Review Module-Unit 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:10af7).zip

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A Special PetA Special PetA ASpecialSpecialPetPetwant to buywantOne day, With the help ofthe context(上下文)lovely want to buydont wantnicedont wantbeautifulwant to buyreally specialHeres a kitten.This is a very dog.The goldfish is very specialbeautifulcleverhas gotpullpulledthe stringthe other stringwant to buypulledboth stringsHere is apet. It is veryIt has gotWhen Amy pulled a string, it said. the other string,both strings,A Special Pet With the help ofthe context(上下文)(滑翔)(拍打)(骨骼) With the help ofthe context(上下文)(孵出)(一叠皮肤)(布谷鸟)(养父母)Show your special work!外研版新标准小学英语五年级下Reading For Pleasure 教学设计 设计教师: 教材分析:教材分析:本课是外研版新标准小学英语五年级下册 Reading For Pleasure 部分的内容。教材在最后提供了三篇以绘本形式呈现的阅读材料,结合本学期的学习重点之一:描述事物的特征,本课选择了第二篇 A Special Pet,作为基础阅读材料,并在此基础上拓展了内容相关的课外阅读材料 Unusual Birds, 引导学生积极参与阅读学习活动,关注描述性语言。学情分析:学情分析: 学生经过了近五年的英语学习,积累了 400-600 的词汇量,对于名词的格和数,动词的基本时态,介词的基本用法以及主要的句子结构都有了基本的认识,阅读语篇的能力也不断增强。同时,他们在科学知识、生活知识的积累方面也迅速提升,这些都为开展阅读教学奠定了坚实的基础。设计理念:设计理念:英语阅读课是小学高年级的重要课程,学生在一定听说学习积累的基础上需要逐步开设阅读课程,一方面激发学生英语阅读的兴趣,积累词汇增强语感,更重要的是在阅读实践中掌握基本方法,提升阅读能力。因此本课的设计确定了三个原则:1.情境创设以趣导读 2.以读为先梳理知识 3.方法归纳提升能力。学科:小学英语课题A Special Pet教学内容绘本阅读教学目标1、 激发学生阅读的兴趣2、 能够结合语境识记、理解、应用描述性词句。3、乐于思考、合作学习核心话题描述喜爱的动物教学重点用于描述的词句教学难点理解、运用描述性词句教学过程环节 1(25 )教学内容A Special Pet教学目标Read and consider the main idea核心话题About the special pet教学策略 TeachersStudents以学生感兴趣的宠物话题进行导入,I.Warm-up 1. Greetings and free talk.2. Take children to review the poem In the Library.II. Leading-inPre-reading GreetingsTalk about the weather.Say the poem.借助图片、学生已有经验的帮助梳理故事发生、发展过程,默读与朗读、表演相结合,在语境中呈现、理解、模仿运用新语言。1.Tell the children the task of this lesson.2.Introduce the pet, ask children to talk about their own pets.3.According to the picture, introduce Amys action to stimulate the children to guess Amys idea.II.While-reading1.Ask children to read by themselves find Amys real idea.Attention-how to deal with the strange words. Sum up the method to reading with the children.2.Read aloud and learn to describe the features of the animals.3.Act out the part that Amy met the special pet to make the children understand the story and learn to use the words.Talk about their own pets.Listen to the introduction and guess Amys idea.Read and answer the question. Then try to find the good way to understanding.Read aloud and learn how to describe the animals.Act out and get fun.教学过程环节(15 )教学内容Unusual Birds教学目标To find out the differences of the birds核心话题Different birds教学策略TeachersStudents在教材语篇阅读的基础上,链接相关拓展阅读,丰富语言输入,进一步帮助学生掌握描述类语言。IVPost-reading1.Introduce a new book about birds to find the unusual features of some special birds2.Help children to make a poster to show the special birds and use the describing words.To learn more useful words to describe the birds.Group work-To draw out their own poster papers.Board Design 板书设计Reading for PleasureScreen for slideshow.Feedback教学反馈 本课选择了以学生喜欢的宠物话题为主题、难度适当的语言阅读材料,与学生共同探讨阅读的最佳方式,并运用适切的阅读方式开展阅读活动,课堂教学扎实具有实效性,教学过程中充分体现了学生为学习的主体,以读为主,读、讲结合,让学生在充分的阅读实践中探索阅读的方法体验阅读的愉悦。不足之处:在读后阅读拓展换届,教师带得多,给学生安排的阅读时间少,在以后的阅读教学中应加以改进。The picture
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