Unit 5 On the beach-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:f71fb).zip

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Part 2 & 3Warming upAfter listening, what do you think of ?Leading inspringautumnwintersummerPresentationsunnycloudywindysnowyrainyPresentationA cheerful(欢快的) chantLets say :Practice Guess the weather Its .1.云南2.广东3.福建4.吉林5.青海ConsolidationIts _ in _.sunnysummerIts _ _ _.windyinBeijing_.Its cloudy in Wuhan in autumnListen and answer.1.How many students are there in this dialogue? Who are they?2.Where is Peter? Whats the weather like there?3.Where is Nancy? Hows the weather there?4.Where will Peter go? Why?There are two. They are Peter and Nancy.Hainan Island. Its sunny.London. Its windy.Its cold.Peter will go to the beach. Its warm there.Read in groups.PresentationWhats the weather like?Hows the weather?Its sunny.Its windy.PracticeTalk about the pictures.Whats the weather like?Its .PracticeTalk about the pictures.Whats the .?Its .PracticeTalk about the pictures.Hows.?Its .PracticeTalk about the pictures.What .?Its .PracticeCreat dialogues in groupsHow to know about weatherHomework小学英语 Join In 五年级下册 Unit 5 Part 23 教学设计教学设计一、一、教学设计理念教学设计理念互联网+的时代已经到来,在教育领域,它以开放、创新、多样化的优点吸引着人们的注意力。利用丰富的互联网资源教学也已成为未来教育的重要发展趋势。本次新授课教学正是基于这样的社会形势与教学需求制作而成。以武汉地区小学所使用的剑桥版 Join In 教材五年级下册为内容,以慧话宝网页资源为辅助,紧扣课本核心知识点,以传统课堂教学结合新型网络教学手段,增加了英语课堂的师生互动与生生互动,来提升学生的英语学习兴趣,增加课程容量,高效高产,与此同时,也培养学生的创新开放的思维能力。二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析五年级学生的年龄在十一到十二岁左右,虽然处于高年级学段,但仍然活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维和抽象思维相结合,对游戏、竞赛、画画还有兴趣。大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。五年级学生还存在着学习方法和学习策略经验不足等问题,但他们却有着极强的求知欲强和表现欲。根据学生的心理特点我课上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、认真想!让学生们在玩玩、做做、说说中学习英语。三、教学内容分析三、教学内容分析本次新授内容为外研版小学英语 Join In 五年级下册 Unit 5 Part 2&3 部分。其中 Part2 部分为会话教学,在课文两个人物的对话中渗透了两种重点疑问句型 Whats the weather like?和 Hows the weather?及其它们的答语 Its sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy.在 Part3 部分主要是测查学生对本单元重点单词sunny.cloudy,windy,rainy 等词的掌握。因而,我安排在本课中由点到线再到面的方式来将知识点讲透练透,先用有趣的方式讲解单词,再构句子,进而渗透到对话中去。四、教学目标:四、教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)Can listen,read and write the new words:sunny,windy,cloudy,raining,snowy;(2)Can master the sentences:Whats the weather like?/Hows the weather?Its.;2.能力目标:Can get the information from the dialogue and use new words and sentences to talk about weather.3.情感目标: They will be interested in learning English and learn to get the weather information by kinds of means,at the same time,they will know that we should make future plans according to the weather.五、教学重点:五、教学重点:After this lesson they can grasp the new words,sentences and understand the short dialogue about weather.六、教学难点:六、教学难点:Through learning they can use the key words and sentence structure to talk about weather.7、教学策略:教学策略:任务型教学法,情景教学法八、教学资源及媒体八、教学资源及媒体: :Computer, chalk, word cards,internet environment(慧话宝http:/ 1 Warming upPlay a funny music about weather,after listening,ask Ss to tell the key word.That is also a leading-in part.Step 2 Presentation 1. Lead in:Show the Ss the four seasons,leading in different kinds of weathers.2.Teaching the new words about weather and using a chant to get familiar with the words.Step 3 Practice&consolidation(1)Use a map to guess the weather.(2)Use a blank filling questions to practice the words and sentences.Step 4 Presentation about the sentencesUse chants to lead in the key sentences and practice them.Use pictures to let them tell sth about weather,using the learnt sentences.Step 5 Practice as a wholeUse Huihuabao materials.Step 6 Dialogue learningListen and answer the designed questions,then let the Ss read in groups.Step 7 ExpansionLet the Ss to order the sentence materials to form a dialogue and play the roles in the dialogues.Step 8 Homework慧话宝网络作业十、板书设计十、板书设计Unit 5 Whats the weather like? Hows the weather? Its . sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy11、教学评价及反思教学评价及反思本次教学中每个过程都能在相应的时间里很好的完成,学生学习的热情能被各环节的小游戏和小活动所点燃,尤其是自编自创的英语chant,让学生觉得新奇的同时,也让他们在快乐的练习中对单词及句型加深了印象,另外,引入了网络资源教学,这不仅给学生展示了如何有效地利用网络来获得知识,也让增加了课程的容量,让学生得到了更好的练习和巩固。通过本次授课,我觉得在以后的教学中,我还会继续创新,将新授知识编入歌谣,让孩子们快乐的学习,与时同时,互联网+进入了人们的生活,进入了学校,我们也应该更新观念,多反思多尝试利用互联网上的丰富资源来拓展课堂内容,培养学生开放思维,并最大化地利用好课堂的 40 分钟,有学有练,高效高产。
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