Unit 4 My heroes-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:9000c).zip

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学生分析1、 本课教学的对象是六年级学生,具备了一定的阅读,书写及表演能力,能在图文及提示下,进行口头表达和简单写作2、 已经学习了 U4 Heroes, 能用简单的句子对自己心中的英雄描述教学目标1. 学生能在教师的引导下创作出演讲稿的思维导图2. 学生能根据思维导图富有感情地进行演讲教学策略1) “Student-center”,以学生为中心,创设学生展示自我和发展自我的机会。2) 帮助学生形成整体的认知和理解能力,达成对知识的深层理解和应用。3) 充分展开课堂交互活动。4) 建立积极的课堂环境,使学生有安全感。教学过程Step 1: Free TalkA. T:Today we are going to have a speech lesson about your hero Who is your hero? Why?Step2: How to make a speech about your heroA. Ask one S to make a speech about his heroB. Let the Ss pay attention to some simple rules of a speechC. T: Do you know how many parts are there in a speech? Ss: Three Parts. Beginning Body EndingD. Show some useful sentences about beginnings and endingsE. Show a speech about my hero and ask the Ss to find out some imformation about the appearance, nationality, personality, job, great work and my idea of my hero in the body part and finish the mine map.Step3:Write your own speechA. Write a mine map about you speech and make a speech in your groups.B. Show time before class.设计教师:教学年级六年级课题名称:Speech Lesson- My Hero授课时间:40 分钟教学内容分析本节课的内容是我校六年级特色校本课程speech, 通过演讲提高学生在讲与演方面的能力,促进学生英语学习兴趣,展现自我和锻炼口语的机会A A speech lessonspeech lesson What is a speech?What is a speech? 1.Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.语言是用来交流思想和沟通的。2.Understanding depends on good communication.理解依靠良好的沟通。Speech showSpeech showMy HeroClassClass 2, Grade 6Name潘晓慧 CocoNo.15There was a great man.He had no children or money left. He had no children or money left. The UN lowered the flag after Premier Zhou died.The UN lowered the flag after Premier Zhou died. Studying promotes Studying promotes the growth of China.the growth of China.为中华崛起而读书。 Zhou Enlai studies in Japan,France,Zhou Enlai studies in Japan,France,England and Germany.England and Germany.Premier Zhou served the people Premier Zhou served the people heart and soul.heart and soul.周总理全心全意为人民服务。周总理全心全意为人民服务。Premier Zhou lived a plain life.Premier Zhou lived a plain life.His ashes were scattered in Beijing,Miyuan reservoir, Haihe River and the Yellow River.a real heroa real heroHow to make a speech:How to make a speech:How to make a speech:How to make a speech:1.Make clear your topic.主题明确2.Have your own ideas.用自己的观点阐述3.Be confident.大方自信4.Have strong feelings and body languages.有情感并能使用肢体语言Three parts of a speech:Three parts of a speech:Three parts of a speech:Three parts of a speech:BeginningBeginningBeginningBeginningBodyBodyBodyBodyEndingEndingEndingEndingYou can begin You can begin You can begin You can begin with.with.with.with.I am very glad/happy to be here.My topic is.Im very happy to have this opportunity to stand here and give you a speech.I feel great honored to be here and make a speech.I am glad to share with you about my hero.Do you have a hero in your heart?My hero is.You can end with.You can end with.You can end with.You can end with.is my hero/heroine.I can learn a lot from him/her.This is my hero/heroine.,I admire him/her.I want to be like him/her.The spirit of .moves me.I will work harder.Some famous sayings of your hero/heroine.AssessmentAssessmentAssessmentAssessmentLoud voice with good pronunciation 20%Confidence 20%Good content with own ideas 40%Body languages with feelings 20%NamesItems My HeroMy Hero Hello,Im very glad to be here.Today my topic is my hero. There was a great man who had no children,no money left after he There was a great man who had no children,no money left after he died,and even the United Nations lowered the flag to half-staff. This is my died,and even the United Nations lowered the flag to half-staff. This is my hero,Zhou Enlai. Zhou Enlai was born in 1898. hero,Zhou Enlai. Zhou Enlai was born in 1898. He was a tall and handsome He was a tall and handsome man.man.He studied in Japan, France,England and Germany. He could speak 6 He studied in Japan, France,England and Germany. He could speak 6 languages.He was the premier of China, so people call him Premier Zhou. languages.He was the premier of China, so people call him Premier Zhou. All the Chinese people love Zhou Enlai because he served the people heart All the Chinese people love Zhou Enlai because he served the people heart and soul. He worked very hardand soul. He worked very hard,e ,even when he had cancer, he still worked. ven when he had cancer, he still worked. With his work,China became better and better.I think Zhou Enlai was really With his work,China became better and better.I think Zhou Enlai was really a wise and kind man.a wise and kind man. I will always remember hI will always remember his famous saying “Studying promotes the growth is famous saying “Studying promotes the growth of China.”of China.”The spirit moves me.I will work harder.Thank you for your The spirit moves me.I will work harder.Thank you for your listening.listening.BeginningBeginningBodyEnding My HeroNationality 国籍Personality 个性 JobMy ideaChineseAppearance 外貌tall and handsomePremierGreat achievementswise and kindmade China become bettermove me/work harder伟绩Group workGroup workBeginning:_ Ending:_Body:Lets write My HeroGroup work1.Make your speech 1.Make your speech in your group(5minutes)in your group(5minutes)2.One speaks,the other three 2.One speaks,the other three listen and assess.listen and assess.Show timeSpeech LessonClass:_ Name:_ I. Some simple rules of a speech:II. Three parts of a speech: A.Beginning:Im very glad/ happy to be here. My topic isIm very happy to have this opportunity to stand here and give you a speech.I feel great honored to be here and make a speech.I am glad to share with you about my hero.Do you have a hero in your heart? My hero isB. Body 1. Make clear your topic. 主题明确2. Have your own ideas. 用自己的观点阐述3. Be confident. 大方自信4. Have strong feelings and body language. 有情感并能使用肢体语言C. Ending: My HeroIII. A demo: My HeroHello,Im very glad to be here.Today my topic is my hero.There was a great man who had no children,no money left after he died,and even the United Nations lowered the flag to half-staff.This is my hero,Zhou Enlai.Zhou Enlai was born in 1898. He was a tall and handsome man.He studied in Japan, France,England and Germany. He could speak 6 languages.He was the premier of China, so people call him Premier Zhou. All the Chinese people love Zhou Enlai because he served the people heart and soul. He worked very hard, even when he had cancer, he still worked. With his work,China became better and better.I think Zhou Enlai was really a wise and kind man . I will always remember his famous saying “Studying promotes the growth of China.”The spirit moves me.I will work harder.Thank you for your listening.V.Create your own speech:is my hero/heroine. I can learn a lot from him/her. This is my hero/heroine, I admire him/her. I want to be like him/herThe spirit of moves me. I will work harder.Some famous sayings of your hero/heroine. My HeroBeginning:_Ending: _
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