Module 5-Unit 1 Your bag is broken.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:60014).zip

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MODULE 5 Unit 1How much is the bag?Its thirty yuan.broken New Word:Its broken.This pencil is broken.Its broken.The tree is broken.brokenThe car is broken.Her arm is broken.The is broken.bikepencilCDkitebigsmallthinfattreestigersListen , watch and say. Linglings bag is .brokenThis black bag is _. Its _.But its very _.nicebigheavyLook at this green one. Its_.A. heavy B.light(轻的)Look at this green one. Its_.A. heavy B.light(轻的)light 轻的night 夜晚might 可能 fight 打架,争吵,奋斗wheelsQ1. Whats the matter with Linglings bag?Linglings bag is broken.Q2. Where will Lingling go to?Lingling will go to China.Q3.How about the black bag?The black bag is nice,big and heavy.Q4.Which bag does Lingling like?Lingling likes the black bag.Q5. Why do they take the red bag?Because the red bag has got wheels. It will be easy for her to carry.Listen and chooseMs Smart wants to _ a bag for Lingling, because her bag is _.The black bag is _and _ , but its _.The green one is _, but its _.The red one has got _.It will be _for Lingling to_. Retell the storybuybrokennicesmallbigwheelsheavylighteasycarryA: Its _ .B: Its the _ _.A: Its heavy.B: Its the _ _.A: Its heavy.B: Its the green bag.A: Its light.B: Its the _ _.A: Its light.B: Its the red bag.A: Its _ .B: Its the _ _.A: Theyre _.B: Theyre the _ _ .A: Theyre dirty.B: Theyre the _ _.A: Theyre dirty.B: Theyre the white shoes.A: Theyre clean.B: Theyre the _ _.A: Theyre clean.B: Theyre the orange shoes.A: Theyre B: Theyre the The tiger is thin and scary.The dogs are small and cute.The _ is The _ are long fat thin heavy light beautiful big small cute scaryHer birthday is coming. Ill buy her a new computer. Here are three computers. Its difficult to choose. Can you help me?Its (small, big, red, powerful, expensive, cheap, light, heavy, beautiful, perfect, easy to use)It has got a big/small screen. Its good for computer games. ¥3688¥5560¥3580 Homework:(choose one to finish)A. Read and copy important words and sentences.B. Write a composition about your bag.课题课题Module5 unit1 Your bag is broken.姓名姓名工作单位工作单位学科年级学科年级五年级教材版本教材版本外研版新标准英语(一年级起点)一、教学目标设计一、教学目标设计知识目标知识目标: :1、学习形容词“broken”,并对所接触过的形容词进行整理运用。2、掌握功能句“This black bag is nice / big .” “But its heavy.”能力目标能力目标: :围绕买包这一话题进行听、说、读、写的语言技能训练,学生能够灵活运用形容词及句型对身边事物的鲜明特征进行描述。情感态度目标:情感态度目标:运用形容词描述事物特征,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生合作精神。二、教学重难点二、教学重难点教学重点教学重点:单 词: broken 及其他形容词的运用。功能句: “This black bag is nice / big .”“But its heavy.”教学难点教学难点:1、能够灵活运用形容词,对事物的鲜明特征进行描述,了解及感受形容词在句中的不同位置。2、灵活运用句型创造情景对话。三、学情分析三、学情分析五年级的学生已经能够用英语描述物品并能够简单说出做一件事情的步骤。大部分的学生对所学习的 Module5 的重点单词、句子是能够掌握的,但也有遗忘和根本没学会的现象。五年级的学生英语学习水平参差不齐,优等生水平已经能够达到课标规定的二级,甚至超过二级。而学困生的英语水平可能连一级都达不到。学生对形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词掌握不是很好,容易混淆。四、教学内容分析四、教学内容分析本课的教学内容主要是通过学生学习教材中买包的故事,在教学过程中,让学生们围绕这一故事培养其进行一系列的听、说、读、写的技能及在购物时的基本用语,能够说简单的英语口语来进行购物。本节课的重点是在学生原有的基础上,进一步对形容词的学习及运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能够灵活的运用形容词对事物的鲜明特征进行描述。五、教学方法设计五、教学方法设计采用任务型教学法从听说入手,创设情景,设计游戏、歌谣,激发学生学习兴趣;所设计的内容面向全体学生,由易到难,让学生在同桌合作、小组合作的愉快氛围中从不同的程度得到提升。从而达到培养学生综合运用语言能力的目的,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强自信心。六、教学过程设计六、教学过程设计学生活动学生活动教师活动教师活动设计意图设计意图Step1:Step1: WarmerWarmer1、Greetings.2、Look,read and say.long-shortbig-smallclean-dirtyheavy-light(individual one says the opposite word)3、Say sentences.1、Greetings.2、Lets look,read and say.Whats the opposite word of old?Just like big-smallfat-thinWhat else opposite word can you find here?3、Make sentences with these adjectives. 课件出示 25个形容词,学生自读,发现存在的反义词,其中的五个词是本课要用到的重要词汇。让孩子们用出示的单词造句,自由表达,营造浓郁的英语学习氛围。Step2:Step2: PresentationPresentation1、This is a pencil. The pencil is ?2、Read the wordbroken and understand the words meaning by the pictures.3、The students understand the today learning task.1、Look at the picture,what is wrong with the pencil?2、What happened?The pencilis broken.(say broken several times) Who can spell the word broken?板书 broken3、Present the task:刚才同学们都能够准确地找出以上事物的特征,让我们通过今天的学习,用英语更加全面地描述事物的特征,并给他人提供建议吧。利用图片(折断的铅笔)将学生引入一个真实的生活语言情境中。借助图片理解核心词汇broken意思,直观、有效,记忆深刻。使同学们明确了本节课的学习任务。Step3:Step3: P Pr ra ac ct ti ic ce ea.a.TextText Leading:Leading:1、Listen and watch. Then read the title in a happy/sad/angry/shy way.2、Watch the CD-ROM.1、Lets learn Module 5 Unit 1 Your bag is broken.and read in a happy/sad/angry/shy way.2、Whose bag is broken? Then say Linglings bag is broken. b b、DrillsDrills learninglearning1、There are three bags.2、Read nice after the teacher. Read as the teacher read.3、Yes.This black bag is nice. Its big.4、This green bag is light but its small.5、Talk in pairs.6、No,she wont .Because the black one is very heavy.Lets watch the CD-ROM. So she needs a new bag.1、边问边课件出示问题:How many bags are there? What are the differences?Now open your books .Lets read and find out the answers.2、Lingling thought :This black bag is nice. Its big.(板书并领读) nice.This black bag is big . (Read in a slow way/fast way.)3、We can also say: This black bag is nice. Its big.4、How about the green bag? This green bag is light. This green bag is small.5、 (拿书包 2 个)Who can describe this bag? How about your bag? Talk in pairs please.6、Will Lingling take the black /green bag? Why not?将故事整体呈现给学生,让同学们了解故事的大意。在教师的引领下,边学习边分析课文,突破重难点。7、Yes,she will. Because its got wheels.It will be easy for her to carry.8、Read and choose.9、形容词既可以放在 be 动词之后,也可以放在名词之前。C C、PractisePractise1、Describe the pencil-boxes in groups.2、Describe the bags in groups.3、The children listen and guess.Maybe its a rabbit.重复整个句子并板书 But its very heavy. (斜体字部分为单词卡片)7、Will Lingling take the 3rd bag? Why?8、Lets read and choose.9、 Look carefully, can we change this way?Read together. What else way can we change?What can you find? 1、Look,here are 2 bags.Now describe the same things in your pairs.2、Look,these are my bags,the black one and the 让学生自己发现规律,并总结出来。以便于学生能够正确运用形容词的用法结构去描述物品。pink one. Which one do you like?And why?3、Let the children listen and guess.(show real object)Its an animal. This lovely animal is white.Its small.It has got 2 long ears and 2 red eyes.Key: A rabbit.通过实物让学生真正运用所学的词汇、句子去解决生活中的实际问题。让学生在任务下,把英语学活、用活。StepStep 4 4、ProductionProductionTry to write a letter to African children according to the example with the help of the teacher.This is my sister.Her birthday is coming. Ill buy her a new computer. Here are three computers. Its difficult to choose. Can you help me?Its (small, big, red, powerful, expensive, cheap, light, heavy, beautiful, perfect, easy to use)It has got a big/small screen. Its good for computer games. 很自然地创设情境,进入到给女孩买电脑的环节,运用到了书本上的词汇和功能句,但又不拘泥于课本,体现了用英语做事情,用英语解决生活中的问题。StepStep 5 5、Summary:Summary: (individual ones say )What did we learn today? 通过个别学生的小结,使得全体同学对于今天的学习内容有一个整体上的认知。StepStep 6 6、Homework:Homework:(choose one to finish)A. Read and copy important words and sentences.B. Write a composition about your bag.分层设计作业,学生根据自己的学习情况自主选择完成。BlackboardBlackboard 5 Unit 1Your bag is broken.Its_.But its very _.体现本课的新授单词和功能句七、教学评价设计七、教学评价设计 英语课堂学习个人评价记录表英语课堂学习个人评价记录表 上课积极举手上课积极举手做得非常好:(做得非常好:()做得一般:(做得一般:()需要改进:(需要改进:() 声音响亮声音响亮做得非常好:(做得非常好:()做得一般:(做得一般:()需要改进:(需要改进:() 语音语调准确语音语调准确做得非常好:(做得非常好:()做得一般:(做得一般:()需要改进:(需要改进:() 能投入表演能投入表演做得非常好:(做得非常好:()做得一般:(做得一般:()需要改进:(需要改进:() 能积极与同学合作学习能积极与同学合作学习做得非常好:(做得非常好:()做得一般:(做得一般:()需要改进:(需要改进:()自我评价我要说:自我评价我要说:八、形成性练习题八、形成性练习题1、补全单词补全单词1. _ag2.brok_n3.ch_ap4._ound5.sales ass_stant6. _ow much7.li_ht二、单词翻译二、单词翻译 much_2.pound_3.cheap_4.bag_5.sales assistant_6.light_7.broken_三、连线三、连线1.How much is that bag? A.No,it looks dirty.212.I will buy you a new one. B.I need to buy a green bag.3.Is this one nice? C.Its only thirty yuan.4.How about the pink one? D.Thank you.21 教育网5.May I help you? E.Oh, I love pink.21c四、四、 句子翻译。句子翻译。1、 I will buy you a new one._2、This black bag is nice._3、This red bag has got wheel._4、这个多少钱?_5、这个仅要 20 元。_九、教学反思九、教学反思基本达到了预设的教学效果,不足之处及改进策略:1、潜能生对旧知掌握不牢固。因此,在学生大量说形容词后,应将所有学生提到的形容词梳理出来,并补充一些简单,常用的词,再让学生朗读加深记忆。此处最好能每组一张单词表。能让潜能生在后续的描述中有词可用,有资料可参照。2、增加一个自由描述的环节。让学生能充分地运用形容词自主描述。描述的对象可以是教师提供的素材(一定要新颖,与常规的物品不一样,如颇具创意的圆形的书。这样能激发学生说的欲望。)也可以是生活中随手可拿的物体。这样所学与生活联系更紧密。3、教师可适当放手。在最后让学生输出的环节,老师在给出一个示范之后,可马上让学生自由发挥,自由表达。过多的铺垫,引导,加上句型的限制让学生表达的精彩没有最大化表现出来。除此之外,课堂还有一些细节也需改善,如:课堂收尾可带领学生一起欣赏一些创意发明,让他们看到更丰富的世界,既可以开阔学生眼界也更切合生命化教育主题;教师需提高教学机智,并加强课堂掌控能力等。
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