Unit 5 On the beach-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:904fd).zip

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Weather1.Presentationweatherweathersunnycloudywindysnowyrainy Whats the weather like in Wuhan? 武汉Its_. 天 气 预 报 rainyIts_. 北京Whats the weather like in Beijing? 天 气 预 报 sunnyHows the weather on Hainan Island ? 海南Its_ . 天 气 预 报 windy2.Listen and number3412NancyPeterTheyre good friends.3.Listen and answer.WhoWhereWeatherTemperatures 温度 NancyPeterRead and complete the form.WhoWhereWeatherTemperatures Nancyin LondonsunnywindywarmcoldPeteron HainanIsland4.Read and mime. Its sunny on Hainan Island . Its warm there.So , Peter and his cousin will go to the beach.How to know about weather Whats the weather like today? Its sunny. Its hot. I want to swim. Hows the weather there? Its rainy. Its cool. You have to take an umbrella. Hows the weather in Suzhou? Its windy. Its cool. We can fly kites. Whats the weather like here ? Its snowy. Its cold. You have to wear a warm coat. Whats the weather like today? Its _. Its_. (热)I can _. . Hows the weather there? Its _. Its _. (冷)I have to _. . Whats the weather like in Wuhan? Its _. Its _. (凉爽) You have to_. Hows the weather on Hainan Island? Its _. Its _.(温暖)We can _.5.Check the answers.sunnywarmwindycoldcoolsnowyrainingplay footballhotfly kitestake an umbrellawear a warm coat6.Group work and complete the Dialogue .A: Hello, this is_B: Hi, _.Where are you now?A: Im in_. B: Great. Whats the weather like there?A: Its _. Hows the weather in_? B: Its _ here. What will you do ?A: I will_. B: Wonderful. Is it _ in_?A: Yes.Its _ here. We will _ B: Great.Have a good time!A: Thank you, bye. The weather is getting hot , we have to drink more water.天气越来越热,我们要多喝水。Thank you!Bye- bye !教学设计教学内容:Unit5 on the beach执教人:教学目标:1. 能正确运用句型 Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? / Its fine/ sunny/ cloudy. 来谈论天气。 2. 能理解对话的内容,知道 cloudy, sunny, windy, raining 等分别表示的天气类型。 3.能通过学习到的单词结合生活中的实际感知天气的变化。教学重点:使学生学会认读表示各种天气类型的单词 cloudy, sunny, windy, raining 以及提问和描述天气的重点表达 Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? / Its fine/ sunny/ cloudy.教学难点:学生能通过听音获取正确的信息且清楚分辨 cloudy, sunny, windy, raining 的不同读音及意思。能将描述询问天气的句型 Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? / Its fine/ sunny/ cloudy.实际用于生活之中。教学准备:ppt,卡片教具,音频歌曲流程环节教学设计信息技术融合说明导开心导智:开启个体主动性内驱Step 4 Practice 1Listen and number 学生打开课本到第 39 页,仔细观察图片,并尝试自主学习单词 cloudy, raining.播放录音,引导学生根据关键词给图片标号,并核对答案。 2.Do you want to be weather reporter?我做天气预报员。歌曲导入激发学生的好奇心,教读这个单词,帮组学生理解词义,让学生反复操练学习,直到学生熟练掌握为止研用心启智:发现个体情景性经验Step 5 Summary 老师让学生看黑板上的板书或课件,与学生一起回顾本课所学的重要单词、句型及表达。 Step 6 Homework 看天气预报,写出至少三个城市的天气状况通过观察课文中的对话,给学生提供了一个由词到句的过渡;提高了学生对本节课话题的兴趣,体现了英语学习的真实感,而且让学生练习数量,整体体现了创设语境自然教学法特征。利用小组活动更进一步更深层次的操练,倾听和记录英语信息的能力得以训练,并且对话的内容能够得到学以致用。示交心明智:分享个体重叠性共识Step 1 Warming up 播放视频歌曲 How is the weather,谈论当天天气,引起学生对天气描述的兴趣。Step 2 Presentation 1老师分别呈现不同天气的图片教授,并并适时学习新句型,如:Whats the weather like? Hows the weather.? Its sunny/ windy/cloudy/raining 模仿读,全班分男女角色读,同桌分男女角色读,看似机械的操练,有效的帮组学生建立语句表象模式,形成正确的表达方式,为后面更深层次的自主交流的打下必要的基础。拓悦心提智:释放个体进化性潜能Step 3 Presentation 2 sunny:由 sun 导入 sunny,学习操练sunny T:Whats the weather like? Ss: Its sunny. Cloudy:由 cloud 导入cloudy,学习操练 cloudy 同样的方式导入 windy 和 raining T:Hows the weather like? Ss:Its windy/cloudy。 2.单词操练: I say sun,you say sunny What do these signs mean I ask you answer. 用学生喜欢的文本,有文字,有声音,帮助学生理清句子的顺序,将教材中教学内容和生活有机地整合起来,充实了对话的内容,拓展运用了日常用语。教学反思这次讲课,我利用了多媒体课件。生动有趣形象,大大促进了学生思维能力的发展。本节课从复习巩固到扩展知识,我都使用了多媒体课件有趣的图片让学生全身心地投入到学习中,激发了学生的求知欲,使他们很积极地去探索新知。但是在兴趣上还是有所欠缺,没有调动起学生的积极性,每个环节只注重了扎实。小组活动也很少,并且也没有进行展示交流,最后的反馈环节也由于时间的紧张没有进行总结。本节课主要是句型教学,在教授四个单词的过程中,由于部分学生学过相关表达,而部分学生又完全陌生,活动设计的梯度区别不大,这是以后要加强改正的地方
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