Structures and Expressions-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:51320).doc

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Structures and Expressions-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:51320).doc_第1页
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Structures and Expressions-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:51320).doc_第3页
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1、SubjectThe Differences Between Chinese and English In ThinkingStyle oftextRevisionTeachers nameAbility goals 能力目标能力目标Enable students to know the differences between Chinese and English inthinking.Learning ability goals 学能目标学能目标1 Help the students learn more about the differences between Chinese andE

2、nglish in thinking.2 we can improve our English by listening ,reading ,speaking and writing.3 we can learn the English grammar by translating.Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点教学重难点1 Get the students to understand Chinese sentence structures and Englishstructures are not always the same . 2

3、 Dont translate the sentences word by word. understand the meaninglearn the rules.Teaching aids 教具准备教具准备CAITeaching Method: 教学方法教学方法 Translation.SituationallanguageBlackboard design:板书设计板书设计1 Words2 Phrases3 Sentences4 Writing5 English songsTeaching contents and teachersStudentsactivitiesactivitiesS

4、tep1. Lead-inI. Introduction:IIAskthestudentstotranslationthefollowingquestion:1.Whichlanguageismoredifficult, Chinese or English?Why?2.Whydowemiddleschoolstudents have to learn Englishwell?a. To know more about the world.b. To get a better job in the future.c. To teach our own childrenEnglish bette

5、r.d. To let the world know moreabout China.e. To teach the world people tospeak Chinese.Get students to choose which is thebest answer.Fact:more and more foreigners canListen to the teacherTranslate the sentencesone by one. Hands up to choose the answer.Get the student to guess the meaningspeak good

6、 Chinese. They want toknow more about China. That thereason why they want to learnEnglish.Step2. Presentation.The following Chinglish sentenceshave become popular English :a. Horse horse, tiger tiger.=Justso-so.b.Youaskme,measkwho?=Youaskme,butwhomshould I turn to for help?c. Good good study, day da

7、yup.=Work hard and make progressevery day.d. Long time no see.=Its a longtime since I saw you last.f. Give you color see see.=giveyou a lessonBelieve it or not ?These Chinese words have becomeEnglish words.TofuKongfuTaichilitchiof the sentences.Play and act outDo exercises by translating Look at the

8、 picturesRead and translatetyphoonConclusion:wemustlearnEnglishwell.Whatarethedifferences between Chinese andEnglish? Why is English so hard tolearn? Let try to find out theanswer:Step 3 Explanationa. word differences:askstudents a questionhave=有?有?I have a good friend named Jane.She has big eyes an

9、d a smallmouth.She has long black hair.She likes to have fish for lunch andsupper.She often has a walk after supper.She has a dog named Wangwang.She often has Wangwang dance forus.Tomorrow she will have her haircut.I wonder what she will be like withshort hair.Have you seen her before? Read and tran

10、slate Think and write Answer the questions in pairs Translate the sentencesConclusion:One Chinese word= many EnglishwordsOne English word= many ChinesewordsSuggestion:When you learn English words, tryyour best to learn its meaning insentences.Exercises1. Ask the students to look at thepictures on th

11、e screen.2. Divide the students into somegroups and ask the students todiscuss the in groups.3.Ask student to try to find out themeanings of “get “ as many as theycan .What does get mean?1. I get a letter from my friend.2.Where did you get that skirt3.When spring comes , the weathergets warmer and w

12、armer .4. My mother gets me to study hard5. Igotmy hair cut yesterday talk aboutthe meaningsingroupsof fouraccording to Project. Pair work Think about true or false Make up the sentences6.Can you get a cup of tea for me7. I was the first one to get to theschool .b. phrase differences:showsomesentenc

13、esandaskstudents to translate.1乘坐乘坐=?by or take我乘坐公交车上学。I take a bus to school.I go to school by bus.2因为因为所以所以Becausethereremanyguests,wereExcited .(x)Therere many guests, so wereexcited.Thoughthereremanyguests, were excited.3 虽然虽然但是但是虽然虽然,但是,但是=thoughbut?尽管我长得不漂亮,但是你们尽管我长得不漂亮,但是你们每每天必须面对我。天必须面对我。Th

14、ough I, but you.()translation .one student readthe other student translate give a conclusion Translating by singing payattentiontothefollowingThough I,you.Im , but.Conclusion: Dont translate thesentences word by word.Suggestion:understandthemeaning ,learn the rules.ExercisesAskthestudentstodosomeexe

15、rcises to practice.Translation1 To my surprise, he passed theexam .2 The man is looking at me insurprise .3Ourteachergaveusabigsurprise .4 We were surprised to read thestory .5 We were surprised at the film .6 The film made us surprised .7 The film surprised us .c. sentence structures:Askstudentstot

16、ranslatethesentences.sentences in the picture and translateintoChinese.translation .one student readthe other student translateFree thinking.1 我需要浇花。花儿需要浇了2 你想来张家口吗?3 昨天她花费一个小时的时间 读英语1. take2. spend3. in4 你从哪里来?我的朋友?定语英汉互译练习定语英汉互译练习1 I have a garden filled withbeautifulflowers.2 China is a country w

17、ith a longhistory .3 I know a girl named Mary .4 There is a dog alive.5 The girl in red clothes is mysister.6 The boy sitting beside me is myfriend.7 I have a lot of homework to do .8 Have seen the pen that I lost?1 那个长头发的女孩是我的朋友。2 你读过 Tom 翻译的小说吗?3 我不喜欢听他唱的歌。Write the compositionPresent the composit

18、ionRead the model. check the answerListen write and remember.4 你认得坐在树下的那个孩子吗?5当今最伟大的人是谁?Conclusion:Chinese sentencestructures andEnglish structures are not alwaysthe same .Suggestion:readandrecitethesentencespatternsandturnintoourlanguages.Step 4 writing中考仿真写作训练:1. Instruction.Ellen 看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待感

19、到特别高兴为了鼓励大家学好英语他准备出一期英语经验交流专刊。请根据以下内容写一篇小短文:1)WhendidyoustartlearningEnglish ?( in years ago)2)Whatisdifficulttolearn ?( listeninggrammar)Ask the students to summarizeEnjoy listening to the songsTry to translate into EnglishSing together3)HowdoyoulearnEnglish ?( listen carefully , thedifferences bet

20、ween and,studywith a group, read English everyday4)What other helpful ways do youknow to learn English well? (WatchEnglish movies, singEnglishsongs )2. Free thinking.Help students towrite3. Present.4. Model.English isone of my bestsubjectsandIstartedlearningEnglish when I was ten yearsold .But at th

21、e beginning ,listeningseems a little difficult for me .So Ihave been doing a lot of practice,suchaslisteningtotapes,watching English TV programs.Ipay attention to the differencesbetween Chinese and English inthinking .And I found it reallyhelped a lot . In fact ,there are somemorehelpfulwaystolearnE

22、nglish well .For example ,I enjoysinging English songs and I readEnglish every day ;I study with agroup.I believe that nothing isimpossible if you put you heart into it.Step 5 Summarize.From this lesson we can learnAsk the students to say the mainideas of this lesson.1 we can improve our English byl

23、istening,reading,speakingandwriting.2wecanlearntheEnglishgrammar by translating.Step 6 sing a song1 Lets have fun with English. Andask the students translate this songinto English.2 Ask the students to listen to thetape. Enjoy the songs and singtogether.阿拉木汗阿拉木汗WhatsAlamuhan like?Neither too fat nor too thin.Her eyebrows are like the halfmoon,Her waist is like a willow,Her little mouth is full of love,Her big eyes make you shake.WhatsAlamuhan like?Neither too fat nor too thin.Step 7 Homework1 Finish the exercises in the testpaper.2 Finishthecomposition


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