新人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains学案(全单元导学案)-名师整合.doc

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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 第一课时 Section A (I) 一 自主学习 1.( 1)预习 Page41 页词汇 ( 2)能熟练运用描绘身体部位的词汇。 ( 3)学生明确学习目标 ( 4)质疑释疑 1.An old man tried to move the mountains. try是动词,意为 “ 试图,设法 ” 如:我正设法算出这道数学题。 动词 try还表示 “ 试 ” 、 “ 尝试 ” , “ 试用 ” 你试过种药了吗? 拓展: try搭 配的词组: try to do sth

2、设法做 某事; try on试穿; try out尝试,实验;try ones best 尽全力; have a try试一下。 随手练: 明天我将尽量早来。 他还没有试穿过这件毛衣。 我们的老师总是尝试一些新的想法。 Lucy 将尽力赶上其他同学。 让我试一下。 2与 how 有关的短语 : how big多大、 how far多远、 how soon多久、 how long 多长、 how often多少一 次、 how wide 多宽、 how manymuch多少 这条街多宽? 你妈妈多久回来? 从车站到超市多远? 3. In 1972, it was discovered that

3、they are endangered. 1972 年,人们发现 它们已经濒于灭绝。 was discovered是一般过去时的被动语态, discover“ 发现 ” ,近义词为 find 和 invent。 【友情链接】 discover, invent与 find discover 指发现 过去所不知道的东西,新奇或意外的东西。 Coal was first discovered and used in China. 中国首先发现并使用了煤。 Columbus discovered America on the 12th of October, 1492. 1492 年 10.12 日,

4、哥伦布发现美洲。 invent 意为 “ 发明 ” ,即创造出以前从未存在过的东西。 Edison invented the electric lamp.爱迪生发明了电灯。 Radio had just been invented then.那时无线电刚刚发明出来。 find 意为 “ 找到 ” ,侧重于找到过去丢失的人或物,但有时也表示凭经验或偶然发现了一种东西。 Today, corn is found all over the world.今天,全世界都有了玉米。 She found him a very good pupil.她发现他是个非常好的学生。 有时 find和 discove

5、r可以互相替代,意思相同。 His notebook was found/discovered in the desk. 他的笔记本是在课桌 里找到的。 4.Some of the swamps have become polluted. 一些沼泽地受到了污染。 have become polluted 中的 become是连系动词, polluted是过去分词。这种 “ 系动词 +过去分词 ” 结构,意思上也接近被动语态。 The slodier got wounded(接近 were wounded)in the battle. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 这几名战士在这场战斗中受了

6、伤。 A few minutes later, the ground became/was covered with snow. 几分钟后地上尽是雪。 5.Im like this animal because I am strong and intelligent.I like water,and I like to eat vegetables. 我像这种动物因为我有强壮又聪明。我喜欢水,我喜欢吃蔬菜。 be like 像 look like 看起来像 like sth.喜欢某物 like to do sth.喜欢做某事 like sb. To do sth.喜欢某人做某事 (五 )当堂检

7、测 I. 单项 选择: () 1.There used to be river in front of the city, ?A.did it B.usednt it C.didnt thereD.did there ( ) 2.Lets turn the radio down.Your father .A.is sleeping B.sleptC.sleeps D.is sleep ( ) 3. Where is Bob? He to the library.A.is going B.has been C.wentD.has gone ( ) 4.Another zoo in the cit

8、y .A.built B.has builtC.is being built D.will being built ( ) 5.How long may I your bike ?A.lend B.borrow C.keep D.get ( ) 6.The animals are made in the zoo .A.live B.to live C.livingD.to living ( ) 7.I dont know when he ,but if he ,Ill call you . A.comes,comes B.will come, comes C.comes,will come D

9、.will come,will come 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.Knives are (use)to cut things . 2.The children were told that the sun (rise)in the east. 3.Sundenly I realized someone (follow)me. 4.Hes lived here since he (come)to the city . 5.He likes me_(go) swimming with him this afternoon. 五 . 课后反思: 第二课时 Section A ( II) (一

10、)自主学习:掌握单词 remind god weak instead of hide magic (二)质疑释疑 1 against介词必须和 be 或其它动词一起用,表示 “ 与 ? 对抗 ” Our school played against K High School at baseball. We are for peace and against war. 2、 visit及物动词,名词是 visitor 也可用作名词,表示参观 .访问 .常构成词组 make a visit to?( 参观,访问 )be on a visit to? (正在参观 /访问中) go on a visi

11、t to? (去访问,去参观) This is my first visit to Beijing. Mr. Brown is on a visit to China. 3 Keep的用法, keep doing sth. 意思是继续不断的做某事,一直做某事 . The baby kept crying until his mother came back. keep其他用法 (1) keep+adj. 意思是保持某种状态 You must keep quiet in the library. (2). keep+sb/sth +表地点的介词短语。意思是让 某人一直在某地, youd bett

12、er keep the chicken in the fridge. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = (3). Keep sb,/sth.from doing sth.意思是防止某人 /某物做某事 . The policemen kept the children form crossing the road when it was dangerous. (4). Keep on doing sth.意思是反复做某事 .Dont keep on shouting at me. 3.They provide homes for many endangered animals.他们为许多濒临灭绝

13、动物提供家园 ? provide 是及物动词,意为 “ 提供 ” , “ 供给 ” 。表示 “ 提供 ? 人 ? 物件 ” 是provide.with.; “ 提供 ? 给 ? 人 ” 是 provide.for.。 The school provides us with all the materials we need. 学校提供我们所需要的一切资料。 We are provided with everything we need for work. 我们被提供了工作所需要的一切。 The school provides all the books we need for us. 学校为我

14、们提供我们需要的书籍。 【友情提示】 provide for 是 “ 供养 ” 的意思。 He has a large family to provide for. 他要养活一个大家庭。 4. and help to educate the public about caring for them.(P120)并且帮助教育公众关爱它们。 care for 表示 “ 喜欢 ” , “ 关心 ” 之意,后接名词或 v-ing 形式作宾语, take care of 也有这个意思。 He cared nothing for skating. 他对滑冰没有兴趣。 In our class, we ca

15、re for each other. 在我们班上,我们相互关心。 Maria takes good care of everybody. 玛丽亚很关心 大家。 【友情链接】 care for 还可以表示 “ 照顾 ” , “ 照料 ” ,相当于 take care of或 look after。 At night he fed and cared for the cattle. 夜里他照料牲口,给牲口喂食。 You must care for yourselves. =You must look after yourselves.你们要照顾好自己。 The children are well

16、cared for in the nurseries. =The children are taken good care of in the nurseries. 孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。 (三)当堂检测 . 从方框中选择适当的单词,并 用其正确的形式填入句子中。有些选项是多余的。 1.Many people are worried about the _ animals. 2.Have you ever_ a zoo before? 3.I dont think zoos are _ places for animals to live. 4.Tigers and some dang

17、erous animals _ in cages in the zoo. 5.Its necessary _the zoo. 6.A zoo is a _ textbook for us. 7.This TV program _ people to protect the environment. 8.Some large animals can_ move in the cage. . 根据句意和首字母提示,完成句中单词。 1.Its dangerous for animals to drink if the water becomes p 2.Some animals are g and

18、friendly to people. 3.The animal weighs about 200 p . 4.This is a habitat that has never been d by people. 5.Do you know the r why they didnt come? =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 6.The nose of the elephant is about two meters l . 7.Zoos are places of great p for some endangered animals. . 句型转换 1.Some endangered a

19、nimals are looked after in the zoo.(改为同义句) Some endangered animals are of in the zoo. 2.People are trying to save the manatees .(对画线部分提问) are people trying ? 3.It seems that Polar Bears are gentle animals.(改为同义句) Polar Bears seems gentle animals. 四 课后反思 第三课时 Section B( I) (一 ). 自主学习 1.熟读课文并理解文章内容 2.

20、学生明确学习目标 (二) .质疑释疑 1.turn off the shower while you are washing your hair. (P121)洗头的时候关掉淋浴。 ( 1) turn off表示 “ 关掉 ” ,用在关掉收音机,煤气,自来水等场合。与其相关的几个短语是 turn on“ 打开 ” , turn down“ 关小 ” , turn up“ 开大 ” 。 ( 2)句中 while与 when是同义词,都可以用从属连词,引导状语从句表示时间,意思都是“ 当(在) ? 的时候 ” ,但二者之间是有区别的。 【友情链接】 while与 when的用法 when 的含义是 at or during the time that,既可用


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