(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and scientists Part 3 Using Language 同步练习 (含答案).docx

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1、Unit 1 Part 3Using Language 基础过关练基础过关练.单词拼写1.Strong(领导才能) is needed to captain(担任的队长) this team.2.The players(杰出的) performance left a deep impression on everyonepresent.3.The professors(抽象的) theory is hard for us to understand.4.To adapt to the rapid economic development, China has put forward some

2、newdevelopment(观念).5.I have got(生动的) memories of my happy childhood.6.All the teachers are satisfied with your(绝妙的) performance in the speechcontest.7.Sheng Xiaohan, a high school student in Shanghai, is outgoing and kind, and(此外), he always steps up whenever people need help.8.According to the repo

3、rt, the moon is turning red, and its likely Earths(过错).9.To our amazement, he refused to(转变) his idea.10.Researchers are trying to find out what to do to dthe patient from theviruss further possible attacks.选词填空break out;in charge of;come down with;above all;take on1.Id like to speak to the person w

4、ho isthis program.2.When World War I, he decided to join the army immediately.3.I have been coughing these days, so I think I amflu.4.I want to buy a housemodern, comfortable andin a quietneighborhood.5.His assistant will have tomost of his work while he is absent.单句语法填空1.The cruelty of two young me

5、n is(vivid)brought to life in this true story.2.Lang Lang is a(gift) pianist who has been working hard to improvehimself.3.The number of the companys exports has been increasing(steady) in thepast several years.4.Now my(assist) will show you how to use this machine efficiently.5.Even before the outb

6、reak, cinemas struggled with the Internet “encroaching”, seeingmore and more youngsters(shift)interest to video-sharing apps.完成句子1.读书时,他时不时地点头。the book, he nodded from time to time.2.我相信你足够强大,能应对这些挑战。I believe youdeal with these challenges.3.为了拯救病人的生命,医生们彻夜工作。Doctors worked through the nightthe live

7、s of patients.4.我们得不到的东西似乎比我们拥有的更好。seemsbetter than what we have.课文语法填空The Father of Chinas AerospacePerhaps no other scientist has had a1(great) impact on Chinas aerospacescience than Qian Xuesen. He was a well-respected man,2served his homelandwith effort, achievement, and devotion. Born in Hangzh

8、ou in 1911, Qian attendedschools in Beijing and Shanghai. In 1935, he went to the US3further study andthen worked there. After4(overcome) some difficulties, he5(return) toChina in 1955, and was put in charge of developing Chinas rocket science as well asthe space and missile programme. Faced with ch

9、allenges, Qian didnt feel discouraged.When6(ask) “Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?”, his reply was “Whynot?” Under7(he) leadership, China developed its own missiles, rockets, andman-made satellites8(success). Qian was knowledgeable. However,9made him an outstanding and creative scientist was p

10、robably his interest in otherthings like music and drawing, which gave him10(inspire) in scientific research.The whole country was saddened by Qians death in 2009.能力提升练能力提升练.阅读理解Elon Musk, perhaps the worlds most brilliant businessman, has a habit ofmaking statements that stretc

11、h the bounds of believability.On July 16th, 2019, he introduced a new type of brain-machine interface(BMI),starting from the design of “neural lace(神经织网)”, a net of thin electrodes(电极)that capture the information from the brain. However, the electrodes must be flexible,so that they do not damage bra

12、in tissue and will last for a long time. And to make theimplantation(植入) of so many electrodes safe, painless and effective, the process hasto be automated.Mr. Musks team does indeed seem to have made progress towards these goals.Their presentation includes videos of a robot that is best described a

13、s a sewingmachine. This robot grabs “threads”, and shoots them deep into the brain through ahole. The firm has also designed a chip that can handle signals from as many as 3,072electrodes.With all these technological breakthroughs, the firm now hopes to help peopleovercome such illnesses as blindnes

14、s and paralysis. They designed a small device thatwould sit behind someones ear, picking up signals from the implanted chip andpassing them on as appropriate. In a few years, using a brain implant to control yourdevices may be as prevalent as wearing wireless earphones today. Finally, Muskpredicts n

15、eural lace will allow humans to be combined with AI systems, thus enablingthe species to survive.Though, as this announcement shows, Mr. Musk does have a habit of presentinghimself as the hero of the human race, at least the concept that some machines willcome under the direct control of human brain

16、s seems possible to be carried out. Thebiggest barrier to this happening will probably not be writing the software needed tointerpret brainwaves, but persuading people that the necessary surgery, whether by thesewing machine or otherwise, is actually a good idea.1.We can learn from the first two par

17、agraphs that.A.electrodes should be flexible to extend lifeB.Elon Musk constantly comes up with unexpected ideasC.neural lace is used to store information from the brainD.electrodes are implanted by top surgeons for safety reasons2.What does the underlined word “prevalent” in Paragraph 4 probably me

18、an?A.Useful.B.Common.C.Professional.D.Appropriate.3.What is the hardest part of carrying out BMI?A.Convincing people to accept the surgery.B.Developing devices to perform the surgery.C.Writing the software to interpret brainwaves.D.Informing people of the success of the surgery.4.What is the best ti

19、tle of this passage?A.The Neural Lace, a New Type of BMIB.Elon Musk, the Hero of Human BeingsC.Artificial Intelligence, the Way to SurviveD.A Brain Implant, a Step to Control Machines.七选五How to Succeed in ScienceTo succeed in science, you need a lot more than luck. In my view, you have tocombine int

20、elligence with a willingness not to follow conventions when they blockyour forward path. Thus, these have come to be my rules for success.1That might sound proud, but the fact is that you must always turn to people whoare brighter than you. Its like playing any game. Even as a child, I never wanted

21、toplay games with anyone who was as bad as I was. If you win, it gives you no pleasure.And in the game of science or life, the highest goal isnt simply to win;its to win atsomething really difficult.2Take risks.To make a huge success, a scientist has to be prepared to get into deep trouble. Ifyou ar

22、e going to make a huge jump in science, you will very likely be unqualified tosucceed by definition.3This can be more than personally upsetting.Never do anything that bores you.My experience in science is that someone is always telling you to do things, andthen leaves you alone. Im not good enough t

23、o do well in something I dislike.4Its very hard to succeed if you dont want to be with other scientists, because youhave to go to key meetings where you spot key facts that would have escaped you.And you have to chat with your competitors, even if you find them objectionable.So my final rule is:5A.M

24、eet challenges with great courage.B.If you cant stand being with your real peers, get out of science.C.Put another way, its to go somewhere beyond your ability and come out on top.D.Make sure you always have someone to save you from a deep mess.E.Avoid foolish people.F.In fact, I find it hard to do

25、well in something I like.G.Besides, you even have to be prepared to disbelieve your scientific heroes.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Catherine Svilicic never would have guessed her adopted rescue dog Khanwould show aggression (攻击) towards her young 17-month-old baby, Charlotte!Th

26、e day began with the usual playtime outside. Although baby Charlotte had herparents watching from a distance, they did not notice anything out of the ordinary.Charlotte and the new dog had been making a habit of playing like this. However,things were different that day. Catherine watched as Khan thr

27、ew her baby across theirbackyard! Why was Khan acting as though the lovely child was a threat? Catherinewatched him drag her child, hoping he would stop. Sadly, it seemed that Catherineneeded to immediately intervene because this was only the beginning. He tightly bitinto her diaper (纸尿裤) to throw h

28、er back and forth. This is when things got out ofhand. Certainly, Catherine was angry with Khan for throwing her girl. However,something deep down told Catherine there was more to this than what they wereseeing. Little did she know that these doubts would turn out to be true.But her baby was still i

29、n great danger. Catherine noted that her baby seemed atarget. That moment she mentioned when the dog sank his teeth into Charlottesdiaper and used his strength to throw her baby like “a doll” was terrifying! Luckily,those teeth did not go near her skin, especially her face and the baby was actuallyq

30、uite calm. Perhaps, the baby understood something about Khans intentions.Catherine knew that she needed to act fast and catch her poor child. Somethinghappening to Khan next that confused the whole family.While the baby stayed calm, others could not help but panic. Charlottes mothersaid, “Had I not

31、seen it with my very own eyes, Id never have believed it.” Therefore,she ran to Charlotte and carried her to safety.注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。Paragraph 1:While Catherine brought her baby to shelter, Khan barked madly and then felldown.Paragraph 2:Finally, the whole family realized Khan was a hero of attackin

32、g a poisonoussnake.参考答案参考答案基础过关练.1.leadership2.outstanding3.abstract4.concepts5.vivid6.brilliant7.furthermore8.fault9.transform10.defend.1.in charge of2.broke ing down with4.above all5.take on.1.vividly考查词性转换。句意:这个真实的故事把两个年轻人的残酷刻画得入木三分。修饰 is brought to life 应该用副词。故填 vividly。2.gifted考查词性转换。句意:郎朗是一位有天

33、赋的钢琴家,他一直在努力提高自己。分析句子结构可知,设空处在主句中作定语修饰 pianist, 故填形容词 gifted,意为“有天赋的”。3.steadily考查词性转换。句意:在过去几年里,这家公司的出口产品的数量一直在稳步增长。分析句子结构可知,设空处在句中作状语修饰 has been increasing,故填副词 steadily,意为“平稳地,稳定地”。4.assistant考查名词。 句意:现在我的助手会为你展示如何高效地使用这台机器。设空处在句中作主语,应用名词,故填 assistant,意为“助手,助理”。5.shift考查非谓语动词。此处指电影院与互联网的“蚕食”作斗争,看

34、着越来越多的年轻人将兴趣转移到视频分享应用软件上。 此处为 see sb. do sth.结构,故填 shift。.1.While/When reading2.are strong enough to3.to save4.What we cant get.1.greater考查形容词比较级。 句意:或许没有其他科学家比钱学森对中国的航天科学影响更大了。 由后文中的 than 可以判断设空处应用形容词比较级,故填greater。注意:否定词与形容词比较级连用表示最高级的含义。2.who考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,2served his homeland with effort,achieve

35、ment, and devotion 是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 man,且从句中缺少主语,故填 who。3.for考查介词。句意:1935 年,他去美国深造,然后在那里工作。further study 意为“深造”,此处应用介词 for,表示“为了”。4.overcoming考查动名词。句意:在克服了一些困难之后,他于 1955 年返回中国。After 为介词,其后应接动名词。故填 overcoming。5.returned考查动词的时态。句意:在克服了一些困难之后,他于 1955 年回到中国。 分析句子结构可知,设空处充当谓语,根据时间状语 in 1955 可知此处用一般过去时,故

36、填 returned。6.asked考查状语从句的省略。 句意:当被问到“我们中国人有可能制造导弹吗?”,他的回答是“为什么不能呢?”分析句子结构可知,此处完整的表达为:When he wasasked “Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?”, 故填 asked。7.his考查代词。句意:在他的领导下,中国成功地研制了自己的导弹、火箭和人造卫星。 分析句子结构可知,设空处作定语修饰名词 leadership,故用形容词性物主代词 his。8.successfully考查词性转换。句意:在他的领导下,中国成功地研制了自己的导弹、火箭和人造卫星。分析句子结

37、构可知,设空处作状语修饰动词 developed,故用副词 successfully。9.what考查名词性从句。句意:然而,使他成为一位杰出的、富有创造力的科学家的可能是他对其他东西的兴趣,比如音乐和绘画,这为他的科学研究提供了灵感。分析句子结构可知,9made him an outstanding and creative scientist是一个主语从句,且从句中缺少主语,表示“的事情”,故用连接代词 what。10.inspiration考查词性转换。句意同上。分析句子结构可知,设空处作及物动词gave 的直接宾语,故填名词 inspiration,意为“启发,灵感,激励”。能力提升练

38、.本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了埃隆马斯克提出的新型脑机接口的想法,并从现今研究成果和未来应用前景方面进行了详细说明。1.B推理判断题。根据第一段内容“Elon Musk.has a habit of making statementsthat stretch the bounds of believability.”和第二段中的“On July 16th, 2019, heintroduced a new type of brain-machine interface (BMI)”可知埃隆马斯克经常能提出前所未闻的想法,故选 B。由文章第二段的第二句可知电极要有弹性是为了使它们不伤害大脑组

39、织并且它们本身能够持续很长时间,所以A项错误;由文章第二段的第一句可知神经织网是被用来从大脑中捕获信息,而非存储,所以 B 项错误;由文章第二段的最后一句可知,为了使如此多的电极的植入变得安全、无痛和有效,这个过程必须是自动化的,所以 D 项错误。2.B词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“They designed a small device that would sitbehind someones ear, picking up signals from the implanted chip and passing themon as appropriate.”可知,现在设计的小设备安装在人的耳

40、后,从植入的芯片中收集信息,然后以合适的方式传出去。表明现在的应用较为复杂。画线词所在句与现在形成对比,表明几年后,这项技术会变得和现在戴无线耳机一样普遍。故选 B。3.A细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The biggest barrier to this happening willprobably not be writing the software needed to interpret brainwaves, but persuadingpeople that the necessary surgery.is actually a good idea.”可知,最大的阻碍可能不是编写软

41、件,而是说服人们接受必要的外科手术。故选 A。4.A主旨大意题。根据第二段中的“On July 16th, 2019, he introduced a new typeof brain-machine interface (BMI)”可知2019年7月16日,他介绍了一种新型脑机接口。接下来全文围绕新型脑机接口(BMI)进行展开说明,因此可知 A 项“神经织网,一种新型的脑机接口”可以概括文章中心。.本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了如何在科学上取得成功。1.E根据空后的内容可知,作者认为只有和比自己聪明的人在一起才能学到东西,所以本段建议避免和愚蠢的人在一起。故选 E。2.C根据设空处前一句话可知

42、,作者认为在科学或生活的游戏中,最高的目标不仅仅是获胜,而是做成一些非常困难的事情。换句话说,最高目标是去超出自己能力范围的领域并名列前茅。C 选项是对前一句话的进一步解释。3.G根据设空处前文可知,作者认为如果想取得巨大成功,科学家必须准备好陷入很深的困境中。如果你要在科学上有一个巨大的飞跃,你很可能没有资格获得成功。此外,甚至也要准备好怀疑你心中的科学英雄,也就是要勇于质疑权威。故G 选项符合语境。4.F根据设空处前一句话中的 do well in something I dislike 可知,在科学研究中,对于自己不喜欢的事情作者做不好,但对于自己喜欢的事情作者也不一定能做好。故选 F。

43、5.B根据前一段的内容可知,作者建议要和其他科学家交流,从而发现自己忽略的关键事实。甚至要和你的竞争对手交流,即使你觉得他们令人反感。因此本段建议如果你无法忍受与你真正相匹敌的人一起工作,你就不要进行科学研究了。故选 B。.One possible version:Paragraph 1:While Catherine brought her baby to shelter, Khan barked madly and then felldown. No one understood what was going on! The dog continued crying and then fe

44、llalmost lifeless. Now this sent Catherine into panic. She focused on the dog, watchinghis dying eyes, and realized Khan needed emergency care. All of a sudden, she saw asnake not far from Khan. Obviously, Khan had been protecting her child instead ofattacking her.Paragraph 2:Finally, the whole fami

45、ly realized Khan was a hero of attacking a poisonoussnake. It turned out that Khan was protecting Charlotte from a deadly, poisonoussnake even though living with the family for only four days. Thus, it was lucky thatKhan caught the snake and did save that babys life, showing his unconditional love.With the rest of the family watching in shock, Catherine hurried to take the dog to thevets. Fortunately, Khan, this heroic animal, impressed even the vet with his rapidrecovery and progress. How happy the grateful family were!


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