Unit 4 My heroes-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:00697).zip

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Enjoy a video.Unit 4 My heroesWhat do you think of heroes? (你认为英雄是怎样的?)strongkindclever They are in_.They are talking about their_.BillChen ZihanSallyLi YuBeijingheroes a summer campRead and match. is the writer of a diary. Anne Frank Sallys hero is a famous scientist. Yuan LongpingChen Zihans hero is a world top footballer. MessiBills hero scientistfootballerbasketballerwriterWhat does he do?Read and think.Mum is a great woman in my eyes! She is very busy at work, she also looks after family well. Her English is very good, and she often helps me with my English. So Mum is my hero.Why is Mum her hero?1.Read, underline (阅读,画线) Qualities: 品质great伟大的caring体贴的Why is Messi a hero? He is a top footballer. He also gives money to help the poor children in Argentina. Listen and answer.Helpful 乐于助人的KindProfessional 专业的Qualities: 品质BillHe is Chinas Father of Hybrid Rice.What is Yuan Longping famous for?Why is Yuan Longping a hero ? Careful reading. Because of his work, we have more rice to eat and the world has fewer hungry people.Professional 专业的Hardworking 努力的Qualities: 品质Make a sentence (连词成句 ) and read it clearly. more rice to eatBecause of his work,we have and the world has.fewer hungry peopleAnne FrankA Jew (犹太) girl, GermanShe died when she was only 15 years old. (1929-1945)Her diary .What is Anne Frank famous for?What do you know about her diary?ooAnne Frank is my hero. She died a long time ago, but her diary lives on and moves many people. She never gives up hope and always saw the good in everything. She was brave and wise . I want to be like her.1.Read, underline the words you dont know. (阅读,画线找出你不认识的单词。) LeiFengs diary our hearts forever.The little girl me a lot.lives on moves1.The boy moves many people.2.We moved our house to Wuhan.A.感动B.搬家braveHe never gives up playing the piano.They never give up dancing.Never give up hope!Never give up hope!movedieChooseandmatch.give upbravewiseB.放弃 C.勇敢的 D.有智慧的 E.死去F.感动,移动live onA.继续活着ooRead and think.Anne Frank is my hero. She dired a long time ago, but her diary lives on and moves many people. She never gives up hope and always saw the good in everything. She was brave and wise . I want to be like her.Why is Anne Frank a hero? Qualities: 品质wise明智的brave勇敢的Optimistic 乐观的 Guess my hero:He is very tall.He is from China.He is a top basketballer in China. He was a player in the Houston Rockets.(休斯顿火箭队)He also help the poor children._isahero.Heisfrom_.Heisa_.Heis_Howtointroduce(介绍)ahero?Group work: Talk and write. Name Hero Job Why?Key words:brave and wise, never give up, see the good in everything ,top,move, live on 1.Listenandreadthetext.2.Talkaboutyourheroeswithyourfriends.3.Writedownsomethingaboutyourheroes.Not everyone can be a hero, but all of us can have heros fine qualities! 不是每个人都能成为英雄,但我们都能培养英雄般优良的品质! Try to be like a hero! Unit 4 My heroes1.Fill in the blacks.NamesHeroesCountry JobsReasonsLi Yu2.Write about your hero.My hero is_.He is from_.He is a_.He is _.So _is my hero.BillSallySallyLiLi YuYufootballerfootballer ArgentinaChenZihanChenZihan scientist UnitUnit 4 4 MyMy HeroesHeroes教学设计教学设计一、说教材一、说教材本单元的话题是本单元的话题是MyMy heroesheroes 我的英雄,由我的英雄,由6 6个部分组成。通过了解古代著名侠盗罗宾汉的英雄故事,以及现个部分组成。通过了解古代著名侠盗罗宾汉的英雄故事,以及现代生活中我们身边的英雄,引导学生正确树立英雄的形象。能用一般现在时、代生活中我们身边的英雄,引导学生正确树立英雄的形象。能用一般现在时、一般过去式和现在进行时描述自己心目中的英雄,并增强学生助人为乐、服务一般过去式和现在进行时描述自己心目中的英雄,并增强学生助人为乐、服务社会的使命感。本课时主要内容是能读懂英雄人物的故事,完成相关练习,并社会的使命感。本课时主要内容是能读懂英雄人物的故事,完成相关练习,并与朋友讨论自己心目中的英雄;能用正确的语音语调较流利地朗读课文。掌握与朋友讨论自己心目中的英雄;能用正确的语音语调较流利地朗读课文。掌握c camp,brave,wise,move,dieamp,brave,wise,move,die等生词。等生词。二、说教学目标二、说教学目标 ( (一一) )知识与技能目标知识与技能目标: :能读懂英雄人物故事,完成相关练习;能读懂英雄人物故事,完成相关练习;掌握掌握 camp,camp, brave,brave, wise,move,diewise,move,die等生词;等生词;能与朋友讨论自己心目中的英雄。能与朋友讨论自己心目中的英雄。能用正确的语音语调较流利地朗读课文。能用正确的语音语调较流利地朗读课文。( (二二) ) 过程与方法目标过程与方法目标以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用活动、游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学知以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用活动、游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学知识;指导学生通过听音和自学获取正确的信息。识;指导学生通过听音和自学获取正确的信息。 ( (三三) )情感、态度、价值观目标情感、态度、价值观目标: :能了解中西方历史上不同的英雄人物,培养爱国主义情怀,激发爱国主义能了解中西方历史上不同的英雄人物,培养爱国主义情怀,激发爱国主义热情。了解英雄的定义,树立向英雄学习的理想。热情。了解英雄的定义,树立向英雄学习的理想。 三、说教学重点难点三、说教学重点难点 ( (一一) )教学重点教学重点: :1.1.读懂四位英雄人物的故事,学会简单地谈自己读懂四位英雄人物的故事,学会简单地谈自己 心目中的英雄。心目中的英雄。 2.2.掌握掌握camp,brave,wise,move,diecamp,brave,wise,move,die等生词。等生词。 3.3.能用正确的语音语调较流利地朗读课文能用正确的语音语调较流利地朗读课文. . ( (二二) )教学难点教学难点: :能灵活运用所学的语言,谈论自己心目中的英雄能灵活运用所学的语言,谈论自己心目中的英雄四、说教学准备四、说教学准备PPTPPT、教材相配套的录音带、教材相配套的录音带五、学情分析五、学情分析学生了解一些英雄,但对本课中的梅西,安妮学生了解一些英雄,但对本课中的梅西,安妮弗兰克不是很了解。在弗兰克不是很了解。在PPTPPT及一些图片的帮助下应该可以完成本课时的教学任务。及一些图片的帮助下应该可以完成本课时的教学任务。 六、说教法、学法六、说教法、学法根据本课的教学内容、教学目标、学生的年龄特征和心理特点,我在教学根据本课的教学内容、教学目标、学生的年龄特征和心理特点,我在教学中创设各种生动真实的情景,通过小组合作的方式表演课文对话。通过对话学中创设各种生动真实的情景,通过小组合作的方式表演课文对话。通过对话学习习, ,提高学生的语言交际能力提高学生的语言交际能力, ,恰当运用所学的语言听懂并表达自己的观点和见恰当运用所学的语言听懂并表达自己的观点和见解解, ,并通过小任务培养一定的书写运用的能力并通过小任务培养一定的书写运用的能力, ,围绕所学的内容培养听说读写的围绕所学的内容培养听说读写的综合语言运用能力,激发他们学习兴趣和积极的学习态度。综合语言运用能力,激发他们学习兴趣和积极的学习态度。七、说七、说教学过程教学过程 一一.Warming.Warming upup 1.Free1.Free talktalk T T:TheThe summersummer holidayholiday isis coming.Whatcoming.What areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo onon summersummer holiday?holiday?S:IS:I amam goinggoing toto a a summersummer camp.camp.出示图片,理解出示图片,理解summersummer campcamp,请四位学生模拟参加夏令营活动,互相提问。例如:,请四位学生模拟参加夏令营活动,互相提问。例如:WhatyourWhatyour favoritefavorite food?Whofood?Who isis youryour hero?hero?学生质疑学生质疑herohero的含义。在通过微视频学习导入新课题的含义。在通过微视频学习导入新课题2.2.通过英雄的图片引出课题通过英雄的图片引出课题MyMy heroes,heroes,同时提问英雄人物具有哪些优良的品质同时提问英雄人物具有哪些优良的品质, ,复习旧知复习旧知, ,激发学生思维激发学生思维, ,为课为课文的学习做铺垫。文的学习做铺垫。二、二、PresentationPresentation 1.Pre-reading1.Pre-reading 阅读前。阅读前。通过图片介绍四位小朋友通过图片介绍四位小朋友,Bill,Bill, ChenChen Zihan,Zihan, Sally,Sally, andand LiLi Yu.Yu. TheyThey areare havinghaving a a summersummer campcamp inin Beijing.Beijing. TheyThey areare talkingtalking aboutabout theirtheir heroes.heroes. PPTPPT 展示导入部分,教师播放录音,学生感知对话内容,再听录音,学生提问并展示导入部分,教师播放录音,学生感知对话内容,再听录音,学生提问并回答四个孩子讨论的英雄。回答四个孩子讨论的英雄。2.2. While-readingWhile-reading 阅读中。阅读中。 A.A. ListenListen aboutabout LiYupassage,LiYupassage, askask andand answeranswer QuestionQuestion 1:1: WhoWho isis LiYusLiYus hero?hero?QuestionQuestion 2:2: WhyWhy isis MumMum herher hero?hero? 通过问题引导通过问题引导, ,快速阅读、划线的方式快速阅读、划线的方式, ,让学生迅速了解文章大意让学生迅速了解文章大意, ,同时为后同时为后面的学习和操练做铺垫。根据关键词重复课文,同时挖掘妈妈的品质。面的学习和操练做铺垫。根据关键词重复课文,同时挖掘妈妈的品质。 B.B.在学习在学习MessiMessi时时, ,听短文并回答问题,让学生观看视频听短文并回答问题,让学生观看视频, ,理解理解“top“top footballer”,footballer”,复述课文。复述课文。 C.C. 学习学习YuanLongpingYuanLongping前,通过表格了解他的有关知识。再通过仔细阅读,回答前,通过表格了解他的有关知识。再通过仔细阅读,回答“W“Whyhy isis hehe a a hero?hero?通过连词成句和图片理解朗读句子。通过连词成句和图片理解朗读句子。D.D.通过提问通过提问“What“What doesdoes AnneAnne FrankFrank dodo?WhatWhat isis AnneAnne FrankFrank famousfamous for?for?引出短文,同时提问引出短文,同时提问“Why“Why isis sheshe a a hero?Readhero?Read andand answer,answer,理解理解liveslives onon ,brave,brave等词的意义。等词的意义。三三.Consolidation.Consolidation 1.1. A A guessingguessing game:Whogame:Who isis mymy hero?hero?引出姚明引出姚明, ,并引导学生如何介绍自己心目中的英雄。并引导学生如何介绍自己心目中的英雄。2.2. 总结如何介绍英雄总结如何介绍英雄, ,让学生在描述英雄的时候更有条理。让学生在描述英雄的时候更有条理。四四.Practice.Practice1.1.展示活动展示活动 ( ( ShowingShowing timetime ) ) TalkTalk aboutabout theirtheir heroes.heroes. GiveGive themthem chanceschances toto shareshare theirtheir ownown herohero withwith theirtheir classmates.classmates. 五五.Homework.Homework 1.Read1.Read YuanYuan LongpingLongping oror AnneAnne FrankFrank2.Learn2.Learn toto describedescribe thethe hero:hero: YuanYuan Longping,Longping, MessiMessi oror AnneAnne Frank.Frank.3.Write3.Write a a littlelittle passagepassage aboutabout youryour hero.hero.UnitUnit 4 4 MyMy heroesheroes 课后作业课后作业1.Read1.Read YuanYuan LongpingLongping oror AnneAnne FrankFrank2.Learn2.Learn toto describedescribe thethe hero:hero: YuanYuan Longping,Longping, MessiMessi oror AnneAnne Frank.Frank.3.Write3.Write a a littlelittle passagepassage aboutabout youryour hero.hero.Unit 4 My heroes 课堂检测Choose the correct answers.(选择正确的答案) ( ) 1. Why is Messi a hero? A. Because he is good-looking. B. Because he is one of the best footballers in the world. ( ) 2. Why is Yuan Longping a hero? A. Because he looks like an old farmer. B. Because he works to help farmers get more rice. ( ) 3. Why is Anne Frank a hero? A. Because she was born in 1929. B. Because her diary continues to move us and we can learn a lot from her. ( ) 4. Why is Robin Hood a hero? A. Because he worked hard and looked after his family well. B. Because he helped her pupils. ( ) 5. Why is Miss Deng a hero? A. Because she works very hard to help her pupils. B. Because she teaches English, Chinese and music.
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