1、国内尚无明确统计资料。国内尚无明确统计资料。nNIDDK于于 1987年制定了的诊断标准年制定了的诊断标准 n 同时满足以下两个条件同时满足以下两个条件 1膀胱区疼痛或尿频尿急膀胱区疼痛或尿频尿急 2典型的典型的Hunners溃疡,或肾丝球状出血点(溃疡,或肾丝球状出血点(10个出血点个出血点/每象每象限限, 在在3个象限以上,个象限以上,麻醉麻醉下水扩张时)下水扩张时)治治 疗疗The OLeary-Sant IC Indices4Problem IndexDuring the past month, how much has each of the following been aprob
2、lem for you:Q1: Frequent urination during the day?Q2: Getting up at night to urinate?Q3: Need to urinate with little warning?Q4: Burning, pain, discomfort or pressure in your bladder?_ no problem = 0_ very small problem = 1_ small problem = 2_ medium problem = 3_ big problem = 4Total score: _/16Symp
3、tom IndexDuring the past month, how much has each of the following been aproblem for you:Q1: Felt a strong need to urinate with little or no warning?_ not at all = 0_ less than 1 time in 5 = 1_ less than half the time = 2_ about half the time = 3_ more than half the time = 4_ almost always = 5Q2: Ur
4、inate less than 2 hours after urinating?_ not at all = 0_ less than 1 time in 5 = 1_ less than half the time = 2_ about half the time = 3_ more than half the time = 4_ almost always = 5Q3: Get up at night to urinate?_ not at all = 0_ 1 time = 1_ 2 times = 2_ 3 times = 3_ 4 times = 4_ 5 times = 5Q4:
5、Experienced pain or burning in your bladder?_ not at all = 0_ a few times = 1_ fairly often = 2_ almost always = 3_ always = 4Total score: _/19215215例患者得到完全随访,随访时间例患者得到完全随访,随访时间318318个月,平均个月,平均9.49.4个月。根据个月。根据OLeary-SantOLeary-Sant IC IC问卷表数据比较,治疗问卷表数据比较,治疗1 1个月后个月后ICSIICSI 平均值降为平均值降为(10.3(10.34.1)4
6、.1)分,分,ICPIICPI平均值降为平均值降为(6.6(6.62.8)2.8)分;治疗分;治疗3 3个月后个月后 ICSIICSI 平均值降为平均值降为(6.5(6.53.6)3.6)分,分,ICPIICPI平均值降为平均值降为(3.2(3.22.0)2.0)分。分。 治疗前后治疗前后OLeary-Sant评分比较评分比较 n 治疗治疗1 1、3 3个月后下腹酸胀个月后下腹酸胀/ /疼痛的改善率分别为疼痛的改善率分别为29.8%29.8%和和71.71.3 3% %,夜尿增多的改善率分别为,夜尿增多的改善率分别为21.6%21.6%和和65.3%65.3%,尿频,尿频尿急的改善相对不明显,分别为尿急的改善相对不明显,分别为9.6 %9.6 %和和2 22 2. .8 8% %。治疗前后治疗前后IC/PBS各临床症状改善情况各临床症状改善情况 注:注:SR-症状明显改善或消失;症状明显改善或消失;PR-症状部分改善;总改善率为症状部分改善;总改善率为SR+PR。 治疗前后治疗前后IC/PBS各临床症状疗效曲线图各临床症状疗效曲线图