Unit 4 In town-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:50150).zip

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Unit 4 In townWatch videoThis is my town, Enshi. It is very beautiful.The water is clean.The sky is blue.This is a map of my town. museummuseumparkparknext tonext toThe park is next to(紧挨着) the museum.churchchurchThe church is opposite(在.的对面) the museum. hospitalhospitalpost post officeofficepolice police stationstationThe hospital is next to the post office.The police station is opposite the post office.train train stationstationtourist tourist office office bus station bus station The train station is opposite tourist office.The bus station is opposite tourist office.Listen and fill in numbers.123456789 Lisa: hello Mary : hi ,is that Mike ? Lisa :Yes , its Mike. Whos speaking? Mary: its Mary. Lisa : Now, Im at the train station . First, I want to go the church. Then I want to go to the park. .Can you tell me ,how can I go there? Mary: I think, you can go to the tourist office. Get a map . It is opposite the train station. Then turn right at tourist office. Go straight. First turn left . Go straight. The church is opposite the museum. Lisa: how can I go to the park?turn leftturn rightnightDo you know these signs?Guess : left or right Guess : left or right Guess : left or right Guess : left or right go straight aheadstretwaitFast read. Excuse me, wheres the park?Turn right.Excuse me, wheres the canteen?Turn left.Excuse me, wheres the bus stop?Go straight ahead.2.Listen and tick the answers(). left left left left right right right right go straight aheadgo straight aheadgo straight aheadgo straight ahead ? ? ? ? ? Lisa: hello Mary : hi ,is that Mike ? Lisa :Yes , its Mike. Whos speaking? Mary: its Mary. Lisa : Now, Im at the train station . First, I want to go the church. Then I want to go to the park. .Can you tell me ,how can I go there? Mary: I think, you can go to the tourist office. Get a map . It is opposite the train station. Then turn right at tourist office. Go straight. First turn left . Go straight. The church is opposite the museum. Lisa: how can I go to the park?Can you read this text?How can I go to the park?Groupwork:where is the school? Guess :All roads lead to Rome(All roads lead to Rome(All roads lead to Rome(All roads lead to Rome(罗马罗马罗马罗马). ). ). ).Homework: 正确的认读museum church park train station, tourist office, police station 灵活会用 turn right ,turn left ,go straight a head. 学会应用Excuse me, wheres the.?句型 Make a dialogue 从家到学校的路线。Thank you!Thank you!1UnitUnit 4 4 InIn TownTown 教学设计教学设计【教学内容】Part 1,Part 2,Part 3【教学目标】(一)(一)知识与技能知识与技能1.能听懂、认读单词 museum,park,church,train station,tourist office,police station,hospital,bus stop,post office,并给图片标上正确序号;2.能听懂、理解并运用 Excuse me,where is the?Please tell me the way 等句型问路;3.能听懂、理解并运用短语 turn left,turn right,go straight ahead,next to,opposite,go past,beside 指路。(二)(二)过程与方法过程与方法1以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学知识;2指导学生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧。(三)情感、态度与价值观(三)情感、态度与价值观帮助学生了解如何用英文在生活中进行问路。【教学重点】使学生学会认读表示建筑物和方位的单词以及短语museum,park,church,train station,tourist office,police station,hospital,bus stop,post office,turn left,turn right,go straight ahead。【教学难点】学生能通过听音获取正确的信息;能指认表示问路的单词museum,park,church,train station,tourist office,police station,hospital,bus stop,post office,turn left,turn right,go straight ahead 能2与伙伴们表演故事。【教学准备】写有表示英文单词的卡片、教材相配套的录音带。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up播放一段关于问路的英文儿歌,引起学生对问路英文表达法的兴趣。Step 2 Revision学唱英文数字歌,复习所学的数字。Step 3 Look, listen and fill in the numbers1. 老师以视听形式呈现课本的第一部分的内容数遍,如:呈现地点的图片、同步播放地点名称的录音。2. 学生打开课本到第 32 页,熟悉图片,小组合作尝试读出地点名称。3. 老师播放录音数遍,学生完成联系并全班核对答案。Step 4 Check and practice1. 老师采取不同方法,如渗透字母读音等,引导学生学习不同地点名称。2. 学生通过不同形式巩固所学单词,如快闪图片、字母提示、猜谜语等。3. 老师呈现不同国家的不同风格建筑物,或一幅包含所学地点的平面图,引导学生运用 There is等句型进行描述,老师适时给予评价指导。Step 5 Listen and tick the answer1. 学生打开课本到第 33 页,仔细观察题目,弄清题意。2. 播放录音数遍,学生根据录音内容选择答案,完成听力练习。3. 师生共同核对答案,并请作对的学生说出理由。Step 6 Act out the conversation in class1.老师给学生展示练习 2 的四幅图片、带领学生回顾这些地点。2.学生分组进行问答练习(groupwork 内外圈)1. 请 3-4 组学生进行展示,并予以评价。Step 7 Summary老师让学生看黑板上的板书,与学生一起回顾本课所学的重要句型及单词。3Step 8 Homework写出图片所表示的英文单词,学生分组进行情景问路对话练习。 【板书设计】Unit 4 In TownPart 1 & Part 2 & Part 3museum parkchurch train stationtourist office police stationhospital bus stoppost officeturn left,turn right,go straight ahead,next to,opposite,go past,besideExcuse me,where is the?
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