(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第一册Unit 5语法主语从句讲练学案 .docx

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1、1新人教选择性必修一新人教选择性必修一 U5 语法讲练语法讲练主语从句主语从句做主语用的名词性从句,因其在复合句中做主语,又称主语从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前, 置于句首, 也可以用 it 作形式主语, 而将主语从句放至句末。要注意的是:主语从句一定是陈述语序。主语从句主要有以下几类:1. 由连词 that 引导的主语从句that 无实际意义,只起连接作用,在主语从句中不充当任何成分,但不能省略但不能省略。例:有意思的是他喜欢这种书籍。That he likes this kind of books is quite interesting.= It is interesting that

2、he likes this kind of books.众所周知,在空气中光比声音传播得快。That light travels faster than sound in the air is known to us all.= It is known to all that light travels faster than sound in the air.用 it 作形式主语,而将真正的主语从句后置时,就构成了下面一些常用句型:(1)It is +名词+从句It is a pity/shame that.遗憾的是It is a surprise that令人惊奇的是It is a fac

3、t that是事实例:It is a pity that we lost the match.It is a fact that he cheated in the exam.(2)It is +形容词+从句It is possible that.很可能It is unlikely that.不可能It is obvious that很明显It is necessary / important / natural. that例:It is likely that she will come back tomorrow.It is obvious that this measure is eff

4、ective.2(3) It + is/was +过去分词+从句It is said that.据说It is known to all that.众所周知It is reported that.据报道It is believed that.据信; 人们相信It is suggested that + (should)do.建议例:It is reported that twenty people were killed in the accident.It is suggested that we should eat more vegetable and do more exercise.

5、2. 由连词 whether 引导的主语从句whether 有实义(意为“是否” ) ,在主语从句中不充当任何成分,但不能省略。但不能省略。例:明天我们是否在户外举办聚会取决于天气。Whether we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.我们是否要举办运动会还没有决定呢。Whether we will have the sports meeting has not been decided yet.3. 由连接代词引导的主语从句由连接代词 who, what, which, whose, whom

6、, whatever, whichever, whoever,whomever 等引导的主语从句,在主语从句中有词义,句子中担任成分,不能省略(有 ever 的为泛指, “无论.” 。)。此类主语从句不能用形式主语 it 引导。例:许多科学家相信的是地球是圆的。What many scientists believe is that the earth is round.由谁参加这个会议还没有决定。Who will take part in the meeting has not been decided.任何违反规则的人都将受到惩罚。Whoever breaks the law will b

7、e punished.注意事项:3(1)连接词 that 和 what 的区别that 只起连接作用,无意义,在句中不充当任何成分。what 既起连接作用,又在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。例:That fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differencesfrom one aspect.What Im hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start toreconsider and understand that jazz i

8、s not black and white any more.(2)what/whatever,who/whoever 等引导主语从句的区别whatever/whoever 等引导的主语从句不含有疑问意义,表示泛指含义, “无论.” 相当于名词或者代词后加一个定语从句, 即whoever可以换成anyone who,whatever 可以换成 anything that。而 what 和 who 引导的主语从句含有疑问意义,翻译成“什么、谁” ,表示特指含义。例:他想与任何与他有相同兴趣爱好的人交朋友。He wishes to make friends with whoever shares

9、his hobbies and interests.= He wishes to make friends with anyone who shares his hobbies and interests.玛丽很难在那里工作下去,因为她做的任何事情都不能让她的老板满意。It is hard for Mary to work there, for whatever she does cant satisfy her boss.= It is hard for Mary to work there, for anything that she does cant satisfy her boss.

10、4. 由连接副词引导的主语从句。连接副词 when,where, how, why,whenever,wherever 等引导的主语从句,连接副词有具体含义,且在从句中作状语。例:他们什么时候离开还没决定。When they will leave is not decided.它从哪里来的还不知道。Where it is from is unknown.我们怎样装饰这个房子与你无关。How we will decorate the house has nothing to do with you.45. 主语从句注意事项。1. 判断正误:When will he come is unknown

11、. ()When he will come is unknown. ()结论:_2. 判断正误:If the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet. ()Whether the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet. ()结论:_3. 判断正误:When he will come are a puzzle.()When he will come is a puzzle.()结论:_4. What he needs _(be) money.What he needs _(be)

12、 these books.结论:_5. When and where the meeting will be held _(have) not been decided.When they will start and where they will go _(have) not been decided.结论:_练习一、找出错误,并给出理由。1. Where shall we spend the holiday isnt decided.2. You have made a mistake is a fact.3. If the policeman will come is not cert

13、ain.54. That is certain that we can win.5. Where he comes from are a mystery.6. What whether he likes the job is not clear.7. Who he is and where he is from is important.8.What he saw is the stars in the sky.练习二、单项选择。1. It washe saiddisappointed me.A. what; thatB. that; thatC. what; whatD. that; wha

14、t2.well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Where3.he said at the meeting surprised everybody present.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. How4.was to return to school.A. That really interested himB. What really interested himC. Which really interested himD. That interest him rea

15、lly5.makes mistakes must correct them.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhoeverD. Whatever6. It has always puzzled methe old man lied a red silk ribbon on the treeA. thatB. whyC. whereD. what7. _ he made an important speech at the meeting was true.A. ThatB. WhyC. WhatD. How8. -What made her parents so angry?- _ she

16、had failed in the examination.A. ItB. WhetherC. WhatD. That9. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning gray6A. whetherB. whenC. whatD. that10. They lost their way in the forest, and _ made matters worse was that nightbegan to fall.A. itB. whichC. thatD. what练习三、填入恰当的连词1. _ you want to go abroad i

17、s known to us.2. _ surprised me most was to see so many women crying sadly there.3.I really want is the posters of the famous singer.4. _ we shall attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet.5. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.6. _ is needed for success is your hard work.7. _they wi

18、ll arrive has been told to the teacher.8. _ we will go tomorrow hasnt been decided yet.9. _ can join in the sport meet is decided by the teacher.10. Everyone knows_ it is dangerous to play with fire, but _ isdifficult is to prevent children from playing with fire.练习四、翻译句子1. 哪个学生赢还不一定呢。_2. 关于这件事情,无论你

19、知道什么都要保密。_3. 他们什么时候来还没有公开。_4. 无论谁犯错都要纠正他们。_5. 他说的和我们正在讨论的话题没有关系。_76. 我们如何理解事情与我们所感受的有很大关系。_7. 每年的风筝节中,无论是谁制作了最漂亮的风筝都将获奖。_8. 是什么导致了这场事故还不清楚。_9. 众所周知,美国是世界上最大的发达国家之一。_10. 据报道,今年又是一个丰收年。_答案:一、改错1. Where shall we spend. (主从要用陈述语序。 )2. That you have. (that 引导的主从无实义,但不能省略。 )3. Whether the policeman.(主从表是否

20、放句首,只能用 whether,不能用 if)4. It is certain that we can win.(用 it 作形式主语,不是 that)5. Where he comes from is a mystery.(单个主语从句作主语,动词单三。 )6. Whether he likes the job is not clear.(主从引导词不能叠加使用。 )7. Who he is and where he is from are important.(and 连接两个主语或两个以上的主语从句,动词用复数。 )8.What he saw are the stars in the s

21、ky.(what 引导的主从,表语是名词时,动词取决于后面表语的单复数。 )二、单选1-5ABABC6-10 BADDD8三、填词1. That2. What3. What4. Whether5. Whoever6. What7. That/ When8. Whether9. Who10. that, what四、翻译句子1. Which student will win is uncertain.2. Whatever you know about the matter must be kept secret.3. When they will come hasnt been made pu

22、blic.4. Whoever makes mistakes must correct them.5. What he said is irrelevant to the topic we are discussing now.6. How we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.7. Every year, whoever makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the KiteFestival.8. What caused the accident remains unknown.9. It is common knowledge that America is one of the biggest developed countries inthe world.10. It is reported that there is another good harvest this year.9


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