Module 2-Unit 1 It’ s very long.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:9168b)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Module 2 Unit 1 Its very long.Warm-upWarm-up01.Sing a song02.Simon saysbigAdjectivessmalllongtallshortNew friendWHO?WHAT?WHERE?ImIm fromfrom London.London.WhereWhere is is AmyAmy fromfrom? ?SheShes s fromfrom London.London.Lets go to LONDONLONDON.EnglandLondon LondonLondonLondonLondonthethe RiverRiver ThamesThamesBigBig BenBenthethe LondonLondon EyeEyeriverriverThisThis is is veryvery . .widewidelonglongAndAnd itsits veryvery . . River Thames Big BenLondon EyewidewidelonglongItsIts a a veryvery clock.clock.ItsIts veryvery . .oldoldtalltall国内外研究状况国内外研究状况Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis bibendum orci pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis bibendum orci pulvinar. River Thames widewidelonglongtalltalloldoldBig BenLondon Eye国内外研究状况国内外研究状况Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis bibendum orci pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis bibendum orci pulvinar. bigbig wheelwheelItsIts veryvery . .ItsIts . .ItsIts likelike a a bigbig eye.eye.LondonLondon EyeEyeroundroundnewnewhighhigh国内外研究状况国内外研究状况Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis bibendum orci pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis bibendum orci pulvinar. widewidelonglongBig Bentalltalloldold River Thames London Eyehighhighnewnewroundround River Thames widewidelonglongBig BentalltalloldoldLondon EyehighhighnewnewroundroundThisThis is-is-ItsIts very-.very-. AndAnd its-its-This river is very_.And its very _RiverRiver ThamesThames 泰晤士河泰晤士河widewidelonglong This is _. Its very _.Its a _ _ _.BigBig BenBentalltallveryvery oldold clockclock很 古老的 钟国内外研究状况国内外研究状况Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis bibendum orci pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis bibendum orci pulvinar. This is_.Its very _.Its _.Its _.thethe LondonLondon EyeEyehighhighnewnewroundroundPPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: Thank you for your criticismModule 2 Unit1 Its very long【年级版本年级版本】三年级第六册 外语教学与研究出版社(一年级起点)【教材简析教材简析】本节课是新标准(一年级起点)三年级第六册第二模块第一单元。课文通过 Amy 和Lingling 的对话展开,用形容词描述了英国的 Big Ben,River Thames 和 London Eye 等景物。语用功能是能在正确的语境下用形容词准确描述景物或场景。第一单元为新授课,主要让学生整体感知故事内容,能够初步掌握重点句型的运用,利用听、说、读等操练加强学生的英语综合运用能力。【学生分析学生分析】三年级学生从一年级起学习英语,对英语有着极大的学习兴趣和强烈的表达欲望。在老师的熏陶和潜移默化下,对西方的文化景观有了一定的认识。本课英国名胜景物的学习和表达更是挖掘了学生认知和表达的潜力,给学生一个“国外旅游”的平台。【教学目标教学目标】1.知识目标:能够听、说、读、写形容词 wide, long, high, new, round, old.2.能力目标:能够使用形容词对物体进行描述,促进学生听、说、读能力的提高。3.情感目标:激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生热爱生活,发现美。【教学重难点教学重难点】重点:1.重点单词:wide, long, high, new, round, old.重点句型:This river is very wide. And its very long. This is Big Ben. Its very long.2. 有关英国重要景点如 River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye 等知识的了解。难点:学习伦敦的景点、事物特征,迁移到谈论生活中的景点、事物,再到以自己的安徽为题,进行写作。在谈论过程中,正确使用形容词,并能将以前学过的词汇和句型,进行合理的运用。【教学法教学法】听说法、交际法、游戏法【教学过程教学过程】 Warm-up1. Greeting:T: Class begins.Ss: Hello, Ms Zhang.T: Hello, boys and girls. Please sit down. T:Let me named our groups:River /Bridge /Square /Street.(领读组名)T:Which group wants to show?T: Who can tell me “Whats the weather like today?T: Yes, thank you. Now what day is it today?S: Today is Friday.2. Now boys and girls, Lets sing a song. 设计意图:歌曲复习形容词,快乐又有效You did very good job. Follow me, please. lets do Simon Says.设计意图:(边做动作边复习形容词,逐渐加快速度,增强趣味性。扩充新词:beautiful /smart)3.Look ,A new friend for you. who is he? 图片教师出示加菲猫,并让学生用已学的形容词来描述加菲猫,由此复习 big/ small, long/ short, tall/ short 等已学的形容词。设计意图:通过学生们都喜欢的加菲猫激趣导入,不仅复习了已学形容词为本课输出铺垫,而且学生以极大的兴趣和好奇开始上课。 Leading1.More stories about Garfield.图片当学生看到加菲猫在 Big Ben 的画面时,老师问学生 Where is Garfield ?由此引出本课的第一个景观 Big Ben。老师接着问 Where is Garfield from?引出英国伦敦。设计意图:由加菲猫引出 Big Ben 和本课景观所在地英国伦敦,层层深入,步步衔接,更刺激了学生的探求欲望和激发了学生的学习动机。 Presentation1.T:Amy is from London too. London is the capital of England.出示英国地图,指出伦敦。图片T:Amy is reading a book about London .Lets listen the dialogue between Amy and Lingling and answer the question.Question: What are they talk about?(通过图片清楚本文中出现的 River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye 三处景观的位置关系,这可能也是 Amy 和 Lingling 在文中只谈了这三处景观的原因)设计意图:学生带着问题听录音,目的性强。在通过伦敦的视频大致了解伦敦的名胜景观基础上把握文章重点。为下一步抓住景观特征描述做好输入。2.listen again,and circle the words about the landscape 再听录音,圈出描述景观特征的词语。设计意图:理解本课所学形容词,把景观和形容词联系起来。3. Listen and repeat设计意图:给学生输入准确的读音及正确的语音语调,培养学生朗读能力和朗读技巧。通过伦敦的视频大致了解伦敦的名胜景观。We will visit London. Do you know this one? How do you think about it?3.Group work:Read the dialogue and give a summary of London. Try to retell it.设计意图:由每组的小老师教会本组同学朗读,互助合作学习.抓住景观特征并尝试独立复述或介绍。 Production 1.T: Good job! You did very good job. You know so many places of London.2 Do you know some places of Beijing? Maybe you can use Chinese S: :故宫、长城、颐和园、十三陵(CAI 出示图片,教授相应单词:the Great Wall/Tiananmen Square/Changan Street/T: Can you describe the Great Wall?S: Big, long, high, and beautifulT: Yes, youre so clever.2 Consolidation 1. What have we learnt?设计意图:教师引导学生小结本课所学语言。让学生学会学习,并在小组中合作整理出本节知识点。3.Enjoy the beauty.设计意图:让学生通过视频和图片感受生活之美,自然之美。明白这个世界不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。 Homework必做:能熟练介绍文中出现的 River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye。选做:用形容词描述你去过的景点,附上照片和简单文字介绍。This river is very _. And its very _.This is _. Its _.This is _. Its _.
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