(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 4-5 复习练习题(含答案).doc

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1、选择性必修二 Units 4-5I. 选用括号内合适的内容填空。1. _ (Seeing, Seen) that she was going off to sleep, I asked if shed like that little doll onher bed.2. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _ (to breathe,breathing).3. Did the book provide the information you needed? Yes. But _ (to find,

2、 finding) it, I had to read the entire book.4. He was busy writing a story, only _ (stopping, to have stopped) once in a while tosmoke a cigarette.5. Something as simple as _ (drunk, drinking) some cold water may clear your mind.6. We finished the run in less than half the time _ (allowing, allowed)

3、.7. _ (Search, Searching) the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you willlearn a lot about firefighting.8. The trees _ (blown down, blowing down) in the storm have been moved off the road.9. _ (To complete, Completed) the project as planned, well have to work two more hoursa day.10. Af

4、ter he became conscious, he remembered _ (having been attacked, to be attacked)and _ (to be hit, hit) on the head with a stick.11. The next thing he saw was smoke _ (rising, risen) from behind the house.12. Tsinghua University, _ (founding, founded) in 1911, is home to a great number ofoutstanding f

5、igures.II. 用括号内动词的正确形式填空。AA report 1. _ (publish) in the journal Brain found that up to a third cases ofAlzheimers disease may actually be caused by a newly 2. _ (identify) disease calledLATE, which is a kind of brain disease. LATE generally progresses more gradually thanAlzheimers and is marked by

6、the increase of the TDP-43 brain protein, while Alzheimers isrelated to the beta-amyloid and tau brain proteins. But many people appear to suffer from bothdiseases, 3. _ (cause) a more rapid decline ( 衰 弱 ) than either condition alone. Thisfinding may help explain why trials of drugs 4. _ (design) t

7、o control beta-amyloid and tauhave failed 5. _ (help) patients and point the way to more effective treatments in thefuture.Notes:Alzheimers disease 阿尔茨海默病beta-amyloid and tau brain proteins -淀粉样蛋白和 tau 脑蛋白BInactive Ingredients Not Always HarmlessA pills inactive components arent meant 1. _ (affect)

8、the body directly; theyremerely intended 2. _ (improve) qualities such as taste and shelf life. But when researcherssurveyed more than 42,000 medicines, nearly all contained at least one substance 3. _(know) to lead to allergic reactions or digestive issues in some people. If you take severalmedicin

9、es and have stomachache or allergic symptoms, the small amounts in each might becollectively causing problems. It isnt always easy 4. _ (learn) whats in a pill, but doctorscanhelpidentifypossiblesubstancesthatproduceanallergicreactioninsomeone.Over-the-counter products have a list of inactive ingred

10、ients on the packaging or on a(n)5. _ (attach) label.Notes:shelf life 保存期限allergic 过敏的symptom 症状over-the-counter (指药品)非处方的III. 选用括号内合适的内容补全下列短文。AYou often hear a lot of so-called experts say they can make you a millionaire from theirteachings or system, practically overnight. That is a hard promise

11、to deliver, especially since itprobably took them years 1. _ (to get, getting) there themselves.Youll need a strategic plan and organised timeline 2. _ (to achieve, achieving) yourbig goal and set off on your journey. Below is a list of some defining factors youll want to focuson as you set foot on

12、the road to riches.Millionaires are long-term thinkers.They think about the future and long-term goals instead of instant satisfaction, 3. _(developing, to develop) discipline (纪律), which enables them to see the big picture. So hold thatvision clearly in your mind until you achieve the ultimate resu

13、lts.Millionaires accept change.Change can sometimes be frightening, yet 4. _ (fearing, fear) whats new also keepsyou from creating opportunities. Millionaires understand that change, whether it is positive ornegative, will still benefit them in some way. That mindset in turn brings more self-confide

14、nce,only increasing the sense that no matter what comes your way, you can handle it.Millionaires never stop 5. _ (learning, to learn).Read more self-improvement books, and find teachers and other successful people to supportand guide you.Millionaires dont just think about 6. _ (creating, create) suc

15、cess; they take 100percent responsibility for it and do whatever it takes to reach their goals. Become a “doer”, focuson the big win, and dont allow anything to get in the way of 7. _ (realising, realise) yourdreams.BThis past summer my family took an exciting vacation across the country. It was ver

16、yinteresting because I got a chance 1. _ (to see, saw) different cities.So what stood out? Well first of all the people were different. When I stopped in Wyoming toeat at Dairy Queen the people were extremely nice. In comparison to San Francisco when we atelunch at In and Out Burger, the line of peo

17、ple 2. _ (waited, waiting) to be served wasnearly out of the door. My dad used his GPS to find the closest one to our hotel to avoid 3._ (had to, having to) fight the traffic. Also, I noticed that the people were still nice eventhough they were focused on 4. _ (getting, got) their food and leaving.A

18、nother difference was how each place looked. My favorite was the mountains that we sawwhile 5. _ (driven, driving) through Colorado. I also loved the beach in California where Iwas able to swim in the ocean. Nebraska reminded me a lot of home: no mountains or oceans butplenty of trees 6. _ (looking,

19、 to look) at. Wyoming was different from what I hadexpected. I really thought it would be like Colorado, but the part we drove through actuallyreminded me more of a desert. When 7. _ (going, gone) through Salt Lake City, I thoughtthe lake really stood out. It wasnt like the lakes in Kansas and didnt

20、 have a lot of wildlife.In conclusion, my dad always says you need to get out and experience different things. I nowsee why he says this. On this trip, I discovered that while we all live in the same country, we allhave very different experiences 8. _ (depending, depended) on where we live. I thinke

21、veryone should take the time to travel to different areas so that they can also experience what Idid.IV. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I always find myself with the same problem how to stay 1. _ (health) and fitwhile traveling?Move around!Once you get to your destination, dont forget 2. _ (do) e

22、xercise. Whether it isworking out at your hotel or 3. _ (take) hikes, youll feel much better if you get 4._ (involve) in some activity.Prepare snacks.While at the airport or on road trips, youll pass countless fast food restaurants. Though theseseem like a convenient option, theyre not the healthies

23、t. I like to pack snacks 5. _ arewithin my calorie budget for the day and 100 calories or under each. When traveling and buyingfood, I try to choose fresh fruit and vegetables.Drink, drink, drink!Due 6. _ low humidity (湿度) on planes, many of us can find ourselves feeling7. _ (thirsty) than ever. Dri

24、nk more water. 8. _ (make) sure you carry water withyou at all times when traveling on day trips. Water will also help you to be able to stay fullbetween 9. _ (meal) so that you will eat healthier throughout the day.Though you will be out of your normal comfort zone, 10. _ is important to stick toyo

25、ur regular rules as much as possible. Happy traveling!答案I.1. Seeing2. to breathe3. to find4. stopping5. drinking6. allowed7. Search8. blown down9. To complete10. having been attacked; hit11. rising12. foundedII.A.1. published2. identified3. causing4. designed5. to helpB.1. to affect2. to improve3. known4. to learn5. attachedIII.A.1. to get2. to achieve3. developing4. fearing5. learning6. creating7. realisingB.1. to see2. waiting3. having to4. getting5. driving6. to look7. going8. dependingIV.1. healthy2. to do3. taking4. involved5. that / which6. to7. thirstier8. Make9. meals10. it


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