Unit 5 Family and Home-Lesson 27 Danny at Home-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(编号:4087c).zip

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Unit 5 Family and Home初中英语冀教版七年级LessonLesson 2727 DannyDanny atat HomeHome 1.我要掌握单词bedroom. dictionary .front .above. thirty. ; 短语:in front of 在前面。 count fromto从数到. beside the door. 句型:The picture is above the bed. .- Where is my cat? - It is sleeping behind the door。2.能够正确的使用一些方位介词,短语和问年龄,并学会用英语简单的描述自己的房间3.复习现在进行时。Learning AimsWarm up1ListenListen toto PartPart 1 1 andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks. This is my bedroom. 1.The desk is _ the bed. 2.The chair is _ the desk.3.The ball is _ the chair.4. The picture is_ the bed. 5.The cat is sleeping _ the door.besidebesideinin frontfront ofofunderabovebehindbehindWhereWhere isis thethe boy?boy?IsIs hehe /on/under/beside/on/under/beside thethe bed?bed?Ask and answerAsk and answerAsk and answerWhereWhere isis thethe chair?chair?IsIs itit _ thethe bed?bed?方位介词inonaboveunderin front of behindbeside“在里”,表示在范围或空间的内部。“在上面”,表示在物体的上面,且与物体表面接触。“在之上”,斜上方。“在的正下方”,表示垂直之下。“在之前(范围外)”。“在后面”。“在旁边”,相当于next to。Please take these things to the room. Then make a short report.2besidethirtythirteenLook, listen and fill.3. How old is Jim?2. How old is Danny?He is thirteen.He is twelve.1. How old is Dannys uncle?He is thirty.Read Part 2 and answer the questions.Dig inCan you count from twenty to thirty? Lets begin: twenty-one, twenty-two,Pair workThey are in the pencil-box.Where are the pencils?They are under the table.Where are the children?It is on the bed.Where is the schoolbag?In Picture 1, the is In Picture 2, its In Picture 1, the s are In Picture 2, theyreExercise Tom: This is a nice picture. Who is that woman you ?Rose: Thats my mother.Tom: is she?Rose: She is thirty-nine.Tom: How old are you ?Rose: Im (12) years old. How about you ?Tom: Im (13).How oldbeside twelve thirteen YouYou cancan beginbegin likelike this:this: ThisThis isis mymy bedroom.bedroom. MyMy hathat isis onon thethe chairchair WriteWrite somethingsomething aboutabout youryour bedroom.bedroom.MyMy bedroombedroomHomeworkLessonLesson 2727 DannyDanny atat HomeHome【教学目标】1.我要掌握单词 bedroom. dictionary .front .above. thirty. ; 短语:in front of 在前面。 count fromto从数到. beside the door. 句型:The picture is above the bed. .- Where is my cat? - It is sleeping behind the door。 2.能够正确的使用一些方位介词,短语和问年龄,并学会用英语简单的描述自己的房间 3.复习现在进行时。4.装扮喜欢的房间。【教学重难点】1.掌握一些与介绍方位有关的重点词汇:beside,in front of,under,above,on,behind。2.激发学生兴趣,让学生运用所学知识介绍自己的房间。3.掌握以下重点句子:The desk is beside the bed.The chair is in front of the desk.Who is that man beside you?How old is he?/ How old are you?【教学准备】录音机、幻灯片、图片 教学过程设计一、创设情境,切入主题PartPart 1:Dannys1:Dannys bedroombedroomStep 1:LeadinLeadin by showing some pictures of different bedrooms. Let the students reserve in groups and ask questions about the pictures. Then present their questions in front of the class.(导入激发学生兴趣,回答比较积极。 )二、展开过程,探究新知Step 2:ListeningShow a picture about Dannys bedroom and talk about it. Then listen to the tape and know about the main points of the passage. At the same time,fill in the blanks with the words you hear.1. The desk is _the bed.2. The chair is _the desk.3. The ball is_ the chair.4. The picture is _the bed.5. The cat is sleeping _ the door.Finish the task in class orally.(看动画进行听力,对一些基础薄弱的同学也起到了一些提示的作用)Step 3:ReadingLook at the pictures and answer the following questions:1.Where is the boy?2.Where are the books?3.Where is the cat?4.Where is the football?5.Where is the chair?Then let the students summing up the usage of locative prepositions and show a form.(阅读较快,学生回答问题一般,回答不完整。 )Step 4:PracticeWrite a note to introduce your favorite bedroom.Work in groups to finish the task. After a while,let some groups present their notes in front of the class.When the students are writing,the teacher can walk around the classroom to solve the problems that probably happen.(此过程占用时间较长,学生语法错误较多,需多加练习)PartPart 2:How2:How oldold isis he?he?Step1:Present1. Look at the pictures in Part2.Who do you see? What are they?Step2:Listen and readListen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Then read the passage and do exercise3.Step 3:PracticeThe students can take turns asking each other the following questions.Where is/are_? Make a dialogue.It is (beside, on, in front of ,under, above, behind)Step4:Play a gameFind the differences between the two pictures. In picture1,the.is. In picture2,it is.In picture 1,the.s are In picture2,they are三、布置作业1.Finish Exercise 5 in“Lets Do It!”.2.Write a note to introduce your bedroom.【板书设计】Lesson 27:Danny at Home 1.Words:bedroom,dictionary,front,above,thirty2.Sentences:The desk is beside the bed.The chair is in front of the desk.Who is that man beside you?How old is he?/ How old are you? 教学反思教学反思教材分析:教材分析:此版本为冀教版英语,此篇课文在 Unit5 Family and Home 的 Lesson27:Dannys home.本单元围绕“家庭成员和家庭活动”这一话题展开教学。第 27 课介绍的是丹尼的房间和方位介词的用法及区别。通过图片介绍房间的情况,并让学生加以描述。学生分析:学生分析:本课所教学生为七年级第一学期的新生,所教学生属于农村学生。英语基础薄弱,书写较差。对英语学科认知能力一般,整体水平较差。学生需要把基础知识掌握并结合灵活运用。教学感想:教学感想:本课进行的比较满意,其中对于课堂上出现的问题需加以改正。在听力部分时,耽误了一些时间,课件课文链接插入不太完美。学生状态比较积极,在课堂中,学生占了主导地位。小组合作是课堂的主要部分。作业布置也具有练习和针对性,在课堂中方位介词练习较多。
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