Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings-Unit Review-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(编号:a0c0f).zip

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Unit 3 Reviewhave & has Usage have & has Think about: 什么意思呢? 有人称的变化吗? Examples:1. I have a pen.2. She has supper in the evening.3. They have class all day during the week. have & has Give out the meaning and sumarize: 1. 有;2. 吃、喝;(根据句子具体的意境进行相关的翻译)1. I have a pen.2. She has supper in the evening.3. They have class all day during the week. 有人称变化?1.英语中的人称分别是?I,we,you. have & has 英语中的人称:1. 一人称:I,we.2. 二人称:you.3. 三人称:he,she,it或与他们相关的 什么是三人称单数? 什么是三人称单数?三人称单数三人称+单数 分辨:my father, his book, parents,dogs,the pictures. have & has Translate: 1. 我有一个美好的家庭。 2. 她头痛。 3. 我们每天早上都要吃早餐。(根据句子具体的意境进行相关的翻译) Think: 怎样表达“没有”? have & hasLets see: 1. 我没有课本。 2. 他是个小孩,所以他不去上学。 3. 他们没有课,因为今天是星期天。Lets see: 1. I dont have books. 2. He is a kid,so he doesnt go to school. 3. They dont have classes,for today is sunday. have & has QIZZ Example: I konw . 我不知道。 She has a good friend. (否定句)如何表达”没有”根据示例,将句子改成否定句:1.It has a long tail. (否定句)2.My mother has two sons, my brother and I . (否定句)3.We have supper at school everyday. (否定句)你知道了多少?人称+have/has完成知识小结:have,has 要记牢;人称代词先看好;人称变化先分清,have,has才顺心。Summary Homework一、correct the wrong words or incorrect.1. I am have a green apple. Wrong: .correct to: .2. Peter have a banana. Wrong: .correct to: .3.My mother and sister has a toy car. Wrong: .correct to: .二、Fill in the blanks with the right forms of given word.1.You (有)two small eyes. 2. My sister (有)three pens.3.Come here and (吃)an apple. 4. Mummy,can I (要)a new bag?三、Sentence changing.1.We have some good days On weekends.(negative form): .- 1 -Have/has 语法专题语法专题教学案教学案(Tutor: Mr. Cao.)知识和技能:1.熟知 have 的意义:如有,吃,拥用。2.如何运用好 have 造句。3.会句中辨识出 have 的句中意义。4.能变换疑问句、否定句。重点和难点:have 的三人称数 has.什么是三人称单数?三人称单数的has 如何用其肯定或否定意义。变法:has(否定)doesnt have;have(否定)dont have.情感、态度、价值观:能运用 have 表达自己的拥有和需要的“无”,如描述人的财物拥用、人的外貌描述、我有什么的句型,用以表达自己的真实情感。学情分析:少数民族地区的初一年级学生,刚接触到英语的系列语法,是紧接着名词复数、人称代词后的又一个难点。因为,汉语理解“三人称”和“单数”是突破的重点和难点。如何讲解好两者之间有何区别,同时如何用,是本课时的关键。而学习好“否定式”是另一个突破点。 我班(初一 1 班,西藏本地学生)学生普遍较低,对于人称理解较为模糊。班里还有 2-3 汉语不太会说的,更别说写了,所以理解上比较费工夫。在前面的课堂里,对于人称,只讲了形容词性物主代词、单数和复数、主语和宾语,由于内容较多,正处于逐步消化过程,对于本课的内容是一个挑战。Teaching procedureI.SentenceI.Sentence presentspresents (leading & class warm)1. I I havehave a book. - 2 -2. WeWe havehave some milk for breakfast . 3. SheShe hashas a good friend,her name is Jenny.4. DoDo youyou havehave a ruler? My ruler isnt here.5. SheShe doesntdoesnt havehave any things to buy. How about you?6. TheyThey dontdont havehave anything for dinner.For they arent hungry.Step1Step1:(Give them some time to read and sense the Subjects,auxiliary verbs like do or be,the negative forms or interrogative form with Have or Has)Step2Step2: (Ask some of them,the students,to translate all these sentences and the question such as: the subject,Personal Pronoun and the fixed words “have or has”. Lead to the new concept: Personal Pronoun+ have/has;Step3: Give another Chinese examples to make sense for reinforce the the structure: Personal Pronoun+ have/has;Eg, 我吃饭了。我家有一只猫。他有一双大在的眼睛。- 3 -你还有什么呢?(Ask some of them to give the HAVE OR HAS)II.Explain the key points.Step 1 : Have ( gender 3 form:has)I have a book.( replace the subject: she, it, Liming,HanMei,etc)(give them some minutes to finish all the Subject replacing assignments)Give out the right answer:She has a book.It has a book.(Liming has a book. HanMei has a book,etc)Step 2 : If the subject with its plural forms,what will be?(give out another sentence: We have some bananas.)Change the sentence with “My parents, they, our classmates, their good friends,etc)eg: My parents have some bananas.Step 3: Lead students to the “gender”.Ask them to answer, according to the examples,can you findthe relationships between subjects and have or has.- 4 -(Generate the rules )1. Subject (gender 1&2,the plural form)+have2. Subject (gender 3,the single form)+hasIII.Go to the sentence changing. 1. Explain the negative formAs we know the have”,and its third gender form is “has”.so Do you know the negative Forms of them.(if someone know, ask him or her to set an example)Like, She has a book.or she doesnt have a book. We have something to do.But we dont have anything to get.(Explain in Chinese,and generate sentence patterns in right forms.)Eg: We have some good days On weekends.(negative form): .(Interrogative form): .3. TO get the whole idea,hand out the special exercise paper to the students.(Require to do it all and check them out all )Tasks:(The exercise)Exercise I:- 5 -(1)Fill in the blanks with “have”or “has”1.I a cat. 2. He a dog . 3. She long hair. 4. We a big house. 5. You a good teacher. 6. It two big eyes.7.My mother a beautiful nose. 8.Dogs two ears. 9. Girls many skirts10.Students many books. 11. They some fish. 12.The baby no teeth.(二)correct the wrong words or incorrect.1. I am have a green apple. Wrong: .correct to: .2. Peter have a banana. Wrong: .correct to: .3.My mother and sister has a toy car. Wrong: .correct to: .(三)Fill in the blanks with the right forms of given word.1.You (有)two small eyes. 2. My sister (有)three pens.3.Come here and (吃)an apple. 4. Mummy,can I (要)a new bag?IV.Summary 1.The original form and its gender forms. 2. the negative form and the interrogative form.- 6 -V.Homework (The rest part of the Exercise paper for the students.)
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