Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:3065e).zip

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Ice cream for OswaldA story- Who is the man in brown? What do you think of the old castle? What is the ghosts name? Who eats the ice cream?A storyIce cream for Oswald Group work. 1. Does Oswald like ice cream? 2. Where does he go ? 3. What flavour does Oswald want? 4. Why cant Oswald buy the ice cream? 5. What does he do then? Yes, he does. He wants vanilla,chocolate and strawberry. He wants to make some money.He locks the guide in the room.And he is a guide now.Because he hasnt got any money. He goes to the ice cream shop. Write T or F. 1. ( ) Oswald is a guide now. 2. ( ) He shows the visitor how Henry the Horrible killed the people didnt like. 3. ( ) All the people dont like Oswald. 4. ( ) Oswald doesnt do the good job. 5. ( ) At last, Oswald gets much money and he can buy lots of ice cream.TTFFT Finish the text. The _ says there is a _ in the castle. Its name is Oswald. When the visitors are listening to the guide, Oswald _ a boys ice cream. He loves it and goes to town to _ an ice cream. But he hasnt got any _. He doesnt get the ice cream. So he wants to make some money. He _ the guide in a room. Then he is a guide now. He _ the visitors how Henry the Horrible killed people. The visitors like it and _ Oswald money. Oswald is happy. Now he can buy lots of _.guide ice cream money ghost eats give buy locks shows guideghosteatsbuymoneylocksshowsgiveice creamPut the sentences in the correct orderOswald loves it and goes to town to buy an ice cream.Oswald wants to make some money.Oswald is happy. Now he can buy lots of ice cream.Oswald eats a boys ice cream.He shows the visitors how Henry the Horrible killed people.Oswald doesnt get his ice cream because he hasnt got any money.They like it and give Oswald money.Oswald locks the guide in a room.41235678 1. Do the exercise on P24.2. Tell the story to your parents. Exercises Name_1、Write T or F. 1. ( ) Oswald is a guide now. 2. ( ) He shows the visitor how Henry the Horrible killed the people didnt like. 3. ( ) All the people dont like Oswald. 4. ( ) Oswald doesnt do the good job. 5. ( ) At last, Oswald gets much money and he can buy lots of ice cream.2、Finish the text. The _ says there is a _ in the castle. Its name is Oswald. When the visitors are listening to the guide, Oswald _ a boys ice cream. He loves it and goes to town to _ an ice cream. But he hasnt got any _. He doesnt get the ice cream. So he wants to make some money. He _ the guide in a room. Then he is a guide now. He _ the visitors how Henry the Horrible killed people. The visitors like it and _ Oswald money. Oswald is happy. Now he guide ice cream money ghost eats give buy locks shows can buy lots of _.三、Put the sentences in the correct order1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、Oswald loves it and goes to town to buy an ice cream.Oswald wants to make some money.Oswald is happy. Now he can buy lots of ice cream.Oswald eats a boys ice cream.He shows the visitors how Henry the Horrible killed people.Oswald doesnt buy his ice cream because he hasnt got any money.They like it and give Oswald money.Oswald locks the guide in a room.1Ice cream for Oswald设计教师: 单 位: 教学年级: 六年级课题名称: Unit 3 Marys diary(第三课时)-A story教材版本: 英语六年级下册教授时间: 40 分钟一、教学三维目标一、教学三维目标(1)知识与能力1、正确朗读故事并表演2、能根据故事回答相应的问题,并能按故事情节给句子排序3、能复述故事。(2)过程与方法 引导学生注重小组学习,培养沟通和交流的能力,一起探讨问题的答案。(3)情意目标 通过本课的学习,激发学生的学习兴趣,发展自主学习的能力,培养学习兴趣, 加强体验感知,提高口语表达能力,同时增强他们学习英语的自信心。2、教学重难点教学重难点 词汇:guide, flavour, vanilla, lock, show 重点句型:Thank you! That was wonderful! Great show! Excellent! Best tour in my life! 难点:复述故事3、教学准备教学准备 ppt 课件和实物投影仪课件和实物投影仪四、四、 教学策略教学策略这节课主要通过任务型教学法和情景教学法,以多媒体课件创设情景,为学生的学习营造真实的语言环境。五、教学过程五、教学过程教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动活动目的活动目的1、Warm up一、Greeting: How are you today? What date is today? What day is it? Whats the weather like?能说出 Today is March 25th.It is Friday.Its warm.通过环节,起到热身的作用,使学生的注意力集中到课堂来。 2、RevisionGroup work. 每小组轮流向下一个组提问题,通过复习,采用回忆、2Ask and answer group by group.然后下一组迅速作答。说、练的思维活动,复习了前面所学的知识,又为本课的学习输入语言信息。3、PresentationStep1: Let the students open the books and listen to the story first.Step2: There are thirteen pictures in the story. First show Picture1 and Picture2.According to the pictures, teacher ask four questions:1.Who is the man in brown? 2.What do you think of the old castle? 3.What is the ghosts name?4.Who eats the ice cream?Then ask some students to act out these two pictures.Step3: Show Picture3,4,5,6,7According to the pictures, teacher ask five questions:1. Does Oswald like ice cream? 2. Where does he go ?3. What flavour does Oswald want? 4. Why cant Oswald buy the ice cream? 5. What does he do then? Then ask some students to act out these pictures.Step1:学生打开书,先看课本听完整个故事,然后合上课本。Step2: 学生看图回答老师问题:1.He is a guide.2.This castle is 800 years old. In the tower theres a ghost.3.Oswald.4.Oswald./ The ghost.然后请学生表演这两幅图。Step3: 学生小组讨论问题的答案,然后整组起来回答问题。1.Yes, he does.2.He goes to the ice cream shop.3.He wants vanilla,chocolate and strawberry. 4.Because he hasnt got any money. 5.He wants to make some money.He locks the 此环节立足整体把握教材的知识体系,在导入新知识时先分析新旧知识的联系,再以旧带新,做到语言知识的融会贯通,不断丰富学生的语言积累。在这个活动中,老师是参与者,学生时活动的主体。学生以小组为单位进行讨论,在较真实的语境中锻炼口头交流能力。这活动有利于培养学生的合作精神。3Step4: Show the Picture8,9,10,11,12,13Let the students judge five sentences.1. ( ) Oswald is a guide now.2. ( ) He shows the visitor how Henry the Horrible killed the people didnt like.3. ( ) All the people dont like Oswald.4. ( ) Oswald doesnt do the good job.5. ( ) At last, Oswald gets much money and he can buy lots of ice cream.Then ask some students to act out these pictures.Step5: Let the students finish the text, retell the story. guide ice cream money ghost eats give buy locks shows The _ says there is a _ in the castle. Its name is Oswald. When the visitors are listening to the guide, Oswald _ a boys ice cream. He loves it and goes to town to _ an ice cream. But he hasnt got any _. He doesnt get the ice cream. So he wants to make some money. He _ the guide in a room. Then he is a guide now. He _ the visitors how Henry the Horrible killed people. The visitors like it and _ Oswald money. Oswald is happy. Now he can buy lots of _.Step6: Put the sentences in the correct order.guide in the room.And he is a guide now.然后请学生表演这些图。Step4:学生在练习纸上独立完成5 个判断题。先小组核对答案,再全班核对。然后请学生表演这些图。Step5: 学生独立完成复述故事的小短文选词填写。然后小组核对答案,再请一个组的同学复述短文。Step6: 以小组为单位,排列句子,趁热打铁,检查学生的把握情况,再把以前学过的句型穿插进去,学生的能力得到了提高,知识得到了延伸。 通过检查,可以知道学生的学习情况和教师的教学效果。在小组合作学习的方法里,有一种“旋风式”研习法,就是把集体研讨成果向全体展示,对被质疑的观点进行适当讨论。有效的集思广41.Oswald eats a boys ice cream.2.Oswald loves it and goes to town to buy an ice cream.3.Oswald doesnt get his ice cream because he hasnt got any money.4.Oswald wants to make some money.5.Oswald locks the guide in a room.6.He shows the visitors how Henry the Horrible killed people.7.They like it and give Oswald money.8.Oswald is happy. Now he can buy lots of ice cream.将其整理成一篇短文,复述故事大概内容。然后以“旋风式”研习法,各组依次轮换位置,阅读其他组的合作成果,并补充(直接添加)或质疑(用笔圈起)观点。益法,能快速贡献意见,并在组内交换意见或进行辩论过程中引出学习。在小组轮换过程中,能了解更多观点,在质疑和讨论中让学习引向深入。4、PracticeRetell the story.小组为单位复述故事。让学生能把所学知识运用到实际的语言交际中。5、Homework1. Do the exercise on P24.2. Tell the story to your parents.学生课后完成老师布置的作业,把课堂所学的知识运用到实际的生活中去。板书: U3 A story make money show get money vanillaguide ghost ice cream buy flavour chocolate strawberry lock no money5 视导课教学反思 在视导课里,我上了一节故事教学,在故事教学中我采取了以下一些步骤: 1. 听力开道 听力是学生英语能力中一项重要内容,故事教学不能离开对这一技能的训练。教师采用讲述或播放磁带、VCD 等方法整体呈现故事,要求学生大概听出故事发生的时间地点、主要人物及故事内容,以强化学生听力技能。 2. 提问深化 整体感知故事后,我整理出故事线索,在图片或关键词、句的提示下,根据故事发展的顺序对需要掌握的知识点进行提问和操练,还设计了句子判断对错,选词填空,句子排序等练习,帮助学生更深入地理解故事,掌握语言,并让学生进行故事朗读表演。 3. 线索回顾 通过提问扫清了学生对故事的理解和诵读的障碍,我提供一些关键词句,请学生给图片排序并复述故事内容,这样,既能检验学生是否理解故事,同时也能锻炼学生讲述故事、运用语言的能力。 4. 故事表演 表演故事是帮助学生内化并产出新内容的过程。根据学生的不同情况,学生们在自己组里选择角色进行朗读表演,每一种选择都可得到相应的激励。 总体觉得这堂课学生的兴趣是高涨的,教学效果也很好。
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