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1、PartPart 2 2Phonetics,Phonetics, GrammarGrammar andand VocabularyVocabulary(第(第二二部分部分 语音、语法和词汇)语音、语法和词汇)II.II. ChooseChoose thethe bestbest answeranswer (选择最恰当的答案)(选择最恰当的答案)21. At the entrance, the guest was greeted _ a big bug.A. forB. withC. fromD. in22. The West Belfast School was just a single c

2、lassroom with only _ students when itfirst opened in 1971.A. littleB. fewC. a littleD. a few23. Jack touched _ soft in the dark, but he was not sure what it was.A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything24. Through art, Matthew found a new way to express _.A. heB. hisC. himD. himself25. The city

3、 of Chennai has seen severe flooding after its _ rainfall since 2015.A. heavyB. heavierC. heaviestD. the heaviest26. When you share a problem with friends, you are more _ to find a solution.A. likelyB. happilyC. easilyD. luckily27. The government has made some _ in environment protection.A. mistakeB

4、. decisionC. changeD. progress28. The crew spent three days in space _ the Earth more than 15 times each day.A. circleB. to circleC. circlingD. to circling29. Dart _ the best moment of her career at Wimbledon in 2019.A. enjoysB. enjoyedC. has enjoyedD. will enjoy30. Tom saw a traffic accident when h

5、e _ his bicycle along the road.A. ridesB. has rodeC. was ridingD. had rode31. Ants will form a bridge if there is a river in the path, _ the other ants can travelacross.A. butB. forC. orD. so32. At the meeting, all countries promised _ greenhouse effect by using less fossil fuel.A. reduceB. to reduc

6、eC. reducingD. to reducing33. The feeling of peace and quiet _ come while you walk in the woods.A. mayB. canC. mustD. need34. Life on the Earth will become uneasy _ population growth is under control.A. althoughB. becauseC. unlessD. when35. _ pity it is that you have missed such a wonderful film!A.

7、WhatB. What aC. HowD. How aIIIIII. . C Completeomplete thethe followingfollowing passagepassage withwith thethe wordswords in in thethe box.box. EachEach cancan onlyonly bebe usedused onceonce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(A)(A)A. valuableB. dramaticC. organiseD. matterE. dev

8、elopDo you struggle to leave your phone alone?Who are you communicating with when you pick up your phone? Are you using it to stay intouch with the people who really _36_to you? Try to remember to put your closest friendsand family members first. Perhaps its important to _37_ a video call with your

9、grandparents ora cousin who lives far away. Or maybe you use it to send a message to your best friend.These communications can help build and _38_ your most important relationships, makingthings even more special when you next see each other face to face. On the other hand, you mightdecide to spend

10、less of your _39_ time on certain other people. They could include people youdont know, and who arent as important to you.36. _37. _38. _39. _(B)(B)A. avoidB. caseC. createD. simplyE. contactWhy do you need to look at it? Is is ringing? Have you just received a message or update? Doyou need to _40_

11、somebody or take some photos? There are lots of good reasons why phonesare useful. But sometimes you might use you phone _41_ to give yourself something to do.You might pick it up because youre bored or want to _42_ a difficult conversation, youdont want to look someone in the eye, or just want some

12、thing to do with your hands. If thats the_43_, perhaps you should ask yourself why. What could you do to better deal with the situationwithout reaching for your device? A little thought could go a long way toward happier, moreproductive phone habits.40. _41. _42. _43. _IVIV. . CompleteComplete theth

13、e sentencessentences withwith thethe givengiven wordswords in in theirtheir properproper formsforms (用括号中所给单词的用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)44. The _ captured the city of Troy through a trick. (Greek)45. The lady in her late _ looks young for her age. (forty)46. Its bad manners to t

14、alk with _ mouth full. (you)47. To learn English well, we should try some ways to _ new words. (memory)48. Going plastic-free can make a real _ to the environment. (different)49. When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help _.(polite)50. _ has been a success - nearly

15、 half of the household waste is recycled. (recycle)51. The new train line will _ people to travel between the two cities in less than one hour.(able)V.V. RewriteRewrite thethe followingfollowing sentencessentences asas requiredrequired(根据要求改写句子)(根据要求改写句子)52. Jerry spent his childhood in a mountain v

16、illage in Kenya.(改为一般疑问句)_ Jerry _ his childhood in a mountain village in Kenya?53. The nearest police station is within walking distance.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is the nearest police station?54. Something went wrong with the washing machine yesterday.(保持句意基本不变)The washing machine _ _ yesterday.55. Yang Qian w

17、on the first gold in the womens 10-meter air rifle.(改为被动语态)The first gold _ _ by Yang Qian in the womens 10-meter air rifle.56. Dont forget to close the windows before you leave, said Mr. Thompson to his son.(改为间接引语)Mr. Thompson reminded his son to close the windows before _ _.57. Use you mind, and

18、you will work out the solution by yourself.(保持句意基本不变)_ _ use your mind, you will work out the solution by yourself.58. in advance, to check, are expected, a few days, online, the information, you(连词成句)_.PartPart 3 3ReadingReading andand WritingWriting (第三部分(第三部分阅读和写话)阅读和写话)VI.VI. ReadingReading comp

19、rehensioncomprehension(阅读理解)(阅读理解)A.A. ChooseChoose thethe bestbest answeranswer(选择最恰当的答案)(选择最恰当的答案)ABCBOOKABCBOOKStaysFlightsFlight+HotelCar rentalsAttractionsTAXIAirport taxisAdmissionAdmission toto thethe LondonLondon EyeEye 90% liked It from 80 reviewsWith this admission ticket you can hop aboar

20、d the famous London Eye for a 30-minute ride overthe city. The observation wheel reaches a height of 135 metres, offering you a chance to enjoybeautiful views of London.Admission to the London EyeLondon Eye, 30 The Queens walk, Lambeth, London, SE1TicketsTickets andand PricesPricesAdult - US$44Child

21、 (age 4-15) - US$39Infant (age 0-3) - US$0WhyWhy visitvisit A thrillingthrilling birds-eye view of the English capital Chance to spot well-known landmarks of the city Admire Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and St Pauls CathedralWhat do you need to knowVisitors must show a photo ID.Children under 15 years

22、 old must be accompanied by an adult.Please note that attractions may close areas or exhibits on the data of your visit.Please note that visitors are required to go through a security check before boarding. You canask to be searched by an officer of the same sex.59. People visit the website page abo

23、ve to _.A. look for penfriendsB. do some shoppingC. book a visit to LondonD. book film tickets60. How long can visitors stay aboard the London Eye?A. Half an hour.B. One hour .C. An hour and a halfD. Two hours.61. On the London Eye, you can _.A. see birds flying in the skyB. enjoy the views of Londo

24、nC. visit Landmarks of LondonD. watch an exhibition of arts62. The underlined word thrilling is closest in meaning to _.A. boringB. frighteningC. excitingD. confusing63. A couple and their five-year-old son will pay _ for their admission to the LondonEye.A. US$44B. US$83C. US$88D. US$ 12764. Before

25、visitors board the London Eye, they will have to _.A. get their passports readyB. ask to be searchedC. call the ticket officeD. search for informationB.B. ChooseChoose thethe wordswords andand completecomplete thethe passagepassage(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)As the weather warms up and summer appr

26、oaches, many families around the UK will visit abeach. Its time to admire the scenery, have long walks and play with water. To keep beaches_65_ and tidy, you could also help by taking part in a beach clean.You could carefully pick up waste that _66_ along the coast. Some rubbish gets washed tothe be

27、ach by the sea, but sadly a lot of it is left by people who use the beach.To do a beach clean, all you need is a strong bag or large bin liner, a pair of gloves to _67_your hands. As a family, you can cover a section of the beach together and look out for objects topick up and put in your bag. You c

28、ould _68_ things like bottles, drinks cans, food wrappers andplastics.These objects can harm wildlife and creatures around the beach, as well as being a _69_ topeople. When plastics get into the water, the wind and tides can carry them along distances andthey begin to break down into tiny pieces and

29、 harm the fish, birds and animals in the sea.When you have filled a bag - or perhaps a few bags - with rubbish, it is _70_ to take ithome with you if you can. This helps to keep the public bins at the beach clear for others to use.At home, sort it into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.65. A. warm

30、B. safeC. wetD. cool66. A. collectsB. dropsC. gainsD. appears67. A. hurtB. raiseC. shakeD. protect68. A. dream ofB. come acrossC. care forD. make up69. A. signB. partnerC. dangerD. reward70. A. convenientB. honestC. hopefulD. bestC.C. ReadRead thethe passagepassage andand fillfill in in thethe blank

31、sblanks withwith properproper wordswords(在短文的空格内填入适当的(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,是其内容通顺,每空格限填一次,首字母已给)词,是其内容通顺,每空格限填一次,首字母已给)If you had to describe yourself to someone else, what would you say? It can be difficult tosee yourself from the o_71_, but being aware of who you are can help you understand emotionsand s

32、trengthen friendships.Self-awareness means tuning into your thoughts, feelings and behaviour, and understandinghow they can a_72_ other people. If youre self-aware, you may know that you love playing aninstrument because youre good at it, and music makes you happy. Dr Tasha Eurich describesself-awar

33、eness as an ability to see ourselves c_73_, to understand who we are, how others seeus, and how we fit into the world.Knowing what you like and dislike, what youre good at and what you find difficult a_74_you to make better decisions about friendships, schoolwork and even which films to watch. Youle

34、arn to trust your own feelings more, which builds c_75_. The world Health Organisation saysself-awareness is one of 10 important life s_76_ that help young people lead happier, healthierlives. Being self-aware doesnt mean only thinking of yourself. By understanding your ownfeelings, you have more re

35、spect for other people too.A good way to learn about anything is to ask questions. Dr. Eurich s_77_ asking yourselfquestions that start with What instead of Why. So if you dont understand why you keeparguing with a friend, ask yourself what you disagree instead of why youre arguing.71. o_72. a_73. c

36、_74. a_75. c_76. s_77. s_D.D. ReadRead thethe passagepassage belowbelow andand answeranswer thethe followingfollowing questionsquestions (根据文章内容回答下列问题根据文章内容回答下列问题)I ran up the stairs two at a time, holding the book from the library, the one with my essayprinted out in it. I couldnt wait to tell my p

37、arents. Before I could open my mouth, my motherlooked at my book and frowned(皱眉).Another new book, Mia? she said. You should be spending more time doing maths.Something you can actually get good at. Then she became homesick. You know when I wasyour age, I used to attend my brothers maths lessons .Ye

38、sh, yeah, yeah. I didnt have time for this.Im not you, Mom, I yelled. The words came shooting out of my mouth, and my mom wasshocked. Im sorry. I just mean . Maybe I like something else.Like what? she asked. She put her broom down and crossed her arms.I bit my lip.Like writing?English writing? she a

39、sked, like it was the most useless thing in the world, like Id saidbasket weaving?I nodded.You gotta be native at English. And Im sorry, but we are just not. You can, however, benative at maths.I dont want to be native at maths . I said.My mm frowned.Youre not getting it, are you? she said. She sat

40、down on the bed and looked at me in theeye. You just cant be as good as the white kids in their language, honey. Its their language.My gaze sank to the floor.As I dragged myself out of the room, my mother called after me, Someday youll think me!You are _. I believe that if _. Isaid to myself firmly.

41、78. How did Mia feel when he ran up the stairs?79. What was Mom good at when she was young?80. What did Mom compare English writing to?81. Mom didnt believe that Mia could be as good as the white kids in English writing, did she?82. Why did Mom frown at Mia again and again?83. What can be filled in

42、the blank at the end of the text?VII.VII. WritingWriting84. Write at least 60 words according to the given situation(根据以下情景写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格)黄浦区在创建文明城区,你的学校正在开展主题为The most beautiful volunteer的征文活动,请写一篇文章介绍一位志愿者,以及她/他的事迹。文章内容可以包含以下几个问题:1. Who is he / she?2. What did he / she do? ( What does he

43、/ she do?)3. What can you learn from him/her?参考答案II. 21-25BDADC.26-30ADCBC.31-35DBACBIII. (A)36. D.37. C. 38. E.39. A(B) 40. E.41. D.42. A.43. BIV. 44. Greeks. 45. forties.46. your. 47. memorize. 48. difference. 49. politely.50.Recycling51.enableV. 52. Did, spend.53. How far54. broke down. 55. was w

44、on. 56. he left57. If, you58. You are expected to check the information online a few days in advance.VI. (A) 59. C60. A.61. B. 62. C. 63. D. 64. B(B) 65. B66. D. 67. D. 68. B.69. C.70. D(C) 71. outside.72. affect73. clearly. 74. allow75. confidence76. skills77. suggests(D) 78. She felt exited.79. Maths.80. Basket weaving81. No ,she didnt.82. Because she wanted Mia to be good at Math.83. wrong. I studied hard at the English writing, I will be as good as the white kids .


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