(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第一册Unit 2 单元综合能力小测 (含答案).doc

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1、Unit 2 单元综合能力小测单元综合能力小测【完形填空】Are small cities the smartest?When you hear of city changes,you tend to think of Shanghai or Dubai.Or if itstechnologicaladvances,SanFranciscoandSiliconValleymightcometo1.But,the cities at the forefront of this growing urban revolution are often the2.Developers of Kalasa

2、tama in Finland say that by its3in 2030,residentswill get an average hour of their day back by living there.It is built to make daily life more4.City residents will never again be5behind a rubbish lorry on their commute.The whole city is equipped with a vacuumwaste system,where people6take their tra

3、sh to a port and it gets sucked to anunderground disposal center.Public services are close to one another and easily7.“Five more minutes with the kids before I have to8work,five more minutesearlier at home,” said Kerkko Vanhanen.“Your life is easier because of living in themost9city in the world,” h

4、e adds.The ancient city of Matera in southern Italy is working to become one of the first5G-enabled10in Europe.“Data about you is used for delivering all sorts of both public and privateservices.And people are11about what that means to their12,” saysReichental.“As smart cities develop,governments ne

5、ed to13the trust of citizens to usetheir private data14”,says Udo Kock.“Think of Smart Cities as cooperation.15communities and citizens so its very important for governments to worktogether with businesses and private citizens.”1.A.mindB.ageC.faceD.back2.A.crazyB.seriousC.unexpectedD.artificial3.A.c

6、ompetitionB.cooperationC.completionD.combination4.A.efficientB.hardC.enormousD.risky5.A.struckB.stressedC.poweredD.stuck6.A.easilyB.possiblyC.fortunatelyD.simply7.A.affordableB.fashionableC.changeableD.accessible8.A.date fromB.leave forC.hold backD.rely on9.A.quietB.functionalC.alternativeD.historic

7、al10.A.villagesB.roadsC.citiesD.lakes11.A.concernedB.proudC.thrilledD.uninterested12.A.resourcesB.destinationC.solutionD.privacy13.A.gainB.loseC.mixD.attach14.A.happilyB.definitelyC.responsiblyD.stupidly15.A.ArgueB.CommandC.InvolveD.Charge【阅读理解】AGrowing up in America,I enjoyed the convenience of eat

8、ing the mostattractive,well-packaged foods of the 20th century,including all the candies we oftensee near the cash register.During those times I wasnt aware how bad sugar was,and infact,neither was anyone around me.So I continued to spread jam on my toast and eatice cream daily.Strangely enough,I fe

9、lt that sweet was some sort of wonderful drug which gaveme the energy to function properly,to feel good and to perform at my best,all of whichseemed necessary for growth.So why should I avoid it?Years later,huge food companies,like General Mills and Post,began pumpingmore sugar into their products,a

10、nd then more and more people appeared with biggerbellies(腹部).It finally came to my awareness that our society was becoming moremiserable and unfit.And from what?From sugar!I began to do some research intosugar and what it did exactly to our bodies.To my amazement,I found its damage wasjust as bad as

11、,if not worse than,what alcohol and cigarettes brought about.Yousee,when you take in more sugar than you need or burn,your body and brain becomeover-active.This,in effect,causes your cognitive(认知的) abilities to slow down,yourmood to get to the extremes,your skin to age faster,your blood to become th

12、icker andyour liver and kidneys to be worn out.But what surprised me most,out of all of these horrible side effects,was thatsugar adds extra pounds to your waistline,even if you do exercise regularly.And whatIve always wanted,for the past few years,is to remove that extra fat around my bellyso that

13、I could finally see my abs(腹肌).I just didnt know,this whole time,what damage I had been doing to myself andmy dreams,but I knew I had to do something I had never done before.1.What did the author use to do?A.He took in much sugar.B.He learnt to cook foods.C.He sold ice cream daily.D.He had candies p

14、ackaged.2.What made the author begin to doubt the benefits of sugar?A.Sugar was unable to provide necessary energy.B.More people eating sugary foods became unfit.C.Some companies avoided adding sugar to foods.D.Many customers stopped buying sugary products.3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

15、A.The authors comments on sugar.B.The detailed process of the research.C.The harmful effect of sugar on health.D.The reasons why there search is done.4.What does the author probably decide to do at last?A.Eat less food.B.Cut down sugar.C.Do more exercise.D.Add extra pounds.BIf you could travel in ti

16、me,where would you go?Perhaps you would watch anoriginal performance of a Shakespeares play in Elizabethan England?What abouthanging out with Laozi in the Spring and Autumn Period?Or maybe youd voyage farahead of the present day to see what the future holds.The possibility of time travel is indeed a

17、ppealing.Stories exploring the subjecthave been around for hundreds of years.Perhaps the best known example is thescience fiction novel The Time Machine,which was written by H.G.Wells andpublished in 1895 for the first time.It was adapted into at least two feature films of thesame name,as well as tw

18、o television versions,and a large number of comic bookadaptations.It is generally credited with the popularization of the concept of timetravelusingavehiclethatallowsanoperatortotravelpurposefullyandselectively.The term “time machine”,coined by Wells,is now universally used to referto a vehicle tran

19、sporting people into the far future.But could time travel actually be possible?Some scientists say yes,in theory.Theypropose using cracks in time and space called “wormholes”,which could be used asshortcuts to other periods.Einsteins theory of relativity allows time travel in extremecircumstances.An

20、d British physicist Stephen Hawking said you could travel into thefuture with a really fast spaceshipgoing at nearly the speed of light.Though buildingsuch a spaceship would of course be no simple task.Even if you could travel into the past,there is something called the “grandfatherparadox”.It asks

21、what would happen if a time traveller were to go back in time andhave his own grandfather killed for some reason,and therefore prevent himself frombeing born.If the time traveller wasnt born,how would he travel back in time?And would you really like to visit the future?In H.G.Wells book,the mainchar

22、acter travels into distant time where he arrives at a beach and is attacked by giantcrabs.He then voyages 30 million years into the future where the only living thing is ablack object with tentacles(触角).If thats whats in store,maybe we are better justliving in the present day after all.1.The novel T

23、he Time Machine mentioned in Paragraph 2 aims to show.A.peoples interest in time travelB.the special features of the bookC.the long history of time travelD.the contribution of H.G.Wells2.Einsteins and Hawkings theories.A.have similarities in many waysB.push the invention of the first spaceshipC.have

24、 proved wrong by some time travellersD.suggest the possibility to invent the time machine3.In Paragraph 4,“grandfather paradox” probably refers to the idea that.A.the traveller is prevented from meeting his grandfatherB.the traveller goes back in time to seek for his grandfatherC.the grandfathers de

25、ath makes the travellers birth impossibleD.The reunion of the traveller and his grandfather brings happiness4.What is probably the authors attitude towards time travel?A.Unclear.B.Skeptical.C.Supportive.D.Unconcerned.CResearchers at the University of Chicago have trained an artificial intelligencesy

26、stem to write fake(虚假的)reviews on Yelp,a website showing customers reviewson shopping or something else,and its pretty hard to tell them apart from a humanreview.Their study,which will be presented at the ACM Conference on Computer andCommunications Security in October,aimed to stress how easily the

27、se systems canwrite reviews like humans and how damaging they can become if theyre notmonitored properly.Since many small businesses rely on online reviews to help grow and keep theirreputation,a future where someonelike a rival or angry customercould crazily filltheir page with negative reviews wri

28、tten by a machine is pretty worrying.And,according to the research team,the threat goes far beyond a bunch of fakereviews on Yelp.“In general the threat is bigger,” Ben Y.Zhao,one of the authors of thestudy,said.“I think the threat towards society is large and it really misleads users andshakes our

29、belief in what is real and what is not.I think thats going to be evenunimaginable.”To test how believable these reviews came across,the researchers invited 40volunteers and had AI generate five fake reviews for 40 actual restaurants.Thevolunteers were asked how useful they thought the reviews were a

30、nd whether or notthey thought they were fake.The AI reviews ranked as “effectively indistinguishable”from real reviews,according to the study.Further,the fake reviews were given a 3.15“usefulness” rating,compared to a 3.28 rating for human reviews.1.Whatcanthenewartificialintelligencesystemdoaccordi

31、ngtothepassage?A.It can help train new reviewers.B.It can tell the real reviews from the fake ones.C.It can write human-like reviews.D.It can easily damage the businesses.2.What does the underlined word “rival” mean in the passage?A.Aperson who respects you deeply.B.Aperson who competes with you.C.A

32、person who loves to give fake reviews.D.Aperson who can control you from a distance.3.What can we infer from Ben Y.Zhaos remarks?A.Artificial intelligence can put the society in danger.B.The artificial intelligence is only used by the researchers.C.Ben Y.Zhao is optimistic about the further developm

33、ent of artificial intelligence.D.The artificial intelligence will help people shake.4.What is the best title for the passage?A.Suggestions on Giving ReviewsB.How to Tell the Fake ReviewsC.Development ofAI in Review on YelpD.AI Is Coming to Steal Your ReviewsDHouses have been getting progressively “s

34、marter” for decades,but the nextgeneration of smart homes may offer what two Case Western Reserve Universityscientists are calling an “Internet of Ears”.Todays smart home features appliances,entertainment systems,security camerasand lighting,heating and cooling systems that are connected to each oth

35、er and theInternet.They can be accessed and controlled remotely by computer or smartphoneapps.But a group of electrical engineering and computer science professors in theCase School of Engineering have been experimenting with a new suite of sensors (传感器).This system would read not only the vibration

36、s (震动),sounds and even othermovements associated with people and animals in a building,but also any slightchanges in the existing electrical field.While there still maybe a decade or so away,the home of the future could be abuilding that adjusts to your activity with only a few small,hidden sensors

37、in the wallsand floor without the need for monitoring cameras.“We are trying to make a building that is able to listen to the humans inside,”said Ming Chun Huang,an assistant professor in electrical engineering and computerscience.“We are using principles similar to those of the human ear,where vibr

38、ationsare picked up and our algorithms (计算程序) recognise them to determine yourspecific movements.Thats why we call it the Internet of Ears.”“There is actually a constant 60Hz electrical field all around us,and becausepeople are somewhat conductive,they short out the field just a little,” Huangsaid.“

39、So,by measuring the disturbance in that field,we are able to determine theirpresence,or even their breathing,even when there are no vibrations associated withsound.”Huang said they have used as few as four small sensors in the walls and floor ofa room.Asforprivacyconcerns,thesystemwouldnotbeabletoid

40、entifyindividuals,although it could recognise peoples different ways of walking.1.What uniqueness does the smart home of the next generation have?A.It uses the advanced Internet technology.B.It is controlled remotely by a computer.C.It features appliances and entertainment systems.D.It can read vibr

41、ations,sounds and movements.2.Whats the key part of the system in the smart home?A.The sensors.B.The vibrations.C.The electrical field.D.The monitoring cameras.3.Which is the function of the smart home of the next generation?A.Determining peoples presence.B.Recognising different people.C.Protecting

42、individualsprivacy.D.Measuring the electrical field.4.What may be the best title for the text?A.Various Smart Houses.B.Benefits of Smart Houses.C.How Do Smart Houses Work?D.WhatAre Next Smart Homes Like?【七选五】With the development of science and technology,mobile phones have been animportant communica

43、tion tool in our modern life.1First,2If we have a mobile phone,it is possible for us to access anyone atany time and anywhere.We could call our clients and customers for business.And wecan send messages,including text and picture messages to our friends for personalaffairs.Besides,mobile phones have

44、 been multi-functional nowadays since its advanceddevelopment.It could take photos instead of digital cameras.It could be used as a radioor recorder or for playing music.34Sometimes we would not like to be available to anybody at anytime;sometimes we receive so many rubbish messages.In conclusion,5I

45、t is really a great invention,which makes our life moreconvenient and more colourful.A.But sometimes mobile phones can also make you in a dilemma.B.mobile phones bring us more benefits than disadvantages.C.mobile phones really bring convenience to our lives.D.Mobile phones play an important part in

46、our work.E.However,some small troubles would visit you after using it for some time.F.And it also could be a game player.G.Thanks to it,our life becomes easy and colourful.【语法填空】China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of themoon.The unmanned Change-4 probe( 探 测 器 )the

47、 name was inspired by anancient Chinese moon goddess1.(touch) down last week in the SouthPole-Aitken basin.Landing on the moons far side is 2.(extreme)challenging.Because the moons body blocks direct radio communication with aprobe,China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot

48、 3.itcould send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth.The far side of the moon is ofparticular 4.(interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deepcraters(环形山),more so 5.the familiar near side.Chinese researchershope to use the instruments onboard Change-4 6.(find) and study areasof the South

49、 Pole-Aitken basin.“This really excites scientists,”Carle Pieters,a scientistat Brown University,says,“because it 7.(mean) we have the chance toobtain information about how the moon 8.(construct).”Data about themoons composition,such as how 9.ice and other treasures itcontains,could help China decid

50、e whether 10.(it) plans for a futurelunar(月球的) base are practical.【应用文】假定你是李华,你的美国笔友汤姆得知你校上月举办了首届校园科技节活动,发邮件向你询问相关情况,请你回复邮件。内容包括:1.活动的目的;2.活动的形式:如智能校园创客(maker)大赛、科创成果展等;3.你的感受。注意:1.词数 80 左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,I am excited to tell you that the first Science and Technology Fest


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