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执教者:执教者:教学内容:教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书新标准英语第十册第三模块第二单元。教材分析:教材分析:第十册教材在前九册教材的基础上进一步对本套教材涉及的语法现象、重要知识点进行复习、巩固和延伸。本模块的主要功能是运用图书馆获取信息。本单元的主要功能是介绍图书馆的使用规则。因为这是本模块的第二课时,所以在本节课中,学生要掌握并熟练运用句式 You can/cant描述在不同场所可以做的事情和不可以做的事情。学情分析:学情分析:对于五年级学生来说,他们对 can 并不陌生,在低中年级已有初步的学习,为本节课的学习打下了一定的基础。本课侧重学生对 can 的用法及含义进行总结,同时扩展视野,他们能体会到中西方文化的差异。学生们在活动中参与、体验、交流、合作,主体性得到充分发展,综合语言能力得到提高。教学目标:教学目标:1、认知能力培养目标: A、学生在语境中学习、掌握并运用语词:borrow。B、学生在语境中学习、理解短语 do ones homework, talk to。C、学生在语境中学习、掌握并熟练运用目标语句:You can You cantD、学生感知语词 borrow 中 ow 组合的两种发音。2、实践能力培养目标: 通过创设情境,小组合作等教学策略,学生学会熟练运用句式 You can You cant描述在不同场所可以做的事情和不可以做的事情。3、情感态度价值观培养目标:通过本课的学习,学生能在日常生活中遵守公共场所秩序,同时培养合作精神。教学重点:教学重点: 1、学生在语境中学习、掌握并运用语词:borrow。2、通过创设情境,小组合作等教学策略,学生学会熟练运用句式 You can You cant描述在不同场所可以做的事情和不可以做的事情。教学难点:教学难点:学生能熟练运用目标语句:You can You cant对不同场所可以做的事情和不可以做的事情进行描述。关键:关键:通过创设情境,小组合作等教学策略,促进学生自主学习,并能熟练运用句式You can You cant描述在不同场所可以做的事情和不可以做的事情。手段:手段:多媒体课件、单词卡片等教学时间:教学时间:40 分钟教学过程:教学过程:I、Warm-up and lead-in1、Greet each other between the teacher and students.2、Sing a song: Can you play basketball very well?【设计意图】唱英文歌曲有助于创造积极的课堂活力,既可以调节情绪、活跃气氛,学生又能快速进入英语学习的状态。课伊始,趣已生。3、Free talk:Can you play basketball very well? What can I do? Can I have some, please?(in the library)What can they do? 4、T: What can I do? (Look, listen and answer. )T: Where are their books? What did he say?(Look, listen and repeat.)5、What can they do in English libraries?【设计意图】Free talk 的设计复习了以前学习过的知识,为新知的学习做好了铺垫。II、Task presentationT:我们要在智慧爷爷的带领下一起描述在不同场所可以做的事情和不可以做的事情。然后,我们一起制定我校阅览室的规则。III、Text learning1、Text leading:A、T:Lets learn Module 3 Unit 2.B、T:First, lets listen and look,then answer questions.2、Drills learningA、Q1: Can I do lots of things in libraries? (Look, listen and answer. )S: Yes, you can. B、Q2: What can I do in libraries? (Look, listen and answer.) 【设计意图】兴趣是学习的动力,是注意力集中的前提。因此,学生带着问题观看本课的 CD-ROM,可以激发求知欲,进入最佳的学习状态,更容易加深对课文内容的理解,学习效果会更好。a、S: You can borrow books, CDs and DVDs.borrow:音、义、形。感知语词 borrow 中 ow 组合的两种发音。b、S: You can use the computers.c、S: You can do your homework.(do ones homework,填空:复习形容词性物主代词)【设计意图】通过教师的讲解和举例,学生在情境中学习句子, 在句子中学习单词,做到“词不离句,句不离篇”,挖掘潜在的积极因素,学生的多种感官能积极投入到语言学习活动中。C、Q3:What cant I do in libraries? (Look, listen and repeat.)S: You cant talk to your friends. 【设计意图】学生模仿课文的语音语调,目的是加强语音语调的训练,进一步加深对知识点的理解。3、学生自由练习读课文, 画出自己不懂的问题,学生可以互相解答。4、课文填空。 【设计意图】做练习题,可以检测对新知的掌握情况。5、看板书复述课文。You can/ cant6、英语韵文。IV、Practice1、智慧多多小书馆:听短文,判断。 找规律。2、行为规范小达人:Look and say. You can/ cant3、七彩阳光小书屋:我阅读,我快乐。 Read and answer the questions. You can/ cant【设计意图】通过课件,创设贴近学生生活的情境,学生能主动运用今天所学的语言知识来描述,培养大胆说英语的习惯,真正达到在学中用,用中学的目的。V、Task-completion制订学校阅览室规则。You can/ cant小组讨论、全班汇报。VI、Summary and Homework 1、学生总结2、教师总结3、小组竞赛总结4、Homework套餐 A:听音,模仿录音。熟读、背诵课文。抄写单词、句型。套餐 B:制定班规。【设计意图】设计分层作业,不同层次的学生都能做适合自己层次的作业。板书:板书: Module 3 Unit 2 G1 G2 G3 borrowYou can use docant talkpicturesModule 3 Unit 2Can you play basketball very well?Can you jump high?Can you run fast?What can I do?Can I have some, please?What can they do?They can read the books.What cant they do?They cant watch the DVDs.Why?Because they havent got the DVDs.But they have got the books.What can I do?You can borrow books from here.Where are their books?What did he say?All our books are here.What can they do in English libraries?Module 3 Unit 2沙河口区台山小沙河口区台山小学学张张 宇宇Can I do lots of things in libraries?Yes, you can.What can I do in libraries?You can borrow books, CDs and DVDs.knowsnowshowyellowwindowtomorrowborrowYou should show your yellow card and borrow books tomorrow.knowsnowshowyellowwindowtomorrowhowdownflower borrownowYou can borrow books, CDs and DVDs.借入,借来借入,借来What can I do in libraries?You can borrow _in libraries.You can use the computers.What can I do in libraries?You can do your homework.What can I do in libraries?You can do your homework.They can do their homework.He can do his homework.She can do her homework.We can do our homework.I can do my homework.What cant I do in libraries?You cant talk to your friends. GsYou shouldnt _ your toys _ school.takeYou cant _ your friends in toto同同谈话谈话把把带到带到 You can do_things in English libraries.You can b_ _,_ and_.You can use the _.You can do_.But you cant _your putersbooksCDsDVDslots ofyourhomeworktalk 听短文,判断下列句子的正确与错误,正听短文,判断下列句子的正确与错误,正确的写确的写T T,错误的写,错误的写F F。( )1. Lily can do lots of things in the library.( ) 2.Lily can borrow CDs in the library.( ) 3.Lily can finish her homework there. ( ) 4.Lily can talk to her friends. ( ) 5.The library is Lilys favourite place at school. TTTFcantT1.Lily can do lots of things in the library.2.Lily can borrow CDs in the library.3.Lily can finish her homework there. 4.Lily cant talk to her friends. You can do it if you want to. 只要你想做就能做好。hospitalparkzooYou can/cant3020100hospitalparkzooYou can/cant3020100hospitalparkzooYou can/阅读阅读,回答问题回答问题:What cant I do in the bookshop?What can I do in the bookshop? Hello, welcome to the Sun Bookshop. We have got lots of books and CDs. When you enter(进入) our bookshop, please obey(遵守) the shop rules.You can read the books.You cant borrow books and CDs.You cant write or draw on the books.You cant talk to your friends.You can read the books.You cant borrow books and CDs.You cant write or draw on the books.You cant talk to your friends.What can I do in the bookshop?What cant I do in the bookshop?Make rules for our reading Homework:Homework:套餐套餐A:A:1 1、听音、听音, ,模仿录音。模仿录音。2 2、熟读、背诵课文。、熟读、背诵课文。3 3、抄写单词、句型。、抄写单词、句型。套餐套餐B:B: 制订班规。制订班规。
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