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1、河北河北省省部分名校部分名校2021-20222021-2022 学年高学年高二二上学期上学期第一次月第一次月考考英语英语考试试题考试试题精选汇编精选汇编读后续写专题读后续写专题河北省东光县第一中学河北省东光县第一中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷第二节(满分 25 分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Christmas was hanging around. Six-year-old David was thinking what presents hecould get fr

2、om Santa. He wanted slippers; he wanted a silk tie; he wanted some toys.And school starting soon, he also hoped to get something about schooling. In order toget Santa to know what he needed, he thought he would write a letter to Santa, which hebelieved would bring him those presents. He found a shee

3、t and made a list of the itemson it, and then bent down to post the letter up the chimney, waiting for the winds to takeit up.David got up very early on the Christmas morning. He searched his room carefully,but to his disappointment, he didnt find the presents he had hoped for. Hadnt Santareceived t

4、he letter? Was he too busy to send him the gifts? Although feeling a little upset,David was convinced that Santa would not forget him and he was bound to receive theitems.Many years had passed and 2019 came. In an old house, a young builder, LewisShaw was removing the fireplace with his colleagues w

5、hen he suddenly found a smallpiece of paper, which was still in perfect condition even if it had turned yellow. Hepicked it up and unfolded it. It was a letter written to Santa. The touching hand-writtennote read:Dear Father Christmas,Please send me Rupert Annual, a drum, a box of chalks, slippers,

6、a silk tie, a pencilbox, any little toys you have to spare.Love,DavidIt was then signed off with lots of kisses.This was the very letter written by David and the house was where he had livedduring his childhood! The letter struck Shaw so much. How simple Christmas once was!David didnt ask for much,

7、just the things he needed. Nowadays kids always wantexpensive gifts and take it for granted.注意:(1)所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;(2)续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。Paragraph 1:Shaw decided to find out the author of the letter. He shared a photo of the note onFacebook. He also_Paragraph 2:A great surprise was on the way. Af

8、ter a pleasant chat,_河北省衡水市武强中学河北省衡水市武强中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题第二节(满分第二节(满分 25 分)分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的词数应为 150 左右。During lunchtime, Emma suggested going to the 200 to feed the animals and her mom agreed.“Well stop by the bakery and pick some bre

9、ad up. Now hurry and eat and then well go. Itsgoing to be a lovely day. Grandma is coming with us. Shell be here any minute,” Mom said.Emma ate her lunch and then ran into her room to get her shoes. The problem was that shecould only find one of them. She looked under her bed, but all she could see

10、were dirty towels andpants. She moved some of her toys out of the way, but still couldnt find her shoe.After shedchecked everywhere in her room, she ran into the kitchen. “Mom, I cant find my shoe. Will youwait while I look for it?” she asked.Her mom thought about how many times shed told Emma to cl

11、ean her room up. She whisperedsomething to Emmas grandma and then said to Emma, “You will have to stay at home. Your dadand I will take Ryan to the zoo. Grandma will stay here with you.”“No! Please wait for me. I want to go to the zoo,” Emma cried. “Im sorry, Emma. Ive told youa dozen times to clean

12、 your room and you ignored me. You cant find your shoe now. Its your ownfault for not doing as I asked. You will stay at home.”Emma ran into her bedroom, crying. Her mom came to the door and said, “Emma, clean thatroom of yours before I get home. Ive told grandma not to give you any sweets until you

13、 finish thework.” She went out to the car with Ryan and Emmas dad and then they drove away.Paragraph 1:Emma sat on her bed and cried for a long time.Paragraph 2:Emma and her grandma were sitting at the table, eating when her mom, dad, and Ryan came home.河北省大名县第一中学河北省大名县第一中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学

14、期第一次月考英语试题学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题第二节第二节(满分满分 25 分分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 词左右。There was a rich couple who was holding a big new year party at their house. So theywent shopping at the market where everything was expensive, but they didnt mind payinga lot for it. After buying ev

15、erything they needed, they called a porter(搬运工) to carry itand drop it off at their home. The porter who came was of an old age, not very healthylooking. His clothes were torn and he looked as if he wasnt even able to meet his dailyneeds.They asked the porter about the charges for sending their good

16、s at their home. Theold porter quoted(报价) $20, a price well below the market rate. Yet, the couple arguedand bargained(讨价还价) with the porter and finally settled for $15. The porter was tryingto make money for every meal so he needed anything he could earn.The couple was very happy thinking how well

17、they bargained with the poor porterand paid him $15 in advance and left after giving the porter their home address. Theyreached their home and two hours passed, the porter still hadnt delivered their stuff.The wife started to get angry at her husband, “I always tell you not to trust suchperson but y

18、ou never listen to me. Such a person is not even able to earn to feed himselffor one time in a day, and you handed him everything we bought for our big party. I amsure he must have disappeared with everything. We must immediately go back to themarket to inquire(询问) and then to the police station to

19、file the complaint against him(报案).”They both went to the market. On their way, near the market, they saw another porter.They stopped him to inquire about the old porter and noticed that he was carrying theirstuff(东西) in his cart!Paragraph 1:The angry wife asked him, “Where is that old thief? This i

20、s our stuff.”_Paragraph 2:Upon hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes and turned to his wife._河北省盐山中学河北省盐山中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期学年高二上学期 9 9 月月考英语试卷月月考英语试卷第二节第二节 (满分(满分 25 分)分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。My grandma who was crippled (跛腿的) was dancing. I stood in

21、 the doorway,absolutely shocked. I heard her singing when I opened the door but did not want tointerrupt her. She was wearing beautiful dancing shoes and her legs obeyed her perfectly.As long as I could remember, she was once the pet of the dancing world. But it was allover after a sudden accident.

22、She had always limped, helped with a cane (手杖).She turned around and saw me standing in the doorway. Her song ended, and herbeautiful movements with it. Grandma turned towards the kitchen. She was walkingwith no difficulties in her beautiful shoes. I followed her, not believing my eyes.“So.” I asked

23、 surprisedly but happily. “How did your leg recover?”“To tell you the truth, my legs have been well all my life,” she said.“But I dont understand!” I said. “I mean. You pretended all these years?” “Verymuch so,” Grandma closed her eyes, “and for a very good reason.”“What reason?”“Your grandpa.”“You

24、mean he told you not to dance?”“No, this was my choice. I am sure I would have lost him if I had continueddancing. I weighed fame and love against each other and love won.”“We were talking about the engagement (订婚) when your grandpa had to go towar. It was the most terrible day of my life when he le

25、ft. I was so afraid of losing him,and the only way I could stay peaceful was to dance. And then one day a letter came.There were only three sentences: I have lost my leg. I am no longer a whole man andnow give you your freedom. It is best for you to forget me.” Grandma continued to tellme that Grand

26、pa was in hospital and she made her decision not to give him up. She tookher leave, and traveled away from the city.Para 1: Several weeks later, she returned._Para 2: She took a deep breath, leaned on her cane and limped to Grandpa. _河北省任丘市第一中学河北省任丘市第一中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期阶段考试(一)英语试题学年高二上学期阶

27、段考试(一)英语试题第二节 (满分 25 分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。School mornings were always busy. The first sentence I usually heard was, “Itstime to rise and shine!” It was my mothers loudest voice, and there was no way I couldignore it or hide from it.“Okay, Mom. I am getting up and dressed!” When I g

28、ot up, Mons loudest voicerose again as she announced, “Breakfast is ready!” By then, the house was filled withthe good smell of breakfast and I couldnt help getting to the kitchen fast enough.“Thanks, Mom! This is my favorite,” I said, enjoying the dishes.Mom replied, “You are welcome, my dear. Now

29、grab(拿上)your lunch bag andbooks. The school bus will be here any minute!” My sisters and I ran out to the bus stopas we grabbed our lunch bags that contained a sandwich, fruit and dessert(甜品).Then one day, to my surprise, there was no dessert in my lunch bag. I lookedthrough every part of my lunch b

30、ag, and even turned it upside down. My dessert justwasnt there. What could have happened to it? Did Mom forget to make it? “Well,” Ithought, “its only one time, so its no big deal.” But for the next several days, my lunchbag contained no dessert. So one day as soon as I got home from school, I asked

31、 Mom ifshe forgot to put a dessert in my lunch bag.Mom was surprised and responded, “Why? I have been including a dessert in yourlunch bag every day. If you are not getting them, then who is?”Soon when I reviewed my activities and schedules in school, I found Carltheterror of the third grade. No one

32、 liked him in his class because he was rough, oftenfighting with other boys. Now even worsehe was a thief. “He must be punished,” Isaid angrily. But my Mom seemed to be not angry at all.注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。After knowing everything about Carl, my Mom talked to me her way to solve

33、 thisproblem._Carl was touched and asked me if he could visit my house and thank mymother._参考答案参考答案河北省东光县第一中学河北省东光县第一中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷Paragraph 1:Shaw decided to find out the author of the letter. He shared a photo of the note on Facebook. Healso spoke to the nei

34、ghbours on both sides of the house. Within two days he connected withDavid, the now 78-year-old man living in a town nearby. They met at the old house, whereShaw returned him the letter. What a great surprise it was that he could read the letter againso many years after he wrote it!Paragraph 2:A gre

35、at surprise was on the way. After a pleasant chat, Shaw handed David a box. Inside itDavid found all the presents he had listed in the letter. In fact, it had taken Shaw much time tocollect these presents. He didnt even know Rupert Annual was a magazine for children beforehe was able to get one. Dav

36、id was quite excitedhe finally had his Christmas wishes fulfilled!河北省衡水市武强中学河北省衡水市武强中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题【答案】Paragraph 1:Emma sat on her bed and cried for a long time.And then she wiped her eyes and started toclean her room. It took her two hours to clean up the room

37、. “I did it!” she said proudly. She evenfound her missing shoe. She ran into the living room. “Grandma! Come and see. I cleaned my roomand found my shoe.” Grandma looked at Emmas room. “If you had kept it this way, you wouldnthave lost your shoe. Come and have some sweets now,” she said.Paragraph 2:

38、Emma and her grandma were sitting at the table, eating when her mom, dad, and Ryan camehome. “Well, look at Emmas room! Its clean,” her dad said. “How was the zoo? Did you have fun?I wish I could have gone there with you,” Emma said. “If you keep your room clean, we may go andsee animals again,” her

39、 mom said. From then on, Emma tried her best to keep her room clean.河北省大名县第一中学河北省大名县第一中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题【答案】The angry wife asked him, “Where is that old thief? This is our stuff.” The porterreplied, “Madam, please calm down. That poor old man was sick since last m

40、onth. He wasnt able toearn money to even have a single meal of the day. He was on the way to deliver your stuff, but he,whowashungry and sick, couldnt gather the strength to go any further in this heat of the noon. Hefell down and he handed me $15. His last words were,“I had taken an advance for thi

41、s delivery, andyou takethis and please deliver it to this address.”Upon hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes and turned to his wife. “He was hungry, hewas poor, but he was an honest man,” the husband said. The wife was very angry and ashamed ofher decision. She had no courage to look at h

42、er husbands eyes. Suddenly it dawned on her thathonesty has no class. Respect everyone regardless of their financial and social status. It is always agood deed to give the one who deserves.河北省盐山中学河北省盐山中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期学年高二上学期 9 9 月月考英语试卷月月考英语试卷Para 1: Several weeks later, she returned. S

43、he had bought herself a cane and wrappedher leg tightly with bandages. She told everyone she had been in a car crash and that herleg would never completely heal again. Her dancing days were over. No one suspectedthe storyshe had learned to limp convincingly before she returned home. Then shetraveled

44、 to the hospital. She saw my grandpa seated in his wheelchair with a cane on theground nearby.Para 2: She took a deep breath, leaned on her cane and limped to Grandpa. She toldhim she had an accident and a leg was injured seriously. She showed him twoengagement rings she had bought the day after he

45、left for the war. “I was not going towaste them on any other man,” Grandma said to him. Then Grandpa bent to take hiscane from the ground but Grandma was not going to help. And so he managed it on hisown and never sat in a wheelchair again in his life.河北省任丘市第一中学河北省任丘市第一中学 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二上学期阶

46、段考试(一)英语试题学年高二上学期阶段考试(一)英语试题After knowing everything about Carl, my Mom talked to me her way to solve thisproblem.She thought there was no need to punish Carl and what Carl needed wasnothing more than a friend. Mom said that she would put two desserts in my lunchbagone for me and the other for Carl.

47、 Then I put my lunch bag in its usual place and Isaid nothing to Carl. But one day, he asked me, “Why are there always two desserts inyour lunch bag?” I explained to him that my Mom put one in my lunch bag for me andthe other for him.Carl was touched and asked me if he could visit my house and thank

48、 my mother.Itold him I would ask my mother about it. Then one day with my Moms invitation, Itook Carl to my home. My Mom prepared a lot of delicious snacks for us and treatedCarl as my good friend. When leaving, he apologized sincerely to me with shame foronce taking away my desserts, explained why he did it and expressed his hope that hewanted to be my friend. After that, Carl never fought with others at school and oftencame to my home, playing and studying together with me. Because of my Momsexample, I learned a lifelong lesson about how to show proper care to other.


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