
上传人(卖家):淡淡的紫竹语嫣 文档编号:2072267 上传时间:2022-02-06 格式:DOC 页数:8 大小:59.50KB
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1、1 / 8Unit5 第第 1 课时教学设计课时教学设计【内容来源】【内容来源】译林版(五年级)下册 Unit5【主【主题】题】Helping our parents【课【课时】时】第 1 课时:Story time;Fun time一、板块介绍一、板块介绍本板块以 Mike 的视角呈现了布朗一家人周六一天的生活场景。课文由上午和下午两个场景组成,主要内容是家务劳动。课文内容看似平淡无奇,但是它传递了一个信息,即在家庭生活中,每个人都有义务承担一些力所能及的家务劳动。在教学过程中,教师要引导学生注意到这一点,并鼓励他们在家里帮助父母承担家务,在学校和老师、同学一起保障校园环境的整洁。二、二、教

2、学教学目标目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写 clean the car, clean the table, make the bed, sweep thefloor, wash clothes, wash the dishes 等。2. 能听懂、会说、会读 Story time 中的故事。3. 句型:What doing?及其回答 doing 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点1. 句型:What doing? doing 2. 词汇:clean the car, clean the table, make the bed, sweep the floor, wash clothes,wash t

3、he dishes.四、教学准备四、教学准备教学课件(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 、课文录音、动画、教材图片)五五、教学过程、教学过程Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in1. 介绍家人,引入话题教师呈现自己的家居生活照或视频, 和学生一起复习房间类的词汇和家居环境及家居用品类的词汇(living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, door,window, table, chair, sofa, bed, fridge, clock, TV, computer)。教师也可以安排学生小组活动,互相展示表现家居生活的照片或

4、画作,介绍自己的家和家人。活动最2 / 8后, 教师可以邀请若干学生在全班同学前介绍自己的家和家人,描述得越详细越好。如:S: This is my home. This is my father and mother. Theyre in the living room. This isme. Im in my bedroom. This is my pet Prince. Hes a lovely dog.2. 接龙造句,复习 like doing 结构教师安排学生进行小组接龙活动,用 doing 结构造句,复习动名词 doing。如:SI: I like swimming. What d

5、o you like doing?S2: I like drawing. What do you like doing?S3: I like skating.3. 唱诵歌谣,导入语法教师可以和学生一起再读五年级下册 Unit 1 (Cinderella) Sound time 的歌谣, 并引导他们注意动词的形式,从而引入本单元的现在进行时态。Step 2: Presentation & PracticeStory time1. 以旧带新,教授单词教师可以用多媒体呈现家居生活用品, 和学生先复习目标动词短语中已经学过的名词 car,table, bed, clothes,然后介绍新词 dish

6、和 floor。教师可根据学生的实际情况, 拓展教授词汇 bowl, plate, kettle, washing machine, lamp, wardrobe, bookcase,study, rice cooker, oven 等。2. 利用图片,教授动词短语教师可通过问答活动, 逐步引出动词短语 make the bed。 在教师动词 clean, wash,sweep 之前,教师可以先呈现形容词 dirty,然后介绍动词 clean,最后再过渡到动词短语 clean the car, clean the table, sweep the floor, wash clothes。如:T

7、: Look. This is a bed. What do you do if youre tired and sleepy?Ss: I go to bed.T: Right. What do you usually do before you go to bed or after you get up? I usuallymake the bed. What about you? Do you make the bed before you sleep?S1: Yes, I do. Do you make the bed after you get up?S2: Sometimes I d

8、o.3 / 8T: I always make the bed in the morning.T: Does your father have a car?S1: Yes, he does.T: How does your father go to work?S1: He goes to work by car.T: (呈现一辆很脏的车的图片) Look at this car. Does it look nice?Ss: No.T: Why? (板书 dirty) Because its dirty.Ss: Dirty.T: What can we do to make it look ni

9、ce? (板书dean和clean the car) We can clean thecar.Ss: Clean the car.3. 说说做做,教授句型教师可以用扫地的动作来介绍现在进行时的肯定句,同时用一般现在时做参照,对比两种时态,并说明前者用来表示“一般”或“通常”情况下做的事情,而后者用来表示“现在”正在做的事情。如:T: When do you usually sweep the floor of our classroom?S1: I usually sweep the floor after school.T: Good. Look at the floor. Is it di

10、rty?S2: Yes.T: (扫地) Let me sweep the floor now. Look! Im sweeping the floor.教师板书下列句子并凸显 sweep 和 am sweeping.I usually sweep the floor after school.I am sweeping the floor.教师邀请一名学生和自己一起扫地。T: Look! Were sweeping the floor.教师板书 We are sweeping the floor. 并凸显 are sweeping。 教师继续邀请学生扫4 / 8地,然后板书下列句子。He is

11、 sweeping the floor.She is sweeping the floor.They are sweeping the floor.You are sweeping the floor.4. 造句游戏,操练现在进行时和目标短语教师呈现目标动词短语,要求学生任意选择主语,用现在进行时造句。教师可以鼓励学生加上地点状语,以便同时操练房间类的词汇。教师也可将新课文中的其他动词或动词短语(cook breakfast, sleep, cook dinner, eat fruit, watch TV) 同目标词汇一同操练,以便为课文学习做准备。如:S1: Hes cleaning the

12、 car in front of the house.S2: Theyre watching TV in the living room.S3: Shes sleeping on the sofa.S4: My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.教师也可以利用多媒体呈现一张含有人物、动作和地点的表格,要求学生随意组合,用现在进行时造句。如:WhoActivityWhereMr Brownmake the bedin the classroomMiss Licook breakfastin front of the houseMr Greenclea

13、n the carin the living roomSu Hai and Su Yangwatch TVin the kitchenIsleepin the dining roomMikewash clothesin the bedroomShesweep the flooron the sofa5. 看图说话,理解课文大意教师要求学生观察课文的三幅插图,并用现在进行时描述图中人物的活动。教师可以用问答的形式和学生完成此活动。如:Picture 15 / 8 Where are Mike and Mr Brown? What are they doing? Where is Tim? Wha

14、t is he doing? Where is Helen? What is she doing? Where is Mrs Brown? What is she doing?Picture 2 Where are Mrs Brown, Mike and Helen? What are they doing?Picture 3 Where is Tim? Who is the boy next to him? What are they doing?为了保持神秘感,教师此时可以不必介绍 Ben (the dog)和 Jim,待学生自己阅读或听课文录音时去发现他们是谁。6. 观看动画或阅读课文,

15、完成说写活动教师播放课文动画或安排学生自读课文,然后要求他们完成学生用书第 50 页的Match and say 和 Think and write。7. 设计练习,检测理解教师也可以设计判断练习,检测学生对课文细节的理解情况,并要求学生纠正错误的陈述。如:Read and judge On Saturday morning, Tim is playing with Ben. (F) Ben is Tims brother. (F) Mr Brown is cooking dinner. (F) Tim and Jim are twins. (F)Fun time一、一、板块介绍板块介绍本板块

16、以棋盘游戏的形式呈现了一个问答活动, 可以在同桌之间或者四人小组内操作完成。活动时,每组学生按照顺序轮流掷散子,依据骰子显示的数字在棋盘上向前移动相应的格子,然后就骰子所在的图片进行问答活动。未掷骰子的学生提问,掷骰子的学生回答。若回答正确,可继续掷骰子;回答错误,则轮换到另一位学生掷。先到达终点者为获胜者。二、二、教学活动教学活动6 / 81. 看图,复习词汇和句型分组活动前,教师可以先和学生一起看棋盘中的图片,用现在进行时描述图中人物的活动。2. 示范游戏教师利用多媒体课件展示棋盘,然后邀请一位学生与自己示范游戏,让学生了解游戏步骤和基本操作方法。3. 分组活动教师安排学生分组活动,进行问

17、答游戏。教师可以巡视课堂,观察学生游戏的进展和语言运用的情况,随时给予帮助和指导。Step 3: Consolidation1. 做做说说教师邀请若干学生做动作,其他学生用现在进行时描述。如:S1: (做唱歌动作)T: Whats he/she doing?Ss: Hes/Shes singing.2. 听听说说教师安排学生完成学生用书第 57 页 Checkout time 中的 Listen,number and say。本活动呈现了 Mike 一家周末晚上的生活场景。教师可以要求学生先看图描述图中人物的活动,然后再听录音,给图片标序号。3. 复述故事教师利用多媒体或在黑板上呈现课文中出现

18、的人物名字和动词短语, 要求学生将人物与相应的活动匹配。在此基础上,教师安排学生四人一组,根据图片提示和黑板上的文字提示,接龙复述课文。如:S1: Its Saturday morning.S2: Mike and Mr Brown are cleaning the car in front of the house.S3: Mrs Brown is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.S4: Helen is sweeping the floor in the living room.S1: Tim and Ben are sleeping in Tims be

19、droom.S2: Its Saturday afternoon.7 / 8S3: Mikes cousin Jim comes.S4: Mrs Brown is cooking dinner.S1: Helen and Mike are helping their mother in the kitchen.S2: Helen is washing the dishes.S3: Mike is cleaning the table.S4: Tim, Jim and Ben are in the living room. Theyre watching TV.4. 画画说说教师可以安排学生课后

20、画一画自己在周末如何帮助父母做家务, 然后再用现在进行时描述,书写在图旁。如:It is Sunday morning. My mother is washing clothes.My father is sweeping the floor. My father is cleaning the car.I am making the bed. I am cleaning my bedroom.5. 词汇拓展教师可以根据学生的实际情况,适当地补充介绍其他有关家务劳动的动词短语。如:do the housework做家务mop the floor拖地dump the rubbish倒垃圾wate

21、r the flowers/plants给花/植物淺水cook breakfast/lunch/dinner做早饭/午饭/晚饭clean the windows/doors擦窗/门Step 4: Summary师生一起总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。教师点评学生的表现。Read and match参考答案参考答案1. e2. d3. a4. b5. cLook and say参考答案参考答案图画部分8 / 8First, Yang Ling gets on the metro at Park Station. Next, she gets off the metro at CityLibrary Station. Then, shes on Sun Street. She walks along Sun Street and turns rightat the traffic lights. Finally, shes on Moon Street. She can see the bookshop on herright. Su Hais home is next to the bookshop.


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