Unit 8 Countries around the World-Lesson 46 Canada and The U.S-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80260).doc

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Unit 8 Countries around the World-Lesson 46 Canada and The U.S-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80260).doc_第1页
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Unit 8 Countries around the World-Lesson 46 Canada and The U.S-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80260).doc_第2页
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Unit 8 Countries around the World-Lesson 46 Canada and The U.S-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80260).doc_第3页
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Unit 8 Countries around the World-Lesson 46 Canada and The U.S-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80260).doc_第4页
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Unit 8 Countries around the World-Lesson 46 Canada and The U.S-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80260).doc_第5页
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1、1冀教版(衔接三年级起点冀教版(衔接三年级起点 )七年级英语上册)七年级英语上册教教 学学 设设 计计LessonLesson 4646CanadaCanada andand thethe U.S.U.S.2教材教材分析分析In this lesson, we will know about another two English-speakingcountries, Canada and the U.S. Students will learn aboutsomething important about Canada and the U.S. such as thedirection ,t

2、he national flag ,the capital city ,the language, thenational animal ,some places of interest and so on.教学教学目标目标1. Language goals(1) Master the words: French, leaf(2) Know the words: Ottawa , beaver, waterfall, Niagara Falls,stripe, eagle, Statue of Liberty, New York.2. Ability goalsEnable students

3、to know about Canada and the U.S. and talkabout something about the two countries.3. Emotion aimsEncourage students to work hard and know more about the world.Teach them to love our homeland wherever they go.教学教学重点重点Master new words and useful expressions about Canada and theU.S.教学教学难点难点How to descr

4、ibe Canada and the U.S. in English.教具教具CAI , Shivo Whiteboard 5教学教学方法方法Cooperative learning method.3教学教学过程过程教师活动学生活动时间分配Step1 . Lead-inPlay a guessing gamewith students:What countries will welearn about today?Thereare two countries.Theyare east of China. Theyare in North America.They are next to eac

5、hother. People in thesetwocountriesspeakEnglish.OurfriendsJenny and Danny live inone of the two countries.Step1.Students listen tothe teachers descriptionand guess what countrieswe are going to learnabout today.5 minutesStep2New Contents1Show some picturesto learn the new words.2Show a short movieof

6、 Canada. Then ask thestudents what they learnfrom the movie. Ask theStep2New Concepts1. Read the words byheart.2. Watch a short movieabout Canada.Listen and answer thesequestions:15 minutes4students to listen andanswer these questions:Where is Canada ?Whatlanguagedopeople speak?Whats the capital cit

7、yof Canada?Whats the flag like?(color)Whatsthenationalanimal?What is the name ofthe famous waterfall inCanada?3.Askthe students towork in groups and talkabout Canada as muchas possible, such as thedirection, the flag, thelanguage,thenationalanimal, places of interestand so on.Where is Canada ?Whatla

8、nguagedopeople speak?Whats the capital cityof Canada?Whats the flag like ?(color)Whatsthenationalanimal?What is the name ofthe famous waterfall inCanada?3.The students work ingroups andtalkaboutCanadaasmuchaspossible.54.Show a short movie ofthe U.S. Then ask thestudents what they learnfrom the movie

9、.5Ask the students towork in groups and talkabout the U.S as muchas possible.6. Ask the students towrite a report, then try togive a report orally.4. Watch a short movieabout the U.S. Listenand answer the teachersquestion:what do you know fromthe movie?5.The students work ingroups and talk about the

10、U.S. as much as possible.6. The studentswrite areport, and try to give areport orally.Step3ConsolidationsAsk the students to dosome exercises.1. Read and fill in theblanks.2. Do the exercises byplayinggamesandhave a competition.(1)Choose the names ofStep3ConsolidationsThe students try to finishthe e

11、xercises.1. Read and fill in theblanks.2. Do the exercise byplayinggamesandhave a competition.18 minutes6the countries among thewords.(2)Choose the names ofthecitiesamongthewords.(3)Separate the contentsrelated to Canada fromthe contents related tothe U.S. .3.Encouragethestudents to write a reportan

12、d try to give a reportorally .3. Write a report,thentry to give a report orally.Step 4.summaryThe world is big andwonderful. We need toknow about it. Whenyou grow up, you cantravel around the worldand know more about it.But wherever you go,please remember ,“EastStep 4.summaryKeepinmindtheteachers te

13、achings.2 minutes7or west, home is best!”Weshouldloveourcountry,loveourhomeland.作业作业布置布置1. Know about Canada and the U.S. from your geography book asmuch as possible.2. Do the exercises on your exercise book.板书板书设计设计Lesson 46: Canada and the U.S.I can accept failure but I cantaccept not trying. Mich

14、aelJordanWork hard and never give up.FranceFrench教学教学反思反思本堂课的教学中存在着一些遗憾,比如:1.在某些环节上时间分配不太合理,减少了给同学们思考问题的时间。2.个人亲和力不够,教态有些严肃。当然,本堂课也有几个方面的成功之处:1.跨学科知识的的融合,本堂课的教学中我特意设计到了一部分学生在地理课上学到的关于美国和加拿大的知识,鼓励学生使用英语来表达已经了解的地理知识和自己的观点, 使学生们都感到有话可说,激发了学生们学习的积极性。2.在本堂课的教学中,我把机械的课后习题改编成游戏和8竞赛的形式让学生完成, 极大地激发了学生们参与课堂活动的积极性,寓教于乐,既巩固了所学知识又活跃了课堂气氛。3.能够以学生为主体,面向全体,本堂课中每个学生都参与到了课堂教学活动中, 使不同层次的学生都得到了展示自己的机会。


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