Unit 2 Friends-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(配套课件编号:e11a6).doc

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Unit 2 Friends-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(配套课件编号:e11a6).doc_第1页
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Unit 2 Friends-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(配套课件编号:e11a6).doc_第2页
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Unit 2 Friends-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(配套课件编号:e11a6).doc_第4页
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1、Unit 2 Friends 5a教学案Mrs. Huang一、Teaching goals(教学目标)1.Knowledge goals(知识目标)1)能正确认读英语简单句,理解其含义,对句型结构有所感知。如:She/He is nine years old、Her/His birthday is in June、She/He likes dogs and music、Her/His favourite sport is basketball、She/He has got 2)能在老师、同学及图片的帮助下听懂并理解短文大意3)能用正确的语音、语调通读全文2.Ability goals(能力目

2、标)1) 学习小组合作探究的能力2) 学习谈论不同孩子及朋友个人信息的能力3) 学习根据图片信息谈论他人的能力3.Emotion goals(情感目标)关注朋友,真爱友谊!二、Teaching key points(教学重点)根据所学内容,用所学知识谈论朋友个人信息三、Teaching difficult points(教学难点)1.正确运用物主代词和人称代词:her/his、she/he2.掌握have got和has got的用法Teaching methods(教学方法)1.Task-based teaching method 2.Listening、speaking and writi

3、ng teaching method 3.Groupwork四、Teaching aids(教学辅助工具)PPt、微课视频、多媒体设备五、教学步骤(Teaching steps)Step 1.Pre-reading阅读前1.Greetings问好2.Have Ss watch the Microclass观看微课Step 2.While-reading阅读中1.Have Ss listen to the tape about the writer Steve Chen and then fill in the blanks.Listening task:Task 1听力任务:任务11)Im S

4、teve Chen.Chen is my _.Im ten _ old.My birthday is in _.I like _.My favourite sport is _ football.Ann,Eve,Jimmy and Max are my best friends.2)This is _. He is _years old.His birthday is in _.He likes_.He likes_best.L.A.Lakers is his favourite basketball _.2.Have Ss listen to the tape about Eve and J

5、immy,then fill in the Friend Date.Listening task:Task 2听力任务:任务2 Friend DataName名字:Age年龄:Birthday生日:Hobby爱好:Pets宠物:Ability能力: Friend DataName名字: Age年龄:Hobby爱好:Birthday生日:Favorite group: Q1: How old is she? Q2: When is her birthday? Q3: Whats her hobby爱好? Q4: Whats her favorite book? Q5: Whats her fav

6、ourite sport? 3. Have Ss listen to the tape about Ann,thenansw er the questionsListening task:Task 3听力任务:任务3Step 3 Post-reading阅读后1. Reading task (Group work)Task 1:Read the passages about Jimmy , Max , Eve , Ann .建议:1)由小组长分配任务,最好每人读一段。2) 遇到生词时,可以向组内其他成员或老师寻求帮助.Reading task (Group work)Task 2:Read t

7、he passages together.建议:如果小组提前完成任务,可由小组长组织,齐读四段短文2.Speaking task(pairwork)3.Exercises课末检测单AB四年级( 2)班 时间 年 月 课末检测单AChoose the right word:1. _(She,Her) birthday is in May.2. _(He, His)has got a cat.3. _(I, My)best friend is Peter.4. He_(like, likes)music.课末检测单BCan you ask some questions about your friend?1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Step 4 HomeworkWrite (写写你的同桌吧):He|She is my best friend. His|Her name is .He|She likes .


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