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1、英语(英语(五五年级下册年级下册)Unit 1CinderellaCartoon time & Checkout time无锡市南长街小学无锡市南长街小学 吴晓红吴晓红Teaching contents教学内容教学内容Cartoon time & Checkout timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标教学目标1. 能够听懂、 会说、 会读卡通故事中出现的词汇: mushroom, late, pick, understand,be bad for2. 能够理解并掌握 Why? Because的句型结构,并正确交际运用。3. 能够整体理解并简

2、单表演卡通对话Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能正确理解、朗读卡通故事,读懂故事传递的信息。2. 学生在听、说、读、写等不同形式的操练中,熟练运用 Why? Because句型问答。教学难点:掌握 Why? Because的句型结构,并熟练交际运用。Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warm-upa. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, T: D

3、o you like reading?S: Yes.T: What kind of books do you like reading?S1: I like reading fairy tales.S2: I like reading stories.T: Me too!b. Talk about fairy talesT: Id like to show you some characters in fairy tales. Do you remember this one?Who is she?S: Goldilocks!T: Yes, shes a lovely girl, becaus

4、e she eats the three bears food and drinks theirsoup. (与学生一起讨论)T: There are so many famous cartoon characters in the fairy tales. Look. Here theyare! Can you say something about them?(学生根据看到的卡通形象进行简单描述)【设计意图:复习导入环节,在这个环节中通过 Free talk 与学生热身,同时以旧带新,鼓励学生大胆表达,激发学生的兴趣,营造英语学习的氛围。】Step 2 Cartoon time1. Loo

5、k and aska. T: Great! Now lets read a story about Sam and Bobby. (PPT 出示 Sam 和 Bobby的图片)T: Look at the picture. What do you want to know about them? (引导学生用所学 Question words 进行提问)S: Where are they? What do they find? b. T: Look at Bobby carefully! (引导学生注意四幅图中 Bobby 的表情)Whats thematter with him? Can y

6、ou ask more questions?S1: Why is Bobby so happy?S2: Why is Bobby so sad?【设计意图:引导学生观察图片,自主提问,在真实情境中进一步运用本单元的语言知识。通过 Bobby 表情的变化激发学生的阅读兴趣。 】2Read and answera. Picture1:T: Where are they?S: They are in the forest.T: Why is Bobby so sad?S: Because he is very hungry.T: What about Sam? What are they talki

7、ng about?(PPT 呈现图 1 文字,学生先读,然后根据 snack bar 说说 snack 的含义)b. Picture 2T: Look at Picture 2. Whats under the tree? There are some mushrooms underthe tree. (新授 mushroom)T: Why is Bobby so happy? Because Bobby finds the mushrooms. (findfinds)What will he say? (PPT 呈现图 2 文字,教 pickpick some mushrooms)c. Pi

8、cture 3T: What does Bobby do? He picks a mushroom.T: Look at the mushroom. How is the mushroom? (引导学生用英语表达)S: Its nice. Its red. Its very big.d. Picture 4T: Bobby picks a big red mushroom. He is very happy. But look, finally, why ishe so sad?S: Because they cant eat the mushroom.T: Why?(学生自读,理解 be b

9、ad for引导学生说说反义词 be good for)【设计意图:引导学生带着问题自主阅读,体会动画人物的情感,在解决问题的过程中读懂故事传递的信息,理解掌握新单词 mushroom, pick, understand, bebad for。 】3Read the story(1) Listen and repeat (模仿语音,语调)(2) Read in groups of three.【设计意图:在理解故事的基础上,跟读课文对话,注意语音语调的变化,有感情地模仿人物对话。 】4Act the storyT: Do you like the mushroom? Do you want t

10、o eat it? Why cant we eat it?【设计意图:有目标地进行表演,培养学生的表演和朗读能力。 】Step 3Checkout time (Look and write)1. Talk about the pictureT: We are having an English lesson now. How about Yang Ling?Is Yang Ling at school today?T: Can you “Why” to ask a question? (Why is Yang Ling not at school today?)T: Can you use b

11、ecause to answer this question. (Because shes ill at home.)(师生同法讨论其余三幅图)2. Finish Look and write on Page14.【设计意图:进一步巩固学生在不同情境中准确使用 Why? Because 句型进行问答的能力。 】3. Create a story about themT: Yang Ling is not at school today. Her teacher Miss Li makes a telephone call toher. What will they say?T: Liu Tao

12、 is so happy, because today is his birthday. How does he spend hisbirthday?T: Nancy is so hot, but Mike is too cold. Why? What will they do? Please try tocreate a story about them. Dont forget to tell us “Where”, “What”, “Why”.【设计意图:创设平台,调动学生注意力,刺激学生的语言思维,将新旧语言进行综合性语言输出, 让学生的综合语言运用能力和创新思维都能得到锻炼和启发。

13、】Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. Read and act Cartoon time.2. Create a story about Yang Ling, Liu Tao, Nancy or Mike, act it out with yourpartner.【设计意图:考虑到课堂时间有限,将创编故事这一环节延续至课外,也可根据学生情况,要求学生将剧本写下来。 】Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学 PPT板书设计:Unit 1 CinderellaWhere?Sam and BobbyWhat?mushroompickWhy?understan

14、dbe bad for 说课说课本节课热身环节从上一课时儿童的阅读喜好导入, 并通过对经典童话故事讨论检查反馈上一课时的作业情况,继续鼓励激发学生的英文阅读兴趣。Cartoontime 环节要渗透阅读策略的指导。首先引导学生看图提问, 既是对新的学习材料的学习指导,又是对本单元教学重点句型的综合运用,然后由问题引领学生进行有目的地自主阅读,在解决问题的过程中读懂故事传递的信息,理解掌握新单词mushroom, pick, understand, be bad for, 体会动画人物的情感。 Checkout time 由口头落实到笔头,使学生四会掌握本单元重点句型。最后的创编故事环节,旨在创设平台,调动学生注意力,刺激学生的语言思维,将新旧语言进行综合性语言输出,让学生的综合语言运用能力和创新思维都能得到较好地锻炼和发展。点击我领取 苏教译林版 3-6 年级上下册电子课本课本音频视频动画同步微课知识要点课时练(电脑按住 ctrl 键点击我)微信扫描下方二维码微信扫描下方二维码点击公众号弹出上方链接,可提供译林英语课件下载渠道点击公众号弹出上方链接,可提供译林英语课件下载渠道


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