Module 9-Unit 1 They were very young.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:d0346)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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    • 歌曲 At the zoo.swf


新标准英语一年级起点三年级下册 Module 9 Unit1 They were very young.Her hair is .The butterfly is beautiful WordPart 2Was是is和am的过去式was was I was was was she was was was he waswas was it wastest 1test 2wordfathermothergrandpagrandmaparentsgrandparentsThey were very young then.Yes. But they are very old now.were是are的过去式were were you werewere were we werewere were they were 1. Lingling was _.(two/ten) 2. Linglings hair was very _ then. (short/long) 3.Lingling was very _. (cute/quiet)thenIt is long.It is beautiful.Then NowHow oldAbout 9Linglings grandparentsTheyre old.Linglings hair Whats lingling like? ?She was two.They werent old then. They were very young.Her hair wasnt long then. It was very short.She was very cute.She was naughty, too. Can you find the answers?It was _then.Now its _.fatthinThey were_then.Now they are_.youngoldIt _ _then.Now its _.shortwaslongThey _ _then.Now they _ _.wereareshorttallNow I am .Now I am tall.Now I am thin.Now it is long. I was 2 then.I was short then.I was fat then.My hair was short then. 1342Daqing is changing better and better.Daqing is changing better and better.Daqing is changing better and better.We can make it more beautiful.We can make it more beautiful.We can make it more beautiful.2011 版新标准英语(一年级起点)三年级下册版新标准英语(一年级起点)三年级下册Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young.教案教案Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young.一、教学目标【知识目标】1. 学生能够听、说、认读、理解单词 :were, young, beautiful, was, also, then, who, grandparent, old 及句型was/were. then . am/is/are now2. 学生会读、理解课文。【能力目标】1. 能运用 was/were 来描述过去发生的事情。2. 能在真实情境中运用本课重点句型进行正确描述。【情感目标】1. 提高学生听、说和交流能力,锻炼小组合作和学生的自学能力。 2. 让学生懂得珍惜时间,把握现在。二、教学重点1. 学生能够听、说、认读本课单词及句型。2. 学生能理解并运用一般现在时与一般过去时进行的句型。三、教学难点1熟练朗读本课课文,并运用所学知识进行小组对话。2能在真实情境中运用本课重点句型was/were then am/is/are now进行正确描述。四、教学资源单词卡片,PPT,课前安排学生带上自己或者家人以前与现在的照片,五、教学过程教学环节教学活动具体描述教学资源(一)热身导入1.Sing a song: 利用一年级下册 Module 6 Unit 2 的 chant 复习形容词及反义词(Lions and tigers at the zoo. Monkeys and elephants are there, too. Big and little , tall and short. Fat and thin, long and short. So many animals at the zoo!)2. Lets play a game: 师生对抗说反义词加动一年下册 M6U2的 chantPPT 第 2 页作(配节奏,括号部分为学生的话,教师与学生边说边做出动作) T:I say tall. You say (short). Tall (short), tall(short) I say big. You say (small). Big (small), big(small) (同法训练 fat-thin, short-long, good-bad)【设计意图】复习旧知,为本课学习做好铺垫,儿歌练习活跃课堂气氛,反义词对抗训练学生的反应,引起学生注意力及兴趣。1.看幻灯片利用目标语句am/is/are 复习对现在的事物的描述,用 butterfly 的图片引出beautiful 一词的学习。2. T:It is beautiful now. Was it beautiful before? Lets see.(观看教学光盘第一部分),学习 was、 also 和 then.板书 then 和 now。讲解 was 的用法,集体说 chant 加强理解: was was I was was was she was was was he was was was it was3.播放 M9U1 活动 1 动画,让学生 listen and read.男女生分角色配音朗读。 M9U1 活动 1 动画PPT 第 3-10 页(二)新知呈现【设计意图】通过夸张地配音训练,让学生在玩耍中培养语感,掌握句型。1.整体感知,听音看动画。 T:Today well see two old photos with Amy and Lingling? Who are they? Listen and look.呈现图片 linglings grandparents young。 T:look. Who are they? Theyre Linglings grandparents.They were very young.学习 grandparents, were, young 三词:由 parents引出 grandparents 的学习,看图片学习young;were 一词由学生猜测,齐说 chant: were were you were were were we were were were they were2. 再次听音圈出 was 和 were3. 呈现图片 lingling young .再次听音找答案 T:How old was Lingling then? What was she like? Listen and find the answers:Lingling was _. (two/ten)Linglings hair was very _ then.(short/long)Lingling was very _. (cute/quiet) 4. 听音模仿跟读,小组、分角色自由操练 5. 检验学生对课文的理解,口头完成表格M9U1 活动 2 动画PPT 第 11-16 页(三)课文学习【设计意图】引导学生听录音找答案,听音圈词,培养学生的听读习惯,提高学生自主学习能力。并通过儿歌操练重、难点,让学生归纳总结过去时的用法。1.让学生对比现在与过去,看图描述。A: It was fat then. B: Now its thin.A: They were then. B: Now theyrePPT 第 17-21 页2. 谈论照片: (1)教师用自己照片示范,谈论自己过去与现在的变化。 (2)小组合作:运用本课句型谈论课前准备的照片中的人的过去与现在的变化。PPT 第 22 页3. 火眼金睛识别明星脸:连线,并描述明星过去与现在的变化。PPT 第 23 页4. 教师示范大庆的变化,让学生感知地点、景物等的变化如何描述。渗透情感教育:我们的城市和国家正在日新月异的变化,好好学习,让我们的城市、我们的国家更加美丽。5. 欣赏 MV 歌曲大庆PPT 第 24 页MV大庆PPT 第 25 页(四)拓展运用【设计意图】通过图片对比现在与过去,小组讨论自己、父母的过去与现在,看明星脸谈论过去与现在,目的都是让学生能学以致用,巩固本课重难点,做到活学活用,锻炼学生小组合作学习能力。谈论大庆的变化渗透情感教育。1听读课文,做到会读或会背。2与父母一起看相册,谈论人物的变化或者景物的变化。(五)布置作业【设计意图】活动不仅限于课堂教学,而且要延伸到课外,让学生自己努力去创设一个学习英语的环境,更好地学习和运用英语。(六)板书设计Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young. now thenam is was are were
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