(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 4Period 1 Reading and Thinking 习题 (含答案).docx

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1、Unit 4Period 1Reading and Thinking【基础训练】【基础训练】.单词拼写1The required d_ (持续时间) of the internship for undergraduates ranges fromeight to twelve months.2Why does the author compare the parentteen war to a b_ (边界) conflict in thebook?3Seeing Grandma was sleepy, Little Tom drew the c_ (窗帘) and turned the TV

2、down.4The rain was pouring down and she thought she heard a rumble of t_ (雷声).5The h_ (亮点) of the match will be shown later this evening.6 Last summer, my friends and I went to Hainan Island to enjoy the beautiful s_ (风景).7He devoted a major section of his m_ (巨大的) report to an analysis of the bridg

3、edesign.8 The biggest headache of this a_ (航空公司) is the increase in the price of aviationfuel.9. I see the vase in the window of an _ (古董) shop.10The _ (山峰) of the mountain can be seen from here.11The ships in the _ (海湾) present a beautiful sight.12He spent six years of his early childhood living on

4、 the Hulun Buir _ (大草原).13My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping m_ to get some food.14I held my b_ and sank under the water.15The eruption of a volcano is a_.16Ag_ is different from a sheep.选词填空pull back, start out, take ones breath away, all the way, wake up1When we _ again, the streets w

5、ere filled with people.2But every day they get up, that old fear _ with them.3Are you going to deliver lectures _ home?4I _ the curtains and saw a large plane flying outside.5Everywhere she turned she saw something that _.单句语法填空1I was pleased _ (hear) what you had experienced during your journey.2 T

6、he place must have been recognized as a valuable one for many centuries before the greatcity _ (arise).3Our English teacher asked us not to understand the report _ (literal).4According to the report, the epidemic is _ (awesome) serious.5With temperatures dropping below _ (freeze), wind howling and r

7、oads gettingslippery, Qinghai usually sees a huge dip in tourists in the winter months.6The same principle was used in a method of _ (drill) in oilfields.课文语法填空Li Daiyu and Liu Qian went to Canada to pay1._visit to their cousins inHalifax. They decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train. Th

8、e thought of crossing thewhole country was 2._(excite) for them.Firstly they3._(spend)a couple of days in Vancouver seeing the sights.Despite the bad weather, they took a boat ride out into the bay, and later visited an island4._had wonderful shops selling crafts and antiques.The next morning, they

9、arose early5._(take) the train to Lake Louise, passingthrough the Canadian Rockies. When the train arrived at the station, they took a taxi to LakeLouise, where the blue water6._ (literal) took their breath away. In addition7._ seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests, one highlight of their tr

10、ip was beingable to see many different8._(creature).After that, they caught the train towardsToronto.One of the trains first stops was in Edmonton. Edmonton is freezing cold in winter,with daily temperatures9._(average)10 .From Edmonton, the train headed southeast across the great Canadian Prairie.

11、The trainthundered on, through the rolling hills. There10._(be) frost on the ground,confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada. Finally they reached the capital of Ontario,Toronto.All in all, their trip was very interesting.【能力提升】.阅读I love sleeping. Its something Im good at. Theres nothing better

12、than nodding off on the sofain front of the TV and when my head hits the pillow at night, I have no problem falling into a deepsleep within minutes. There is one place where I never nap (打盹) and thats at workbut newresearch suggests I should!The idea of you and your colleagues heading off for a lie

13、down in the afternoon may seemstrange, but some companies such as Google and Facebook actually encourage it, because itsthought that a powernap makes them more refreshed and more focused, and this in turn makesthem more productive.An Australian health writer called Victoria is a founder of a campaig

14、n called Nap Now whichis trying to make sleeping at work more acceptable. She calls herself a “naptivist”! She says, “Ithink that our culture is a bit crazy not to accept it. Its time to end the common work principlewhich is all about working longer and harder.”So should we all be taking a sleeping

15、bag and pillow to work with us?A few years ago,research by the East of England DevelopmentAgency found 30% of people have their best ideasin bed compared to just 11% who have them at their desk. That suggests people are more creativewhen they are relaxed, and the agency has called for companies to p

16、ut beds in the workplace.Anap in the afternoon is nothing new. In certain hot countries, such as Spain, a short rest orsleep in the afternooncalled a siestais perfectly normal. So maybe we should break from thetraditional ninetofive work culture and take up the siesta. The UKs Sleep Council claims t

17、hat theninetofive working day does not fit into the natural sleeping pattern of the human race and saysthat bosses need to introduce a more sleepfriendly working day.1Why are the employees of Google allowed to take anap in the afternoon in theworkplace?AThey are expected to work better.BThey cant fo

18、cus their attention on the work.CThey are running the Nap Now campaign.DThey have difficulty in falling asleep at night.2The underlined word “naptivist” in Paragraph 3probably refers to someone who_.Atakes no nap at workBenjoys napping at workCstudies sleeping at workDfights against working long hou

19、rs3According to the passage, what can we learn about siesta?A.It is a newly practical pattern.BIt has been taken up in Finland.CIt is sort of traditional work culture.DIt fits into the natural sleeping pattern.4What is the authors main purpose of writing the passage?ATo explain how to nap at work.BT

20、o show how the new study was carried out.CTo tell us the importance of sleeping at work.DTo call for the more sleepfriendly work culture.七选五Today, there are thousands of national parks all over the world._1_In that year,the United States government gave a large piece of land to the state of Californ

21、ia. They ask thestate to create a special park to protect the mountains and forest in the area. The trees in this areaare called sequoias._2_They are the tallest living things in the world and are not foundanywhere else on Earth.Conservationists in other countries saw what happened in California and

22、 soon began to do thesame. Today Europe has over 350 national parks. The first one in France, Vanoise National Park,was created in 1963 because the government wanted to stop a plan to build a large tourist projectthere. The idea of creating a national park was first discussed in the 1940s, but peopl

23、e couldntagree on what size to make the park. _3_Ecologists worked with the government to finallyagree on a plan that protected the animals, while still allowing some tourism._4_Like the first California park, the Bavarian Forest National Park was created toprotect mountains and trees. It is the lar

24、gest area of protected forest in Europe. The park hasshelters where visitors can spend a night close to nature. In some places high up in the mountains,there are steps cut into the rock._5_ Thousands of tourists go to the park each year. Theywalk through the attractive woods and enjoy the wonderful

25、mountain views.AThis makes it easier for tourists to get tothe top.BThe worlds first national park was startedin 1864.CThe biggest ones are over one hundred metres high.DThe first national park in Germany openedin 1970.EThe Giant Forest in Sequoia National Park isalive with mystery and wonder.FThey

26、also had different ideas on whether to puthuman or animal needs first.G People feel very fortunate to be able to get soclose to these beautiful national parks.完形填空It was a strange choice for a holiday. I like sitting by the pool with a cola, not flies or frogs. Ilike being _1_and quiet, not a busloa

27、d of kids. The trip sounded good when I_2_. Wewere told that guides would take us into the heart of the place and I would see a new part ofAustralia and learn about local_3_.In Darwin we got onto a bus. It quickly became tiresome. The kids were_4_andkept on talking but I hate making small talk.But l

28、ater when I looked out at the large empty land, I was surprised at and moved by its_5_. Our local guide told us about the land and its culture. I felt far from home.At a national park, we_6_a natural swimming hole, kids and parents having a greattime. Finally we reached our_7_. There I shared a smal

29、l room with my daughter. It didnt_8_. I didnt care about it. The next nine days were_9_. Waterfalls, lakes, communityvisits, and a trip around Katherine Gorge where we_10_saw giant crocodiles (鳄鱼)!On our last night, a water pipe (管子) _11_. We awoke to a mess, everything in water.Usually I would have

30、 _12_, but it just seemed_13_to be dirty.Indeed, it was _14_to stay clean. We were hiking in red dirt with the temperature of 35degrees. Still, I felt a kind of energy I hadnt_15_ in years. ,1A.noisyBbusyCaloneDshy2A.signed upBshowed upCstood upDwoke up3A.guideBbusinessCcultureDresource4A.silentBenc


32、strangeCunbelievableDperfect14A.impossibleBprobableCeasyDimportant15A.testedBstoredCvaluedDExperienced.语法填空I was in the ninth year when I began to suffer depression. My parents noticed but felt thatsince Id always been 1._good child, this was temporary.2._(fortunate), it was not to be so.I didnt hav

33、e friends. Hardly could I sharemy problems. Deep worry began to destroy my3._ (confident).Finally I refused toattend classes,4._(shut) myself in my room for hours.The examination was approaching, but I simply didnt care. My parents and teachers were5._(puzzle) at my bad performance. One morning, aft

34、er a particularly severe lecturefrom my father, I stood at the school gate,6._ (depress). Then as the other studentsmarched to their classrooms, our headmaster called me. The next fortyfive minutes was one7._the most precious moments in my life. She said she8._(notice) abig change in me and wondered

35、 why.At first she took my hands in9._(she) andlistened patiently as I mentioned my worries.Then she hugged me as I wept. Months offrustration and loneliness disappeared in her motherly hug.No one had tried to understand whatthe real problem was except the headmaster,10._helped me out simply bylisten

36、ing and hugging.参考答案【基础训练】.单词拼写1duration2.border3.curtain(s)4.thunder5highlights6.scenery7.massive8.airline9.antique10.peak11.bay12.Prairie13.mall14.breath15awesome16.goat.选词填空1started out2.wakes up3.all the way4.pulled back5.took her breath away.单句语法填空1to hear2.arose3.literally4.awesomely5.freezing

37、6.drilling.课文语法填空1a2.exciting3.spent4.that/which5.to take6literally7.to8.creatures9.averaging10.was【能力提升】.阅读1A细节理解题。根据第二段中的 a powernap makes them more refreshed and morefocused, and this in turn makes them more productive 可知, 谷歌和脸书这样做的目的是想让员工在工作中精力更加充沛、更加专注,因而更有创造性。故选 A 项。2B词义猜测题。根据画线词前一句中的 which is

38、 trying to make sleeping at work moreacceptable 可知,naptivist 指“喜欢在工作期间小睡的人”。故选 B 项。3D推理判断题。根据第五段第二句可知,在天气炎热的西班牙,下午小睡一会儿是非常正常的事情, A 项中的 newly 与此不符。 文中未提及芬兰, 且芬兰不是天气炎热的国家,B 项错误。传统的工作文化是朝九晚五,下午不休息,C 项错误。由第五段最后一句可知,传统的朝九晚五的工作方式与人类自然的睡眠模式不符,即 siesta 与自然的睡眠模式相符,故 D 项正确。4D推理判断题。作者在第一段表明了自己喜欢睡觉,后面通过分析有些企业让员

39、工下午小睡一会儿的用意以及一些研究结果进一步告诉人们: 我们在工作期间小睡一会儿更能提高工作效率。故选 D 项。.七选五1 B根据设空后一句 In that year, the United States government gave a large piece of landto the state of California.可推知设空处要点明年份才能更好地衔接下文。D 项有年份,但说的是德国,不符合语境,故排除。故选 B 项。2C根据设空后一句 They are the tallest living things in the world and are not foundanywhe

40、re else on Earth.(它们是世界上最高的植物, 在地球上的其他任何地方都找不到)可知,设空处应是说明红杉多高。故选 C 项。3F设空前一句为 people couldnt agree on.,F 项中的 They also had different ideas 与之呼应,they 指代 people,设空后的 protected the animals, while still allowing some tourism 与F 项中的 whether to put human or animal needs 相对应,符合语境,故选 F 项。4 D根据设空后一句 Like the

41、 first California park, the Bavarian Forest National Park wascreated to protect mountains and trees.(像世界第一个国家公园一样, 巴伐利亚森林国家公园的建立也是为了保护山脉和树木)可知,此处应是介绍一个新的公园。故选 D 项。5A根据空前 In some places high up in the mountains, there are steps cut into therock.(在高山的某些地方,会有嵌入岩石的台阶)可知,A 项承接前句说明台阶的作用。故选A 项。.完形填空1C根据后面的

42、并列形容词 quiet 可知,此处表示作者喜欢独处和安静。故选 C。2A根据“The trip sounded good”可知,这里指作者报名这次旅行。故选 A。3C根据下文“Our local guide told us about the land and its culture.”可知,作者一行人在导游的带领下,到一个新地方了解当地的风景和文化。故选 C。4D根据“and kept on talking”可知,孩子们不停地说着话,是因为很兴奋。故选 D。5B这里指作者被这片空旷的土地的美丽震惊并且打动。故选 B。6A根据“kids and parents having a great t

43、ime”可知,孩子和父母玩得很开心,说明他们在尽情地享受。故选 A。7C根据下文叙述可知,作者他们到达了目的地。故选 C。8A根据下文 I didnt care about it.可知,房间小并不重要。故选 A。9B根据“Waterfalls, lakes, community visits, and a trip around Katherine Gorge wherewe_10_saw giant crocodiles!”可知,这里指接下来的九天都安排满了。故选 B。10C句意:我们甚至看到了巨大的鳄鱼!此处用 even(甚至)加强语气,突出作者兴奋、惊喜的情绪。故选 C。11D根据后句“

44、We awoke to a mess, everything in water.”一切都在水中可知,水管坏了。故选 D。12B根据上文作者对自己的描述可知,作者爱干净,所以说对于这种状况作者通常会抱怨。故选 B。13A根据上文作者对所到的地方的描述可知,这样的状况下脏是正常的。故选 A。14A根据上文可知,这样的状况下要保持干净是不可能的。故选 A。15D句意:尽管如此,我仍然感到一种多年未体验过的活力。可知应选 D 项。A.tested测试;B.stored 储存;C.valued 珍视;D.experienced 经历;体验。.语法填空1a考查冠词。child 是可数名词,且第一次在文章中

45、出现,表泛指,child 前的 good发音以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词 a 修饰,表示“一个”好孩子。2Unfortunately考查词性转换。此处应用副词修饰整个句子,作状语。再根据句意可知,应填 Unfortunately。3confidence考查词性转换。my 是形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,故用 confidence。4shutting考查非谓语动词。shut 和句子主语 I 之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。5puzzled考查词性转换。此处应用形容词作表语。修饰的是人,故用ed 结尾的形容词 puzzled。句意:父母和老师们都对我糟糕的表现迷惑不解。6depressed考查非谓语动词。由句子的主语 I 和该空前的逗号可知,应用 depress 的过去分词形式 depressed 在句子中作伴随状语。7of考查介词。此处表示“最珍贵的时刻之一”,故用 of。8had noticed考查动词的时态。notice 的动作发生在 said 之前,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。9hers考查代词。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,且由空格前的“my hands”可知,此处用名词性物主代词 hers,表示她的手。10who考查定语从句的引导词。who 引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词 the headmaster。


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