendforeignfrn 外国的外国的HecouldntspeakEnglishatthattime.couldkdcartoonktun A: How do you practice your English? B: I practice my English by watching English cartoons. watching English TV shows listening to English music reading English stories talking with my friends Who is Li Jings phone friend? a Canadian friend knednhave a good talk I love learning English . I p_ English every day by myself. But today I t_ to a foreign friend . Her name is Jenny. She is Li Mings friend. At first , we couldnt u_ each other very well . Jenny asked me to s_ more loudly . And I couldnt f_ her . But later , we h_ a good talk . I have a Canadian friend now. I feel so happy.racticealkednderstandpeakollowadLetsLets seesee whichwhich groupgroup doesdoes thethe best.best.A: May/Can I speak to_ , please?B: Yes.This is _ speaking. Whos that? / Is that you , _? .How to start a phone call? (当遇到语言困难时当遇到语言困难时) 1. A: Im sorry. I cant hear you very well. Could you speak more loudly? B: Ok .2. A: Sorry , I cant follow/understand you . Please say that again. B: Ok . You are calling your friend. You want to invite your friend to do something this weekend. Make up a dialogue.A:A:Hello, may I speak to . ,please?B:B:Hello, this is . speaking. who is that?A:A:Tt is . speaking.Are you free this weekend?B:B:Im sorry, I cant follow you.Could you speak more loudly?A:A:Ok . Are you free this weekend ? Lets go to see a movie.B:B:Good idea. When and where will we meet?A:A:Lets meet at three p.m. on Saturday at the theatre.B:B:All right. See you later.A:A:See you .For example: foreign adj.外国的外国的 could v.aux. 能;可能能;可能 cartoon n. 动画片;漫画动画片;漫画 Canadian adj.加拿大加拿大(人人)的的n.加拿人加拿人 understand v. 懂得;理解懂得;理解 have a good talk 谈得很好谈得很好 speak more loudly 更大声地说更大声地说 How to make a phone call? 1. A: May/Can I speak to_ , please? B: Yes.This is _ speaking. Whos that? / Is that you , _? 2. A: Im sorry. I cant hear you very well. Could you speak more loudly? / Sorry , I cant follow/understand you . Please say that again. B: Ok . 3. A: How do you practice your English? B: I practice my English by doingItsIts importantimportant forfor us us to to learnlearn EnglishEnglish wellwell . .How do you practice your English? Write a dialogue to tell us your learning experience.LessonLesson 2525 A A PhonePhone FriendFriend一、教学目标一、教学目标1. 能够掌握四会词和短语: foreign,could,loudly,understand,cartoon, Canadian, have a good talk, be happy to ,by oneself2.学习打电话交流的表达方式How to make a phone call?3.教育学生学习英语的重要性。ItsIts importantimportant forfor us us to to learnlearn EnglishEnglish wellwell . .二、二、学情分析学情分析 经过一段时间的学习,初一的学生有了一些英语基础知识和能力,正逐步向读、写过渡,在课堂上能与老师进行一些简单配合,但英语交流不是很流畅,因此,用英语释译、图片引导启发学生。三、三、重点难点重点难点 重点:How to make a phone call?通过 pair work 来完成对话。 难点:通过分享和交流来激发学生兴趣通过 Report 来练习 How do you practice your English?四、四、教学过程教学过程 .StepStep OneOne.【导入】Leadin -Good morning, boys and girls.Im so happy to be here having a new lesson with you.Today well learn Lesson 25 A Phone Friend .First , let me introduce myself to you.Im from No. 3 Middle School .My name is Mavis . Mavis is my English name . Do you have an English name? I have one .Because my foreign teachers cant speak Chinese.They cant call our Chinese names. So each of my classmates has an Enlish name. All the children love learning English.Do you like learning English? Do you practice your English every day? Do you have a phone friend? StepStep TwoTwo .【讲授】Newconcepts.1. Show some pictures to present the new words and phrases. Look,they are my foreign teachers.They are from the U.S.Learnforeign Look at the boy , he is my son .He couldnt speak English at that time.But now he can speak some.He is in Grade Seven now. Learn could He loves learning English , he likes wacthing English cartoons . Learn cartoonPlay the cartoon The Cat and The Bell . You can also practice your English by watching English cartoons.How do you pactice your English ? 学生根据图片和语句理解新词和短语的意义。(设计思路:图文结合,帮助学生轻松自然地领会生词和短语。)2.Work in pairs.A: How do you practice your English? B: I practice my English by watching English cartoons. watching English TV shows listening to English music reading English stories talking with my friends . (设计思路:学生小组讨论介绍自己练习英语的方式。交流中,学生表达自己的意见;鼓励学生抓住话题,参与讨论。)Step Three.Listening 1 . Listen and answer.In this lesson,Li mings cousin Li jing is learning English .She wants to practice her English with a foreign friend,so she made a phone friend. Who is Li Jings phone friend? Where is Jenny from ? Canada.So Li Jing has a Canadian friend.They have a good talk. Teach Canadian,have a good talk 通过听,判断正误来掌握对话的主旨。 2. Listen and write true or false .学生通过听录音回答问题,录音听两遍,之后几位学生展示答案。(设计思路:训练学生在倾听时对价值信息进行理解的能力,对课文内容进行初步了解。)Step Four . Reading1. Read the lesson and fill in the blacks .学生默读课文,根据课文回答问题。(设计思路:训练学生的阅读能力,有目的地阅读,从文章中找出问题的答案。 通过读,填空来理解对话。)2. Read the text after the tape and role-play学生跟读课文并分角色阅读课文,进行表演。 (设计思路:让学生注意语音语调,给学生创设情境进行表演。)Step Five. Practice Work in pairs 1.How to start a phone call? Li Ming: May/Can I speak to_ , please? Jenny: Yes.This is _ speaking. Whos that? / Is that you , _? . 2. (当遇到语言困难时) When you cant hear each other very well.A: Im sorry. I cant hear you very well. Sorry , I cant follow you . Please say that again. Could you speak more loudly? B: Ok .3.Make up your own dialogue.You are calling your friend. You want to invite your friend to do something this weekend. Make up a dialogue.学生两人一组完成对话,通过编对话的形式来练习 Make phone calls 。(设计思路:练习学生的口语,引导学生学习打电话交流的表达方式。通过小组合作竞赛的形式进行交流学习.Step Six Summary 1.Summary. New words and expressions. How to make a phone call.2. A Learning Tip:ItsIts importantimportant forfor us us to to learnlearn EnglishEnglish wellwell . . English is an international language .People from many countries speak English .With English , you can go almost anywhere in the world .You can talk with different people and learn about different cultures.You can order at restaurant and ask for directions. In many ways,English opens a door to the world. So ,from now on ,try to learn English well.Come on, boys and girls!Step Seven HomeworkWriting: How do you practice your English?Write a dialogue to tell us your learning experience.(设计思路:学生利用本节课所学的表达方式进行写作,完成语言的整理与输出。)五、教学反思五、教学反思
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