Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册-(配套课件编号:01118).doc

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1、Unit 3 Marys diary (part 4)-Ice Cream for Oswald教学目标1. 能熟练掌握以下生词和词组的含义:Stop shouting!flavour,vanilla,strawberry,guide, ladies andgentlemen. Henry the horrible. Pull the rope. Greatshow. Best tour in my life. Excellent.2. 能借助图片读懂故事 Ice cream for Oswald.3. 能正确朗读故事。4. 能表演故事。教学重点1. 能借助图片读懂故事 Ice Cream f

2、or Oswald.2. 能正确朗读故事。教学难点1. 能正确并有感情地朗读故事。2. 能小组表演故事。教学准备PPT,表演用的道具(冰淇淋,相框,帽子等)课前预习内容跟读故事,掌握正确语音语调。班级学情分析学生在前一节课时学习了 Mary 的两篇日记,分别描述了她的心情和梦,那么这个故事就是 Mary 的梦,更深入的了解苏格兰的古堡以及对于古堡的传说,故事的音乐也是来自苏格兰的传统乐器 bagpipe,进一步的进行苏格兰的文化熏陶。课时安排一课时TeachingTeaching procedureprocedureWWarmingarming upup1.Greeting2. 1)Show

3、a picture of a castle.T: Whats this?S: Its a castle.T: How do you think of the castle?S: It is very big, beautiful and old.T: Its an old castle. This castle is 800 years old. Can you guesswho lives in the castle?S: Maybe a king and a queen. Maybe a prince and a princess. Maybesoldiers. Maybe a ghost

4、.T: Listen and guess who lives in the castle. (play ghosts sound)2)Show a picture of the story. What does Oswald like? 引出故事。PresentationPresentationS Step1tep1 ReadRead andand matchmatch thethe mainmain ideaidea forfor eacheach part.part.T: Read the story by yourself and number the pictures?How many

5、 pictures are there in the story? Can you match the mainidea for each part?(学生通读故事,整体感知故事,教师将故事分为三个部分,帮助学生分段理解故事大意)StepStep 2.2. partpart 1 1 (picture(picture 1,2)1,2)ListenListen andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks.在填空的过程中教授 My ice cream. Stop shouting!的语气。通过冰淇淋道具进行实物演示。拿走学生的书,文具盒等进一步演示,让学生体会

6、两个句子的语气,并让学生意识到在公共场合不应该大声喧哗。StepStep 3.3. partpart 2 2 (picture(picture 3-5)3-5)1)1) ListenListen andand answeranswer thethe questions.questions.1. What flavour does he wantVanilla, chocolate ans strawberry.(教授单词 vanilla, strawberry)拓展:There are different flavours of ice cream.Whats your favourite f

7、lavour?My favourite flavour is .2. How much is it?Thats one pound.拓展: match the moneyand the country.3. Does he get the ice cream? Why?No, he doesnt. Because he has no money.2)2) ReadRead andand actact out.out.两人一组,一人当售货员,一人当 Oswald,表演故事。3 3) LetLets s think.think. WhatWhat cancan wewe dodo ifif wew

8、e wantwant somesome money?money?We can ask our parents for help.We can save money from now on.We can do some part-time job.What can Oswald do if he wants some money? Whats Oswalds idea?引出故事第三部分。StepStep 4.4. partpart 3 3 (picture(picture 6-13)6-13)1)1) ListenListen andand answeranswer thethe questio

9、n.question.T: Whats Oswalds idea? How does Oswald make money?S: He dresses up as the guide and makes some money.2)2) ListenListen andand repeat.repeat.教授单词 guide, ladies and gentlemen, Henry the Horrible,rope,great show.3)3) LetLets s act.act.一人当 Jessica, 一人当 Oswald ,其他同学当游客,表演故事片段。ConsolidationCons

10、olidationStepStep 1.1. ListenListen toto thethe wholewhole story.story.StepStep 2.2. ActAct outout thethe story.story.Six students as a group and act out the story: Oswald, guide, salesman,three visitors.ExtensionExtensionHomework:1.听读故事。2.翻译短语:Stop shouting! Let me go. vanilla. Now Im the guide. La

11、dies andgentlemen. Henry the horrible. pull the rope. great show. besttour in my life. excellent.3完成 part 5 的排序。B Boardoard designdesignUnit 4a a storystory - Ice cream for OswaldOswaldStop shouting!FlavourVanilla. strawberryGuideLadies and gentlemen.Henry the horrible.Pull the rope.Great show.Best tour in my life.ReflectionReflectionIce Cream for Oswald 描述的是 Mary 梦中的故事,该故事生动活泼,充满趣味性。通过城堡图片的方式进行导入,简洁明了,直入主题。在操练 Jessica thebeautiful 的部分运用相框,请学生们当 Jessica, 很好地调动了学生地兴趣。对故事重点的片段,在理解的基础上,借助道具进行表演,学生们学习热情高涨,纷纷跃跃欲试。但是教学过程中,也存在着一些不足。例如长句子的部分操练不够,一些细节的处理不到位,引导学生读图的内容较少,文化的渗透可以更加深入,如小费文化,断头台文化等。


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