Unit 2 Natural disasters 单元词汇详解 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高一必修第三册.pptx

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1、牛津英语单元词汇详解牛津英语单元词汇详解必修必修 第三册第三册Unit 2 Natural disasters1. county /kanti/ n. 郡,县 (16) 【原句背诵】FALMONT-On 17 March, 476 students and 36 teachers at Falmont Primary School escaped an earthquake that hit the county at 2:27 p.m.【联想拓展】country n. 国家,国土;国民;乡下,农村;乡村;故乡 adj. 祖国的,故乡的2. injure /nd(r)/ vt. 伤害,使受伤;

2、损害 (16) 3. disaster /dzst(r)/ n. 灾难,灾害;彻底 失败 (16) 4. at large 整个,全部 (16) 【原句背诵】Only 5 students suffered slight injuries, despite the current figures 200 injured in the disaster area at large.【联想拓展】injured adj. 受伤的;受损害的the injured 受伤者;伤员injury n. 伤害,损害;受伤处an air disaster 空难environmental disasters 环境灾

3、难a natural disaster (= one that is caused by nature) 自然灾害disastrous adj. 灾难性的;损失惨重的;悲伤的disastrously adv. 悲惨地by and large 大体上,总的来说in the large 大规模的;全局的【误区1】注意injure到名词injury的词形变化。注意disaster到形容词disastrous的词形变化。【误区2】the injured通常指复数意义。【经典例句】Seven people were killed and twelve injured in the crash. 撞车事故

4、中有七人死亡,十二人受伤。A number of bombs have exploded, seriously injuring at least five people. 一些炸弹爆炸了,至少五人严重受伤。This could seriously injure the companys reputation. 这会严重损害公司的声誉。 Parents should avoid criticizing children in public places for it might injure their pride. 父母应该避免在公众场合批评孩子,因为这可能会伤害他们的自尊。It was t

5、he second air disaster in the region in less than two months. 这是不到两个月内该地区内的第2起空难。The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers. 对许多农民来说,庄稼歉收就意味着灾难。At large, girls are good at language. 一般来说,女孩子善于学语言。Food prices pose a serious challenge to society at large. 全社会面临这食品价格的严峻挑战。Truck drivers at large d

6、ont like the new speed restriction on the highway. 大多数卡车司机不喜欢高速公路上新的限速规定。【链接高考】(2018北京卷)A month before my first marathon, one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train.在 我第一次参加马拉松比赛的一个月前,我的一个脚踝受伤了,这意味着我两周不能跑步,只剩下两周的训练时间。 (2017全国卷II)These ch

7、emicals come from the injured parts of the plant and seem to be an alarm. 这些化学物质来自植物受伤的部分,似乎是一个警报。 (2018浙江卷)The cars that drove the American Dream have helped to create a global ecological disaster. 驱动美国梦的汽车导致一场全球生态灾难。(2016江苏卷)Though heavy rains brought about by El Nino may relieve the drought in Ca

8、lifornia, they are likely to cause surface flooding and other disasters. 虽然厄尔尼诺现象带来的暴雨有可能缓解加州的干旱,但也有可能造成地表洪水等灾害。 5. reaction /rikn/ n. 反应,回应;抗拒; 化学反应 (16) 【原句背诵】Her students reaction was quick and correct-they moved under their desks, head first, and held on to the legs of the desks. 【联想拓展】in reacti

9、on to 对的反应/回应react vi. 反应,作出反应;产生(化学)反应reactive adj. 反应的;电抗的;反动的reactor n. 化工 反应器;核 反应堆;起反应的人【经典例句】What was his reaction to the news? 他对这消息有何反应? The 100-meter dash requires very fast reactions. 100米短跑要求快速的反应能力。A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the companys recent losses. 一位发言人说,这些

10、变动不是针对公司最近的损失而作出的反应。【链接高考】(2020浙江卷)In the past, there was often an automatic reaction to increased traffic: just widen the roads, says Mark Poch, the Bellevue Transportation Departments traffic engineering manager. 贝尔维尤运输部(Bellevue Transportation Department)交通工程经理马克波奇(Mark Poch)说,过去,人们对交通流量增加往往会有一种自

11、动反应:只要拓宽道路就行了。(2017全国卷III)But we all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills. 但我们都必须承认,随着年龄的增长,我们的反应会变慢,这往往会导致人们避免任何可能具有挑战性的驾驶条件,并对自己的驾驶技术失去信心。 (

12、2013四川卷)The study tested 20 healthy volunteers on their reactions to fear as they were shown pictures of fearful faces. 这项研究测试了20名健康的志愿者,当他们看到恐惧面孔的图片时,他们对恐惧的反应。 6. crash /kr/ n. 碰撞声,破裂声;碰撞;崩溃 vi. & vt. 碰撞,撞击;崩溃 (16) 【原句背诵】There were loud crashes of glass breaking and things falling to the ground, bu

13、t the students remained still and waited calmly and quietly.【联想拓展】a car/plane crash 汽车撞车事故;飞机失事crash into v. 闯入;撞到上【经典例句】Several vehicles were damaged in the crash. 好几辆汽车在撞车事故中损坏了。The cause of the crash was given as engine failure. 撞车事故的原因被认定是发动机故障。A truck went out of control and crashed into the ba

14、ck of a bus. 货车失控撞上了一辆公共汽车的尾部。 She stormed out of the room and crashed the door shut behind her. 她愤怒地冲出房间并随手把门砰的一声关上。【链接高考】(2021天津卷)It fell and crashed beside the cake. Tiny pieces of glass were everywhere.它掉了下来,摔在蛋糕旁边。 到处都是玻璃碎片。 (2017全国卷II)The Transition is now going through crash tests to make sur

15、e it meets federal safety standards. Transition目前正在进行碰撞测试,以确保它符合联邦安全标准。 (2021全国甲卷)Southbank, at an eastern bend in the Thames, is the center of British skateboarding, where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing .位于泰晤士河东岸的南岸是英国滑板运动的中心,滑板的不断碰撞让你的脑袋嗡嗡作响。 (2016天津卷)I began to lear

16、n this when I had my car crashed.当我的车撞坏的时候,我开始了解到这一点。 7. signal /snl/ vi. & vt. 发信号,示意;标志 n. 信号,暗号;标志;信号灯 (16) 8. exit /ekst; egzt/ vt. & vi. 出去,离去,退场; 退出 n. 出口,通道;离开 (16) 9. orderly /dli/ adj. 有秩序的,有条理的,整 齐的 (16) 【原句背诵】She signalled to her students to exit the classroom in an orderly line covering

17、their heads with their hands. 【联想拓展】a danger/warning/distress etc. signal 危险、警告、求救等信号traffic signals 交通信号灯a stop signal 停车信号signal to 给发信号;发暗号;示意emergency exit 紧急出口,太平门a calm and orderly life 平静有序的生活orderliness n. 整洁,整齐;秩序井然【误区】signal作动词时,其过去式和过去分词可以双写l,再加ed,也可以直接加ed。 【经典例句】The siren was a signal fo

18、r everyone to leave the building. 警报器一响,就是要所有人离开大楼。The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the governments policies are not working. 通货膨胀率的上升清楚地表明,政府的政策不起作用。Chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems. 胸部疼痛可能是心脏病的报警信号。Did you signal before you turned right? 右转弯前你示意了吗? This announcemen

19、t signalled a clear change of policy. 这个声明显示政策有明显的改变。The scandal surely signals the end of his political career. 毫无疑问,这桩丑闻预示他的政治生涯就此结束。 There is a fire exit on each floor of the building. 这栋建筑每层楼都有个消防通道。The emergency exit is at the back of the bus. 紧急出口在公共汽车的尾部。The organizers guided the tourists in

20、an orderly fashion out of the building. 组织者们带领游客井然有序地走出了大楼。【链接高考】(2021浙江卷1月)In one case, a mother presents her foot to her crying baby, signaling Climb on me. “ 在一个案例中,一位母亲把脚伸给哭闹的婴儿,示意“爬到我身上来。” (2020浙江卷)Bellevue, a fast-growing city just east of Seattle, uses a system that is gaining popularity arou

21、nd the US: intersection(十字路口) signals that can adjust in real time to traffic conditions. These lights, known as adaptive signals, have led to significant declines in both the trouble and cost of travels between work and home. 位于西雅图东部的贝尔维尤是一个快速发展的城市,该市使用的一种系统在美国越来越受欢迎:可以根据交通状况实时调整的十字路口信号。 这些灯被称为自适应信

22、号,已经显著降低了往返于工作和家庭之间的麻烦和成本。(2013天津卷)Keep your phone on silent as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls. 把手机调成静音,就像在听讲座一样;如果需要接电话,就离开图书馆。(2013辽宁卷)My first ride home was orderly (守秩序的). 我第一次骑行回家很有秩序。10. stair /ste(r)/ n. 楼梯;梯级 (16) 【原句背诵】Within one minute and twenty

23、 seconds, the whole class went down the stairs and rushed to the playground. 【联想拓展】at the bottom/top of the stairs 在楼梯下端顶端downstairs adv. 在楼下; adj. 楼下的; n. 楼下upstairs adv. 在(或向)楼上;在(或向)上一层;智力上; adj. 楼上的; n. 楼上【经典例句】We had to carry the piano up three flights of stairs . 我们不得不抬着钢琴上了三段楼梯。The children r

24、an up/down the stairs . 孩子们跑上跑下楼去。11. roll /rl/ n. 名单;卷;一管;翻滚 vi. & vt. 翻滚,滚动;翻身; 卷起(16) roll call 点名 (16) 12. confirm /knfm/ vt. 证实,确认;使确信; 批准 (16) 13. safe and sound 安然无恙的 (16) 14. hug /h/ vt. 拥抱,搂抱;抱紧 (16) 【原句背诵】After a roll call confirmed that all were safe and sound, they relaxed, laughing, cry

25、ing and hugging each other.【联想拓展】a roll of film 一卷胶卷rock and roll 摇滚乐roll out 铺开;滚出roll up 卷起;滚滚上升roll into 卷成,使合为一体;滚进roll down 滚下confirmation n. 确认;证实;证明;批准 confirmed adj. 坚定的,根深蒂固的;确认的【经典例句】We watched the waves rolling onto the beach. 我们注视着波浪涌向海滩。His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions. 他内疚

26、的表情证实了我的猜疑。 Can you confirm what happened? 你能证实一下发生了什么事吗?It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week. 已经确定会议将于下个星期召开。Zhai Xiaochuan was confirmed as captain for the rest of the season. 翟晓川被正式任命在赛季剩下的时间内担任队长。Despite the storm, everyone on board was safe and sound. 虽然遇到风暴,船上所有的人都安

27、然无恙。All Im hoping for is that wherever Trevor is he will come home safe and sound. 我所希望的是不论特雷弗在哪儿他都能安然无恙地回家。They put their arms around each other and hugged. 他们伸出双臂彼此拥抱。She leapt out of the back seat, and gave him a hug. 她从后座上跳了出来,给了他一个拥抱。【链接高考】(2019北京卷)This means, for example, that a scammer could

28、call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you using a voice that sounds exactly like your bank teller s,tricking you into confirming your address,mothers name,and card number. 例如,这意味着一个骗子可以用一个看起来熟悉的号码给你打电话,用一种听起来像你的银行出纳员的声音和你交谈,欺骗你“确认”你的地址、母亲的名字和卡号。 (2018北京卷)To confirm that the wo

29、rms chewing alone was not responsible for the polyethylene breakdown, the researchers made some worms into paste(糊状物) and applied it to plastic films. 为了证实蠕虫的咀嚼不是聚乙烯分解的唯一原因,研究人员将一些蠕虫制成浆糊,并将其涂在塑料薄膜上。 15. procedure /prsid(r)/ n. 程序,步骤, 手续 (16) 【原句背诵】“We practise earthquake safety procedures twice a ye

30、ar,” said Miss Brown, “so the kids were calm enough to protect themselves during the earthquake.” 【联想拓展】maintenance procedures 维修程序emergency/safety/disciplinary procedures 紧急状况安全事务纪律问题的处理程序to follow normal/standard/accepted procedure 遵循正常的标准的惯用的步骤court/legal/parliamentary procedure 法庭司法议会程序to perfor

31、m a routine surgical procedure 做常规的外科手术procedural adj. 程序上的procedurally 程序上地【经典例句】Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa. 警方坚持认为迈克尔没有按正确的程序申请签证。There are many arguments for and against the interview as a selection procedure. 对于是否将面试作为一种选择程序,有很多的争论。【链接高

32、考】(2021天津卷)The project also resulted in a reduction in the amount of medicines used to perform medical-imaging (医学影像) procedures.该项目还减少了用于进行医学成像程序的药物数量。 (2021天津卷)The procedure appealed to the staff a lot when it was introduced in January. 这一程序在1月份推出时,深受员工的欢迎。 16. *tsunami /tsunmi/ n. 海啸 (17) 【原句背诵】A

33、10-year-old girl, Sabrina Andron, helped around 100 people escape danger with her knowledge of tsunamis. 17. odd /d/ adj. 奇怪的,怪异的;偶尔的; 不成对的 (17) 18. *bubble /bbl/ n. 泡沫,泡,气泡 (17) 【原句背诵】Sabrina was one of the happy tourists until she noticed something odd. The water was like the bubbles on the top of

34、 a beer, she later explained. “【经典例句】Theres something odd about that man. 那个人有点儿怪。She had the oddest feeling that he was avoiding her. 她有一种异样的感觉他在躲着她。He makes the odd mistakenothing too serious. 他偶尔会犯错误,但不怎么严重。19. occur /k(r)/ vi. 发生,出现;存在于 (17) occur to 被想到,浮现在脑中 (17) 【原句背诵】Sabrina had just learnt

35、about tsunamis in a Geography lesson. It immediately occurred to her that these were signs of an approaching tsunami. 【联想拓展】It occurs/occurred to sb to do sth/that .某人突然想起occurrence n. 发生;出现;事件;发现【误区】注意occur的过去式和过去分词,要双写r,再加ed。注意从occur到名词occurrence的词形变化。【经典例句】When exactly did the incident occur? 这一事

36、件究竟是什么时候发生的?If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause. 如果头痛只发生在晚上,缺少新鲜空气和氧气常常是其原因。The idea occurred to him in a dream. 这个主意是他在梦中想到的。It didnt occur to her to ask for help. 她没想到请别人帮忙。 【链接高考】(2020新课标卷III)We are the products of evolution, and not just evolution th

37、at occurred billions of years ago. 我们是进化的产物,而不仅仅是发生在数十亿年前的进化。 (2019北京卷)In a world that warms up by 3,it found that multiple changes to the colour of the oceans would occur. 研究发现,在一个升温3的世界里,海洋的颜色会发生多种变化。 20. keep ones head (在困境中)保持冷静 (17)【原句背诵】Sabrina was frightened, but she soon kept her head.【联想拓展】

38、keep ones head above water 免遭灭顶之灾;不负债;不欠债keep ones head above ground 保住性命from head to foot/toe 从头到脚;遍布全身have a good head on your shoulders 头脑清醒;理智have a head for sth 擅长某事to have a head for figures/business 长于算术;有生意头脑have your head in the clouds 心不在焉;走神lose your head 慌乱;昏了头;失去理智Two heads are better t

39、han one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。【同义词组】stay cool, keep calm等。21. relief /rlif/ n. 宽慰,轻松;减轻,消除; 救济 (17) 【原句背诵】To her great relief, the officer immediately realized the coming danger. The beach was rapidly cleared of people, just before the huge waves crashed into the coast. 【原句背诵】a sense of relief 解脱感the relief

40、of suffering 痛苦的消除What a relief ! 可轻松了!(much/greatly) to ones relief 让某人欣慰的是relieve v. 缓解(疼痛或不快的感觉);减轻(问题的严重性)relieve sb of 帮助减轻(负担);开除;解除的职务【经典例句】We all breathed a sigh of relief when he left. 他走了以后,我们大家都如释重负地松了口气。Much to my relief the car was not damaged. 令我非常庆幸的是车并没有损坏。【链接高考】(2019全国卷II)Still, mos

41、t of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close. 尽管如此,当这个季节结束时,我们大多数志愿者都松了一口气。 (2016江苏卷)According to the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), however, just 12% of disaster-relief funding in the past two decades has gone on reducing risks in advance, rather than recovery

42、 and rebuilding afterwards. 然而,根据海外发展研究所(ODI)的数据,在过去20年里,只有12%的救灾资金用于提前降低风险,而不是在事后进行恢复和重建。 22. typhoon /tafun/ n. 台风 (19) 23. destructive /dstrktv/ adj. 引起破坏 (或毁灭)的,破坏(或毁灭性)的 (19) 【原句背诵】A typhoon is a destructive storm that occurs in the north-west Pacific Ocean. Typhoons are quite common in south-e

43、ast Asian countries. 【联想拓展】the destructive power of modern weapons 现代武器的毁灭性力量the destructive effects of anxiety 焦虑的破坏性影响destructively adv. 破坏地;狼狈地destruct v. 毁坏destruction n. 破坏,毁灭;摧毁destructor n. 垃圾焚毁炉;爆炸装置【反义词】destructive的反义词是constructive adj. 建设的;有教育意义的。【经典例句】Under such conditions, the destructiv

44、e effects of bacteria are diminished. 在这种条件下,细菌的破坏作用就会减弱。The war was an example of the destructive side of human nature. 那场战争尽显人性中具有破坏性的一面。Over-fishing, coupled with destructive fishing practices, is killing off the fish and ruining their environment. 过度捕捞,再加上破坏性的捕捞方式,正在使鱼类灭绝,破坏它们的生存环境。【链接高考】(2021天津

45、卷)The destruction started three months ago. 破坏开始于三个月前。24. pole /pl/ n. 柱,杆;极 (19) 【原句背诵】When you are out, stay away from trees, large signs and light poles.【联想拓展】the North/South Pole 北极/南极【经典例句】 The truck crashed into a telegraph pole. 卡车撞上了电线杆。 For six months of the year, there is hardly any light

46、at the poles. 一年中的6个月里,地球的两极几乎没有任何光线。The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum(范围). 这两位政治家代表了各种政治倾向中的两个极端。25. inform /nfm/ vt. 了解,熟悉;通知 (19) 【原句背诵】Remember to inform yourself of what is going on. 【联想拓展】information n. 信息,资料;知识;情报informed adj. 见多识广的;消息灵通的inform sb/oneself

47、(of/about sth) 知会;通知;通告information n. 信息,资料;知识;情报【误区】表示“通知某人某事”时,要用inform sb of sth或inform sb that。【经典例句】Please inform us of any changes of address. 地址若有变动请随时通知我们。We need time to inform ourselves thoroughly of the problem. 我们需要时间对这个问题有个透彻的了解。I have been reliably informed (= somebody I trust has told

48、 me) that another satellite will be launched in March next year. 我得到可靠消息说明年三月份再发射一颗卫星。【链接高考】(2021全国乙卷)In around 80 A.D., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the worlds best known stadium and continues to inform contemporary design. 大约在公元80年,罗马人建造了圆形大剧场,至今仍是世界上最著名的体育场,并继续为当代设计提供灵感。(2020天津卷)

49、Once the book youve requested is delivered to the nearest branch, they will inform you by e-mail, so you can pick it up.你要的书一旦送到最近的分行,他们会通过电子邮件通知你,你就可以去取书了。 (2014新课标卷I)The Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) is pleased to inform you of the sixth annual Curiosity Challenge. 剑桥科学节(CSF)很高兴地通知您第六届年度好奇挑战。 2

50、6. hurricane /hrkn/ n. 飓风 (20) 27. conference /knfrns/ n. 会议,研讨会; 讨论,商谈 (20) 【原句背诵】Mr Li, I heard you experienced a strong hurricane when you were attending a conference in the United States. Can you tell me about it?28. shock /k/ n. 震惊,惊愕;剧烈震动 vt. 使震惊 (20) 【原句背诵】Yes. That morning, I turned on the T


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