Unit 4 Exploring literature ReadingI ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit4 ReadingThe wonder of literatureO. HenryCharles DickensWilliamShakespeareJohn Keats 麦琪的礼物讲述的是一个圣诞节里发生在社会下层的小家庭中的故事。男主人公吉姆是一位薪金仅够维持生活的小职员,女主人公德拉是一位贤惠善良的主妇。他们的生活贫穷,但吉姆和德拉各自拥有一样极珍贵的宝物。吉姆有祖传的一块金表,德拉有一头美丽的瀑布般的秀发。为了能在圣诞节送给对方一件礼物,吉姆卖掉了他的金表为德拉买了一套“纯玳瑁做的,边上镶着珠宝”的梳子;德拉卖掉了自己的长发为吉姆买了一条白金表链。他们都为对方舍弃了自己最宝贵的东

2、西,而换来的礼物却因此变得毫无作用了。 丹麦王子哈姆雷特在德国威登堡大学就读时突然接到父亲的死讯,回国奔丧时接连遇到了叔父克劳狄斯即位和叔父与母亲乔特鲁德在父亲葬礼后一个月匆忙结婚的一连串事变,这使哈姆雷特充满了疑惑和不满。紧接着,在霍拉旭和勃那多站岗时出现了父亲老哈姆雷特的鬼魂,说明自己是被克劳狄斯毒死并要求哈姆雷特为自己复仇。随后,哈姆雷特利用装疯掩护自己并通过戏中戏证实了自己的叔父的确是杀父仇人。由于错误地杀死了心爱的奥菲莉亚的父亲波罗涅斯,克劳狄斯试图借英王手除掉哈姆雷特,但哈姆雷特趁机逃回丹麦,却得知奥菲莉亚自杀并不得不接受了与其兄雷欧提斯的决斗。决斗中哈姆雷特的母亲乔特鲁德因误喝克

3、劳狄斯为哈姆雷特准备的毒酒而中毒死去,哈姆雷特和雷欧提斯也双双中了毒剑,得知中毒原委的哈姆雷特在临死前杀死了克劳狄斯并嘱托朋友霍拉旭将自己的故事告诉后来人。 最后一片叶子描写的是华盛顿贫民窟的两个年青的画家苏和琼西同她们的邻居贝尔曼之间发生的故事。琼西在寒冷的十一月患上了严重的肺炎,并且其病情越来越重。作为画家的她,将生命的希望寄托在窗外最后一片藤叶上,以为藤叶落下之时,就是她生命结束之时。于是,她失去了活下去的勇气和信念。作为她的朋友苏很伤心,便将琼西的想法告诉了老画家贝尔曼,这个老画家是个脾气火爆,爱取笑人、终日与酒为伴的人。画了近四十年的画,一事无成,每天都说要创作出一篇惊世之作,却始终

4、只是空谈。但是他对这两位年青的画家却是照顾有佳。他听到了此事后,便骂了一通,但仍无计可施。 然而令人惊奇的事发生了:尽管屋外的风刮得那样厉害,而锯齿形的叶子边缘已经枯萎发黄,但它仍然长在高高的藤枝上。琼西看到最后一片叶子仍然挂在树上,叶子经过凛冽的寒风依然可以存留下来, 自己为什么不能?于是又重拾生的信念,顽强地活了下来。可是故事并不是到此就结束了,真相才刚刚打开:原来是年过六旬的贝尔曼,在一个风雨交加的夜晚,为了画上最后一片藤叶,因着凉,染上了肺炎。在他生命的最后时刻,他终于完成了令人震撼的杰作。 该作以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇。主人公奥利弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,

5、艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。 该书揭露许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。该书曾多次改编为电影、电视及舞台剧。 夜莺颂是英国诗人约翰济慈的诗作。全诗共八节。开始写诗人自己听莺歌而置身瑰丽的幻想境界。继而写纵饮美酒,诗兴大发,凭诗意遐想,随夜莺飘然而去,深夜醉卧花丛,缕缕芳香袭面而来,诗人陶然自乐,心旷神怡,愿就此离别人世。人都有一死,而夜莺的歌却永世不灭。想到此,梦幻结束,重返现实。在济慈看来,他生活于其中的社会是庸俗、虚伪和污浊肮脏的,而永恒的大自然则绮丽秀美、清新可爱。因而对丑的鞭挞和对

6、美的追求构成了他抒情诗的基调。评论家认为诗人以夜莺的歌声象征大自然中永恒的欢乐,并与现实世界中人生短暂、好景不长相对照。诗人把主观感情渗透在具体的画面中,以情写景,以景传情,意境独特新奇,不落俗套。通篇由奇妙的想象引领,写来自然、流畅。另外此诗也是浪漫主义抒情诗歌中的力作。 小说故事的发展大致可分成三个部分。第一部分记述了皮普在乡间的质朴的童年生活。一次偶然的机会他遇见了一名逃犯。并偷了家里的东西帮助他。不久,皮普受邀到哈维沙姆小姐的萨蒂斯大院玩耍,从此内心发生变化。他爱上了美丽却冷漠的埃斯特拉,开始为自己的出身及亲人感到害臊。一天,皮普突然受到一位不愿透露姓名的人士资助。被送到伦敦接受上等人

7、的教育,他为此欣喜若狂。 故事的第二部分主要描写了皮普在伦敦接受教育的经历。由于受到上层社会势利习气的传染,皮普过着奢靡堕落的生活,道德品质也变得低下。他一直以为是哈维沙姆小姐匿名资助他接受高尚教育,然而,真正“恩人”的出现使他不得不重新面对现实。 小说最后一部分记叙了皮普保护潜逃回国的流放犯马格威奇的经历。虽然马格威奇最终难逃被捕的命运,但是在一系列的变故中,皮普最终回归人性之美,深切地体会到友情和亲情的可贵。 该剧的剧情是通过三条线索展开的:一条是鲍西亚选亲;一条是杰西卡与罗兰佐恋爱和私奔;还有一条是“割一磅肉”的契约纠纷。 剧本的主题是歌颂仁爱、友谊和爱情,同时也反映了资本主义早期商业资

8、产阶级与高利贷者之间的矛盾,表现了作者对资产阶级社会中金钱、法律和宗教等问题的人文主义思想。这部剧作的一个重要文学成就,就是塑造了夏洛克这一唯利是图、冷酷无情的高利贷者的典型形象。Read for structureRead for structurePara. Para. 1 1Para.Para.2 2Para.Para.3 3Para.Para.4 4Para.Para.5 5Para.6Para.6Para. Para. 1 1Para.2Para.2Para.Para.3 3Para.Para.4 4Para.Para.5 5Para.6Para.6Para. 1Para. 2Par

9、a. 3Para. 4Para. 5Para. 6Introduction BodySummaryAn introduction to the topic of “literature”.Three significant qualities of literature Definition of literatureIdentify the structureType of the passageWhat is the text type of the passage? A. Narration (记叙文). B. Practical Writing(应用文). C. Expository

10、Writing(说明文). D. Argumentative Essay (议论文). Read for detailsWhats the story about?walk on the beachshellhold it to the earexplainHeard strange, low, musical soundsthe sounds are too faint for human earsUnnoticed music of the oldParagraph 11. Whats the purpose of the story in Paragraph 1? A. To amuse

11、 the readers. B. To kill the time. C. To introduce the topic. D. To praise the man. 2. What does the unnoticed music of the old mean?Some beautiful things which people dont noticeMetaphor : compares one thing to another without saying as or like.It draws the readers attention to the similarities bet

12、ween the two.Read for detailsParagraph 1Paragraph 2 The topic sentence?Some such experience as this lies in store for us when we begin the study of literature.the story of the man and the child the study of literatureParagraph 2What do we need to do in order to enter and enjoy the new world mentione

13、d in Para.2?We need to love literature and make an effort to explain it.Behind every book is a man, behind the man is the race, and behind the race are the natural and social environment.The meaning?The meaning?每本书的背后是一个人,一个人的背后是民族,民族的背后是自然和社会环境。Behind every book is a man, behind the man is the race

14、, and behind the race are the natural and social environments.What we read is not only message but a great mans thoughts in his race or natural and social environments.The book is to speak is whole message.hear unnoticed sounds?notice unnoticed truth and beautyThe quality?The quality?Its Description

15、Of truth and beautyParagraph 3Read for detailsParagraph 3The examples?The examples?Yesterdays flowers am I. Why does the author give the example of a poet? A. To ask us to care the truth and beauty of literature. B. To ask us to read more poems written by the poet. C. To stop to look at the dead gra

16、ss and write poems. D. To stop to talk with a sensitive human soul. Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert CamusWhile-readingParagraph 3While-readingParagraph 3 What does the word “it” in the sentence “One who reads it is capable of seeing the beauty that was hidden from his e

17、yes before” refer to?A. The dead grass.B. The poem.C. The quality of literature.D. The truth and beauty.Paragraph 4The quality?The quality?Its appealto our feelingsand imaginationsThe examples?The examples?“Was this the face that launched a thousand ship?” Why does the author give the example of Fau

18、stus? A. To appeal us to read the stories about him. B. To seek the answer to his question. C. To prove that Helen is a beauty and hero. D. To tell that literature can bring readers imagination. Paragraph 5Universal interest01Personal style02PermanenceThe quality?The quality?Universal interestthe mo

19、st basic of human naturereflectlove and hatejoy and sadnessfear and hopePersonal styleWHY ?No writer can describe human life without reflecting his own life and experiences.Paragraph 5Universal interest01Personal style02PermanenceThe quality?The quality?the most basic of human naturereflectlove and

20、hatejoy and sadnessfear and hopebecauseNo writer can describe human life without reflecting his own life and experiences.Paragraph 6In summary, literature is the expression of life in forms of truth and beauty, the written record of mans thoughts and feelings, and the history of the human soul.Parag

21、raph 65.What can we infer from the passage?A. Some people are too sensitive to find truth and beauty in the real world.B. Literature appeals to our feelings and imagination through what it says.C. A writer can express his own life and experiences through literature.D. We can create good literature o

22、nly by imagining.Summarize Para. 3-5Reread the paragraphs and try to write a summary.Summary_ contains three qualities: _, _ _ and _. its description of truth and beautyits permanenceits appeal to ourfeelings and imaginationThe wonder of literatureSummary Para.3Some truth and beauty remain unnoticed

23、 until a sensitive human soul brings them to our attention, just as the shell reflects the unnoticed sounds.A _ human soul can bring hidden _ to our attention, just as _. sensitivetruth and beautythe shell reflects the unnoticed soundsThe second quality of literature is its appeal to our feelings an

24、d imagination. Its attraction lies more in what it awakens in us Good literature can _ our feelings and arouse our _. Summary Para.4awakenimaginationSummary Para.5The third quality of literature, coming out of the other two, is its permanence. To achieve this, it should contain two elements: univers

25、al interest and personal style.Literary classics should contain two _: _ and _. elementsuniversal interest personal style The wonder of literature contains three qualities: its description of truth and beauty, its appeal to our feelings and imagination and its permanence. A sensitive human soul can bring hidden truth and beauty to our attention, just as the shell reflects the unnoticed sounds. _, good literature can awaken our feelings and arouse our imagination. _, literary classics should contain two elements: universal interest and personal style. SummaryBesidesFurthermoreTHANKTHANKYOUYOU


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