Revision 1-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:0099c).doc

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1、Join In小学英语五年级下Unit4 In town A song.教学设计一、教学目标1、知识能力(1)学生能够理解并说出句型Wheres?和词组go straight ahead , turn left , turn right, opposite,next to.。(2)能运用句型Wheres?来问路并能用Go straight ahead.Turn left. Turn right ,opposite,next to.进行回答。2.能力目标:能够运用学过的知识进行问路、指路。3.情感目标养成良好习惯,礼貌问路,学会表示感谢。 二、教学重点与难点1、教学重点运用句型Wheres?来问

2、路并能用Go straight ahead.Turn left. Turn right ,opposite,next to.进行指路。2、教学难点区分left,right,straight,opposite,next to.三、教学准备:卡片,录音机,贴画,自编韵律诗,学生桌摆成街道形式。四、教学过程:一 Warming up1、Greetings.2、A game. 看单词卡片快速抢答。(将Go straight ahead. Turn left. Turn right. Opposite,Next to. Supermarket贴到黑板上 顺势认读教学)3.Chant.turn left

3、turn left left left left ;turn right turn right right right right;go straight ahead ahead ahead ahead;opposite opposite opposite在对面;next to next to next to在旁边二Pretensation;1、创设情境,初步感知。教师边说边走下讲台,装做扭脚的样子,走到一学生面前,寻求帮助。T:Ouch,excuse me.Wheres the hospital?Can you help me?(要提前把医院标志贴到教室的墙上),学生就会用Turn righ

4、t,Turn left,Go straight ahead.来为教师指路。2、创设情境,引出新知。T:Thank you so much.My foot is well. Now I can walk.So Im going to visit my grandma. I need buy some fruits. But I dont know wheres the supermarket. Can you help me?Excuse me, Wheres the supermarket?(提前将超市图片贴在教室的墙上)学生根据超市图片的位置来为教师指路。T:Excuse me.Wheres

5、 the supermarket?Ss: Go straight ahead. Turn left(学生指路,教师听口令在教室的“街道”中找路)教师板书Excuse me,wheres the supermarket?齐读,跟老师读,男生读,女生读,分组读,找生读。师问生答。T: Who wants to ask me? Ill show you.S1: Excuse me,Wheres the supermarket?T: Ill show you.Go straight ahead. Turn right(教师指路,一学生在街道里穿行,寻找超市图片。)生生问答练习。一生问路,另一生指路。学

6、生几个人一小组有张方向图。3、创设情境,巩固新知。(1)T: Look, I bought many fruits.For example,apples,bananas,oranges,and so on.Now I should go to the train station.Because my grandma lives in Yantai.So Ill go there by bus. But I dont know wheres the train station.Oh ,can you help me? Excuse me ,Wheres the train station?( 车

7、站图片贴在教室的角落里),学生来回答。(在超市买好水果,要乘车到烟台看望奶奶,却不知道到车站的路。)T:Excuse me,Wheres the train station? (教师问路,学生指路)生问生答。S1:Excuse me,Wheres the station?S2:Go straight ahead. Turn left (两学生练习)Practice;1、导入课文:Tody, its very hot.I want to eat an ice-cream.AtTonys I can get the best ice-cream in town.How can I get there?2、T:Please open your books and turn to page 62.Listen and point.3、T:Now listen again,underline the place that you dont understand.(听音,在不理解的地方下划线)4、T:Please put up your hands if you have any questions.5、Listen and repeat.三Test做书上62页1题,50页1题。Homework画一张从家到学校的街道简图,并注明道路旁边的建筑物,与朋友做问路、指路练习。


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