Unit 4 短语句型ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、经受住实践的考验经受住实践的考验stand the test of time真诚地真诚地in earnest将我们带进一个充满想象的世界将我们带进一个充满想象的世界lead us into a world full of imagination读文学的益处读文学的益处the benefits of reading literature正在做正在做这时这时be doingwhen惊奇地聆听他们惊奇地聆听他们listen to them with wonder捕捉住各种声音捕捉住各种声音catch a range of sounds让一首歌曲愉悦耳朵让一首歌曲愉悦耳朵let a little so

2、ng appeal to the ear一个充满梦想和魔力的世界一个充满梦想和魔力的世界a world of dreams and magic努力做某事努力做某事make an effort to do sth.自然和社会环境自然和社会环境natural and social environments总之总之in a word/in summary确定它的一些重要品质确定它的一些重要品质determine some of its qualities它对真和美的描述它对真和美的描述its description of truth and beauty没有没有被注意到被注意到remain unno

3、ticed使他们引起我们的注意使他们引起我们的注意bring them to our attention反映了未被注意到的声音反映了未被注意到的声音reflect the unnoticed sounds能够看到美能够看到美be capable of seeing beauty在于;存在在于;存在lie in在某人面前在某人面前in the presence of sb.让成千艘船起航让成千艘船起航launch a thousand ships一一个充满爱、美和英雄主义的世界个充满爱、美和英雄主义的世界a world of love,beauty and heroism来源于其他两个来源于其他

4、两个come out of the other two包含两个元素包含两个元素contain two elements普遍的兴趣普遍的兴趣universal interest反映了人性最基本的东西反映了人性最基本的东西reflect the most basic of human nature呈现个人风格呈现个人风格take on a personal style反映了他自己的生活和经历反映了他自己的生活和经历reflect his own life and experiences以美和真的形式in forms of beauty and truth人类思想和感情的写照the written

5、records of human thoughts and feelings经典文学的一个重要特征one important feature of classic literature最好的文学作品the best works of literature讲述了一个贵族家庭的没落follow the fall of a large wealthy family详细地描述了give a detailed description of 结果as a result能够更好地理解贫富差距be capable of better understanding the gap between rich and

6、 poor有学识的和没有受教育的有学识的和没有受教育的the learned and the uneducated在历史背景下在历史背景下in the historical context文化和历史元素文化和历史元素cultural and historical elements不止一次不止一次more than once从不同的来源获得想法从不同的来源获得想法get ideas from different sources书评书评book reviews值得一读值得一读be worth reading首先to start with为有趣的阅读材料提供建议provide suggestions

7、 for interesting reading materials将你指向正确的方向point you in the right direction花费时间浏览收藏品take time to look through the collections可能遇到某人/某物be likely to come across sb./sth.随着时间的推移over time挑选出符合你品味的书籍seek out books to your taste在某方面达成一致在某方面达成一致agree on培养阅读经典文学的习惯培养阅读经典文学的习惯develop the habit of reading lit

8、erature极大地增加了我的词汇量极大地增加了我的词汇量greatly increase my vocabulary结果恰恰相反结果恰恰相反turn out the exact opposite被运到不同的地方被运到不同的地方be transported to different points反思这些时光反思这些时光reflect these moments以善良、慷慨和友爱对待他人以善良、慷慨和友爱对待他人treat others with kindness, generosity and love被广受好评be well thought of 因他独特的写作风格for his uniqu

9、e writing style非常擅长描写硬汉们的冒险经历be extremely good at describing the adventures of tough men试图捕捉一条大鱼attempt to catch a huge fish打着转靠近come in on his circle竭尽全力拽住这条大鱼hold on the great fish搞定他get him over使出浑身力气使出浑身力气put all his effort on尽全力拉线尽全力拉线pull with all his strength中途;半路上中途;半路上part way正正身子正正身子right

10、himself伸手去拿水伸手去拿水reach for the water在接下来的一圈在接下来的一圈on the next turn脑子犯糊涂脑子犯糊涂get confused in the head保持头脑清醒保持头脑清醒keep the head clear清醒起来清醒起来clear up感觉自己快要不行了感觉自己快要不行了be on the point of feeling himself gofeel himself going巨大的尾巴在空中绕来绕去巨大的尾巴在空中绕来绕去with the great tail weaving in the air看不清看不清see well in

11、flashes与你的观众作眼神交流与你的观众作眼神交流make eye contact with your audience保持你的面部表情放松保持你的面部表情放松keep your facial expressions relaxed佳句背诵佳句背诵1. Behind every book is a man, behind every man is the race, and behind the race are natural and social environments.2. In a world, we have now reached a point where we wish

12、toenjoy and understand literature.3. Its attraction lies more in what it awakens in us than whatit says.4. He opens a door through which our imagination enters a new world, a world of love, beauty and heroism.5. It also takes on a personal styleno writer can describe human life without reflecting his own life and experiences.6. He is extremely good at describing the adventures of toughmen who he believes can be destroyed but not defeated.7. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful or a calmeror more noble thing than you.


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