Unit1 完成句子训练 -(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.docx

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1、Book 3 Unit 11. 欢迎来到这片丛林,这是一片绿色的海洋,到处都可以听到动物发出的声音。Welcome to the jungle, a huge sea of green _ _ the sounds of animals.2. 亚马孙雨林通过固定碳,并产生超过全球总量20%的氧气,使得地球生生不息。The Amazon rainforest _ _ _ the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earths oxygen.3. 随着人类活动的影响不断增加,濒危物种的名单越来越长,这

2、就留给我们一个问题。As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species _ _ _ _ becomes longer, we _ _ _ a question.4. 这种疾病会对大脑造成严重损伤。The disease can _ _ _ _ the brain.5. 但是我们不要过分陶醉于我们人类对自然界的胜利。Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch _ _ _ our human victories over nature. 6. 雨林

3、的不同层次使种类多到难以置信的野生动植物得以生存。The forests different levels support an _ _ _ wildlife.7. 雨林的每一层都形成了自己的小世界,成为各种生物的家园。Each level of the forest forms its own little world, _ _ different kinds of _ things.8. 这些睡莲大的足以躺在上面。These water lilies are big enough to_ _ _ .9. 作为世界上最大的热带雨林, 它在维持地球生态系统的平衡中起个显著的作用。As the

4、largest rainforest in the world, It _ _ _ _ _ _ the balance of the Earths ecosystem.10.在过去的50年里,由于农耕和养牛等人类活动,约17%的雨林已经消失了。Over the past 50 years, about 17 per cent of the rainforest _ _ _ _ human activities such as agriculture and cattle farming.11.比如,全球变暖是有由于温室气体导致的重大问题。_ _, for example, is a major

5、 problem caused by _ _.12.它也许会导致极端的天气事件:干早,热浪等等。It may _ to _ weather events: _, _ and so on.13. 当看这个纪录片的时候,我感至到很担优。 I felt _ when _the_.14.所有人提出了关于如何解决这些问题的创意的想法。All of them_ _ _ _ideas _ how to solve these problems.15.一些人呼吁应用现代技术,另一些人呼吁生活方式的改变。Some _ _ the _ _ _, and others a change of _.16.当你想到一个

6、可怕的捕猎者,狮子和鲨鱼的形象可能会立刻跃入脑海。When you think of a _ hunter, _ lions and_ may_ _ _ .17.人类对动物族群有重大的影响,人类活动已经使许多动物接近灭绝。Humans have the greatest _ _ animal _ and human activities have _ many animals _ _ _ .18.一些人猎杀动物是为了找乐子:许多野生动物被追踪,射杀,导致许多物种即将灭绝Wild animals are_ and_ by people who enjoy the excitement of th

7、e sport, resulting in many _ of animals _ _.19.当我们建立农场和工厂时,我们破坏了动物的栖息地,让许多动物没有地方居住。When we build farms or factories,we_animal _ and_ many animals with_ _ _.20.随着人口的持续增长,我们对动物的影响也在不断增加。As the human population continues to grow,_ _ the _ we _ _animals.21.污染给我带来了难以摆脱的咳嗽。The pollution gave me a cough th

8、at I cant_ _ _.22.许多人反对重工业。Many people_ _heavy industry.23.不负责任的商人急于获得巨大利润。Irresponsible businessmen are_ to_ a huge _.24.为了替工厂作辩护,我要指出我们也试着控制产生的污染量。_ _ _factories,Id like to _ _that we also try to control the _ of pollution we produce.25.我们的委员会在维持空气和水的质量方面扮演一个重要的角色。Our _ has a _ _ to play in _ air

9、and water quality.26.我们制定了企业政策给商人遵守,比如黄金原则:减少,再使用,回收利用。We made_ for business _ _,like golden rules: _, _, _.27.我们采取了各种各样的措施来拯救地球,帮助人脱贫以及促进经济的增长。We have taken _ _ to _ the planet, _ people _ _ _ and _ _ _.28. 我们和政府分支部门携手合作来建立人类命运共同体。We work _ in _ _ the _ of the government to build a human _with a _

10、_.29. 大量的农业污染会使水体中毒并且给野生生物造成危害。Large _ of _ pollution will _ water bodies and do _ _ _.30. 发展策略应当以环境友好的方式被遵守。The government _ should be followed in an _ _ way.答案:1. alive with2. breathes life into3. in danger of extinction; are left with4. cause serious damage to5. on account of6. unbelievable varie

11、ty of7. home to; living8. lie down on9. plays an important role in maintaining10. Has disappeared due to11.Global warming; greenhouse gases12. lead; extreme;droughts;hotwaves13.worried;watching;documentary14. came up with creative;on15. call for;applications modern technology; lifestyle16. fearsome;

12、images; sharks;spring to mind17. impact on; populations; brought18.tracked;shot;species;going extinct19. destroy, habitats, leave, nowhere, to, live20. so, does, effect, have, on21. get, rid, of22. protested, against23. eager, make, profit24.In defense of, point out, amount25. committee, major, role, maintaining26. policies, to observe, reduce, reuse, recede.27. Various, measures,save, lifting, out of poverty, advancing economic growth28. hand in hand; with; branches; community; shared future29. amounts; agricultural; poison; harm to animals30. strategy; environmental friendly学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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