Unit 2 Food and health-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册-(配套课件编号:10b59).doc

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1、1六 年级 下 册Unit2第 7a, 7b 部分教案撰写:学校教学内容:教学内容:Unit2Unit2FoodFood andand healthhealthPartPart 7a,7a, 7b7b(1 1 课时)课时)调整创新教学目标教学目标 :1、认读三个重点词组:notat all; most of; look after。2、三会掌握句型:She loves eating very much.Her eating habits are not healthy.She doesnt exercise.You have to3、能听懂、理解并朗读有关 Auntie Pang 的不良饮食和

2、生活习惯的短文。4、能根据短文回答相关问题。(注意阅读技巧的指导。)5、能根据思维导图复述课文。6、能提出如何保持健康的有效建议,并制作健康提示卡。教学重点:教学重点:能听懂、理解并朗读有关 Auntie Pang 的不良饮食和生活习惯的短文。并能根据短文回答相关问题。教学难点:教学难点:能根据思维导图复述课文。 能与生活实际相结合, 灵活运用所学语言和知识。教具准备:教具准备:课件,电子白板,iPad,词条,小贴纸。教学过程教学过程(一)热身热身1. Quickly response.2. Free talk.T: Do you like eating fast food?What do y

3、ou like?Why?(在热身环节中,教师播放 pizza, hamburger, chips 等图片,让学生在充满节奏感的伴奏中快速喊出所看见的单词,从而引出fast food。既激发了学生的积极性,又为新授做了铺垫)。2(二)新知呈现与教授新知呈现与教授Task 1. Watch and answer.T: I have a neighbour. She loves eating very much. And she eats alot. But she has got a problem. Do you want to know moreinformation about my nei

4、ghbour? Lets watch a short vedio andtry to answer me :Who is my neighbour?(观看关于胖阿姨的简介,用图文相结合的方式帮助学生更直观的整体感知全文)。Task 2. Listen and answer.T: Do you remember I just say that she has got a problem?Whats the problem with her?Lets listen and find out the answer.S: She often gets ill and goes to see a doc

5、tor.(初听全文,回答问题。 )Task 3. Read and learn.(快速阅读 2,3 两段,用“_”画出两段的关键句。 )T: Why does she often get ill and goes to see a doctor?S1: Her eating habits are not healthy.S2: She doesnt exercise.(通过提问, 引导学生找出文章关键句和主要信息, 帮助学生理清文章脉络。 )T: There are four paragraphs in this passage. Can you match themeaning with e

6、ach paragraph?(将每段段意在 PPT 上呈现,学生通过连线练习更加清晰的了解文章的脉络和主要内容。 在学生连线反馈的过程中, 教师根据答案粘贴词条,构建思维导图。 )Paragraph 1the eating habits(饮食习惯) ofAuntie PangParagraph 2the living habits(生活习惯) ofAuntie PangParagraph 3the introduction(简介) ofAuntie PangParagraph 4the advice(建议) of the doctor3(三)(三) 新知操练与运用新知操练与运用(第一段)(第一

7、段)T:Look at paragraph 1. Its about the introduction ofAuntie Pang.Lets say a chant.(自编 chant, 概括第一段内容,学生朗朗上口,记忆深刻。 )(第二段)(第二段)T:Please read paragraph 2 and do the exercise on your ipad.But her eating habits are not healthy! She likes eating pizza,hamburgers, and ice cream. She eats a lot and drinks

8、too much cola everyday. She doesnt watch her weight at all.1.Auntie Pang has a good eating habits.()2. She likes eating fruits and vegetables.()3. She eats a lot and drinks too much water every day.()4. She doesnt worry about her weight at all.()(学生自读第 2 段, 在平板上完成判断正误练习。 并以小组的形式进行反馈。 在反馈过程中,教授新词组: n

9、ot. at all)(第三段)(第三段)T:Lets read paragraph 3 quickly.Answer this question:How does she spend most of her day?(速读第三段,回答问题。 )S: She sits in front of the TV most of the day.(教授词组:most of。分组朗读 2,3 段)(第四段)(第四段)T:Auntie Pang goes to see a doctor. She wants to be healthy.What does the doctor say toAuntie P

10、ang?S: You have to.(在学生回答过程中,教师纠正读音,适时教授词组 look after。 )Auntie PangAuntie PangWho is Auntie Pang?My neighbourMy neighbourShe is my neighbour.Auntie PangAuntie PangHow is Auntie Pang?Kind and warmKind and warmShes kind and warmAuntie PangAuntie PangWhat does she love?Love eatingLove eatingShe loves e

11、ating.4T: What should we do to be healthy?What else can we do?(让学生多提其他建议, 为最后的小组合作活动语言输出做铺垫。 )Task 4. Retell the text.T: Can you retell the text according to the mind map?(在组长的带领下,对照 PPT 上的思维导图,复述短文,小组上台反馈) 。Task 5. Group work.Make a healthy tip cards.(制作一张健康提示卡。 )T: Its very important for us to kee

12、p healthy. We must make healthyeating and living habits.Please make a healthy tip cards in your groups.Tips:1. You can use your stickers to make your cards more beautiful.2. You can also draw some pictures on your cards.(教师利用互动课堂, 将学生作品拍照上传, 同学们选出自己最喜欢的作品,该组组员上台分享。 )(四)(四) 教学评价建议教学评价建议评价内容:评价内容:List

13、en carefully.Speak loudly.Read fluently.评价方法:评价方法:师生评价,生生评价,小组互评等!奖励小贴纸。(五)板书设计板书设计AuntieAuntie PangPangShe loves eating very much.notat allHer eating habits are not healthy.most ofShe doesnt exercise.look afterYou have toeating habitsnameliving habitshobbydoctors advicecharacter5(六)(六)课后反思课后反思Unit

14、2 Food and health 食物与健康是与学生生活息息相关的一个单元。7a 部分是一节阅读课,主要谈到了胖阿姨的不良饮食习惯和生活习惯。提醒大家注意健康。开课时,教师自己录音制作了一个微课,将整个短文内容用图文并茂的形式呈现出来, 有助于学生快速的理解全文内容。 接着教师通过几个问题串联全文。 引导学生学会找每段的关键句, 概括出每段的主要意思,帮助学生更加清晰的理解本文内容。在分段讲解时,教师采用了不同的形式对四段内容进行理解与反馈。如 chant、判断正误、回答问题等。使用 iPad、电子白板等现代化教学手段辅助教学,避免了形式单一,枯燥,激发学生的持续学习兴趣。同时,注重放手让学生说,以小组形式反馈,避免传统的讲授式教学法。最后,通过思维导图有效帮助学生复述全文。拓展环节中,要求学生在小组内共同完成健康提示卡的设计,充分发挥学生的创造性, 培养学生小组合作的能力, 活学活用所学语言知识。提醒大家注意培养良好的饮食习惯和生活习惯。整节课环节清晰流畅,学生参与度高,课堂氛围好。值得反思的是这节课读的时间略少,应采用个人读,小组读,分角色朗读,全班齐读等不同方式,加强读的训练。


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