Starter unit Good to see you again-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:40cca).zip

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教学内容: 1The dialogue of Page 22. 2New words:pilot,plane,enCineer,spaceship 教学目标: 知识目标: 1运用图片、录音创设情境,能听懂、会说本课的对话。 2能自由讨论未来想从事的职业。 3能掌握重点句型和单词 pilot,plane,engineer,spaceship 和 What do you want to be? 能力目标:通过同学感知、体验、参与和合作培养同学交际能力、口语表达能力和朗读能力。 情感目标:营造和谐、民主的课堂氛围,激发同学学习英语的兴趣,培养同学的合作意识和主动参与的精神。 教学重、难点: 了解单词和课文,理解句型的使用,会运用各种表示职业的单词。 教学准备: 图片和单词卡、录音磁带。 教学过程: 1 Warming up T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello,Miss Bi. T: How are you today ? Ss: Fine, thank you, and you? Z: I m fine,too. T: Today I am very happy, so I want to sing a songwith you. OK? Ss: OK. T: Now lets sing an English songTen Little IndianBoys. (Sing the song together.) T: Excellent. 研讨:英语歌曲能以其欢快的曲调和明快的节奏,活跃课堂气氛。口语表达时同学能使用简单的交际战略,使交流活动得以顺利完成。 2 Learning T:Now please answer my questions:What do youusually do after school? S1:I usually watch TV. S2: I usually do my homework. S3: I usually play football. S4: I usually cook for my family. S5: I usually practise the violin. T: How about you? S6: I clean my room. T: Do you want to know what I usually do after school? Ss: Yes. T: I usually learn English and read books. Because Iam a teacher. I like teaching. I want to get a lot of know-ledge from books. Do you want to be a teacher? Ss: Yes,I do./No,I dont. T: ( Ask the students who doesnt want to be ateacher. What do you want to be? ) S1 : I want to be a(an). S2: I want to be a(an). T: You did a good job. I hope your dream will cometrue in the future, 研讨:本课的导入局部衔接得恰到好处,非常自然。既复习了旧知,又自然引入了新知。注重与同学进行情感交流,激发了他们的学习兴趣。 T: Today were going to learn a new lesson. LessonTwoWhat Do You Want To Be? T:First,we are going to learn the new words. Lookat the card. Who can read this word? Who is he? Ss: Pilot. T: Whats the meaning for Chinese? Ss: 飞行员。 T: Read after me. (Read after the teacher.) T: Lets read this word one by one. T: If you know the word then you say it out: Ss: Pilot. T: If you know the word then you spell it out. Ss: P-I-L-O-T,pilot. T: Do you want to be a pilot? Ss: Yes, I do./No, I dont. T: Now lets read these words together. (Read the words together.) T: Now let us have a word game. I say Chinese, yousay English. I say English, you say Chinese. Are youclear? Ss: Yes. The teacher asks the students to use the sentencesand the words to ask and answer in pairs. Model: S1 : What do you want to be? S2: I want to be a(an) T: Please open your books at Page23. T: First, let us listen to the tape and know whatthe lesson is about. T: This time lets listen to the tape and read af-ter the tape. (Read the dialogue in role play.) 研讨:把课文再现给同学,在听、看、问、答的过程中,逐渐培养同学的语言运用能力,使同学易于接受所学知识。教师通过引导,让同学自主学习,逐渐培养了同学善于考虑,自主学习的习惯和能力。 3 Practising T: Please practise this dialogue with your partners.(Act this dialogue in groups.)Listen and write. 研讨:教师在教学中创设各种情境,鼓励同学大胆地使用英语,为同学提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,使同学能通过体验、实践、合作等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。关注同学情感,发明民主、和谐的教学气氛,使他们都能主动地参与这些有趣的英语活动,自然地将本课知识与实际生活联系。 NSE Restaurant MenuFoodDrinkHot Dog ¥4 Orange Juice. ¥3Hamburger. ¥5 Milk ¥3Chicken. ¥10 Cola ¥3Fish ¥15 Tea. ¥2Noodles. ¥5Rice ¥1Vegetables. ¥8What do you want to eat?I want a hot dog. What do you want to eat?I want some fish.What do you want to eat?I want some rice.What do you want to drink?I want a cola.What do you wantto eat?I want a hamburger,please.What do you wantto drink?Milk, please.What do you wantto eat?I want a hot dog,please.What do you wantto drink?Cola, please.Lingling and her father are in a fast foodrestaurant in China. Lingling is thinkingabout a hamburger and milk. Her dad is thinking about noodles and cola.What does Lingling want to eat and drink?What does her dad want to eat and drink? 2.00 1.25What do you want?I want a hot dogand a cola, please.How much is it?Its three dollarsand twenty-five cents.Here you are. soupsandwichpearsorangesapplesbananas ice cream eggs biscuitswatermelonWhat do you want to eat?一、教案背景一、教案背景 1面向学生: 中学 小学 2,学科:英语 2课时:1课时 3学生课前准备: (1)预习课文内容,通过多种途径了解点餐和就餐情况。 (2) 学生收集或自制带有标价的食物图片和饮料图片。二、课前分析二、课前分析 小学英语的学习是一个循序渐进、承上启下的过程。本课作为一个新授课,我认为教学环节应该是: 1.热身活动;2.复习巩固;3.学习新知;4.拓展练习;5.课堂总结;6.家庭作业。三、教材分析三、教材分析(一)教学内容分析(一)教学内容分析三年级起点第八册 Module1 Unit2 What do you want to eat? Unit2 是 Unit 1语言知识的深化,是对本模块语言知识的应用、练习和拓展。本单元讲述的是Lingling 和 Lingling s dad 在一家中国快餐店就餐的经过。需要学生掌握的语言功能是如何在快餐店点餐:“What do you want to eat drink? I want a hamburger, please. ”及如何询问价钱:“How much is it? Its ten yuan.” (二)教学对象分析:(二)教学对象分析:六年级学生已有一定的英语基础,具备了较强的参与活动、游戏及表演能力,所以要采用多种教学手段交替使用,创设情景,尽量利用实物、图片及课件等直观教具进行教学,激发学生求知欲望。学生求胜心理较强,小组活动中,为取得好成绩,部分小组长会安排学困生完成简单的手工活动,而剥夺他们开口讲、动手写的机会,教师要及时加以指导,或言语鼓励、或对学困生担当重要角色的小组给以较高的评价等,引导学生真正做到互帮互助,共同进步。(三)教学目标分析:(三)教学目标分析:1.知识目标:知识目标:(1)能识读运用单词 chicken, orange, juice, tea.(2)能掌握运用句型 What do you want to eat drink? I want a hamburger,please.进行对话交流。 2.能力目标:能力目标:能口头运用 How much is it?这类语句询问物品价格,并能口头运用 Its ten yuan.这类语句回答。3.情感目标:情感目标:在交流中体验学习英语的乐趣,培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力,提高学生学习英语的积极性。4.文化意识:文化意识:了解中西方不同的饮食习惯。5.教学重点:教学重点:句型 What do you want to eat? What do you want to drink?6.教学难点:教学难点:掌握和熟练运用本模块所学语言知识,谈论点餐和就餐的情况四、教法、学法分析:四、教法、学法分析:教法:整堂课围绕“学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学理念,通过 CAI 辅助教学,创设一系列情景,让学生在具体的情景中操练新句型,然后再运用于语言交流,使整个教学源于生活,又用于生活,创设了真实的生活场景,使学生学有所用,体验成功的喜悦。具体采用以下几种方法:1.情景教学法;2.全身反应法(TPR);3.任务型教学法;4.交际法;5.游戏法;6.多媒体教学法。学法:1.充分利用学习正迁移作用,为本课的学习做铺垫。2.在会话教学中鼓励学生大声说,表达清楚并配以丰富的表情和适当的手势,采用委婉有礼貌的语调,有感情,有条理地说,培养学生口头表达能力。五、教学过程:五、教学过程:Unit2 What to you want to eat?. Warming up1. 课件出示歌曲What do you want to eat? ,打节拍并跟唱。. Presentation1.Listen to the text 2.Listen again, then answer questions.(1)What does Lingling want to eat and drink?(2) What does Linglings dad want to eat and drink?3.Show your answers.4.Listen and repeat.Development.1.师生互动:(1)教师出示一份快餐店菜单,跟一位同学做对话。T: What do you want to eat?S1: I want a hamburger, please.T: What do you want to drink?S1: I want a cola, please.How much is it?T: Its 15 yuan.S1: Here you are.T: Thank you !(2)根据范例,小组内做对话练习。2食物大集合多媒体展示食物图片学生利用句型“What do you want to eat/drink?” “How much is it?”进行对话练习.Conclusion课堂小结:总结重点、回顾本节课所学新知。VHomework自制一份菜单,课下跟自己的家人或朋友进行交流
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